International students returning to 90

Chapter 43 Independent Patent Rights

"Submit the solar cell plan? Are you kidding me?" Lin Yi rubbed his temples, "Let me tell you the truth. My psychological expectation for this project is one and a half years. If it is less than one and a half years, I don't know." Dare to make any guarantees."

"The reason why Simpson Laboratory can become one of the top materials science laboratories in the United States is that its achievements in the field of aerospace materials have been unanimously recognized by the international community. Now this recognition has been broken, and we urgently need another glory to keep it. Simpson's standing internationally."

"Lin, we need you." Simpson stood up and said sincerely to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi smiled wryly, "I understand, but the feasibility is not high."

In his previous life, Lin Yi's research direction was the design and synthesis of functional nanostructures composed of metals, semiconductors, oxides and composite materials, and also involved research on semiconductors, nanomaterials, lithium batteries, and solar fuel electrocatalysts.

He has dabbled in the field of solar cells, but he is not specialized.At that time, this proposal was proposed entirely because the U.S. government has strongly supported the development of the new energy industry in recent years, which is the best opportunity for the development of the solar photovoltaic industry. He also wanted to take advantage of the special status of Simpson Labs to enter the U.S. energy development market in one fell swoop.

He understands the development process of solar cells, from dye sensitization to perovskite. Even if he has not done in-depth research, he has the basis of his previous life. Give him a year and a half to increase the photoelectric conversion efficiency by 20.00% on the basis of the original solar cell. It's not too difficult a thing.

After all, in 1997, the photoelectric conversion efficiency of the best solar cells was less than 0.7%.

Yes, you read that right, it is less than [-]%, but it is this poor [-]% that has attracted developed countries in Europe and the United States to continue to move forward, hoping to open up a broad road in the application of solar energy.

Endless solar energy, continuous and uninterrupted renewable, even a fraction of a percent, is a great energy wealth.

What's more, it's not just the 0.7% in front of us that makes developed countries in Europe and the United States go forward one after another, but the hope represented by the 0.7% behind. Now that a road has found an entrance, will it be far away from actually going through it?

Solar energy is the direction of future energy development. In the field of energy in 1997, no one doubted the authenticity of this sentence.

"Lin, it's easy to fall off the top of the mountain, but it's extremely difficult to climb back up. Simpson is facing such a dilemma."

Simpson's eyes were firm, and what he said made Lin Yi's heart beat violently.

"The Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics has suspended operations. Once the relationship with NASA is broken and all research materials are taken away, the work of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics for the past ten years will be in vain. The Ford Center is dependent on the existence of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Ford's I have already dealt with it, and there will be no major problems in the near future."

"However, if the severe situation continues, the cooperation between Ford and us will be terminated sooner or later. Therefore, the Ford Center cannot become the pillar of Simpson."

Lin Yi slowly sat up straight, his eyes narrowed slightly, he had already thought of what Simpson was going to say next.

"You also understand the situation of the rest of the project centers. So, Lin, the New Energy Center will be the future pillar of Simpson Labs, and I guarantee that no one will replace you as the head of the New Energy Center."

It is really an opportunity in adversity. In Lin Yi's best plan, he never imagined that the New Energy Center could replace the Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics as the central department of Simpson Laboratory.

"Then, like Professor Logan, with a high salary, enjoying patent dividends, and working for the Simpson Laboratory all his life?" Lin Yi ignored Professor Logan's instantly darkened face and his "fierce" stare, his eyes widened. Stared at Simpson without blinking.

Simpson's bloodshot eyes narrowed slightly, and the two looked at each other for a long time, neither of them spoke first.

"Lin, once the New Energy Center becomes the pillar of Simpson Laboratory, your international status will increase accordingly, and the scientific research resources and reputation that come with it are unimaginable to you now. Even Zhuang, who has worked with you Professor Chengzhuang, he is outstanding, but it is impossible for him to have this opportunity to be in charge of a pillar project center of a world-class laboratory."

