Although one-third of Granna's "Werewolf" legion had been annihilated, the remaining two-thirds had already been sent to various places in the Staru Continent to harass the Holy See and create new panic.

Some cities that had already become stable fell into chaos again.

Fortunately, the archbishops in red responded in a timely manner and stabilized the situation before it got worse.

Among them, the Holy See of Goss was the first to wipe out the "werewolves" who broke into their territory and caused trouble. Although Tang Qiu was not there, Delphine's assistance was very timely. The werewolves were cleaned up, and then began to help other surrounding countries.

Originally, with Delphine's temper, she would not help the Holy See other than the Holy See of Goss, but I don't know if she felt guilty for Tang Qiu's disappearance. During Tang Qiu's absence, the elves have been following the Holy See of Goss In combat, even if it was to support other Holy See, it did not refuse.

With the Goss Empire as the center, the area Tang Qiu was in charge of was the first to settle down in the Sistatu Continent.

Goss Vatican meeting room, there is only one person sitting by the window in the empty room, she is writing something with her head down, the candle on the table has been burned to the bottom, the first ray of sunlight in the morning comes from the window behind her The sun shines in, adding a touch of warmth to the cold room.

The door of the meeting room was suddenly pushed open, and Karen walked in from the outside, the armor on her body was still stained with blood, she found a place to sit down, and closed her eyes from exhaustion, "Those fake werewolves are really hard to deal with. "

Jennifer paused while holding the quill. She looked up at Karen, and saw that she was too messy to clean up. She frowned tightly, "If you are tired, go back and rest."

She really couldn't see it, so she took out her staff and used a cleansing technique on Karen.

Karen raised her hands to cover her mouth and yawned, "I'll rest for the night, I don't know how many innocent people died at the hands of those fake werewolves and monsters."

They are fighting for time with the God of Darkness, where is the time to rest.

"By the way, has Archbishop Grace heard anything?" Karen asked habitually, brushing her somewhat messy hair.

Jennifer's hands paused, and before she could speak, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and a knight of light knocked on the door and came in, with unstoppable excitement in her voice, "Bishop Jennifer, Bishop Grace is back."

Jennifer's eyes widened slightly, she put down the quill, stood up and quickly asked, "Where is it?"

"It's in town now."

Karen, whose physical strength was almost exhausted, regained her energy in an instant. She picked up the golden long sword beside her, jumped up and ran out, "I'll go pick her up."

She said that a person as powerful as Tang Qiu would definitely not have any accidents.

When Karen and Jennifer went out to meet Tang Qiu, Tang Qiu and Karma had already entered the main city.

Tang Qiu's reputation in the Goss Empire was very high. When she was a bishop, she often took priests to various cities to appease the common people. She was beautiful and gentle, and both commoners and nobles admired her very much.

On the main street, the civilians who recognized Tang Qiu's identity were surrounded by three floors and three floors outside. They surrounded Tang Qiu in the center and expressed their concern, admiration and respect to her excitedly. He was very enthusiastic, but he also carefully left enough space for Tang Qiu.

Kama was frightened by the crowd, and kept hiding behind Tang Qiu. Tang Qiu raised his hand and touched Kama's shoulder comfortingly, raised his eyes slightly, and nodded to the crowd with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth. The faint golden light gently pushed the crowd away.

"Bishop Grace." After the crowd parted, Karen's voice suddenly overwhelmed the noise and reached Tang Qiu's ears. She ran out from the path where the crowd parted, her face flushed with excitement, "You're finally back. "

Jennifer's physical strength is not as good as Karen's, and she appeared in Tang Qiu's vision a little later than her.

After Tang Qiu saw Karen and Jennifer, there was a slight smile in his sky blue eyes, and he looked unusually gentle, "I've worked hard for you all this time."

Although she just came back and didn't know the current situation, but when she disappeared, the Goss Empire was not in chaos as before, which showed that Karen and Jennifer still withstood the pressure.

After all, there are black witches externally, and Gabriel has been secretly making trouble internally. Tang Qiu's position as the cardinal archbishop has already made Gabriel very dissatisfied. It is easy to know that the days when she is not around, the Holy See of Goss has received a lot of attention. How many open and hidden arrows.

Just as Tang Qiu thought, during the 30-odd days she had been missing, the Holy See of Goss had indeed been targeted. In addition to fighting against the Black Witch, there was also pressure from Gabriel.

However, fortunately, the former had the assistance of the elves, and the latter was also targeted by Reese and the Saintess, and there was no time to deal with them for the time being, so the Goss Empire stabilized the situation faster than other countries.

Karen stroked her hair with her hand, and shook her head with a bright smile, "It's what we should do to protect the Holy See of Goss."

Jennifer walked over, first looked at Tang Qiu carefully, and saw that she was not injured and her mental state was very good, she was slightly relieved, and said with a straight face: "Where have you been? Why didn't you even send a letter? "

Although Jennifer seemed very calm when she was surrounded by the Holy See, she was actually very worried during Tang Qiu's disappearance.

