Monica holds real power in the Holy See, and at the same time, she is also the busiest person in the Holy See.

After Bishop Lal came to the Bier Empire from the Central Holy See, he seemed to be taking care of the elderly. Everything was handled by Monica, even the finances were handed over. Everyone thought that the internal struggle of the Bier Holy See was very fierce. Priest Monica slightly Winner has the upper hand, but only Monica knows that she never thought of fighting with Bishop Lal at all.

She was completely pushed into this position.

She didn't have any enmity with Bishop Lal, and the only thing that disliked her was that the other party's face was very irritating when he flattered Reese.

Bishop Lal doesn't care about things, and the priests and priests he brought honestly never cause trouble. Monica has absolute right to speak in the Holy See, and she is a very serious person, and she is bound to manage the Holy See. Be organized.

When Tang Qiu first became a priest, she assisted Monica for a while, and knew how much she valued the Holy See. In the first few days, she even thought that Monica lived in the conference room.

Because no matter day or night, as long as you go to the conference room, you will definitely be able to see her.

This time was no exception. Tang Qiu walked through the auditorium to the conference room and nodded to Jonas who was guarding outside, then pushed the door open, and saw Monica sitting behind the table with her head bowed and writing something. .

The sun poured in through the window behind, and the bright light shone on Monica's light golden long hair. The warm sunlight seemed to melt away the cold aura around her. It was a warm and beautiful picture. If the person sitting there was Archbishop Reese would be believed.

After all, compared with the cold Monica, Archbishop Reese has always been gentle. If Monica's green eyes are like cold gems, then Archbishop Reese is equivalent to a puddle under a clear sky and a blue sun. spring water.

But after getting in touch with them separately, you will find that Monica is obviously cold on the outside and hot on the inside, while Reese is the truly indifferent person.

Monica raised her head slightly when she heard the sound of the door opening, and after realizing it was Tang Qiu, she put down the pen, rubbed the space between her brows, and said, "You came back just in time, Marquis Gavin is in the reception room next door, you go to entertain him. "

Tang Qiu frowned indistinctly, then nodded helplessly, "Okay."

Van Dent's black witches fled to death. Although the Holy See's losses were serious, only the Holy See knew the real situation. To maintain the reputation of the Holy See, they only announced lightly that they had successfully expelled a group of black witches. .

The monster that attacked the palace also announced to the outside world that it was instigated by the black witch, and the Holy See has taken action to destroy the monster.

No matter what the king of the Bill Empire looked like when he heard these words, the people who had been in panic were successfully calmed down. The deserted streets became lively again. It was hotter than before.

As the prestige of the Holy See rose day by day, the reception room of the Holy See became more and more popular. The envoys sent by the king came to visit three times a day, wanting to inquire about the situation of the Holy See.

The royal palace was attacked, but the Holy See easily resolved the crisis. Comparing the royal power with the Holy See, the hearts of the people were clearly in favor of the latter.

The king was so angry that he slapped the table again, his palace was attacked, and he didn't even see the messenger behind the scenes, he didn't see the corpse, and the reason was not found out. The Holy See just announced that the problem was solved, and the clues were simply It was directly broken at Van Dent.

After all, Bill was one of the three most powerful empires in the Staru Continent, and the royal family's prestige had almost plummeted during this period of time.

Marquis Gavin had dealt with the Holy See for more than ten years, and he was very familiar with the people of the Holy See. He thought that Priest Monica would receive her, but unexpectedly, it was a young and beautiful new priest who came in.

He had some impressions of Tang Qiu. When he came to the Holy See, this person stood beside Monica. Because of his outstanding facial features and gentle attitude towards others, he remembered him very deeply.

When Gavin saw Tang Qiu coming in alone, his expression was a little displeased. He felt that the Holy See had sent a new priest to deal with him, and because Tang Qiu looked easy to talk, he pre-empted it and raised his voice to ask: "Why is Priest Monica?" did not come?"

"Do you think you are qualified to solve problems for the empire?"

Marquis Gavin was tall and strong, and his stern face looked a bit bluffing, but Tang Qiu was not overwhelmed by his power to get off the horse, and with a faint smile on his face, he stretched out his hand to signal Marquis Gavin to sit down, and then He said unhurriedly: "Master Marquis, don't worry, the Holy See attaches great importance to the empire, and all matters related to the empire are decided by Priest Monica himself."

"Your Majesty, if you have any troubles, you can tell me first, and I will pass it on to Priest Monica."

Having watched the relationship between Monica and Marquis Gavin once, Tang Qiu has already discovered the Holy See's attitude towards the empire. It is guarded but not too alienated. In short, it maintains a delicate balance.

The Holy See needs to stabilize its prestige in the hearts of ordinary people, and the royal family does not want to lose its prestige just like that. Marquis Gavin's mind is spinning quickly, and he has already figured out how to get the words out of this young priest. He knows it very well. The king's mind was that if the Holy See could silently admit that the monsters attacked the palace and the black witches in the city were all because of the Holy See that caused chaos in the Bier Empire, then the royal family could directly guide public opinion back.

Regardless of the fact that the three empires all seem to be in harmony with the Holy See, in fact the existence of the Holy See is a thorn in the king's heart.

The Holy See of the Goss Empire was burned to the ground. The murderer has not been caught until now, and the Holy See has not established a new one for a long time. It is because King Goss obstructed it. Although he cannot directly drive the Holy See out, he is trying to drive it out. Move out of your main city.

