
Lu Dongfu was very unfamiliar with this word, she had never heard of it before, but when she contacted what Qi Zhongyu said, she could vaguely guess the meaning of this word, and a turbulent storm arose in her heart.

Qi Zhongyu turned his eyes to the vast starry sky, and said: "I was born in China, the earth in the 21st century. Our technology is hundreds of thousands of years ahead of Daqi. Can you imagine what Daqi will look like 1000 years from now? I It can probably be described for you... It’s like the moon in the sky, decades before I was born, someone flew there in a spaceship.”

She blinked at Lu Dongfu, and said with a smile: "There is no Chang'e and rabbits on the moon, there is only an icy continent, desolate and harsh, and humans cannot survive on it without wearing spacesuits."

"Of course, those are too far away for me. I am just an ordinary civilian. I was born in 2004. My parents, that is, father and mother, are no different from thousands of couples who go out to work. The city was busy with work and couldn't take care of me, so shortly after I was born, they sent me to the countryside of my hometown to be raised by my grandparents."

"As far as I can remember, I have lived in the mountains, farming in the fields with my grandparents in spring, taking my friends to fish by the river in summer, catching birds in the rice fields in autumn, and eating sweets by the fire in winter The greasy baked sweet potato..."

There was a look of nostalgia in her eyes, and she said: "It was really a carefree childhood life, until I was five or six years old and started elementary school, and my parents also gained a firm foothold in big cities and took me to the city. They accept compulsory teaching around them."

Seeing Lu Dongfu's puzzled expression, she smiled and said, "In our time, both men and women had to go to school at the prescribed age, and it was illegal not to go to school. Finish junior high school, otherwise you won’t be able to gain a foothold in society.”

Lu Dongfu couldn't imagine the life of having to go to school. When she was working next to the second lady, although she didn't like what the master taught her, she also knew that the opportunity to study was extremely rare. Only young masters and misses could invite a teacher. I don't know any of them.

However, in Qi Zhongyu's world, it is the so-called compulsory education, it is illegal not to go to it, every child will go to it.

She was very envious in her heart, and also truly realized the stark gap between Qi Zhongyu's world and Da Qi Kingdom.

It must be a rich and prosperous country, and there will be no tragedies of corpses floating all over the fields and eating children.

Qi Zhongyu sighed, and continued: "I really don't want to go, but my grandparents insisted that I go to study, saying that I will have a future in this way, and I will not be able to see the wider world if I stay in the village, so... I went, and I went back. When I got to my parents, it seemed like I was living with two strange adults."

She gritted her teeth and said: "My parents are young talents in the eyes of others. They have struggled for several years and bought a house in a big city. They are not short of money, and they have never been stingy with spending money on me. But they Totally irresponsible, always quarreling and fighting, even... my father would often beat me and my mother with a belt. Whenever this happened, my mother would hold me and cry, scolding me for disobedience, It will make my father angry."

She laughed at herself: "At first I also thought I was wrong, so I restrained my temper and behaved well, but I would still be beaten and punished; later I grew up and realized that my father was only on me and my mother, venting that he was working hard. My mother knew this very well, but she blamed me...I really hated them at that time!"

Lu Dongfu couldn't help crying, and grabbed her hand tightly. She thought of Lu Bei and Zhang Shi. When she was a child, she was often beaten and scolded by them. She knew this feeling very well.

It's just that I didn't expect that Qi Zhongyu was like this when he was young.

Qi Zhongyu gently wiped the tears from her face, and said: "Silly girl, what are you crying for? , my father is a complete loser and scum, and my mother is a cowardly and incompetent woman, they are a perfect match!"

She sighed and said, "Don't mention them, I will

Although I am often beaten, it is good to go to school in a big city. It is indeed very different from life in the village. There are many interesting things, such as mobile phones and computers. In elementary school, the homework is simple and I can play as much as I want. "

"In the fourth grade, I also joined the school's track and field team. After discovering that running can relieve boredom, I fell in love with this sport. Later, I became a sports student. I still went to one of the best junior high schools in the city.”

"By the way, we start elementary school at the age of six. After six years of elementary school, we will enter junior high school. After three years of school, we will take the high school entrance examination and enter high school... Three years later, the most important exam in life is the college entrance examination. .Enter the university after the college entrance examination. After four years of study, you can continue to study, master, doctor, postdoctoral..."

