Qi Changle had a new understanding of his nephew's abilities. He weighed this big black bear at least three or four hundred catties, and the bear meat alone could be sold for a lot of money.

After all, bear meat is a rare commodity. Even in Siyuan County, those rich men rarely eat it once a year.

Therefore, if news of black bear meat spreads, they would be willing to spend money to taste it, not to mention the complete bear skin and paws.

He stroked his beard and asked, "Zhong Yu, how are you going to sell this black bear?"

Qi Zhongyu said: "Second Uncle, I'm afraid of trouble, and I don't like to attract too much attention, so I don't want to split this black bear up and sell it in the market, so that people can see the excitement. I hope Second Uncle can help me Do me a favor, make a bridge, sell this black bear to a wealthy businessman in Siyuan County, or a son of an official family, and dispose of it all at once, but I have nothing to worry about."

Qi Changle also knew that his nephew was an introverted man who didn't like to deal with outsiders. He spent a lot of effort to get his nephew to open up to him. Compared with the first few months of acquaintance, it is already a remarkable improvement.

He sincerely planned for his nephew, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "Since you trust me, then I suggest you take this black bear to Siyuan County and hand it over to your second brother. A rich businessman and celebrity in Yuan County, if he came forward to do this business, he must be able to sell this big black bear soon, pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with one hand, and with the backing of the Qi family, no one will dare to default on your money .”

"Look, how about this?"

Qi Zhongyu also had this plan originally, it would be even better if he could have Qi Anye, the second son of the Qi family, to help, so he naturally agreed, saying: "Second Uncle's idea is very good, having Second Brother come forward to help me will save me a lot of trouble. "

Qi Changle looked at him with a smile, and he also hoped that his son could get along with his nephew in harmony. Even if the relationship is not as deep as that of his brother and brother, the relationship should not be weakened. You must know that the relationship is all out of place. of.

The nephew is capable and has a very good temper. Not only will his son not suffer from the relationship with his nephew, but he will also benefit a lot.

He nodded and said: "Well, there is still a carriage parked in my backyard, and the carriage can barely hold the black bear. You can drive the carriage here, and take the black bear to the county town to sell it earlier. In case it is left for too long, the bear meat will not be fresh."

Qi Zhongyu also knew that black bear corpses could not be stored. There was no refrigerator in this other world. Although it was already September, the weather in the south was still very hot. There was no rain to cool down the temperature these days, and the bear meat would go bad after a long time. At that time, even if it is sold, it will suffer from problems and cause more troubles, so the gain outweighs the loss.

Therefore, after Qi Zhongyu thanked the second uncle, he immediately turned around and went to the backyard to drive the carriage to the gate of the courtyard, and easily lifted the black bear and put it in the carriage.

The carriage is not big, but the black bear is not small, so there is no place to sit if only a black bear is barely placed.

She still remembered that Lu Dongfu was also going to the county with her, so she asked Lu Dongfu to sit by the carriage frame. After saying goodbye to her second uncle and the others, she sat beside Lu Dongfu and drove the carriage towards the county town.

Lu Dongfu's body was jolting from side to side, afraid of falling off the car, she clung to the frame tightly, Qi Zhongyu saw this, and said, "Come closer and hug my waist."

Lu Dongfu blushed, and looked around, this is the road leading to Siyuan County, there are occasional pedestrians, she was ashamed to get too close to her husband in broad daylight.

But the carriage was really bumpy, she hesitated and rubbed against Qi Zhongyu, stretched out her hand to hug the other's arm, and said softly: "This is good, Mr. Xiang sits very stably, and it is very convenient to hold on to."

Qi Zhongyu raised his eyebrows, realizing that a lady would be easily shy in front of outsiders, so he didn't force her, but slowed down the speed of the carriage, and it took about a quarter of an hour for the carriage to enter the gate of Siyuan County.

Qi Zhongyu went to the mansion of the second son of the Qi family, Qi Anye, with his second uncle before, this time he drove there familiarly.

Qi Anye's mansion is close to the government office. It is a wealthy area in the county. It was purchased by Qi Changgui when he was doing business. After he left Siyuan County and went to Lingnan Road, the mansion was inherited by Qi Changle Well, Qi Changle was still the teacher in the government school back then, so it was convenient to live here.

Until he got old and returned to his hometown for the elderly, the house was handed over to Qi Anye, the second son who was in charge of the Qi family's business.

After Qi Zhongyu came back last year, Qi Changle wanted to return this valuable mansion to Qi Zhongyu, but Qi Zhongyu resolutely refused, and now Qi Anye's family still lives here.

Because it is close to the county government office, no one dares to make noise here. Except for the residences living in this area, other idlers rarely go here, so there are not many pedestrians on the road. Much richer and more luxurious than ordinary people.

She parked the carriage outside the gate of the Qi residence, jumped out of the carriage and saw the gatekeeper, who also knew her, stepped forward and said courteously: "The third master is here, please sit inside."

Qi Zhongyu ranked third in terms of age among the second generation of the Qi family, but she had been missing for more than 20 years, and everyone thought he was dead.