Marquis Gavin had many thoughts in his mind. Not having to face the cold Monica made him straighten his back even more. He raised his chin slightly and said with a sullen face: "Your Excellency, are you perfunctory me? The king is very worried about his people." safety, the Holy See has refused to tell us the reason why the black witch appeared in Biel until now?"

Facing the aggressive Marquis Gavin, Tang Qiu responded with a good-tempered smile, "The black witches have weird personalities and are murderous. Who knows why they chose this place." She paused, looking serious. I thought for a while, "Maybe I just happened to pass by?"

So, are they to blame for the ill luck of Bill Empire?Marquis Gavin didn't dare to think about how angry the king would be if he heard these words.

However, it was because the person sitting across from him was not a king, that's why Tang Qiu said that. She glanced at Marquis Gavin, whose waist was no longer so straight, and suddenly felt that the task Monica gave her was comparable to handling those boring school affairs. Much more interesting.

"...Let the black witch sneak into the empire, and even summon ferocious monsters to attack the palace, the Holy See needs to reflect on it." Marquis Gavin emphasized, "The king allocates a huge sum of money every year to support the Holy See, not for I saw the pictures of the suffering of the people."

This passage was a bit serious, Tang Qiu lowered his eyes slightly, pondered for a while, and said softly: "Marquis Gavin is right."

Marquis Gavin thought she was stunned, and with a smile on his face, he was about to continue his efforts, when he heard the priest on the opposite side say in a soft and melodious voice: "The actions of the black witch this time are indeed rampant."

She paused for a moment, and then said: "However, fortunately, the Holy See is here, otherwise, I don't know how many innocent people in the empire will be implicated."

"Just imagine, if it weren't for His Majesty the King's support for the Holy See, perhaps we would not only see pictures of people suffering."

what is that?

Marquis Gavin spontaneously added the last sentence for Tang Qiu, maybe what he saw was the scene of the royal family suffering?

Tang Qiu didn't care what Marquis Gavin was thinking, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty the King is really far-sighted. Of course, even without His Majesty's support for the Holy See, the Holy See will not allow their believers to suffer."

Marquis Gavin's face completely darkened.

The cordial and friendly conversation continued throughout the morning. When leaving, Marquis Gavin managed to maintain a polite smile, leaving the door of the Holy See as if he wanted to fly away.

He really would rather face the reticent Monica than face this gentle and "good at talking" young priest.

After personally sending Marquis Gavin away, Tang Qiu was in a good mood on the way back, but was stopped by Jonas when she walked to the auditorium, and an invitation letter was stuffed into her hand.

Tang Qiu opened the invitation letter, looked down, and looked at Jonas suspiciously.

Jonas explained: "Priest Monica asked you to attend."

This is an invitation letter from Mrs. Bonnie. The most famous duchess of the Bill Empire invited the priests of the Holy See to attend the banquet.

Tapping lightly on the invitation letter with her fingertips, Tang Qiu readily agreed without thinking too long. It's just a banquet... She is very good at it.

It seemed that Monica was going to hand over the diplomatic affairs of the Holy See to her. Tang Qiu held the invitation letter and slightly raised the corners of his lips, which happened to be in line with her wishes.

Having had the experience of socializing in the aristocratic circle of Edri, Tang Qiu was also very handy in the Bier Empire. She lingered at various banquets. It didn't take long for the blond priest to be known by everyone, and almost everyone knew the Holy See. The newly appointed priests were gentle, friendly, and very funny, completely different from the priests who attended the banquet and kept their distance with a haughty face.

The new priest is good-looking, elegant and noble, gentle and considerate to others, except for dancing and drinking, she will not refuse any request.

Even if it was a rude request, she would just decline it with a smile and would not embarrass anyone.

The new priest quickly captured the "hearts" of noble girls and boys. Except for those in power, no one would hate a priest, especially a gentle and beautiful priest.

The identity of the priest already has its own halo in the continent of Statu, and the priest will only make people more yearning. A group of new prayers soon appeared on the square of the Holy See. They are gorgeously dressed, exquisitely made up, and luxurious carriages Almost a whole street was packed.

The commoners marveled at the aristocrats' ostentation and envied their beautiful dresses, and more and more people came to follow suit and pray. The Holy See was in the limelight for a while among the two different classes of commoners and nobles.

Monica was a little surprised by this situation, but after thinking about it, she didn't send anyone to stop it. Although it caused some trouble to the Holy See, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages. Maybe she could take this opportunity to apply to the king to build another square nearby for prayer?

With a thought, Monica seriously considered whether this proposal was feasible.

The heat outside did not affect Tang Qiu. She was staying in the room curiously unwrapping the presents brought to her during this period. The gift boxes almost filled the room, with the crests of different families printed on them.

She opened a few at will, and harvested a lot of valuable rubies. The things sent by the nobles were never too cheap, because they also represented the face of their family.

Tang Qiu put the opened gift box aside, picked one out at random, unwrapped the ribbon, and glanced at a string of delicate pearl necklaces lying at the bottom of the box, her eyes fixed on the pink fabric next to the necklace, The expression is subtle.

She picked up the fabric and found that the style and design were not as good as the one Anna gave her.

Tang Qiu looked down at the badge on the gift box curiously, and then glanced at the signature. He was surprised to find that the owner of the gift box was not a man. The other party seemed to be a very lively and cheerful girl?

She raised her eyebrows, put the fabric back, and continued to unpack other gift boxes until they were all opened. She harvested a total of more than a dozen fabrics with different styles but very interesting/interesting.

Half of them come from beautiful maidens.

The ethos of Star Map Continent is indeed very open. Tang Qiu rubbed his chin and came to a conclusion with emotion.

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