"Grandpa, I want to use a helicopter, I'm going to Jing County!"

Mr. Zhuang looked up at his grandson in surprise. This was the first time that Zhuang Cheng proposed to use the family's privileges.

At the level of the old man, he can call a helicopter at any time.

"What's going on?" The old man noticed that his usual calm grandson was in a mess now, his clothes were wrinkled, as if he had fallen down somewhere.And his expression, although Zhuangcheng tried his best to restrain himself, the old man still noticed that he was not calm at this time.

Zhuang Cheng's teeth were trembling slightly, "It's Lin Yi, grandpa, do you still remember him? He encountered a landslide in Jing County, and now...he is dead or alive." When he said the last four words, he felt that not only It's the teeth, all the bones in his body are trembling.

He wanted to go to him as soon as possible, to find him, to make sure that he was safe and sound, but the remaining rationality told him that borrowing the strength of Mr. Zhuang was the fastest and most efficient way.

Hearing this, the old man also stood up abruptly, "Boy Lin?" He didn't hesitate, and agreed directly, "Okay, I'll make a call right now, Youdao, take Ah Cheng directly to the military area!" Mr. Zhuang I still have a good impression of Lin Yi, a promising and patriotic young man.

Zhuang Cheng and Zhao Duo arrived at the Jing County Disaster Command Center one after the other. As soon as Zhao Duo landed, a group of officials who had been waiting for a long time greeted them.

"Prime Minister Zhao, welcome..."

"Welcome, what's the situation?" The iron-blooded prime minister lived up to his reputation, and the governor of Xishan Province also realized that he had said something wrong, and he seemed a little embarrassing. Search and rescue personnel went in, and the provincial government dispatched two helicopters to the military area to drop food into the disaster area."

"How long has it been since the disaster happened, and how many people were buried?"

"The disaster happened at 43:36 in the morning. It has been nine hours and [-] minutes. The number of people buried should range from [-] to [-]. In addition to Researcher Lin, there is also a deputy county magistrate of Jing County. buried."

"We have dealt with the people involved in this incident seriously. The secretary of the Jing County Party Committee was dismissed on the spot, and the rest of the people will also be held accountable according to law."

Zhao Duo glanced at him, "Saving people is important, let's go to the scene now!"

The section where the rocks collapsed has been surrounded by yellow lines, the rescuers are ready to go, and all the medical staff in Xin City are also in place, but...

"What happened in front?" Zhao Duo asked.

The shrewd young man quickly ran up to understand the situation, "People from the military clashed with Director Liu and the others, and the people from the military insisted on entering the disaster area!"

"Nonsense, I don't know when the next aftermath will come, why are they joining in the fun at this time!" the Governor of Xishan Province scolded angrily.

Zhao Duo was noncommittal, but only accelerated the speed of his feet. Shen Yu's words echoed in his ears, Lin Yi can save Huaguo's material science from taking 20 years of detours!And materials have always been the foundation and blood of industry!

Zhao Duo's mouth was tightly pursed into a straight line, but in this equal society, whose life is not life, if rescuers are allowed to enter the disaster area to carry out rescue under the premise of knowing that there will be a aftermath, it will be very easy to die in the disaster area. It is not a one-time or two-time thing that arouses public opinion controversy in the international community, and even criticizes them for lack of human rights awareness in a number of Western countries.

"Prime Minister Zhao!" An anxious voice came from the front.

"You Dao?" Zhao Duo asked in surprise, why are the guards next to Mr. Zhuang here?

"Ah Cheng went in! It's been more than half an hour, I'm afraid something will happen to him, but those people won't let us in no matter what they say!" Zhang Youdao is going crazy, the Zhuang family is thin, and the third generation is only Zhuang Cheng. Well, if something happens to Zhuangcheng, it is to make the Zhuang family never seen again!

Zhao Duo was obviously aware of this too, and his already dark face suddenly became like the bottom of a pot. One is not counted, and now one is included, not to mention Zhuang Cheng's status in the international physics community, but his identity... …

"The rescue team is preparing to..."

"Prime Minister!"

"Needless to say, I will bear all the consequences. Everyone!" Zhao Duo took a megaphone and jumped directly into the car.

"Everyone, I can tell you the truth that this rescue is risky. The satellite monitoring department said that there will be a wave of aftermath from this rock collapse. If you go in now, you will not only face arduous rescue work, but also I don't know when the aftermath will come. However, just under this rock, there is an internationally renowned scientist buried. He is the father of the international superconducting cable, and is called by the American media the No. 1. Just half a year ago, his solar cell project was announced. This is a scientific research achievement that claims to change the world's energy structure and change the US Middle East strategy. I believe everyone has heard his name! He is Lin Yi!"

"This morning, I received a report that Sanzhai Village was connected to electricity! Everyone is from Xinshi, so they should all know the situation in Sanzhai Village. In Laoshan District, it is difficult and costly to connect to electricity, so the problem of electricity supply has never been a problem. Solved. Researcher Lin personally brought the results of his project into the village. A piece of solar panels stood in this mountain village left behind by modern technology, converting the endless solar energy into electricity. The first street light in Sanzhai Village was lit. Now, not only Sanzhai Village, but also many impoverished mountainous areas in Huaguo where electricity is difficult, because of Researcher Lin and his solar battery project, the dawn will come!"

