"This is the analysis room. Some of the remains of solar panels are inside. Our technicians have done a preliminary analysis. I believe you have read the report. But you are the person who is most familiar with solar panels after all." Kramer pointed out Said with a small laboratory.

There were still two or three staff working inside. Kramer opened the door and went in. The staff inside heard the sound and immediately stopped what they were doing.

"Mr. Kramer."

"Mr. Kramer."

"Mr. Kramer."

The three greeted each other, and one of the scientific researchers wearing protective goggles noticed Lin Yi behind Kramer, and rushed over before Kramer could introduce him.

"Lin...Researcher Lin!" His voice was a little broken due to excitement, and he grabbed Lin Yi's hand, "Lin...Researcher Lin, I'm Heller Grantwig, you can call me Heller, you You are my idol, your superconducting cable project and solar cell project are great, I know you are a physics student, so am I! I have a few questions to ask you..."


"It's the fault of the battery pack, their interaction..."

"Heller!" Kramer's voice rose.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Kramer, I'll ask later." Heller said helplessly.

"Researcher Lin, what is your room number, do you mind if I come to you later? I have a lot of questions, if you can guide me, I will be very honored and very happy!" His voice was like an aria. Loudly.

Lin Yi glanced at Kramer, saw his livid face, and suddenly became happy, "Of course, I'm very glad to be of help to you."

"Okay, let's talk about this accident. Do you have any new discoveries?" Kramer said with a dark face. A "traitor" who admired his colleagues appeared in his laboratory. In the competition, he lost to Lin Yi by a margin, and he panicked.

Hawke looked at the scene in front of him, took a step forward, and said in Lin Yi's ear, "This Heller researcher has the blood of the Danish royal family, and his mother is a princess of the Danish royal family."

The eyes of He Qun, who was listening clearly next to him, almost popped out, Danish royal blood?Did he meet the Danish nobles now?Or such a "special" nobleman?

There was also a hint of surprise in Lin Yi's eyes, but it was just a little bit of surprise. In this era, when it comes to power and wealth, the descendants of these royal families under the constitutional monarchy are not as good as those descendants of famous political and business families.

"It's not an accident, it's a conspiracy!" The nobleman with royal blood was really astonishing.

Everyone present, except for the two staff members who worked with Heller, were stunned. Conspiracy?No one expected Heller to say such a thing.

Kramer frowned, "What's the basis? What do you say?" The "you" he said naturally referred to the other two staff members, "That's not what was written in your report."

The other two staff members had helpless expressions on their faces. They had already persuaded Hele, but when Lin Yi, the idol in his heart, appeared, Hele couldn't control his mouth anymore.

"Mr. Kramer, Mr. Lin Yi, Heller said there is a certain possibility, but this possibility is entirely based on his personal speculation, and will not have any impact on the results of the accident appraisal. I believe that even the Danish accident appraisal center, They will also make the same judgment as us." Two other technicians said.

"Mr. Kramer, Researcher Lin, please listen to my thoughts." Heller couldn't help but said again, that's Lin Yi, his idol, no one can stop a fan boy from wanting to express himself in front of the idol heart of.

Thinking of the strange feeling that had haunted his mind, Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly. He glanced at Kramer and said, "Then trouble Mr. Heller to talk about it."

Heller felt that there was a whole field of flowers blooming behind Lin Yi, oh, God, he is so happy, he must let Mr. Lin Yi see his potential!

"As we said in the report, the cause of the accident was the partition." Heller erected the remnants of a solar panel.

"From here, you can clearly see the partition layer. The partition layer of this solar panel has been bent a bit due to the accident, but the layers are still very clear."

"Researcher Lin's solar panels are all solid-state, so the safety is greatly improved, and the possibility of accidents due to interaction problems is almost negligible. Therefore, because of the bending of the barrier layer and the current overload phenomenon before the accident, we Preliminary inference is that a large amount of reverse charging caused the barrier layer to bend and break, thus losing its barrier effect and causing the accident."

"The battery is reversely charged, and we subconsciously think it is a problem with the battery. But have you ever considered the possibility that someone connected an extra circuit on the other side of the battery, and this circuit receives a large amount of current, causing the battery to recoil!"

Everyone looked at each other, Kramer rubbed his temples, "Then what do you think is the purpose of that Rasmussen lawyer? He only asked for one euro in compensation. For that one euro, oh, he connected the root circuit and caused his own explosion , all the wives and babysitters are in the hospital? Is he sick?"

Heller's face was flushed, "Didn't you say that their nanny accepted the compensation? They also demanded [-] euros, it might be her!" Anyway, he didn't believe that there would be a problem with Researcher Lin's solar photovoltaic power generation system.

"Their nanny is so smart that she wouldn't stand under the explosion point by herself. Even if she was not injured, the solar panel exploded, she can still claim compensation. And it was a lady, and the burn on the back would leave scars , I don’t think any lady can be so cruel to herself.” This is what Hawke said.

Lin Yi felt Heller's unwillingness, and patted him on the shoulder, "Thank you for your trust, but I am not a person who shirks responsibility."

Hearing this, Heller nodded quickly, "Of course, Researcher Lin, you are the best!"


