Late ripening

Chapter 38

The phone that has been held in his hand rang, Jing Yan glanced at it and immediately picked it up. "Are you home? Is it cold today?" Hearing Lu Qian's heavy breathing over there, his heart also felt itchy.

After a few seconds, his voice came, "Fortunately, it's raining today. Are you eating?" Jing Yan gestured to the person sitting beside him, and walked into the bathroom. "Well, I'm eating out with Yao Yihang, and we're almost done."

After saying a few ordinary greetings, the phone fell silent for a while.Jing Yan had a lot of things he wanted to say but couldn't say, he swallowed them, kept them in his heart, and then fell into his stomach and disappeared without a trace. "You have to pay attention to safety outside..." Jing Yan hurriedly interrupted him when he heard his concluding remarks.

"I will. How many days of vacation do you have? I will stay here for more than ten days. When I go back, will you already be at work...Can you pick me up?" Jing Yan hid in the bathroom cubicle, leaning against the Waiting on the door for Lu Qian to respond. "I should be in the company already, and I will find time to pick you up then."

He breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay.. Then I'll trouble you..." There was a humbleness in his tone that he didn't notice, as if he had made such an unreasonable request.There was silence for a while, and when he spoke again, his voice was cold, "It's nothing, I'll hang up, go back to rest early, and don't run around outside at night."

The call was over, Jing Yan closed his eyes and recalled the hard-won few words just now.Lu Qian probably didn't know that during this period of time, he had to listen to the previous chat voices in the favorites to fall asleep every night.After repeating those few sentences, he could recite them by himself.

After coming out of the bathroom and sitting back on the chair, Yao Yihang looked at him, "Did Uncle Lu call you?" Jing Yan nodded slightly to see if no one was paying attention to their side.Yao Yihang let out a long breath, "Oh my god, it made you happier. You haven't smiled since I saw you yesterday..."

Jing Yan pushed his arm to make him stop talking.Jing Yan got airsick on the plane yesterday, and vomited heavily after landing. In the evening, students from several schools had dinner together, but he was too embarrassed to shirk it, so he followed him to eat something, and went back to the hotel to sleep early.It may be because of the choice of bed. He also doesn't like the soft pillows in the hotel. He didn't have a good rest all night, and he still has a slight stiff neck.

Today, he visited several colleges and universities in Beijing with the team all day. He was dizzy and calm, and visited two of them on a whim.In the afternoon, I didn't want to get out of the car at all, and slept on the chair with my mobile phone in my arms, or I just stared out the window and didn't know what to look at.

Yao Yihang guessed that he and Lu Qian had a conflict again, so he couldn't ask directly, but now he finally saw Jing Yan move his chopsticks, he hurried to the buffet counter to get a bowl of egg custard and put it on.Jing Yan was speechless, Yao Yihang patted his head, "Eat quickly, kid."

After dinner, the two of them went to the auditorium of the University of Science and Technology to listen to a lecture. There were a lot of people there. Jing Yan didn't like places with so many people, so he chose a seat by the aisle in the back row.

The winter in Beijing is completely different from that in the south, even the wind is dry and cold with knives, and Jing Yan's earlobes are a little dry from the cold.He turned up his collar to prevent the wind from blowing into his neck. He touched his ears and felt a little stinging. He put on the hood of his sweater and shrank back into the seat.

The professor on the stage was talking about nanomaterials that Jing Yan was very interested in. He listened for a while and wanted to take some notes, but found that he didn't even bring out his notebook and pen.The bag was empty, only the charging treasure was in it.

He was so distraught that he couldn't listen to the outside voices anymore. I was not like this before. I used to feel safe and loved even if I was farther away than now.He thought of the sudden phone call that night, and panicked even more than the previous few days.

Is it so far away, after so many days, when I'm not around you, do you finally miss me a little bit?

Before going to bed, he sent a goodnight message as usual, but he didn't reply, but he was almost used to it. He listened to Lu Qian's previous business trip to lull him to sleep, put his phone under the pillow, and was ready to reply immediately when a message vibrated.