"I went through a strange adventure." Tang Qiu led little Karma, Jennifer, and Karen back to the Holy See, "I don't have time to send letters back."

Avoiding talking about the teleportation back 5000 years, Tang Qiu naturally changed the subject, "What is the current situation of the Holy See and the Black Witch?"

"The black witch has started to fight back." Jennifer frowned, and her expression became serious when she mentioned this, "The monsters created by the dark formation are beginning to have wisdom. The monsters dealt quite a blow to the Holy See team."

It can be said that the speed of the Holy See's expulsion of the dark forces has suddenly slowed down by two-thirds.

"Those werewolves were created by the Anderson family." Tang Qiu thought for a while and asked, "Did the werewolf clan appear to clean up the situation?"

Faye shouldn't tolerate Grana's behavior like this.

"The werewolves have been cleaning up these werewolves, but there are too few of them, and the Startu Continent is so big, it won't be cleaned up in a while."

Moreover, the black witches are very cunning people. They hide in the dark to cover the fake werewolves and fight monsters. It is not easy for the werewolves to catch them.

The werewolves were very powerful in combat, but they would indeed become powerless in this situation, and they were unwilling to ally with the Holy See, so the situation was easily stalemate.

Tang Qiu nodded in understanding, and asked again: "Is there any news about Gabriel?"

"Gabriel is in charge of the area of ​​Bill's empire. He took away nearly half of the bishops, and he has stabilized the situation a few days ago." Because Gabriel took away too many bishops, there were not enough people around the other archbishops to fight against the darkness. Of course, the speed slowed down, and all the bishops under Tang Qiu were almost taken away by Gabriel. If it weren't for the timely order of the saint, she would almost be the only bishop left on the side of the Goss Empire, Jenny Fer was very angry when he thought about it, so he ignored his identity and called Gabriel by his name directly.

Bill Empire?Isn't this the place of Reese?How did it get into Gabriel's hands?Tang Qiu was a little surprised, but Jennifer would definitely not know about such things, so she just nodded and asked a few other questions casually before returning to the Holy See.

The news of Tang Qiu's return quickly reached the ears of the other bishops who were stationed nearby, and they rushed to visit the Holy See of Goss.

Tang Qiu asked Karen to settle in Karma, went to the reception room without even having time to rest, and didn't come out until it was completely dark.

Jennifer arranged for the Knights of Light to send the bishops away. When she came back, Tang Qiu stood at the door and was still looking at the map in her hand.

"You should go back and rest." Jennifer walked over and said softly.

Tang Qiu hummed, looked away from the map, and said, "I'm going to the Central Holy See tomorrow."

Jennifer frowned, "In such a hurry?"

"There is a very important matter to discuss with the saint." Tang Qiu handed the map to Jennifer and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't disappear suddenly this time."

Jennifer stopped, "You say that every time."

But still missing is missing.

"But I come back every time, don't I?" Tang Qiu raised his hand and patted Jennifer's shoulder, and said softly, "I have never broken my promise."

Jennifer glanced at her. Although she didn't speak, her expression softened.

After bidding farewell to Jennifer, Tang Qiu returned to her small manor. During her absence, the manor has been cleaned up, and the flowers in the garden have been pruned very pleasing to the eye.

Tang Qiu walked through the winding path in the night to the door of the room, and smiled at the Knights of Light guarding on both sides, "Go down and rest."

The Knight of Light complied respectfully, and then left.

Tang Qiu pushed the door open, and the bright moonlight shone into the room through the open door. There was an unlit kerosene lamp on the table. The ground is not obvious.

Tang Qiu's eyes turned around in the room, and soon settled on the direction of the bed, which was shrouded in darkness, but the werewolf's superior eyesight allowed her to clearly see a figure sitting beside the bed, The other party lowered her head, and her long red hair was casually tied behind her. Sensing Tang Qiu's gaze, she slowly raised her head, her dark red eyes made her complexion as fair as snow.

Tang Qiu and Lucille looked at each other for a while, and suddenly laughed softly. She closed the door behind her back, walked to the table and lit the kerosene lamp, and said slowly, "It seems that it's time for feeding."

Lucille's eyes followed Tang Qiu all the time, and when she heard her words, she swallowed unconsciously, then dodged to grab her wrist, and said lightly, "Why are you so slow?"

She has been waiting here all day.

The kerosene lamp was lit and emitted light. The dim yellow light enveloped Lucille and melted the coldness around her. She lowered her head and sniffed at the side of Tang Qiu's neck. Looking at the fair skin, although she really wanted to bite it down, But he still held back his longing and asked, "Are you going out tonight?"

Although she really wanted Tang Qiu to stay by her side, she also knew how busy Tang Qiu was.

Lucille's thoughts were too obvious, Tang Qiu pursed his lips and smiled, his sky blue eyes were full of gentleness, he leaned his head against her ear, and jokingly said: "Didn't you just say that tonight is It's your time to eat."

It has been a long time since she performed her duties properly as a breeder.


Recently, the cervical spine has been uncomfortable. Resting for a few days seems to be useless.

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