Every year, the Holy See selects children who are close to the light elements in various countries, takes them away from their parents, and develops into believers of the Holy See after being baptized by the light.

Because of the lofty status of the Holy See in the Statu Continent, no matter whether they are commoners or nobles, they are all proud of their children being accepted as believers by the Holy See.

Every day at the gate of the Holy See, there are people who bring ignorant children to inquire. However, the Holy See is not a charitable organization. The Holy See of the Bill Empire does not accept more than a hundred believers every year.

Under Irene's "instigation", Tang Qiu finally came to the gate of the Holy See with the newly purchased nameplate. His long golden hair, which was unusually dazzling in the sun, hung down softly behind him, his pure white robe was spotless, and his pretty face was hanging on his face. With a kind and gentle smile, people can't help but want to get closer.

The child who was led by his parents to wander around the gate of the Holy See looked up at the blond priest, couldn't help but took his parents' hand and walked towards her, and said in a childlike voice, "It's the goddess of light."

The young woman pulled the ignorant child, and said apologetically to Tang Qiu, "Don't mind, Your Excellency, the child is ignorant and talks nonsense."

The hierarchy of the Holy See is strict, and the woman is afraid that children's childish words will bring trouble to the blond priest, although she also feels that this holy and elegant priest is more in line with the image of light in her heart than any member of the Holy See she has ever seen.

Tang Qiu shook her head slightly, and said with a smile: "The Goddess of Light will not be angry because of a child's joke." She raised her hand, and lightly tapped the little girl's forehead with her white fingertips, with a gentle tone, "May the Goddess of Light Bless you."

This is the baptism of light from a priest.

Although it was impossible for the little girl to directly enter the Holy See to become a believer, it increased her chances of comprehending the light element. The woman hugged the child in surprise and thanked Tang Qiu excitedly.

After saying goodbye to the woman and the little girl, Tang Qiu was in a pretty good mood, and this good mood lasted until she entered the Holy See.

The Holy See has a special person in charge of interviewing priests who want to serve in Bill after their experience. Tang Qiu handed over the newly acquired nameplate, and watched the male priest in front of him skillfully confirm and record, the smile on his mouth never disappeared.

After confirming that the information was correct, the male priest handed back the nameplate to Tang Qiu, and introduced himself, "I am priest Monica's entourage, and my name is Jonas."

Tang Qiu nodded, put his right hand lightly on his left shoulder, bowed gracefully, and responded with the usual etiquette of the Holy See.

"Actually, the Holy See has recruited a few priests who have returned from training some time ago." Jonas shrugged, "If your strength is outstanding, you can also become one of them."

"A month ago, a priest was transferred to the Central Holy See, and now there is a lack of a priest here." Jonas led Tang Qiu through the hall of the Holy See to the empty room next door, "If you are lucky, , may become the follower of the new priest."

Jonas babbled a lot, and Tang Qiu not only responded appropriately, but also picked out useful information and kept it in his heart.

She is about to enter the Holy See now, and this place is not like in Edri, even if she accidentally shows her feet, she can be fooled.

It still needs to be low-key at first.

Jonas moved out a half-person-high white spar from nowhere and placed it in front of Tang Qiu. He touched the uneven surface of the spar and motioned Tang Qiu to put his hand on it, "Come on, touch it!" Use the spell of light that you feel most proficient in using here."

The most proficient... Tang Qiu pondered for a while, and whispered the spell of the sphere of light. There was no way, because of Irene, she used this spell dozens of times a day, and she was already so proficient that she couldn't be more proficient.

Jonas had already seen which spell Tang Qiu was using from the shape of her mouth. In the entire elementary light spell book, the light ball was placed at the front and it was very tasteless. No priest would be willing to practice this spell. Handy, unless you're lazy and stupid.

When Jonas saw Tang Qiu for the first time, he was still surprised by the strong bright aura around her, but now there is only a touch of regret. People with excellent bright physique but poor comprehension have been in the Holy See for so many years. It's not that it hasn't appeared.

The bright elements lingering in Tang Qiu's palm are injected into the white spar. The uneven surface of the spar reflects light of different intensity. The grids representing the intensity of light on the smooth wall are refracted one by one Bright.

Jonas didn't expect much at first, until more and more grids were lit up, he couldn't help standing up straight, glanced at Tang Qiu from the corner of his eye, and could hardly hide the surprise in his eyes.

Tang Qiu quietly looked at the light that was still spreading towards the grid in front of her, and frowned indistinctly. In order to hide her strength, she deliberately only used the weak spell of the sphere of light. How could this happen?

The light did not stop after lighting up the entire wall. A beam of light occupied a small corner above the head that belonged to the range of the priest's strength. Although it looked very inconspicuous, it did pass that line.

The shocked Jonas stared at the top of his head for a long time, but couldn't regain his senses. It was not until Tang Qiu deliberately coughed that he regained his thoughts. He stared at Tang Qiu for a long time as if he saw something incredible. , the voice changed a little, "...Are you sure you are a priest who has returned from training?"

