Room 411 on the fourth floor

"Dongfeng, what a fool! Give money, give money, only Danish kroner."

"Sister Zhang, you're very lucky. The krona we exchanged this time is only a small amount, why don't we owe it first? Otherwise, we really have to go back empty-handed."

"Yes, Miss Zhang, if we go abroad and go back empty-handed, my wife will definitely kill me."

"That's not it." The three big men said good things with smiles on their faces.

Sister Zhang was so teased that she "giggled" and laughed, "Succeed, for the sake of my younger siblings, I owe you!" This mahjong picture player is just a joke. We are all colleagues, and we must see each other when we look up. Complaints can offend people.

The three of them were overjoyed when they heard the words, and the good words spread out without any money.

"Old Zheng hasn't come back yet?" Sister Zhang asked while rubbing mahjong.

"No, he hasn't come back since he went out in the morning. He hoped to meet Mr. Kramer, the real person in charge of the information technology center, and discuss with him about technical cooperation, but he kept saying he was busy. To be honest, technical cooperation sounds like It’s like that, but with our country’s current technology, there’s really no need for them to cooperate with us.”

"What you said, pour cold water on yourself. I think Lao Zheng's persistence is right this time. What are the four great inventions of our country? Gunpowder, compass, printing, and papermaking. Gunpowder has improved human combat effectiveness. Compass Applied to navigation to connect the world as a whole. Why are printing and papermaking ranked among the four great inventions? It is because the invention of papermaking and printing has enabled more people to gain access to knowledge and open up people's wisdom! Now the information network It has become a new carrier of knowledge! Science is the primary productive force, we have to let more people understand science, so that our country can progress, right?"

After Sister Zhang said this, the whole room became quiet, and the other three people even stopped their hands holding mahjong tiles.

"What's wrong?" Sister Zhang looked up strangely, "Xiao Xu, it's your turn."

The middle-aged man named Xiao Xu came back to his senses, and said with a smile: "We are not used to saying this from your mouth."

Sister Zhang glanced at him and didn't answer, did she really think she could only type?Are the ministries and commissions of the state really so easy to advance?

"Dong dong dong" knocked on the door.

"Sister Zhang, I have invited Researcher Lin and Mr. Hawk." Xiao Wang made a gesture of invitation to Lin Yi and the two.

The four people in the room stood up quickly, and Sister Zhang smiled all over her face, "Hey, we have finally invited our big scientist and big boss here, just in time, our game has just started, Researcher Lin, Mr. Hawke, you two top?"

The other three people in the room are also from the information office, and they are all young and middle-aged men in their forties. I think Director Zheng brought all the backbone of the information office with him this time. The three of them looked a little cautious when they saw Lin Yi and Hawke. .

"Researcher Lin, sit here with me." The older of the three spoke first, and the other two also left their seats and signaled Hawke to take their seats.

Seeing this, Lin Yi waved his hands again and again, "No, I haven't been to the mahjong table for a long time, and Hawke doesn't know it at all. Let's just watch from the side."

Sister Zhang laughed softly, "Researcher Lin, don't be shy. How many of them, I wish you could replace them. If the beating continues, they might lose their underwear to me."

"Yes, Researcher Lin, we just issued an IOU to Sister Zhang. If we continue, we will really kneel on the washboard when we get home." Hawke took a second look.

There was a burst of laughter in the room, and the three happily gave up their seats. Lin Yi and Hawke also sat down on the mahjong table under the warm greeting of everyone. Xiao Wang, who was already excited, was even more emotional.

A moderate amount of tension and excitement helps activate brain cells, which doesn't...

"Touch! Nonsense!"



The expressions of Lin Yi and Hawke first showed admiration, then shock, and finally turned into bewilderment and numbness, especially Hawke, looking at the square and exquisitely crafted small square card in his hand, he was a little suspicious of life.

At this moment, the doorbell of the room rang hastily.

Lin Yi had to admit that he was a little happy when he heard the doorbell. As a well-known figure in the academic circle, Lin Yi felt that he hadn't displayed the "strength" commensurate with his status on the mahjong table.

Room 411 outside

"Director, I'm not talking about them. They really went too far this time. We are a group. We waited at the door of Mr. Kramer's office from morning to night, but they were playing mahjong in the room. This matter is a big deal. It’s not big, but it’s not too small. If you ‘gather a crowd to gamble’ at a foreign reception place, if it’s reported back to China…”

The person who spoke was a man in his early thirties, with slanted eyes, brows so pale that it was almost invisible, thick lips, and a distressed expression on his face.

Zheng Guofeng's face was so dark that water dripped out, Zhang Gao took a peek at Zheng Guofeng's expression, and made up his mind that this year's advanced should not run away.

Zhang Gao entered the information office as a college student. Ten years ago, college students were rare. Graduates from various universities in Huajing could directly enter the national ministries and commissions, and Zhang Gao was one of them.

