Zhuang Cheng stood in front of the windshield, the broken glass in his hand pierced deeply into his palm with the passing of time, he wished he could immediately smash the unsightly glass in front of him and hug Lin Yi out.

But he didn't dare, he was afraid that his random actions would hurt the man in front of him again.

I thought of the man's self-confident expression when we met for the first time, and the respect he showed for himself when we got along later.

Zhuang Cheng didn't understand what he deserved that person's respect, he was obviously much better than himself.

However, Zhuang Cheng had to admit that he was secretly happy about Lin Yi's performance, how hypocritical and inconsistent he was.

How could such an excellent Lin Yi get hurt for such a him!How could this be!

"The firefighters are here! Quick! Get out of the way!"

Eight police cars cleared the way, and the brakes of the red fire truck had stepped on the city's maximum speed limit stipulated in the traffic law. This road has attracted the attention of many people.

New York local tabloids followed the fire trucks to the scene like sharks smelling fishy.

"Who is making such a big scene?"

"It seems to be related to superconductivity. The president's scientific adviser said that if something happened to that person, the superconductivity technology in the United States would be set back ten years!" A passerby said in an exaggerated tone.

"Ten years back!" The tabloid reporter gasped, followed by ecstasy. These small newspapers usually report on trifles of officials, celebrities' new loves, divorces, and serious political and business leaders. The event had no part in them at all.

Is this a pie in the sky?

Firefighters arrived at the scene quickly under the escort of the police.

Vice Minister of Energy Ryan came to the scene in person, "Please be careful not to cause further harm to Mr. Lin. You must remember that the wealth in the car is the wealth of the United States and the wealth of the world!" Ryan saw The camera next to him straightened his chest and said with a serious face.

The firefighters looked at each other, "Don't worry, this is just a routine operation for us." Isn't it just unloading the car door, why suddenly there is an illusion that I am saving the world.

"Quickly remove the car door, the patient's face is a little ugly, I suspect there is internal bleeding!" The emergency doctor's words changed the expressions of everyone present.

"No, it can't be unloaded directly. Half of the body of the car is pressed against the Grand Cherokee, and now a triangular balance is formed. If we force the door to be removed now, the triangular balance will become unstable, and it will cause even more irreparable consequences."

"It must be too late to adjust the crane. There are several hydraulic jacks. Move the car away from under the bridge first!"


"Oh! Damn it! Why don't you bring two more, three are not enough." According to their experience, three props may not be able to support such a large car.

After Zhuang Cheng heard that the emergency doctor suspected that Lin Yi had internal bleeding, his nerves collapsed to the extreme.

"Three, barely enough. The three props are placed in these three places." Zhuang Cheng tried his best to make his voice sound calm and clear, and he pointed to three places on the ground.

Seeing that the firefighters looked at him strangely and did not move, he held back his anger and continued to speak: "I am a physicist. The 2.8 tons of this car, judging from their tilt, has an effect on..."

Zhuang Cheng uttered a series of data and professional terms, which made the firefighters look confused.Although they couldn't understand the principle, they understood that the man in front of him was a physicist, and he calculated the three fulcrums that could play the greatest role based on the weight of the bridge and the angle of inclination.

Do you listen to him?In normal times, they might dare to make a decision, but Deputy Minister Ryan's serious words are still in their ears. If they caused secondary damage to the American wealth inside because of their improper operation, or even died on the spot, they can even imagine those What the media and taxpayers will say about them.

"Why don't you open the door? The patient can't wait any longer. Internal bleeding is very dangerous. Do you want to watch him die?" The emergency doctor was already swearing.

"Do it, if there is an accident, I will take full responsibility!" Zhuang Cheng stared at the hesitant firefighters, "Do you need me to say it in front of the media?"

The leading firefighter took a deep look at him, "No need." Everyone said so, and he still has this responsibility, "Boys, do it, and strictly follow the scientist's command for the position of the fulcrum. Remember that we only have Three fulcrums, and inside lies our American wealth."

After finishing speaking, he saw Lin Yi's profile, and added, "Although he looks Asian."

Zhuang Cheng felt that he had never been so nervous, even at the critical moment when the experiment was about to produce results, he had never been as nervous as he is now.

There was a lot of traffic around him, the discussions of the onlookers, and the reports of the media were all silenced in his mind.

The trailer, car, and off-road vehicle Grand Cherokee in front of me seem to have become a black and white picture on a white manuscript paper, with the angle of inclination, weight, and focus point clearly.

Countless formulas calculated the results in his mind, over and over again!

Countless calculations and adjustments.Those three bright red dots became more and more obvious.

"The left tire is 15.4 centimeters to the right, and the middle of the trailer under the chassis is 12.6 centimeters inward. Entering through this broken window, the middle position of the co-pilot is 6.3 centimeters behind."

"The co-pilot of the Grand Cherokee has a limited load capacity. According to the official data, you must take Mr. Lin Yi out of the car within 15 minutes, otherwise the fulcrum may collapse."

This is already the most accurate and best plan. Zhuang Cheng predicted that even if the third fulcrum collapses, if Lin Yi keeps his current position, the chance of causing him a second major injury is less than 5.00%.

"it is good."

The firefighters moved quickly, and the people around seemed to feel their serious atmosphere, and their voices gradually softened.

"Another centimeter to the left."

"Yes! It's there!"

"The first fulcrum is placed!"

"Is the trailer's brake pulled to the top? That thing holds it in place. During the topping process, there must be no movement!"