"We are very fortunate that Researcher Lin is from Huaguo. Before departure, a professor from Yenching University told me that he asked me to save Lin Yi, because that person can save Huaguo material science from detours for 20 years. !"

"So, I also ask you here! Please do your best to rescue him!" Zhao Duo threw away the loudspeaker in the last sentence, almost shouting. Time to feel the blood boiling.

He took a deep breath, "All members of the rescue team are ready to enter..."

Before Zhao Duo finished speaking, the ground shook again, and the rocks in the mountain area not far away rustled down, and the last aftermath arrived.

The scene was silent, Zhang Youdao's face was pale, Zhuangcheng, Zhuangcheng is still inside!

Zhuang Cheng took the military helicopter directly to the disaster area, and then, taking advantage of Zhang Youdao's inattention, he entered the disaster area wearing only a hard hat, thinking that the road was covered with large and small rocks that had rolled down, so he walked very hard.

"Lin Yi! Lin Yi! Can you hear me!" Zhuang Cheng yelled as he walked, he fell down countless times, even though he was wearing a thick military coat, his legs were bruised several times.

Zhuang Cheng considers himself to be an extremely strong-willed person, but he felt the taste of despair for the first time, why didn't he answer, why?Why?Please, answer me, please...

Zhuang Cheng's eye sockets were swollen and sore, he stepped on a higher rock with difficulty, and looked around the messy road.

"Lin Yi!" The voice echoed in the mountains.

Lin Yi seemed to hear someone calling him, but he no longer had the strength to respond. Hunger and a lot of blood loss left his eyes blank. Occasionally, he was able to maintain a clear consciousness entirely because of his tenacity.

"Beep!" A muffled siren sounded suddenly.

Zhuang Cheng turned his eyes sharply, he looked in the direction of the voice, and seemed to see a little yellow!

He ran in that direction with hands and feet, approaching, approaching, what is that?

On the rock not far from the yellow, there is a very characteristic shoelace hanging!

Black shoelaces, both sides of the shoelaces are wrapped with silver metal, those are Lin Yi's shoes!Zhuang Cheng heard him mention what a limited edition is!

Here he is!

he is here!After realizing this, the blood in Zhuang Cheng's whole body boiled. He ran to the side of the shoelaces and began to move the movable stones under his feet with his hands.

He had a strong premonition that Lin Yi was down there, and that person was down there.

Because of his haste, Zhuang Cheng didn't wear gloves. After a short while, his hands were rubbed red by sharp stones, and the palms were covered with tiny wounds. He moved one piece after another.

"Lin Yi!"

"Lin Yi!"

The stone was stained red, but he repeated the mechanical movements as if he didn't feel any pain at all, and kept calling the name hidden in the deepest part of his heart.

"Lin Yi!"

"Aren't you here right? Answer me, please!"

The fine sand and gravel fell on Lin Yi's face, allowing him to regain consciousness from the coma again. He felt like an oil lamp leaking oil. When the oil leaked out, he could go to see God.

But in a trance, he seemed to hear Zhuang Cheng's voice, which was a little crying.

People say that before death, people will hear the people they care about most calling him, but Lin Yi thinks that although he likes Zhuangcheng, he can't be so unfilial, so let's leave his parents behind.

Thinking this way, when he heard Zhuang Cheng call his name again, he replied feebly, "It's called a soul, I don't want to die yet."

The voice was so soft that even Lin Yi himself couldn't hear it clearly, but Zhuang Cheng heard it.

His anxious and even desperate heart suddenly calmed down, Zhuang Cheng's mouth was tightly pursed into a straight line, he accelerated the speed of moving the stones, and pushed some with his body if he couldn't move them.

Because he was afraid of breaking the balance of the mountain and rocks and causing secondary damage to Lin Yi below, Zhuang Cheng was very careful with every move he made. Finally, he saw the rock.

The stone was so big that Zhuang Cheng couldn't push it alone. The bottom of the stone was already dyed red. Seeing that Zhuang Cheng was about to burst into tears, he wanted to do something, but only heard a rustling sound.

A piece of stone fell from the mountain, Zhuangcheng did not hide, but subconsciously chose to hug the stone, a strong obsession controlled his body, he...don't leave him.

But obviously, God opened his eyes this time, and the aftermath of this wave was some small gravel, the largest of which was no bigger than a human fist. When it hit the helmet, it was painful and a little dizzy, but it was not life-threatening.

Zhuangcheng observed that Lin Yi was very clever and found a triangle, but it was this piece that fell beside the triangle, making the triangle a closed triangle, but there was still a gap, but the gap was too small to allow a person to pass through .

Zhuang Cheng sat down against the rock, and stretched his hand in along the gap.

After coming into contact with the slightly cool temperature, his whole body relaxed.

"Ayi, I found you."

The author has something to say: Don’t worry about the future for Mr. Zhuang, Zhuang’s parents and mothers can still have children :)

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