Logan didn't understand what Lin Yi was dissatisfied with. As long as he agreed and completed the solar battery project on time, there would be a bright road ahead of him.

"I know, but I'm young, I will get these things sooner or later." Lin Yi said with a smile.

Logan froze, he couldn't refute Lin Yi's words.

Lin Yi is only 24 years old now, and his youth is his greatest capital, not to mention that he already has two projects in hand.A non-disclosure agreement was signed for the material of the Hall thruster channel, but the non-disclosure agreement keeps the technology secret. Who is the owner of the project results is not a secret at all in the material science community.

Not to mention his superconducting cable, Logan has received an invitation jointly sent by Entergy and American Electric Power, inviting him to participate in the ceremony of connecting the first mass-produced superconducting cable to the grid, witnessing the superconducting cable of the US grid. The first step of induction.

The power of the results of this project is long-lasting. With the further superconductivity of the US power grid, Lin Yi's reputation will gradually rise.

Logan had to admit that the achievements of Lin Yi's two existing projects alone are enough to give him a place in the field of global materials science.

What's more, he is still young. Thinking about the process of completing those two projects, Logan can't imagine how terrible the young man's future achievements will be.

On the contrary, if they push forward the solar cell project, but Lin Yi fails to produce the project results on time, or even fails to produce the project results, it will be a big stain on Lin Yi's scientific research career.

For researchers who have not yet established a deep foundation, this kind of stain is enough to destroy their scientific research career.

From Lin Yi's own point of view, the risks of their proposal outweigh the opportunities, and it seems that it is not a very cost-effective deal at all.

Logan sighed and didn't continue talking.

"I will give you open access to technology patents, and guarantee the independence of the New Energy Center in Simpson Labs. During your tenure as the head of the New Energy Center, all leaders of the Simpson Labs, including me, are not allowed to interfere with the development of the New Energy Center. It works," Simpson said suddenly.

What he said made Logan gasp, and he couldn't help but look at Lin Yi with more serious eyes. This young scientific researcher can actually make Simpson pay this price.

Lin Yi's smile couldn't help becoming brighter, "One year."

"No, it's too late, half a year!"

"Half a year? That's impossible!" It's almost impossible to produce the experimental results in half a year. He has only learned about solar cells. Knowing and doing are two different things.

Just like you can’t make nuclear weapons if you understand Einstein’s E=mc2, he understands the development process of solar cells from dye sensitization to perovskite, and has also dabbled a little bit, but let him produce the project results in half a year , this is too difficult.

"My conditions are only valid for half a year." Simpson refused to let go.

Submit it to the Ministry of Energy, contact the media to pave the way for public opinion, and contact colleagues in the scientific research circle for public relations. For half a year, the reputation of the laboratory maintained in this way of drawing big cakes can only last for half a year.

Hearing this, Lin Yi frowned tightly. This is a big gamble. If he wins the gamble, he doesn't even have to bother to build his own laboratory. The Simpson Laboratory will spare no effort to protect him, and he will also have his own Patent rights for all project results.

The current Lin Yi is an employee of Simpson Labs. He is paid by Simpson Labs. At the same time, the owners of all his project results are Simpson Labs, the shares of the cable factory, and even the shares of the YBCO material production center that will be established soon. , owned by Simpson Laboratories.

He only owns [-]% of the reward from Simpson Labs, but once he owns the patent rights of his own project results, it will be different. In the future, the technical rights of all his projects will belong to him personally, and whoever he wants to use them for. Whoever uses it, only in this way can he have a greater right to speak.

Many American capitalists are willing to exchange a new material patent use right for a production line even if there are technical confidentiality clauses.

Moreover, as a Chinese, it is much more difficult for him to gain a foothold in the American scientific research circle than for Americans, and he will be subject to much more restrictions than he imagined in setting up his own laboratory.

