When I went back, Sawada was already at home.In addition to him, of course there is another man, that is Sawada's father who is not at home all the year round, Sawada Iemitsu.

And it was also the first time for me to see a live Sawada Iemitsu.

This man looks exactly like the person in Nana's meticulously preserved photos, looks very rough, and Nana is another extreme, but it doesn't look like afia, just like

Just digging for oil.Well, honest working people.

But he is not digging for oil in this world.

Although I don't know how he balances Vongola's affairs and family, but in the illusion, he seems to be a good father who has accompanied Sawada since he was born.

After seeing me coming back, the man greeted me with a smile and patted my back with his thick palm.

I seem to have only met Sawada Iemitsu a few times, and I have long lost the impression of him in my mind. It is rare to see him once in the illusion. I have to sigh

Sure enough, it is true that the son looks like his mother, and Sawada really looks like Nana.

If Sawada really grew up with his father, I might not like his type very much.

Sitting at the dinner table, without the baby Riboen, I feel a little uncomfortable.

But Lanbo is still there.

While propping up my chin, I looked at Nana's smiling happy face, tapped my fingers on the table, and paused for a moment.

Sawada Iemitsu looked at me, "Huh? What's the matter, Truth, why have you been staring at me today?"

I raised my eyebrows slightly, "It's okay, I'm just curious if you have any plans to dig for oil in Antarctica."

Iemitsu Sawada:

He looked like he wanted to complain but didn't know how to complain.

I finished the meal quickly, and said to Sawada before going upstairs, "Gang, come and find me in my room after you finish eating."

Sawada coughed violently.

Sawada Iemitsu stroked his chin, "Hahaha Tsuna has grown up too."

Me: Shut up, I have no idea what you're thinking.

Sawada wiped his mouth in a panic, "I, I am now!"

"No, you can finish eating."

Sawada looked up at me, then nodded, "Well, good."

In fact, when I confronted the world before, although I said that I would not believe his nonsense, in fact, I think that the way he said to leave is probably true.

And the reason why he told me was because his guess was right.

Would a person like me really be willing to send all the people around me back to the real world, and then I would stay in the illusion to fight against the world.

Maybe it is very possible, I will not be able to get out, I will stay here forever, facing a "world" that originally wanted to kill me and now transform into a child.

And if I don't think about the outside world and follow the world's thinking, then it seems to be pretty good in the illusion.

I remembered a multiple-choice question I saw before.

One side is the reality of suffering and suffering, and the other side is a dream full of happiness and joy. Where do you prefer to spend your life?

Anyway, it’s all about living a lifetime, if you think about it in another direction, it seems that there is no difference.After all, the subject is himself.

I almost listened to the crap of the world.

If it was me in the past, I might really not care about Sawada and the others.

But it's a pity that the world is one step too late.

There was a knock on the door outside, I came back to my senses, walked over and opened the door.

Sawada stood outside the door and looked at me, with a warm light in his brown eyes.

I leaned against the door and looked up at him quietly.

Sawada gradually became a little embarrassed, and began to want to make small movements, but after discovering his own movements, he tried hard to restrain himself.

Seeing his familiar reaction, I couldn't help but chuckle.

Probably because he saw me laugh, Sawada also laughed, and he rolled his eyes, "Sorry."

I walked in with him, "What are you apologizing for?"

Sawada rubbed his nose, "I actually want to appear more mature and masculine, but"

He scratched his hair, a little shy, "It seems that under the gaze of the truth, I can't help being shy."

I paused, suddenly

how to say.

I turned around and took his hand.


Sawada asked hesitantly, but there was no hesitation in the movement of his hand, he held me back, and his warm palm wrapped the back of my hand.

"Ah Gang." I called him in a low voice.

"Huh?" He responded softly, his voice was very soft, as if he didn't dare to breathe loudly for fear of disturbing something.

I got close to him, felt the temperature of his body, and closed my eyes.

"Really, thank you very much all the time."


I hooked his neck, then tiptoed slightly, and kissed him.

Sawada suddenly opened his eyes wide, his body froze for a moment, as if restraining something, and then slowly relaxed.

He wrapped his arms around my waist with one arm and placed the other lightly on the back of my neck.

It's Sawada.

While confirming his identity, I "saw" something, some so-called future.

I "saw" that I sent Sawada and the others back to the real world, and I stayed in the illusion as the world wished, but I didn't find a way out, and I couldn't defeat the world, so I stayed in here.

From Sawada's perspective, after they returned to the real world, I no longer existed, and he couldn't find me, because he couldn't enter the illusion of the world.