He wanted to take out Tang Qiu's nameplate and check it again, but suddenly remembered that he had returned the nameplate.

Among the believers recruited by the Holy See every year, there will be two paths to go in the future. One is believers with average or medium physique. After they grow up to a certain age, they will be thrown out for experience. Serving in a branch of the Holy See in a certain country, whether you can be promoted to a priest in the future depends on luck and talent.

As for the bishop or the archbishop... It is difficult for such priests to touch this level.

The other way is much more comfortable. Believers with excellent physique and extraordinary talents will be selected by the central Holy See when they are young, or they will be sent to take them away directly or temporarily stay in the Holy See to continue their practice. Go to experience, have been practicing the spell of light in the Holy See, become the entourage priest or priest of a certain bishop or archbishop, and it is not impossible to become a bishop or archbishop by chance in the future.

The strength of priests trained in the Central Holy See is almost comparable to that of ordinary priests.

In Jonas' view, Tang Qiu was more like the latter, a priest who took the path of a bright future.

Not to mention her excellent physique, being able to practice such a weak light spell like this proves that her talent is not low at all.

Tang Qiu nodded calmly, "Yes." She could only maintain a calm expression on her face, panic would only make her show more lies.

Her calmness made Jonas feel that he was making too much fuss. He was a little annoyed, but the reserve of a priest had been restored on his face. He looked down at the white spar again, then cleared his throat and said, "Welcome to join us." Holy See, follow me."

Tang Qiu quietly followed Jonas, only half of his good mood remained.

The Holy See will hold a baptism of light every Sunday. In the spacious and simple hall without any decorations, the priests and priests face forward and bow their heads slightly to pray. In front of them is a statue of the goddess of light that is two or three meters high.

The face of the statue is left blank on purpose, and a simple white dress seems to be surrounded by golden light, making her noble and holy. The Goddess of Light holds a staff and wears a classical ring between her fingers. There are no facial features, but a pair of pitiful and indifferent eyes overlooking all living beings clearly appear in the hearts of everyone who looks at the statue.

The Goddess of Light has left Staru Continent for tens of thousands of years, but her influence still exists because of the Holy See.

When Jonas and Tang Qiu entered the hall, the baptism of light was over, the bishop left, and Priest Monica was talking with many priests about electing a new priest.

In the Holy See branch of the empire, the Central Holy See will send a bishop to manage it. The bishop can bring four entourage priests and eight priests.

In a branch of the Holy See, there are ten positions for priests. Except for the four brought by the bishop from the Central Holy See, the rest are priests who have been promoted by the priests who have been working here.

The two parties belonged to different forces. The priest who was transferred by the Central Holy See this time was not a bishop, so he found an excuse to leave after the baptism.

In addition to qualifications, priest candidates value strength more. If the power of light is still too weak after many years of practice, even if the qualifications are old, they can only be a priest.

Monica already had two candidates in mind, but she was still considering them. She caught a glimpse of Jonas and Tang Qiu from the corner of her eye, paused, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Jonas introduced Tang Qiu behind him to Monica, "Priest Monica, this is a priest who has just come to the Holy See."

Tang Qiu somehow felt that Jonas's calm tone seemed to hide some excitement?She had some doubts in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. She saluted slightly, and her tone was not flattering but also not indifferent, "Good day, everyone, I am the priest of Seville, Grace Barton."

Monica looked at her, nodded, and said in a cold voice with a touch of alienation, "Welcome to the Holy See of Bill's Empire."

She motioned for Jonas to take Tang Qiu into the ranks of priests, and then continued the topic just now, "As for the candidates for priests, I have two candidates in mind."

"Linda and Jennifer."

The priest named by Monica stepped out and nodded slightly to her.

Monica looked around at the crowd and said casually symbolically, "If you have other candidates to recommend, you can also say so."

Generally, her questioning like this is just a routine inquiry, and she decides the candidates after considering all aspects, and only pick out these two candidates who are the most popular among the priests and have the ability to meet the candidate standards.

However, who knew that someone would actually stand up and recommend her during her routine inquiry this time.

Tang Qiu, who was looking up at the statue of the Goddess of Light, suddenly heard Jonas' excited voice, "I have someone to recommend."

She froze for a moment, then turned around, and found that Jonas stood up at some point, and glanced at her from time to time, which suddenly made her feel a bad premonition.

Monica frowned, raised her chin slightly, and signaled Jonas to continue.

"I recommend this new priest, Grace." Jonas blinked at Grace, and said to Monica seriously, "Her power of light has broken through the boundaries of priests. I think her strength Stronger than Priest Linda and Priest Jennifer."

"In terms of strength, she is the most suitable candidate."

The bad premonition became a reality, and the high hats were thrown on top of her head one after another. Tang Qiu didn't know what to do except smile quietly. The piercing gazes of the priests and the two candidates made her feel like a glow back.

Tang Qiu wondered if this Jonas didn't like her, or why he dug such a big hole for her when he first met her.


The article comes from the author with full hair!

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