Although it is called a winter camp, there are many schools participating, and everyone is an adult college student, so the management is not as strict as that of junior high school.Yao Yihang didn't participate in any activities at all, and concentrated on playing games in the hotel.On the third day, Jing Yan suddenly felt uncomfortable, not to mention vomiting and diarrhea, and at night he was even dizzy and unable to get up.

Yao Yihang hurriedly called Song Bo, and the two helped him to the clinic for an injection, and brought him back to rest in the room in the early morning. "Why don't you call his family?" Song Bo watched him pale and collapsed under the quilt, Yao Yihang walked over and whispered something in Jing Yan's ear, but Jing Yan refused to give him the phone no matter what.

"I really don't need to tell him.. I'll be fine after I rest. You call him in case he's busy... I can't keep bothering him..." Jing Yan said more and more loudly, but what he said was a bit confusing.

Song Bo frowned and looked at Yao Yihang, "What is he talking about? He doesn't want you to call his boyfriend?" Jing Yan was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at him without moving.Yao Yihang remembered that he hadn’t told Jing Yan what he had told him, so he quickly explained to him, “I was worried about you before, so I told him about your general situation and asked him to give me advice. He definitely won’t I'll tell others, don't worry, I'm sorry, Jing Yan, I didn't tell you before..."

Those three words were buzzing in Jing Yan's head, making him unable to listen to other words.He hid his mobile phone under the quilt, "I can't call my boyfriend..." After finishing speaking, he didn't have the strength to say anything else.Yao Yihang hurriedly covered him with a quilt, "Okay, stop beating. Go to sleep."

After two days, he finally recovered. Although he still had no appetite, at least he didn't have to drink porridge all day long.Yao Yihang ate porridge and side dishes with him for a few days, and couldn't wait to take him and Song Bo out for dinner.

They found a Hong Kong-style hot pot restaurant that was lighter. Yao Yihang ordered a lot of dishes, but Jing Yan asked for lean meat porridge and shrimp dumplings and couldn't eat anything else.He supported his head with one hand, and with the other hand he kept scratching and pulling his mobile phone on the table, making a lot of noise against the glass table top.

He often did this during this time, but obviously he didn't notice it at all, he was immersed in his own thoughts and didn't know what to think. "Did you quarrel with Uncle Lu?" Yao Yihang talked to him cautiously when the people next to him and across from him were all looking at him.

Jing Yan looked at Song Bo hesitantly. After he got better, he remembered what Yao Yihang said two days ago, Teacher Song already knew about him.At first I was a little nervous, afraid that the other party would look at me with that look.Later, it didn't matter anymore. So many people in the school already knew about it, so what did it matter if there was one more him.

Jing Yan lowered his head and folded his hands on the table, "No, maybe I cling to him too tightly, making him a little... a little tired." "Oh..." Yao Yihang didn't understand these things, and thought it might be two people. Personally, I have entered the dull period from the love period. "The two of you meet every day. It's definitely impossible to be like the beginning every day. It's okay. Don't worry."

From Yao Yihang's mouth, it seems that this is something that every couple must go through, and it is a natural thing.Am I abnormal?Jing Yan forced a smile and didn't intend to talk about this topic again.Song Bo, who was sitting across from him, was eating, but for some reason he suddenly interjected, "I think you should find something to do on your own."

This sentence brought Jing Yan back to that night in an instant, and his whole body froze.Yao Yihang didn't understand, "Ah?"Song Bo put down his chopsticks and spoke unhurriedly, "You seem to be very dependent on your lover. This kind of relationship is abnormal, right? You shouldn't project all your self onto others, let alone expect others to give you [-]% paid off."

"You are so clinging to others, the other party has no room to breathe, and you should feel uncomfortable. Have you never thought about what you want to do? Is there no moment when you don't need the other party to want to be alone for even a second? You Don't kick me." He glanced at Yao Yihang, "This relationship is sick. Without an independent and complete personality, there is no way to maintain it for a long time."

