The gray beast let out a low growl while approaching the temple beast. The latter was shaken uncontrollably by the coercion. The gray beast threw it away with a paw. It wailed in the air and then fell heavily. On the ground, there was a burst of dust, and the beasts of the temple had been sealed again in the collapsed stone pillar.

The gray beast aimed its gaze at the Gorefiend, who unwillingly gave up, turned around and strode away.

After the two behemoths left, the gray beast shook its head and walked towards Irene. The huge body shrunk little by little on the way, and when it reached Irene, it had recovered to its full size. the original body shape.

The little fur ball has a particularly good jumping ability. Although it has short legs, it jumped onto the top of Irene's head. It curled up in a ball, its gray eyes looked dull, and it couldn't see the majesty and domineering just now.

Tang Qiu and Lucille's eyes all fell on Xiao Maotuan. They looked at each other, and they both saw the doubt and inquiry in each other's eyes.

Irene carefully hugged the little hairball, held it up to her eyes and observed it carefully for a while, the little hairball still looked blank, as if the strange beast just now wasn't it.

Irene looked at it for a long time and couldn't see anything, so she had to give up. She lowered her head and rubbed the top of the little hairball, and said in a low voice: "Thank you." After such a long time, once she regained the appearance of a little hairball, she no longer felt afraid.

The little hairball responded to Irene's intimacy, it raised its head and rubbed back skillfully.

Tang Qiu turned her eyes away from Xiao Maotuan, glanced at the statue of Mother Earth looming in the thick fog, and said in a low voice, "Let's go there first."

This statue appears to be very strange.

Irene put the little ball of hair into the hood, turned to look for Kama, Kama saw Irene walking towards her, and circled the pillar with her in fear.

Tang Qiu: "..."

Tang Qiu walked over and hugged Kama. Kama, who was afraid of Lucille and Irene, became honest once she was beside Tang Qiu. She pursed her lips and buried her face on Tang Qiu's shoulder happily.

Tang Qiu took Kama, and Irene was on their way with a skeleton. The two left the palace one after the other. Delia, who had been staying by the stone pillar waiting for her injuries to heal, glanced at the backs of Tang Qiu and Irene, turned around He wanted to leave from another direction, but he bumped into Lucille head-on.

Lucille looked at her expressionlessly, and said coldly, "You're going in the wrong direction."

Delia stopped walking. Her self-healing ability was not as strong as Lucille's. The wound on her arm was still turning outwards. Her pale face made her look haggard. She was silent for a while, lowering her eyes and said softly: "I'm sorry Godhead is not interested."

She tried to get away from Lucille, but was stopped by Lucille again, and the smile on Delia's mouth became forced, "The alien beast and the Gorefiend have left, and our partnership has come to an end." Is that over?"

"The partnership has indeed come to an end." Lucille moved her hand at her side, and Delia, who had been vigilant against her, swiftly dodged to avoid it.

Lucille's hand was empty, she stopped pretending, and stared at Delia with cold killing intent.

Delia cursed in a low voice, clutching her immobile arm, and dodged Lucille's new round of vicious and deadly attacks in embarrassment.

When Tang Qiu and Irene came to the statue of Mother Earth, the bone bridge was still there, but the black witch was no longer in sight.

Irene jumped off the skeleton and looked up at the statue of Mother Earth in a daze.

Tang Qiu walked up to her, and seeing Irene's expression was a bit strange, she also looked up at the statue, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with you?"

Eileen propped her forehead with her hand, recalled it seriously, and muttered to herself, "...this statue looks familiar."

She walked towards the statue, then grabbed the statue and tried to climb up, but fell after climbing less than one meter.

Kama hugged Tang Qiu's leg and looked at Irene curiously for a while. Seeing that she kept falling, she took the initiative to run over and climb to the top of the statue, then hung on it and looked at her.

Seeing Kama's agility, Irene's eyes lit up, and she directed her to climb to the top of the statue, and shouted loudly: "See if it's empty there."

The statue is very high, and the more difficult it is to climb, Kama slows down halfway through the climb.

Tang Qiu took a few steps back, looked up at the place Irene had mentioned, and asked in a low voice, "What's there?"

"Do you remember the dark key I told you about?" Irene felt uneasy when she mentioned this, "That key is actually a black stone, because it looks like a key, so Vera has always called it that."

"That stone is what I found on top of a statue."

The memory of straying into the forbidden area behind Wucheng is not so clear, but what I remember is similar to the layout of this temple.

The statue she found for the Dark Key was just a different statue from the Earth Mother.

The ground under their feet shook more and more violently, and the sky above them was completely covered by yellow sand. Tang Qiu could feel the low air pressure enveloping them.

Continuing to procrastinate would be detrimental to them. Tang Qiu walked up to the statue, touched the smooth stone surface with her hand, then jumped up, borrowing strength from the protruding stone, she passed Kama and came directly to the top of the statue. .

The top of the statue's head is not empty as Irene said, but a square box is placed abruptly in the middle.