Zhang Gao is very satisfied with the information office. The department is new and the level is high, which means that he will have unlimited possibilities in this department. But there is a little regret that Zhang Gao's university major is not computer or information technology. , but in Chinese.

He is a writer who can always follow the leader's side. It seems that he is very beautiful, but Zhang Gao understands that in Zheng Guofeng's eyes, what he values ​​is the weight of those outstanding professionals, even the sister Zhang who can only type. He was also a little heavier than himself, and this perception made Zhang Gao very unwilling.

When Zheng Guofeng heard the words "gathering a crowd to gamble", he felt a surge of heat rushing towards the sky, and he pressed the doorbell harder.

When everyone in the room heard the rapid doorbell, they were taken aback for a moment, and then someone realized, "It can't be the director..."

As soon as this remark came out, the room fell silent instantly.At this time, there was no one else in this place except Zheng Guofeng. It was impossible for the Danes to ring their doorbell so quickly at such a late hour, and most of the members of their inspection team were already in this room.

Xiao Wang's brain, which was boiling because of consecutive victories, calmed down in an instant, and his complexion turned pale in an instant when he was still killing the Quartet on the mahjong table just now.

"What happened?" Hawke, who was trying to learn Xiao Wang's card drawing skills, seemed a little confused.

After losing several times in a row, Lin Yi, who had several white stripes on his face, touched his chin, "Probably their leader is here."

Sister Zhang didn’t dare to gamble with Hawke, a foreign friend, but if she lost, there was no punishment and it wasn’t exciting enough, so Lin Yi proposed the method of sticking a white strip on her face. get the most.

"Is their leader better than Mr. Wang?" Hawke called Mr. Wang without hesitation because he fell in love with Mr. Wang's superb card skills.

Lin Yi thought carefully for a few seconds when he heard this, "I'm afraid I'll have to do a comparison to find out."

"That's right, practice is the only criterion for testing truth." Hawke nodded solemnly.

Xiao Wang looked at Sister Zhang without crying, "Sister, is it really the director?"

Sister Zhang also felt a little uneasy, Zheng Guofeng was working hard outside, and they were playing mahjong here, and she really did not behave properly.

"I don't have clairvoyant eyes. How do I know if it's the director?" As she spoke, she stood up. During the process of standing up, Sister Zhang couldn't help but look in the direction of Lin Yi and Hawke a few more times. , Seeing the two people with white stripes on their faces, I felt a lot relieved.

With these two great gods present, Zheng Guofeng wouldn't go too far.

"Sister Zhang, I'll drive." Someone got up first and strode towards the door.This is indeed not a good job, but there are so many big men in the room, it's not easy for a woman to open the door for Sister Zhang.

"Sure, thank you."

It took another 2 minutes after these few words, Zheng Guofeng waiting at the door was already a volcano that was about to erupt, Zhang Gao was secretly happy, he didn't expect his colleagues to be so cooperative, and dare to hang Lao Zheng for 2 minutes after ringing the doorbell.

"Click" the door was opened.

"Zheng...Director Zheng." Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, the comrade who opened the door still trembled three times when he saw Zheng Guofeng in front of him.

Zheng Guofeng snorted coldly, pushed his subordinates away and strode into the room, Zhang Gao hurriedly followed.

"Who can explain to me what you are doing? Who brought the mahjong tiles!" Zheng Guofeng's voice almost came out from between his teeth.

"Xiao Wang, I'm not talking about you, you are a young comrade..." Zhang Gao took the leadership's microphone as before. As a secretary, he would speak when the leader was inconvenient to speak. This is one of his job contents .

But... Zhang Gao had only spoken halfway, and his voice gradually lowered. He saw a golden head next to Xiao Wang.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Director, I, I was wrong." Xiao Wang had already stood up and apologized repeatedly.

Hawke's yellow hair is still very eye-catching among a group of black hair, not to mention that there are several white notes pasted on his yellow head.

He blew hard through his mouth so that the note would fly up so that it wouldn't block his view.

"Isn't it a good thing to promote the national quintessence? I don't understand why their leaders are so angry?" Hawke turned his head and said softly to Lin Yi.

The room was not big, and although Hawke's voice was soft, it easily reached the ears of everyone present.

National quintessence?Zheng Guofeng couldn't believe his ears. He looked at the people present, and then at mahjong. He must have heard correctly.

No, that's not the point now.

Why did a foreigner appear on the mahjong table in his subordinate room.

"Old Zheng, this is my fault. I started it, and I also brought mahjong. But we don't have 'gathering for gambling', everyone just has fun. You see, we didn't gamble for money. If we lose, we post it. A note, it's for everyone to relax." Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Sister Zhang stood up and said.

Lin Yi is facing a difficult choice at this moment, should he tear off the note on his face?If you tear it up, you should be embarrassed. If you don't tear it up, it still seems embarrassing now.

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