"There is really no end to learning. Now thinking about the long exam, I feel uncomfortable."

Lu Dongfu nodded as well. She is very sensitive to numbers. Calculated the time she spent studying, it takes 16 years to study from elementary school to university, which is older than her current age. She is only 15 years old. I shivered unconsciously.

The two scumbags looked at each other, couldn't help shivering, and hugged each other to keep warm.

Qi Zhongyu laughed loudly and said, "If you go to school with me, you will definitely become very good friends."

Lu Dongfu doesn't like reading, but when she thinks of being with the young Qi Zhongyu, she really starts to look forward to it.

Qi Zhongyu kissed her side face and said, "But it's okay, I've come to this world to find you."

Lu Dongfu's heart was beating non-stop, looking at her beautiful face under the moonlight, the smile on her lips was extremely alluring, as if she had been tempted, she raised her head and kissed her.

Qi Zhongyu was startled, and deepened the kiss with a smile.

After the kiss, Lu Dongfu's cheeks were flushed, leaning into her arms, and said, "What about after that?"

Qi Zhongyu took off the hairpin that tied her hair, and a strand of long hair came loose. She played with it around her fingertips and said, "There's nothing to say after that. I'm not doing well in studies. My parents are worrying about my failing to pass the high school exam. It’s not that I really care about my studies, but I feel ashamed among my relatives. My father specially tutors me with my homework after work. However, he has graduated for many years, and he has forgotten almost everything in the textbooks. After being pointed out by me, he became angry and beat me up."

Her eyes were light, and she said: "I was in the second year of middle school, and I was no longer a weak child when I was a child, so I beat him back for the first time. He was addicted to drinking, sex, and weak, and he was not my opponent at all. My nose was bruised and my face was swollen, and I yelled at me to get out, I didn't want to stay at home, so I took the pocket money I saved and ran away from home."

Lu Dongfu looked at her anxiously, Qi Zhongyu kissed her long hair and said, "Do you think I'm not filial?"

Lu Dongfu shook her head resolutely, and said, "Yes...he did it first, it was his fault."

Qi Zhongyu's heart warmed, he stroked her cheek, kissed her on the lips, and said, "Good girl."

She doesn't need rational analysis, she just needs someone to stand in her position and help her think more about it.

Lu Dongfu grew up in a different world with strict rules and regulations. She was taught that filial piety is greater than the sky since she was a child. Even so, she still stands by her side. She is already very satisfied.

She smiled and said, "Fortunately, you are the one who heard this. If the second uncle finds out, he will definitely blame me."

Lu Dongfu thought for a while, shook her head, and said softly: "My husband is thinking about it, the second uncle is not a pedantic and old-fashioned person. I heard that when he first became the village head, he helped the village with a housework. .”

Qi Zhongyu asked curiously: "What is it?"

"There is a family in the village. There was a fierce conflict between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The mother-in-law invited her second uncle to judge her. It is normal for a mother-in-law to torture her daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law can only grit her teeth and endure it. But after the second uncle investigated, Immediately reprimanded the mother-in-law, called the males in her family over to give a lecture, and publicly criticized them as a negative example in the village, after that, there were very few incidents of a wicked mother-in-law abusing her daughter-in-law in the village."

Lu Dongfu also heard from Mrs. Zhang, yes

When Fang mentioned this matter, he was very upset about the wicked mother-in-law. He also said that in the future to marry Lu Chengcai, he must find a virtuous and sensible one. In other words, he would not complain even if he was abused.

Qi Zhongyu couldn't help laughing, thinking of his second uncle's usual behavior, he really wouldn't blame her for beating his father.

She had never felt paternal love from her own father, but after crossing, she felt the same love from her father's generation from Qi Changgui and Qi Changle one after another.

She couldn't help smiling sincerely, and Lu Dongfu said: "So even if the second uncle finds out about this, he will probably only say that Mr. Xianggong did the right thing, but the method is too simple and rude, and this kind of matter can be entrusted to him. solve."

Qi Zhongyu nodded, Qi Changle usually took good care of him, better than his own son, but she was thinking about it, she said: "That's true."

Lu Dongfu pursed her lips and smiled, and asked curiously, "Where did Mr. Xiang go after he ran away from home? Did he return to his grandparents?"

Qi Zhongyu tightened his lips and said, "I forgot to tell you, my grandparents died of illness one after another when I was in the fourth grade of elementary school."