So, is this my future?

After a kiss, Sawada restrained me and let me go. He wiped his lips with the back of his hand, and his breathing became disordered.

After breathing for a while, Sawada's face was flushed and his eyes were moist.He looked away, "Truth, why are you"

I interrupted him, "Gang, I have something to tell you."

Sawada was slightly taken aback, "Huh?"

I cupped his face and met his brown eyes.

I saw my appearance reflected in his warm eyes.

I saw that I showed a rare gentle smile.

"Ah Gang, I like you."

Sawada opened his eyes wide.

"I really like you very much, I like you. If"

If I can get out.

"Can we date?"

There was a faint trace of doubt between his brows.

I know what he's wondering about.

After all, in the setting of the world, we are already a couple, so what I said now is a bit strange.

But Sawada didn't delve into anything, but looked at me with a gentle and gentle expression, and then nodded, "Okay."

He bent his eyes, and I saw his thick eyelashes lined up in a row.

"I'm looking forward to it." There was a happy and expectant smile on the corner of his curved lips.

I suddenly felt a sore heart.

"By the way." I continued, "Tomorrow, can you bring people from the Pengelie family to the school's rooftop, I have a gift for you."

Sawada paused slightly, "What gift?"

"Secret now."

He was silent for a moment, lowering his eyes slightly.


Sawada paused, and then said, "Truth, remember what I said, if you encounter something you can't decide, you can let me help you."


Did Sawada discover something?

No, he was tampered with memory by the world, not necessarily because he discovered something, I think it should be his super intuition at work.

But I couldn't admit it, so I said to him, "No, it's nothing. Just trust me this once, and only once."

Sawada stared at me for a long time with lowered eyes, then nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Okay."

He stretched out a hand and gently touched my cheek, his eyes were downcast and his expression was serious and calm, just like in death mode.

"Only this time." He said in a low voice.

I held his hand next to my face and smiled slightly, "Okay."

After sending Sawada away, the world suddenly appeared in my room.

Although a little surprised, there is nothing unacceptable, after all, this is the illusion he created.

But watching a child suddenly appear in my room, tsk, this feeling.

He was staring at me again with those strange eyes. "Are you really going to send him away?"

I sat back on the bed, "Why not?"

He came to me, "You just clearly saw your future, and you can't change this future, so you still want to continue?"

He looked very incomprehensible, "You are not such a person, you are not like this."

I looked at him, "You think you know me well?"

He fell silent.

After a while, the world said: "You can't kill them. If you kill one, others will be wary of you. Even if I set the highest initial favorability value for you, it can't be saved. .”

"The only ones I have to worry about are Hibari, Ribon, and Iemitsu Sawada."

The world looked at me and suddenly smiled, "Then you can only choose to kill one person, because after that, Li Baoen and Sawada Iemitsu will definitely not let go of tracking you down, and then you will have no way to fight with me." I fought."

He smiled happily, "Let me guess, do you still want to carry out the original plan even so? Then, who are you going to send back? You can only pick one of these people and send them back. Then, you have to meet Facing the murderous intent and hatred of other acquaintances towards you."

He looked like he was looking forward to my encounter with such a scene.

I knew this guy wasn't a nice guy.

Probably seeing my complaints about him, he bent his eyes and smiled like a human being, "This is your own decision, I didn't force you this time. However, I really want to see you do it. Such a choice looks like."

I looked at him, and finally spit out two words, "Toxic."

"But I can help you." He jumped onto my bed, leaned close to me, and said.

I glanced at him.

The next day, I thought I was going to be in a bad mood, but unexpectedly, I was in good spirits.

In fact, I have been thinking about the solution to the world, but I have no clue.

I thought over and over again about my contact with the world and what I said, but I still couldn't find any clues.

The only thing that can give me a little enlightenment is what Saiki Kongsuke once said, about the theory of the world's gradual decline, and

My "love" for Sawada.

But I don't know how to deal with him with that alone.

This is why I want to put Sawada back into the real world, maybe this will be a way out.

On the rooftop, all the guardians were gathered, including Liudao Mukuro, who had never appeared in front of me.

There is also the skylark who did not know what method Sawada used to lure here.

But Skylark was so far away from us that he didn't even bother to look over.

The current lineup is really similar to before, except for a little baby in a suit and a black top hat.

"Hey, what are you calling us over here?" Prison Temple asked impatiently.

Yamamoto smiled and said, "Well, don't worry, Prison Temple."

Compared to their relaxation, Sawada's brows have been slightly frowned, as if worried about something.Even when he moved his eyes to me, his expression never relaxed.