"You... don't worry, it's already pulled to the top." The tow truck driver was speaking, and he was about to pass out. He knew that such a mistake would definitely lose his job, and he would even lose a lot of money!

But why does a car accident have anything to do with national security?Just now the FBI, also known as the fbi in the legend, has already talked to him, suspecting that he is a foreign spy to harm valuable scientific researchers in the United States.

It's more wronged than Dou E!He is just a tow truck driver, a tow truck driver with a combined annual salary of less than [-] US dollars!

And that car was obviously hit by himself. When he turned the corner, he saw that car slowly coming out of the underground garage. The direction of his car at that time was not here at all. He suddenly changed direction and rushed over!

But looking at the expressions of the group of investigators, he thought he was lying!

"The external anti-slip treatment is completed!"

"Okay! Prepare for the second fulcrum!"

"One more centimeter away, yes, there it is!"

"The second fulcrum is placed!"

The placement of the third fulcrum is relatively difficult. Firefighters first carefully opened a hole on the top of the Grand Cherokee with a demolition tool that only allowed the prop to pass through. The calculation was careful to allow the prop to pass without damaging the Triangular balance, the firefighters felt that they might have to study physics and mathematics when they go back this time.

"The third fulcrum is placed!"

"Listen to my command! Start the machines in the order of first, third and second. They must reach the bottom of the car at the same time!"

"no problem."

Everyone held their breath. Some firefighters had already stood beside the car. If there was an accident, they would support the bridge car with their hands for as long as they could, and even many people were eager to try it.


The top prop supported the bottom of the car, and the bridge car slowly moved up!

"Unload the door! Quick!"

Three or four firefighters rushed in wearing safety helmets, hydraulic shears, and various unnamed professional tools.

"Quick, quick, within 15 minutes!"

"Cracking..." There was a piercing sound of metal clashing.

"Okay! Watch out for door debris!"

"Oh God bless, perfect!"


The mobile bed of the ambulance had been waiting on the side for a long time, and hurriedly squeezed in upon seeing the situation, "The breathing is stable, there is no trauma, and the blood pressure is lowered. There should be internal bleeding, but the amount of bleeding is not large."

"Put the car seat down slowly! Yes!"

"The stretcher is ready!"

"One, two, three! Extraordinary!"

"gogogo!" The person was successfully rescued, and the medical staff quickly pushed the bed and ran to the ambulance.

Zhuang Cheng didn't care to wipe the cold sweat off his forehead, and followed closely.

"You are……"

"Are you a family member of the injured?"

"I am his friend."

The medical staff watched Zhuangcheng participate in the rescue, and opened the car door to let him get in without asking.

"You're a scientist? A physicist? Come to an energy conference. You're amazing."

Zhuang Cheng smiled wryly, and looked at Lin Yi, who looked pale, "He's even more remarkable."

"Don't worry, as long as he finds the bleeding point smoothly, he won't have any major problems."

Zhuang Cheng clenched his fist, and felt a piercing pain, his throat was a little dry, "Then what if...the bleeding point is not found."

"Your hand..." The medical staff saw the glass in Zhuang Cheng's hand and gasped, "Let me take care of it for you. Don't worry, we are going to the best surgical hospital in New York. The Department of Energy has come forward to make an appointment with Christopher. Doctor, he's the best surgeon in New York."

Eight police cars cleared the way, and they quickly arrived at the hospital.

"Internal bleeding is suspected, surgery is required!"

"No problem, the operating room is ready, and Dr. Christopher is already waiting." The ambulance and the hospital handed over.

"Have you been hit on the head?"

"I don't know? The car just fell down like this. It's God's blessing to see the vital signs."

"Arrange MRI for the brain!"

Zhuang Cheng ran with the cart, looked at Lin Yi's peaceful sleeping face, his gauze-wrapped palms trembled slightly, please, please don't worry!Please do not!

"The family members are waiting outside!"

The push bed was pushed into the operating room, the door was slammed shut, and the red light for the operation was turned on.

Zhuang Cheng slid down against the hospital wall as if out of strength, and then squatted directly beside the wall with a confused expression.

"What's going on? Lin has he entered the operating room?" Logan and Professor Horn came together, ahem, they met at the entrance of the hospital, and they just came in together.

Logan's face was ugly, and Simpson risked violating the confidentiality clause and asked him to watch him. Fortunately, he sent him to the hospital. He could probably imagine Simpson's face when he knew about this.

Professor Horn was even more emotional. He had been with Lin Yi for three years, and he was cultivating him as his best junior, and even invested a lot of personal affection.

"Is it serious? Is it life-threatening?"

Seeing the two of them, Zhuang Cheng tried his best to restrain his emotions, and slowly stood up, "It should not be life-threatening. I suspect internal bleeding. I just entered the operating room!"

"Damn the Ministry of Energy, what are the security measures, how can such a thing happen at the entrance of the venue!"

Horn complained, but stared at the operating light without blinking.

Next, the representatives of the Department of Energy, James of American Electric Power and George of Entergy, came one after another. As one of the top energy companies in the United States, American Electric Power and Entergy naturally participated in this conference.

When they heard the news, they rushed over immediately.

Five or six people were waiting at the door of the operating room, feeling that the waiting time was extremely difficult.

in the operating room.


"I heard that it is a precious owner. The Ministry of Energy has already called several times, and several biological laboratories have also said hello."

"The inventor of the superconducting cable, his brain is the direction of the development of superconducting technology in the United States in the next ten years. Open your stomach."

Christopher's feeling is better than ever. How about the wealth of the world and the development direction of superconducting technology in the United States for the next ten years? It must make him feel happy.

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