Therefore, the original third master refers to Qi Anhao, the youngest of the Qi family, but after Qi Zhongyu came back, Qi Changgui rearranged the juniors, Qi Zhongyu became the third master, and Qi Anhao became the fourth master in the family.

I still remember that at that time, Qi Anhao lost his temper because of this, but was suppressed by his father Qi Changle. He would not complain to his father, and he was even more dissatisfied with this cousin Qi Zhongyu who appeared halfway.

Every time they meet, the nose is not the nose, the eyes are not the eyes, if it is not because of Qi Changle's desire to have a harmonious family, he can't wait to turn his head and leave when he sees Qi Zhongyu again.

Qi Zhongyu is also well aware of this, but she doesn't pay attention to the opinions of outsiders at all, let alone the mild hostility from others.

She smiled and responded to the servant's call, and asked, "Is my second brother at home? I have something to ask him."

The servant hurriedly said: "The second master is entertaining guests in the main room, if the third master doesn't mind, you can park the carriage in the yard and wait for a while."

Qi Zhongyu nodded, turned back and drove the carriage into the courtyard. She didn't know how long Qi Anye would be busy before she was free. She thought that it was noon, which was the hottest time of the day, and the black carriage was even hotter. It's like a steamer.

The bear meat was stored inside, and the rate of decay was much faster, so she ordered her servants to prepare an empty room, intending to move the black bear to a cool room for storage.

The servant should be obedient, Qi Zhongyu signaled Lu Dongfu to sit down on the stone bench under the tree and wait for a while before she carried the big black bear out of the carriage.

The smell on the black bear became stronger, she held her breath to block out the stench, picked up the black bear, and said to the servant: "Please lead the way."

The servant was dumbfounded, staring blankly at the black bear on her back, opened his mouth and stammered, "Third, third master, this way please."

Qi Zhongyu walked behind the staggering servants with the black bear on his back. This scene was so eye-catching that the servants stopped their work one after another and stared at Qi Zhongyu's back in dumbfounded. After Qi Zhongyu passed by, they began to discuss in a low voice.

The vacant room prepared by the servants was in the backyard. Qi Zhongyu circled the black bear on his back for half a circle, and was noticed by most of the servants.

She felt helpless, and thought: These servants can't control their mouths. It won't be long before everyone in Siyuan County knows that there is a bear-hunting hunter nearby.

She doesn't like being stared at eagerly, and she plans to squat in Yuehe Village and not go out after today, and go to buy more rice for storage later, so as not to be stared at as a rare animal.

The discussions among the servants also attracted the attention of Qi Anye in the main room. He had just learned from the servants that his cousin had come, but he was too busy discussing matters with others, so he couldn't come over to entertain his cousin right away, so he had to let the servants Ren Haosheng waited on him, and went over as soon as possible after he finished his business.

Although he didn't know why his cousin came here specially, he was very aware of his cousin's style of not going to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing.

He didn't care about the behavior of the other party. After all, Qi Zhongyu himself was a very measured man, and he got along easily and harmoniously. He had only seen him come to his door this year.

Unlike his third brother Qi Anhao, he doesn't have that much hostility towards Qi Zhongyu, and like his elder brother and father, he is very grateful for Qi Changgui's kindness to the Qi family, and after Qi Zhongyu returned to the village, he did not fight for the wealth that originally belonged to him , He was already guilty, wishing he could do more to compensate the other party.

But Qi Zhongyu usually has no desires and desires, and it is rare to see him face to face, let alone make up for it. But this time the other party came to the door on his own initiative, and he made up his mind that no matter what the other party asked him to do, he would try his best to help him Finish.

And the tall and strong man who was talking with him in the main room also heard the movement outside. He has excellent hearing and can hear the discussions of the servants from a long distance away. He was also very curious about the black bear they mentioned, so he opened his mouth Asked: "What happened outside, why is it so noisy?"

In fact, the people had already lowered their voices, and they could only vaguely hear exclamations. Qi Anye looked at the other party and said with a smile: "It's okay, let's continue discussing the employment of short-term workers."

This person is the third owner of Siyuan Dental Firm, which is in charge of personnel affairs. Siyuan Dental Firm is the largest dental firm in Siyuan County. It almost monopolizes all aspects of the dental firm's business. After the establishment of Xiaoya, it has formed its current scale.

Siyuan dental firm has strict rules and acts prudently and reliably, so everyone is happy to deal with this dental firm.

There are a total of three bosses in Siyuanya. The identity of the big boss is mysterious. Even Qi Anye doesn't know his real identity. He only knows that the other guy is a powerful man who can talk to the government; But he is a genuine old fox. He is in charge of the bank's accounts and rarely goes out on weekdays.

The Sandong family is the one in front of me, named Gao Cheng, a tall and muscular man, about seven feet tall, in his early thirties.

Coincidentally, what Qi Anye discussed with Gao Cheng of the third family was to hire day laborers for Qi Zhongyu to build the yard. The content of the discussion included the number of day laborers to hire and how much each day laborer would be paid for a day's work.

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