Lu Dongfu's face turned pale, and she said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned my husband's sadness."

Thinking of her gentle and loving grandparents, Qi Zhongyu still feels pain in her heart to this day. She shook her head and said, "It's okay, the relationship between grandparents is very good. We have joined hands from youth to old age. After grandpa died of illness, grandma did not They also passed away in a few days, it is said that he died in his sleep, without suffering any torture, and it is called a happy funeral in the village."

She didn't want to mention this matter, so she changed the subject: "It was night when I ran away from home, and the streetlights in the neighborhood where I lived were broken. I forgot that this section of the road was under repair, and accidentally tripped. When I got up again, The night turned into day, and I appeared in an uninhabited wilderness, the grass and trees were withered and yellow, and it looked like autumn...but when I came, it was still early spring."

Lu Dongfu's heart was pounding, thinking: This is the most amazing place, but why did he suddenly go from one world to another?

She was at a loss. In fact, she was very confused about the concept of the "world" she was doing.

All she knew was that because of this little accident, Qi Zhongyu came from her eccentric home to the Great Qi Kingdom where she was born and raised.

On the way to climb the mountain before, she heard Qi Zhongyu mention anecdotes about the Jianghu. She really wanted to know how Qi Zhongyu spent these years in the Great Qi Kingdom?

Why did he become a martial arts master from a student who went to school?

Qi Zhongyu saw her curiosity, and said: "I soon realized that I had time-traveled. I was so stupid at the time, and I still wanted to be like the one described in the script, relying on modern wisdom to make a big difference in a different world." , but the reality slapped me hard, waking me up from my immature fantasies, and clearly realizing the cruelty of this world."

Although she said such words, there was no fluctuation in her eyes, as if what she said had nothing to do with her.

She said: "When I traveled to this different world, I was about the same age as you are now. At that time, it was the 41st year of Xuan'an, that is, ten years ago, the northern border of Daqi Kingdom encountered a rare drought in a century. There was no harvest, the corrupt officials of the court embezzled the food for the disaster relief, and raised the price with the grain merchants, draining the money of the common people. In order to have a bite to eat, countless people fled from the north to the south. Human flesh..."

Lu Dongfu's scalp was numb. She still clearly remembered this year. When she was five years old, although Huainan Road was located in the south of Daqi Kingdom and did not suffer from drought, it encountered severe locust disasters in summer. Many people in the village They all starved to death.

The life of the Lu family couldn't go on, so the eldest sister, Lu Daya, was sent to Linxi Village next door to be Peng An's child bride-in-law.

But she was sold to Ren Yazi and taken to Haozhou City. She was supposed to be sold to the place of fireworks, but in the end she was sold to Yuan Xue's mansion, where she worked as a maid for ten years.

Although she seldom went hungry afterwards, the 41 years of Xuan'an had become a shadow haunting her nightmares, which must be unforgettable in her life.

The thought of Qi Zhongyu coming to this world

, she encountered the most terrible year, and she felt distressed.

Her eyes were red, and she asked anxiously: "How did Mr. Xiang survive?"

Qi Zhongyu comforted her and said, "Don't be afraid, am I standing in front of you right now?"

Only then did Lu Dongfu calm down, but she hugged Qi Zhongyu's body tightly, and heard her continue: "I don't have such good luck, and my body has traveled to this different world. I am not familiar with the place, and I also have language barriers. I could only understand part of the words, so I suffered a lot. The strangers around me looked at me with green eyes, as if I was delicious food."

"I knew something was wrong, so I ran away in embarrassment. Because I ran fast, I was not caught and eaten. Later, I realized that a woman who is alone is very dangerous in such a world, so I began to disguise myself as a man. Dressed up for ten years."

"I followed the fleeing crowd and traveled around for several months. I arrived in Yangzhou City and became a beggar in the city. I was not as ruthless as the others, and I couldn't beg together like them, so I fell to the bottom. I managed to beg some The food was also looted by other beggars, and I was beaten all over by them, my eyes turned white with hunger, and when I almost starved to death on the street, I met Qi Changgui, and he saved my life."

"Qi Changgui?" Lu Dongfu exclaimed. It was ten years ago when Qi Zhongyu crossed over. It stands to reason that Qi Changgui had died in Lingnan Road more than 20 years ago. How could...

But in this way, it makes sense, why she was able to play Qi Zhongyu, and she even managed to hide it from the shrewd and capable second uncle.