Lin Yi personally inspected the wreckage of the solar panels, and got the same result as the technicians of the information technology center. The possibility of the partition layer losing its partition function due to reverse charging is the greatest.

He sighed. Now that he has found out the reason, what he has to do now is to minimize the impact of this incident. The solar home power generation market must be preserved.

That night, Lin Yi called Hawk Bolton, hoping that he could help arrange an interview.

Hawke readily agreed, and when he hung up the phone, he immediately dialed Heller's number. Qianglong couldn't overwhelm the local snake, let alone Exxon's influence in Denmark is not that strong.

Heller, a local snake, is naturally very happy to serve his idol, simple interview?That's not enough!It must be a talk show, or a national talk show!

next day

Lin Yi came out of the room and knocked on the door of Hawke's room. The Danish Information Center arranged the room for the two of them on the seventh floor. There were no other people on this floor and it was very quiet.

Hawke had already "dressed up" a long time ago, and he stroked his bangs, "Researcher Lin, please forgive me, this is really nothing to eat."

Breakfast was served on the second floor, the two of them went down the stairs, the elevator stopped on the fourth floor, and three or four people came in.

And they're all Asian.Oh, no, to be precise, they are Chinese.

"Oh, it's late, this Danish bed is so comfortable, soft, and you sink right into it." The speaker was a young woman in her early thirties, wearing a red suit and wearing a black skirt. Leather shoes, dressed in fashion.

"Sister Zhang, sleeping on a hard bed is good for your health." Xiao Wang said with a smile.

"That's right, what the ancestors said, it can't be wrong."

The two walked into the elevator talking and laughing, and were obviously taken aback when they saw that there were already two people in the elevator.

Sister Zhang said softly to Xiao Wang, "There are people who are as late as us."

"Where do you think that Asian is from? Lives upstairs from us, Korea? Japan?"

Xiao Wang secretly looked at Lin Yi, and it became more and more familiar, ah!He remembered that these two were the people who talked to Mr. Kramer at the door of the building in front yesterday.

It’s obviously an Asian research group, how could a blond and blue-eyed Westerner appear? Could it be that the Korean (Japanese) research group has established a relationship with the Danes, so they can directly meet Professor Kramer and even discuss cooperation directly!

Xiao Wang instantly became nervous!

"Hello" is said in Korean.

Seeing that Lin Yi didn't respond, he said in Japanese again: "Hello."

Lin Yi laughed lightly, and said in pure Yongning dialect: "Hello."

Xiao Wang, blink.

Not Korean, not Japanese?Which dialect is this?He is a highly educated person who graduated from the Diplomatic Academy and is proficient in multiple languages... he can't understand.

But the eyes of the lady named Zhang lit up.

"Are you from Nanjiang Province? I'm also from Nanjiang Province, and I'm from Shaozhou? Are you?" Shaozhou and Yongning are very close. Although people on both sides can't speak each other's language, they can understand each other.

"Yes, I'm from Yongning, and now my home is in Hangzhou." This time he used the standard official Chinese.

Xiao Wang's eyes widened!

"Are you Chinese!"

"No! You...you are Researcher Lin!" Xiao Wang suddenly slapped himself on the head, "No wonder I think you look so familiar!"

Lin Yi belonged to Huaguo, everyone knew his name, even intellectuals would know his name when his photos appeared in newspapers, but when he appeared in front of him, he might not be able to recognize him.

"Lin... Researcher Lin, hello, I'm Wang Zhide. I'm seconded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the State Information Technology Office. It's a great honor to meet you!" Xiao Wang stretched out his hand and looked at Lin Yi expectantly.

Lin Yi was dumbfounded. He introduced himself in detail. He reached out his hand and shook hands with Xiao Wang, "It's amazing to be able to come out with the inspection team at such a young age."

Lin Yi didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said, but such old-fashioned words seemed a bit weird when he was only in his early twenties.

Xiao Wang scratched his head, he was a real person, although he thought it was weird, but Researcher Lin was praising him, right?

Sister Zhang looked at Xiao Wang and then at Lin Yi.

Sister Zhang is a typist.

Typing speed is the fastest in the information technology office. Don’t think that typing is nothing special. In the 90s, typing fast can make you go straight from a small staff member to the sky. Already a senior cadre.

Last year, he was also named as the Technology Pioneer of the Information Technology Office because he won the skill competition championship. What a lofty honor.

"Are you the scientist who was almost crushed to death?" Sister Zhang blurted out.

Lin Yi...

"Hey, that's not what I mean. You had an accident at that time. I still remember that I cut my hand when cooking. Look, it's true." Sister Zhang raised her hand, pointing to the almost invisible red mark on her thumb. .

"Our husband did the same. He didn't eat all day, saying that you are the pride of our country. If something happens, it will be a loss of national wealth."

Lin Yi touched his nose, saying that he was not moved would be a lie.

"Thank you."

"Our compatriots say thank you. We are far away in a foreign country. It is fate to meet each other. Let's get together after work in the evening?" Sister Zhang said with a smile.

Lin Yi hesitated for a moment. He should have nothing else to do except call Zhuangcheng at night.

"Okay, my room is 703. Once the time and place are confirmed, just let me know."

Sister Zhang waved her hand, "The time and place? I can confirm it now, 411, we happen to be missing one of three!"

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