This is also the reason why many Chinese scientific researchers in the United States will eventually become American citizens. If you don’t join, no one will take you to play.

Lin Yi also had this idea, but if Simpson's promise is fulfilled, he will not have to worry about it at all. Even if the cooperation with NASA is suspended, Simpson is still a laboratory trusted by the US government. Under the name of Simpson Laboratory, he completely You can use the top equipment in the United States and freely use the rich scientific research resources in the United States.

This kind of temptation is really not ordinary.

But in half a year, if he can't come up with results... His future scientific research path will be much more tortuous.

"Okay, half a year, during this half year, Simpson Lab must fully cooperate with my work, and I need to recruit people at any time." Life is a gamble, and no matter how twists and turns it is, it will not be more twists and turns than in my previous life. , Didn't he make himself a full house, who is afraid of anyone.

That is, his plan of chasing his wife will be put on hold again. I don’t know if Professor Zhuang will remember him in half a year. impression!

"Half a year starts when we come back from New York. This time we go back to New York to give our lab prestige. You have no objection."

Simpson finally showed his first smile today, "Of course not."

A week later, Logan and Lin Yi set foot on the land of New York.

"Professor, you go to the hotel first, I still have something to do." Out of the airport, Lin Yi said to Logan with a smile.

"Okay. Be careful yourself then."

After sending Logan to the taxi, Lin Yi looked at the watch on his wrist, and then raised his hand to hail a taxi.

"Mr. Lin, it's hard to find a red Grand Cherokee, let alone one with the same front end as the last one. Didn't you already buy that car? Why are you looking for the same one again?"

The manager of the second-hand car rental company is very impressed with this young Chinese. Of course, you rented out the car for a day, and when you pull it back, it becomes a scrap car with almost completely distorted compartments. Don’t you have an impression?

What's more, this Chinese young man with a lot of money and stupid money bought more than a scrapped car here, and spent almost double the price of the scrapped car itself to upgrade it. Almost everything except the engine, inside and out Replaced with a new one, you said you have the energy, wouldn't it be better for you to buy a new one?

"For personal needs, I can rent this car for twice the price."

The manager's face was almost distorted. He also wanted to make this money, but he couldn't change a car without a car.

"Mr. Lin..."

"Three times, I think my price is already very sincere." In the face of the big plan of chasing his wife, Lin Yi couldn't understand people's words at all.

The second-hand car manager looked at Lin Yi, who was [-] meters upstart, and gritted his teeth, "Mr. Lin, wait!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately ran to the front desk to make a phone call.

Calls came one after another, a series of loud and quick English, Lin Yi frowned and waited while looking at his watch.

He had contacted Zhuang Cheng yesterday and confirmed that Zhuang Cheng's flight was three and a half hours later than his. He had to buy flowers after renting a car, so he couldn't waste too much time here.

You ask Lin Yi why he insists on a big red Grand Cherokee, it's better to be exactly the same.

Of course, he always reminded Zhuang Cheng that he was his savior, even if he failed to bid farewell, he would be embarrassed to break with him on the spot.

And maybe Professor Zhuang just agreed with the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation to repay kindness. Although this idea is a bit unrealistic, people still have dreams, in case they come true if they are not careful. .

Lin Yi really wanted to slap himself at the time, why are you so noble, you don't ask for repayment for your kindness, and you tell others that you have already calculated it, as if you have no risk at all, if you knew it, he would take advantage of it On the hospital bed, he confessed that his life was dying, and it was not easy for Zhuang Cheng to say no.

Mistakes Mistakes.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi looked at his watch again, frowning even tighter.

Ten minutes later, when Lin Yi got impatient with waiting, and even planned to wait on the street to see if there were any similar cars, the second-hand car manager finally trot out sweating.

"Mr. Lin, I have asked all the second-hand car rental companies. There is a car that is very similar to the one you rented at that time, but his front modification is still a little different from your original car. The outer guardrails installed are black, this one is black and gray, but the difference is not too big."

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