The weight of the world was on me and I couldn't move.

This is the first time I feel its power so close.

Just as I imagined, if not stronger than I imagined, also more cold and condescending arrogance.

Yes, as a world, how powerful it is, it manipulates the destiny of all of us, and makes everyone do things according to its will.

If someone wants to resist, kill him.

I wanted to make a fist, but it was hard to even blink.

After an hour of hard time like this, I saw the leader of ige receive a call, and then a happy expression appeared on his face.

Was his plan a success?

The next moment, I heard him say, "Haha, God helped me indeed. It seems that Peng Lie and Hong Kong and Hei two wolves are fighting, and the big piece of meat in the port is mine."

Then he came over and squatted in front of me looking at me.

My abnormality did not attract his attention, and his face was obviously happy, "I would like to thank you for your existence and role, Miss Pengel. I thought this kind of plan would not succeed, I was careful to hold back, but in the end, ha, I didn’t expect that you are so important in Pengo Li’s heart. It seems that my title is indeed correct—”

He raised the corners of his mouth, his smile deepened, and he paused every word as if he could read it to me, "Miss Pengoile."

I want to swear, I want to spit out fragrant words, I am very angry at the moment.

However, no matter how angry I was in my heart, I couldn't move at all, just like a dog.

He could only bow his head and obey the pressure and orders from the superior.

But what comes to my heart at the same time as the anger, there is also a trace of warmth, entangled in the atrium continuously, flowing through the heart like a warm trickle, so that I can always feel its existence and be pressed by it .

I know, it was Vongola who brought it, it was Sawada, Riboun, Yamamoto, and Yuji

I really want to laugh, and at the same time, I want to cry after a long absence.

What is this, actually used this way to prove to me and explain the importance of me in their hearts.

As far back as I can remember, I have always been alone, with few friends, and the only family I have is Nana.So I can't really feel the friendship. Maybe the only friends who can be regarded as friends are the front and back desks.

Although I don't think there is anything wrong with this kind of life, and I do feel that this kind of life is very easy, but after I really have these feelings, I really feel——

That's good, really good.

After my "amnesia", there were many people around me. Although I was very impatient to communicate with them at first, and hated to keep repeating what I said about amnesia and not amnesia, but gradually, they got along with them. I am getting closer and closer, and their temperature has truly infected me.

I also have friends, and, companions.

There are also people who are sincere and like.And I have someone who likes me.

This kind of life is very good, I like it very much.If possible, I hope I can always live like this with the people around me.

But why, there are such things.

Everything is formed as if they complement each other. It seems that I can't avoid knowing the truth, and I can't avoid walking on this road.

I'd love to just give up, but

How can I forget what I have seen.

It is easy to say it, but it is difficult to do it, but to live

I don't yet know if I can live in front of the world.

The leader of ige stood up and said to the supernatural being behind him, "It's useless, let's send this Miss Pengelie away."

I can't believe what this person said to send me away is to send me back. How could he do such a thing? After all, letting me go back means that his plan will be exposed, and he will be besieged by Peng Lie and Hong Kong black forces at the same time .

Therefore, the best way is to conform to the "facts" and let me really die.

And right now, I can't move at all.

Is this what you do?

Don't suppress me, don't target me anymore, want me to directly feel the power from you, world.

I was pulled up by two people with different abilities, and then I went outside.

Only then did I realize that this was no longer Tokyo, it looked like Yokohama, surrounded by roaring waves, and they brought me to the surface of the sea.

"I'll see you in my next life, Miss Vengley."

Probably in order to make me 100% dead, they just let me continue to be tied to the chair, and then threw me down.

I was thrown into the sea, the cold sea covered me, and I couldn't move.

I seem to feel its gaze in the sea water, cold and ruthless, with supreme contempt at the same time.

Just when I thought I would sink like this, directly to the bottom of the sea, I seemed to hear Sawada's voice.

Compared with the usual gentle voice, the voice became more calm and serious, but inevitably there was a anxious and worried voice of Sawada.

I felt that someone unhesitatingly and swiftly undid the chain that bound me, undid my shackles, and rescued me.

Then a warmth embraced me.

At the moment of being hugged, all the heavy forces on me suddenly disappeared.