Because she knew Qi Changgui, she could naturally fabricate a complete lie.

Qi Zhongyu nodded and said: "Yes, you heard correctly, Qi Changgui is not dead, he is still alive, back then..."

She briefly narrated Qi Changgui's real experience. With tears streaming down her face, Lu Dongfu said bitterly, "He has had such a hard life. I don't understand why he didn't come back to Yuehe Village after he avenged his revenge. Second uncle has been thinking about it all the time." With him, I will go to Lingnan Road every year..."

Qi Zhongyu sighed and said: "Probably he can't pass the hurdle in his heart. He has changed himself beyond recognition for more than ten years for revenge. After the revenge, the belief that supported him for more than ten years in his heart also collapsed. He knows what to do. He can't face his younger brother, and he can't cheer up again. He is simply like a wandering spirit, begging on the street, and wants to spend the rest of his life in desperation until he dies."

This is what Qi Zhongyu personally felt during the nearly one year of getting along with him.

Even though Qi Changgui has been down for many years, he is still an extremely powerful person, and he can make a comeback at any time and do a great job.

It's just that he chose to exile himself, and most of the time he was extremely decadent, with a desire to die in his heart, and he didn't care much about everything outside.

She always thought that the other party was like a wandering soul, and she looked down on everything in the outside world, until...

She lowered her eyes to hide the deep guilt in her eyes, and said: "At that time, when he saw that I was about to starve to death, he gave me some food and took me to a ruined temple to recuperate. I am very grateful to him for saving me." As soon as I die, I want to wait for my injury to heal and repay his kindness. But he doesn't want to deal with people, and tells me to get out quickly when I recover from my injury. I don't want to be annoying, so I promise him to wait for my injury to recover. leave."

"I was seriously injured by those beggars. It took me ten or so days to recover, so I told him that I was leaving and said my name. If he had difficulties in the future, I would do my best to help him. Unexpectedly, Qi Changgui He suddenly froze, and asked about my age, after a long silence, he made an exception and allowed me to stay in the ruined temple."

"For the next half a year, I lived with him in the ruined temple, and went to the city to beg during the day... During the famine years, the two supported each other and survived with difficulty."

She looked at Lu Dongfu who was weeping silently, and said, "You must have guessed it, because my name, appearance and age are similar to his son Qi Zhongyu who died young, so he took me by his side and taught me a lot about how to behave. According to the principles of life, it can be said that he is my reborn parent in another world."

Lu Dongfu nodded, choked up and said, "Xianggong had a hard time back then."

Yes, Qi Zhongyu was startled

Thinking of it, it is really hard work.

In modern times, although she was abused by her father and neglected by her mother, she had no worries about food and clothing.

But after arriving in a different world, he was on the verge of death several times, clearly aware of the cruelty and coldness of this world.

She also thought about building a big business like the protagonist in the movie, but she was only a junior high school student when she traveled here, she didn't study well, and she didn't understand anything.

He also has no household registration and identity, is penniless, and has no capital to open a food stall.

In addition, it was a famine year, and the most indispensable thing was people. Even if it was washing dishes for a restaurant, the candidates were photographed in a long line, and there were many young and middle-aged people among them. beggars.

She didn't have the powerful and unparalleled ability she has now. The grass roots on the mountain were all dug up and eaten up, and she couldn't hunt live animals at all.

Moreover, there are ferocious beasts on the mountain, and they have no food, so they go down the mountain and wreak havoc in the village. It is said that they ate a lot of people before they were subdued by the officers and soldiers of the yamen...

At that time, she racked her brains every day, wanting to live a better life, but there was nothing she could do except begging!

She felt aggrieved and cried secretly several times in private, and was seen by Qi Changgui. For some reason, after getting along for a month, the other party realized that she was a woman, and his attitude towards her was slightly better than before. Really Only a little, but she is already very content.

She still remembers sharing the sour food with Qi Changgui in the shadow of Qiuhuhu;

I still remember that in the cold winter, when I was so hungry that I couldn’t sleep, I got up lightly and went to the yard to chew the ice cubes in the broken bowl...

It was too bitter, and for so many years, she was reluctant to recall this experience.

A warm hand covered her cold hand and said: "Sister, it's all over, and I will never let you go hungry again. I will make delicious food for you every day, and I will definitely feed you to your fullest." full."