Rather, when he looked at me, his expression became more dignified.

I could guess he was worried about me, but I couldn't talk to him anymore.

Things have come to this point, no matter what happens next, I can only bite the bullet and go on.

At this time, I saw the world floating in the air.

He glanced down, "There is one person missing."

His appearance caught the attention of Sawada and his party.

"Who are you!" Prison Temple asked first.

Sawada's face has become completely serious, and he is about to come over and protect me behind him.

Skylark raised his eyebrows slightly, "Wow, are you challenging Bingsheng's style with your attire?"

"Kufufufu, did it appear suddenly? What an interesting illusion."

However, in the next moment, all of them were nailed in place, unable to move or even speak.

The atmosphere tensed up instantly.

At this time, a short knife appeared in my hand.

Very sharp.

It's really amazing, even the props are prepared for me.

I look up at the world.

He fell to the ground, "Do it."

I glanced at him.

Although it is now confirmed that what he said is not false, the vigilance in my heart still cannot be let go.


Sawada met my gaze.

He couldn't speak, and only his eyes could convey his inner emotions.

Now I don't want to look into his eyes to understand his heart.

In fact, I don't need to look at it, I can probably guess it.

It's just that I don't want to think about it.

I walked up to Sawada.

There was silence in the air, also because the world had silenced them, but I could still hear movement behind me.

I can guess their mood without looking back.

Probably out of shock and confusion, and wanting to question me.

I put the knife against Sawada's chest.

I have already done countless assumptions and counseling, but now I suddenly feel my hands shaking.

I took a deep breath, then reached out and touched Sawada's face with my other hand.

At the moment when I put the knife on his chest, there was no emotion similar to anger or hatred in his eyes, only sadness, puzzlement and worry for me.

I touched his face.


I called out his name, and I didn't know what to say.

Now he does not have our previous memories, but only the memories given to him by the world.

Suddenly, my movements stopped, and something slipped through my mind.

I couldn't help but slightly frowned, trying to catch that ray of light, but I couldn't return to the state of mind just now.

"Aren't you going to do it?" Shi Shi walked up to me and looked up at me.

I lowered my head and glanced at him, then suddenly withdrew the knife and twirled it in the palm of my hand.Then, it suddenly stabbed at him.

As expected, the knife went through him.

However, to my surprise, he actually showed a look of shock and fear.

I stared at him intently, he knew that as long as he didn't want to, I couldn't touch him, so what was he afraid of just now?

I looked down at the dagger in my hand.

The problem is definitely not on this, then it is on Sawada.

I turned my gaze to Sawada, who was looking at me with sad brown eyes.

I paused suddenly, faintly feeling that Sawada understood something.

Because his gaze has already told me that he doesn't care about what I got pointed at him, on the contrary, he cares more about my affairs than this matter.

He wanted to speak, but couldn't.

He wants to persuade me to stop?

I paused, feeling like Sawada knew I was going to send him back.

I brought the point of the knife back to his chest.

It doesn't matter what mood he is in right now.

However, I paused again, because Sawada—


Not the usual cry.

This time, he was crying for me and because of me.

And it was the first time that such a sad and exposed emotion was shown.

It's like losing a loved one.

His brown eyes were filled with tears.

A drop of tear trickled down his cheek to his chin, then fell to the ground.

When Sawada cried for the first time, I felt embarrassed and overwhelmed, because we were not familiar at that time, and I had the feeling of making a boy from a good family cry.

Later he was crying, I had a feeling of heartbeat, because I like to see his eyes wet for me.

The last time he cried was after he knew the truth, because of my sentence "I like to see you cry" and wept quietly.

And this time

He cried sadly.

It hurts my heart to cry too.

For the first time, it made me feel bad.

I really wanted to throw the knife at this point, there was an urge to go to his reality, and I spent time in the illusion with Sawada.

But I restrained this urge, I took a deep breath, and then my hand holding the knife stopped shaking.

I took a step forward and walked into Sawada, bringing the point of the knife close to his chest.

I could clearly see his moist eyes, as if they were soaked by stream water, with continuous tears flowing out.

"Gang." I thought for a while, and found that there was nothing to tell him.

So I had no choice but to laugh, and finally said to him, "I quite like watching you cry, but this time, it's better not to."

The author has something to say: eAlthough I know that the second half of the plot will be very cool, but it is still really cool 233333


That’s right, it’s hard to ride a tiger, so we’re here to catch up on the plot~

Hug every little angel left at the end 2333333 love you guys


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