I felt the tight embrace of the arms holding me, as if fearing that I would disappear, the warm but not burning warmth kept sticking to my side, which made me feel that I was gradually "living".

The next moment, I was led to jump out of the sea and came to the shore.

I lowered my head and coughed. Before I could do anything, I was hugged.

"Aang?" I asked.


Sawada's voice sounded very different from usual, I frowned slightly and broke away from his embrace, then looked up.

After seeing Sawada's situation clearly, I was slightly taken aback.

At this time, Sawada is quite different from him in the past.His whole body and hair were wet, with the imprint of sea water, but a beautiful orange flame full of vitality was ignited on his forehead, jumping slowly, never extinguished; the original brown eyes were also slightly lit at this time , is the same orange-red color as flames.

His face became more calm and calm, the corners of his lips were slightly pursed, and he seemed to have a feeling of calmness and prestige, with the overall situation in his hands, full of the aura of a leader.

And his eyes became more firm and calm.

Now Sawada seems to be completely impeccable, and he does not see some of his messy emotions in the normal state at all. At this time, he is more focused and calm. If it is not that he is holding my wrist very hard, I think his heart is true. He's as completely calm and rational as he looks.

"Ah Gang?" I called out again uncertainly.

Sawada looked at me, pursed his lips, and then nodded slightly.

Is this the dead air mode that Li Bowen once said?

There are still some differences between Sawada in death mode and him in normal life.

In addition to the difference in character and momentum, Sawada in death mode has become more handsome.

But it's strange, even though this Sawada is a little different from his usual self, but in my opinion, he is still so familiar, which made me completely let go of all vigilance and vigilance.

"How did you get here?" I asked.

Sawada lowered his eyes slightly, "It's Dazai."

Ah, after hearing him say that, I probably understand.

At this time, the leader of ige ran out, "Hehe, what a great visit, Pengelie the tenth generation."

Sawada shook hands on my shoulders and whispered, "Wait here for me."

After finishing speaking, he stood up, looked at the leader of ige, his eyes were slightly lowered, and he didn't reply, but an orange flame ignited on the palm of his hand.

The next moment, he rushed over.

There is no doubt about Sawada's fighting power in death mode, but in a short period of time, he has already knocked down all the enemies.

He stood there and looked back at me, his eyes so calm that there was no fluctuation. If I hadn't been looking at him all the time, I might have missed the deep concern hidden in his eyes.

There is no doubt about Sawada's fighting power in death mode, but in a short period of time, he has already knocked down all the enemies.

He stood there and looked back at me, his eyes so calm that there was no fluctuation. If I hadn't been looking at him all the time, I might have missed the deep concern hidden in his eyes.

Sawada walked up to me while maintaining his death mode.


Although I clearly know that no matter what mode, Sawada will always be Sawada, but when I saw him in a dead state, I still felt a long-lost discomfort.

Sawada stretched out his hand and placed it gently on the side of my face.

Only then did I notice that he was wearing a strange glove-like thing with the word "ten" on the back of his hand.

His orange-red eyes stared at me, and then, Sawada slowly lowered his eyes, there was some tenderness and guilt in the corners of his eyes.

"I'm sorry," he said.


Sawada: "There will be no next time." He promised me.

Then slide your hand to the back of my neck and place it there gently.

"I will never, let this happen again." His voice was low.

The flame above Sawada's head gradually extinguished, and the orange-red under his eyes turned into the usual soft brown.

He walked up to me, looking at me with brown eyes like water, "Truth" he leaned over and hugged me, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

I patted him on the back lightly, "No, it's okay. It's not your fault."

Sawada interrupted me emotionally, "I didn't protect you well, truth, I'm sorry"

I ran my hands through his hair, which was still wet.

"Ah Gang, thank you for coming to save me." I was hugged by him, feeling his warm temperature, recalling the warmth he brought me when I was sunk into the icy sea water.

"Really, thank you." I closed my eyes.

Sawada was silent for a while, and then said: "I will." He paused, and then continued firmly, his voice was a bit similar to that in the death mode for a while, "I will definitely protect you."

The author has something to say: good. .Cool. . .

Ah, released the outline, the space is not too much

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