What a silly girl, saying such cute words, Qi Zhongyu closed her eyes, held back her tears, and said hello with the corners of her mouth raised.

Lu Dongfu didn't want to ask her about her tragic experience anymore, but Qi Zhongyu wanted to tell the truth, and didn't want to give up halfway.

She continued: "Actually, after more than half a year of begging, life became easier, because in the blink of an eye, it was the 42nd year of Xuan'an, and the government finally made a big move to send the displaced people back to their hometowns and distribute them to their hometowns. They planted seeds and continued to plant the land in their hometown, and each household distributed food according to the head, barely able to survive until the autumn harvest."

"So the chaotic situation immediately stabilized. In fact, the common people didn't ask much, just enough to eat. With the disaster relief from the court, they stopped making trouble, wiped away their tears and continued to live."

This point, Lu Dongfu has a deep understanding, as long as there is a way out, she can stick to it, unless...

She grabbed Qi Zhongyu's arm and asked, "Then what? My husband doesn't have a household registration, what should I do?"

Qi Zhongyu said: "Yes, I don't have a household registration, so naturally I can't return to my original place, and I still stay in Yangzhou City to beg, but most of the beggars and refugees in the city are sent back to their original place by the government, so the streets in Yangzhou City are empty. Quite a few, rich merchants also responded to the imperial court’s call, and would serve porridge in the porridge shed built by the yamen every now and then, so that we homeless beggars could have a full meal with broken bowls.”

"It's also thanks to their help, and my special physique, so I quickly recovered from my depleted body, cleaned myself up, and looked for work around the city of Yangzhou."

She still remembers that day when she was full of confidence and promised Qi Changgui that she would make him live a good life.

Qi Changgui had a weird temper, and poured cold water on her as before, but it didn't spoil her good mood. He left early and returned late for several days in a row, and finally found a job as an anti-sack at the pier.

She can get ten cents a day for working, which is half less than other men who do coolies, but she is already very content, because this is the first money she has earned since she came to another world.

She has always spent money lavishly. After getting her wages in the evening, she immediately bought a few meat buns and went home to give

Qi Changgui tasted it.

Qi Changgui was even laughed at by her, saying that she was so stupid that she would not count on making money, and that was the way she would be in this life.

She pursed her lips and stared at him, laughed again, and handed over the meat bun. Although Qi Changgui was angry, he still reached out to take the meat bun and ate it, with a rare expression of enjoyment on his face, she felt that a hard day was worth it up.

She worked at the dock for more than a month, and spent half of the money she earned on food, and the other half was handed over to Qi Changgui for safekeeping.

He couldn't sleep at night, so he talked to Qi Changgui about the good life in the future. He was really stupid at that time, and Qi Changgui must have felt the same way, so he always looked at her like a fool.

But even so, in the end, it was Qi Changgui who saved her life again.

She couldn't help shedding tears, took a deep breath and said: "The good times don't last long. The dock steward committed a crime, so he blamed me. Together with other migrant workers, I was convicted of stealing jade. They arrested me. Escorted to the master's house, the master's house is Zhang Yuanwai, a wealthy businessman in the city, he doesn't care about that piece of jade worth a hundred taels, but he can't avoid my crime, he must be severely punished, and he will kill the chicken to make an example..."

Feeling the warm hand, Qi Zhongyu gently wiped away the tears from her cheeks. She couldn't help but hugged Lu Dongfu tightly in her arms, and said: "They broke my two legs and cut off the splinter of my right hand. Tesuji, let me crawl out of the Zhang residence."

" took me half the night to finally crawl back to the ruined temple covered in blood. Qi Changgui was very angry, but after seeing my miserable state, he said coldly that making money is not so easy, and asked who I am what the hell..."

"I was very sad at that time. I didn't have money and couldn't go to the hospital to heal my injuries. I thought I would become disabled in this life. I could only cry in grievances, but couldn't say a word."

Lu Dongfu in his arms cried even harder than she did then, and said, "Sir, they should die!"

"Yes," she patted Lu Dongfu's back comfortingly, and said, "Don't cry, I'm standing upright now, my hands and feet are intact, and I've also practiced martial arts."

Lu Dongfu choked and asked, "Why, how come?"

Qi Zhongyu sighed, "Listen to me explaining to you slowly."