Yao Yihang felt that Jing Yan was trembling all over, and he threw his chopsticks aside, "There is something wrong with you, is it addictive to be a teacher? Why tell him this?" A person who shows mercy to others, he shrugged, "I'm just telling the truth, and I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to help you think clearly."

The hot pot restaurant was full of people's voices, for a moment those words seemed to isolate Jing Yan into a vacuum environment, making him unable to hear anything.But after only a few seconds, he quickly calmed down and stopped shaking.Jing Yan looked up at Song Bo, "I don't need others to judge my personality, and I don't think what you said is right. The so-called 'normal' relationship is just 'normal' in the eyes of the public. .”

He pushed the chair away and left without Yao Yihang calling him behind him.Jing Yan knew that he was not an independent and complete person, because the other half was with Lu Qian.

He didn't need Lu Qian even for a second, he gave himself to him because he trusted him unconditionally as before.

Yao Yihang failed to chase him back, so he walked back to his position angrily.Song Bo was still drinking ice water, and Yao Yihang almost wanted to hit him, "What are you doing talking about it? I told you that he has a very sensitive personality. If you talk about it nonsense, he must be thinking too much."

Song Bo didn't look angry at all, "I think you think him too fragile. The way he talked to me just now is far stronger than your reasoning. And," he put down the water glass thoughtfully, " I think what he said makes sense."

Jing Yan woke up very early the next day, Yao Yihang was still sleeping, he washed and changed his clothes lightly and went for a walk.Having been bored in the room for too many days, and thinking more and more, he needs some fresh air.

Unexpectedly, after walking a few steps, he ran into Song Bo who came out to have breakfast. Jing Yan was a little timid when he remembered what he had said to him last night. Anyway, he was also his teacher. "Morning, Teacher Song." He still greeted, and Song Bo pointed to the seat in front of him, "Come over and eat together."

Jing Yan sat down on the wooden stool and ordered a tofu nao.He thought it was sweet bean curd like the one in the south, but in the end he brought a salty braised tofu with minced fungus.He ate this for the first time, and after two bites, he thought it was quite delicious.

Song Bo looked at him sipping, and asked him, "Is this your first time in Beijing?" Jing Yan swallowed what was in his mouth, and replied politely, "Well, I haven't been there much. This is the first time I have come to such a far place from other cities.”

After eating a small bowl, Jing Yan felt his stomach warm up.Song Bo was still eating his soy milk and fried dough sticks slowly, Jing Yan felt that the teacher seemed to be paying special attention when eating, and could even be called a bit slow.

"What I said last night, you don't have to take it to heart." Song Bo brought up the topic again, "I think what you said is also right. Every couple has different ways of getting along, and they have experienced different things, so we can't generalize them. The key is to find the most comfortable way for yourself.”

Jing Yan is not used to discussing relationship issues even with teachers who have almost no age difference, so he nodded blankly.Song Bo looked at him, "But I still think you can find something interesting, even something that can distract you a little and not be troubled by the status quo. What do you think? At least it's not as entangled and uncomfortable as it is now."

He looked at Jing Yan's expression and smiled, "Even a cold-blooded and numb person like me can see that you are suffering." A blush rose on Jing Yan's face, and Song Bo glanced unconsciously, "Let's go, nearby Go back to the hotel for a walk and wake up that slacker."

Near the hotel is a morning market street, where there are all kinds of snacks and fresh vegetables and fish. There is no such street in S city, but Jing Yan likes this kind of place full of fireworks.Song Bo bought two boxes of pastries made of glutinous rice and dipped in soybean flour, and carried them in his hands.

After walking around twice, the two of them walked back to the hotel, "By the way, our school has an exchange program with Beijing Institute of Technology in the second half of the semester. If you are interested, you can go and find out. I have seen your grades and they are pretty good. Apply now." It's also simple."

Jing Yan refused without even thinking about it, "Oh no, it's too far away." Song Bo nodded, "It's okay, it's still early to sign up anyway, just let me know if you're interested." He put the bag in his hand Pass it to him, "You can take this and eat it, I don't like things that are too sweet."

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