Tang Qiu walked over, looked down a few times, and bent down to pick up the box. The box was very light, and it didn't make any sound after shaking it a few times.

Tang Qiu frowned, she opened the box and took a look, her face became a little dignified.

The temple shook more and more violently, Tang Qiu closed the box casually, and then jumped off the statue. Seeing her coming down, Irene looked at her nervously and asked, "How is it?"

Tang Qiu shook her head and was about to say something when a heavy object was thrown at her feet. Turning around to look, Lucille walked over with a cold face.

Looking down at "Delia" who had turned into a corpse, Tang Qiu frowned and said, "Dead?"

Lucille shook her head and said lightly, "She ran away." The Thorny Clan will prepare several replacement bodies in their own space gems, and it is unknown when Delia hid the replacement bodies in the space gem. nearby.

Lucille's carelessness gave her an opportunity to abandon her body and run away.

The situation of the temple is not optimistic, and the affairs of Godhead and Delia are temporarily suppressed. Tang Qiu took Karma, Lucille took Irene, and the four rushed towards the exit of the temple.

Before the black witch left the temple, she deliberately ordered the Gorefiend to wreak havoc in the temple in order to speed up the collapse of the temple.

Reese was the first to evacuate the temple. A whirlwind was blowing over the Mentos Desert, as if the temple was about to sink to the ground in the next second. Some of the Knights of Light who escorted Reese out of the temple stayed by her side to protect her , the other part entered the temple to find Audrey, Vogt and others.

The bishop who came out with Reese held up his staff and chanted spells, trying to use the spell of light to slow down the collapse of the temple.

Reese turned her head and glanced at the bishop behind her, but she didn't find the blond bishop inside, which made her frown slowly.

After the appearance of the alien beast, the Holy See's team was divided into three parts. Although she had been paying attention, she had never seen the blond bishop.

She knew that the blond bishop had a "card" that she didn't know about, but the trip to the temple was too thrilling, and Reese couldn't guarantee that Tang Qiu would come out safely.

Knowing that she should have been with her all the time, Reese frowned and stared at the exit of the temple with a dignified expression.

There was an aura fluctuating by her side, and Reese glanced sideways, and then signaled the people next to her to get out of the way. Just after they got out of the way, Audrey and Vogt appeared with the Bishop and the Knight of Light in disgrace. in the clearing.

Audrey patted the dust on her body with a gloomy face, her raised eyes were sharp, and she had an aura of not being close to strangers all over her body.

Vogt stood next to her, and his face was not very good-looking. They solved the beast and were stopped by the Gorefiend. In the end, they didn't find a chance to search for the godhead, so they had to leave because the temple was about to collapse.

It is a shame and a great shame for the Holy See to let the black witches be fooled.

Audrey and Vogt were in a displeased mood. Of course, Reese would not go over and start a fire. She stood quietly and searched the team behind them, and found that the blond bishop was still not among them, which made her The brow that had just been stretched was wrinkled again.

Audrey patted the dust for a long time and then used a cleansing technique on herself before stopping. She glanced at Vogt and Reese, and said expressionlessly: "Watching the temple collapse here, why don't you go back and think about it?" How to report to the Pope."

After she finished speaking, she remembered something, and snorted again, "Remember to explain the werewolf incident by the way."

After Audrey finished speaking, she turned around and took the people away. She came here in place of a cardinal, and this mission had nothing to do with their Trial Office.

The reason why she was so angry was because she didn't expect that the Holy See would send three archbishop-level people to the temple, and they would be defeated by the black witch in the end.

Whenever the black witch can be presumptuous in front of the Holy See, Audrey's mood is very unhappy.

The Tribunal has always been responsible for monitoring the violators of the Holy See, and the focus is different, so Audrey doesn't have a deep understanding of the current strength of the Holy See.

She also thought that the dark forces were firmly suppressed by the Holy See.

And now...she was really disappointed.

After Audrey left, Reese shrugged her shoulders and followed behind with others. Vogt looked in the direction of the temple and sighed deeply.

The temple collapsed not long after they evacuated, and the yellow sand buried the temple. At a glance, except for the endless desert, there was no trace of the temple anymore.

On the other side of the desert, Delia dragged her heavy body and fell to the ground. Her blood-red eyes coldly scanned her surroundings. Not far from her was a team of black witches who were evacuating.

She licked her parched lips, swooped over and snatched away a black witch, lowered her head and bit the witch's neck, sucking the hot blood.

Feeling that her exhausted body gradually regained some strength, she threw away the witch who had turned into a corpse, and raised her hand to wipe off the blood on her lips. Just as she was about to consider where to go, a black figure suddenly emerged from the desert.

After Evan, who narrowly escaped from the siege of Gorefiends and alien beasts, left the desert, the first thing he did was to look for food, just like Delia.

Delia stared blankly at Evan's figure, her good mood of escaping from the temple was gone.


Get up in the morning and make a bold statement: Today is the third watch

Reflecting silently during dinner: I really dare to daydream when I am floating

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Mine]: keep jumping 1 hole;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:


Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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