Lu Dongfu nodded hurriedly, and heard Qi Zhongyu continue: "Qi Changgui is very angry. He is actually a very wise and cruel man, and he has been with me for more than half a year, and he has already regarded me as a relative, so he found me A familiar doctor came and asked that old doctor to help me heal my legs, but my right hand..."

Lu Dongfu touched her right hand, and Qi Zhongyu said: "At that time, there was no way to cure it. Qi Changgui also understood that this kind of injury was difficult to heal. After he told me to rest assured, he handed me over to the old doctor to take care of me." , he went out for more than a month, and then I heard from the old doctor that the Zhang family was sought by the enemy, and dozens of members of the family died in the fire."

Lu Dongfu was very happy when she heard about this kind of massacre, and said, "Senior Qi Changgui did it."

Qi Zhongyu nodded, and said: "He did it, and I don't know how he did it. At first, I thought I was abandoned by him, until he avenged me and took me to a small place. In the yard, said, that is our new home."

"He was surprised when he saw me, let me sit on the stool, and started to talk about his past, and I realized that he was such a powerful person. And he said that he regarded me as a substitute for his son, and planned to get back together and live a good life. "

Qi Zhongyu smiled lightly. At that time, she didn't care whether the substitute was a substitute, or rather, she was glad that she was so similar to Qi Changgui's son.

Otherwise, Qi Changgui would not be kind enough to save her, and she would have starved to death on the street long ago.

She and Qi Changgui lived in this yard, and Qi Changgui also promised that he would find his friends in the world to help her heal the wound on her wrist.

She didn't have much hope, and after staying for a few days, none of the Jianghu friends that Qi Changgui mentioned showed up, so she gave up. Anyway, she can still use her left hand. After practicing for a while, it will be the same as before.


"Although the Zhang family is just a wealthy businessman, they have a deeply hidden relationship with King Kang's concubine.

Relatives, the concubine had just given birth to a child, and she was quite favored in front of Kang Wang. When she learned that the Zhang family was wiped out overnight, she cried and asked Kang Wang to send someone to investigate, saying that there must be something hidden in it. "

"Kang Kang is a colossus in Yangzhou City. He is willing to stand out for this little concubine, so he sent someone to investigate secretly. Sure enough, he found some clues, and followed these signs, and found Qi Changgui..."

Lu Dongfu's heart was pounding uneasily. Just now, she was happy that Xianggong had an extra family member, but her subconscious mind told her that there must be a turning point in the future, otherwise Xianggong would not be alone.

Qi Zhongyu's eyes were full of hatred, and he said: "King Kang didn't think that Qi Changgui was behind the scenes. In his view, Qi Changgui was just an old beggar. But not long after Zhang Jiagang punished me, he suffered a catastrophe, and Qi Changgui turned around. Bought a yard... It can only be said that all of this is too coincidental."

"Kang Kang is busy with affairs and his patience is limited. He didn't want to do more investigation after he got the clues, so he regarded Qi Changgui as a scapegoat. One afternoon, when we were enjoying the cool in the yard, people from the government rushed in and charged him with trumped-up charges. , arrested me and Qi Changgui on the spot..."

After that, in the prison, life would be worse than death.

Her legs were broken again, this time it was broken more seriously, and there is no way to recover in this life.

As for Qi Changgui, he was already old, and he had held his breath for so many years to take revenge incognito, so he couldn't survive the torture ordered by King Kang's concubine.

One night, holding her hand, he mumbled and intermittently recounted the good times of the family of three, and passed away with a smile.

"...I was released after he died. No one took me in. It was worse than before, but I wanted to avenge him, so I tried my best to find opportunities, but I was too useless. If I hadn't met Qi Changgui and wrote in advance The friends from the rivers and lakes I found, I have long been turned into a pile of bones."

In that case, even if she died, no one would care, let alone collect her body.

Lu Dongfu was already in tears. She had thought that a husband and a woman disguised as a man must have experienced many setbacks in order to become as strong and fearless as she is now.

However, he never expected that Xianggong's past would be so miserable.

It seemed that catastrophe had fallen on her, and she had to become stronger and more ruthless in order to deal with the cold and terrifying reality.

She really felt sorry for her, and wished she was there at that time, even though she was only a few years old at that time, she could still beg for food, help her survive, and accompany her through the most difficult days.

However, this person is not her, but Qi Changgui and his friends from the rivers and lakes that he invited.

She sincerely appreciated the two of them, without them, there would be no Qi Zhongyu who is facing her day and night.

Lu Dongfu choked up and said, "Is that the person who taught my husband martial arts?"

Qi Zhongyu responded, her voice regained her composure, and she said: "Yes, because my right hand is useless, so Qi Changgui put down his face and contacted an old friend with him, that person's name is Jiang Xingwu, who was an accident during Qi Changgui's revenge. The year-end friend I know is also another noble person in my life, he is not a few years older than me, but he is a strong, warm and extremely reliable man."

Jiang Xingwu picked her up in an alley near the yamen, at first he almost didn't recognize her, hesitantly asked her name, and mentioned Qi Changgui, she finally recovered from the hatred, coldly Ask who the person is.

She still remembered Jiang Xingwu scratching his head and laughing honestly, and said: "My name is Jiang Xingwu, and I'm old man Qi's friend. He should have told you my name. It's really rare. I thought that a person with such a temper like him, It is very difficult to accept that others are around him. I never thought that in just a few years, he would take you in with his own face. What a powerful young man, he has untied his heart knot for many years. Thank you for your company! He lived through the last days of his life! I think he must die without regrets, and be happy to be reunited with his family."

Hearing this, Qi Zhongyu couldn't bear it any longer, burst into tears, and cursed: "Shit! I killed him, and it's all my fault!"

If it wasn't for her, Qi Changgui wouldn't have gone to the Zhang family either.

If he took revenge, he would not be arrested by Kang Wang, let alone tortured to death by the servants ordered by his concubine. He must hate her to death.

Jiang Xingwu restrained the simple and honest smile on his face, squatted in front of her, and said seriously: "I know Qi Changgui's character very well. He never does unnecessary things. This is a letter he wrote to me. As a parent and child, please ask me to come and teach you the Shaolin Heart Method "Yi Jin Jing". He is really a treacherous and cunning old man. He knows that "Yi Jin Jing" is the treasure of Shaolin and must not be passed on to outsiders, but he still lets me steal it. Heal your severed tendon and make you return to normal. Hey, thanks to him, I was beaten up by my master and kicked out of the school..."

He took out the letter paper from his chest and waved it in front of her.

Qi Zhongyu was stunned for a moment and immediately rushed over. She didn't know much, and could only vaguely understand the general meaning. It was indeed as Jiang Xingwu said, that it was Qi Changgui who asked him to heal his injuries, and also said that he would teach her the truth.

He also said in the letter that he was stupid and ignorant of people's hearts. If he died, she would be sold and count the money for others. Fortunately, she has developed limbs and can learn some martial arts to defend herself. In the future, she will be a hunter in the mountains , and can support themselves.

Although she scolded her in a disgusted tone, she arranged for her to retreat. She cried uncontrollably, and finally was slapped unconscious by Jiang Xingwu who was at a loss.

After waking up, she calmed down and practiced martial arts with Jiang Xingwu.

Unexpectedly, she really complied with Qi Changgui's evaluation of herself. She is not smart enough, but she is very talented in martial arts.

He could even be called a heavenly genius, with a thin copy of "Yi Jin Jing", Jiang Xingwu carried it in his bosom, and studied it for more than a month but didn't know how to do it.

After only three days of learning, she has mastered most of it. Her internal strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and her physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people. Therefore, it took only two months to heal her injuries.

Jiang Xingwu was kicked out of the teacher's school, and he didn't know what to do, so he simply stayed with her, washed and cooked for her, took care of her like his younger brother, and prevented her from going astray because of hatred.

To be honest, Jiang Xingwu was very kind to her. He was a man who looked carefree but was as careful as dust. He tolerated her bitter temper gently and patiently. When she went to Kang Wang's mansion beyond her limits, she found him and that concubine. When he took revenge, he was the one who risked his life to save her from the hail of guns and arrows.

Although he pointed at her and scolded her severely afterwards, saying that she really only had muscles but not a brain, but after scolding, he rolled up his sleeves and went to the kitchen to cook, and even made her a stewed chicken to replenish her body.

It's not that she really doesn't know good and bad, it's just that the hatred in her heart has tortured her so she can't rest for a moment, and she must take revenge.

Jiang Xingwu sighed helplessly, and muttered in a low voice: The child is really difficult to raise, but luckily he is still single.

After tidying up the dishes, he pressed her shoulders to prevent her from practicing, looked at her seriously and said, "Okay!"

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