The result of indulging Lucille was that Tang Qiu woke up the next day still a little dizzy, and her face was a little pale due to blood loss, and she felt better after drinking two bottles of bright holy water.

Lucille was not in the room. Tang Qiu sat up from the bed, opened his sleeves and took a look. The bite marks on his wrists and arms were not serious due to the timely treatment yesterday.

She raised her hand and rubbed the center of her brows, feeling that her top-heavy discomfort had eased a little before she got off the bed and tidied up the somewhat messy priestly clothes in front of the mirror.

The door was knocked lightly, and the maid's excited voice sounded from outside the door, "Your Excellency, may I come in?"

Tang Qiu walked over and opened the door, and said with a smile, "Good day."

"Ah, good day, Your Excellency." The maid was holding a tray containing soaked towels and mouthwash. Seeing Tang Qiu staring at the things in her hand, she explained consciously, "It was the Marshal who asked me to Here." She went to the table and put the tray on it.

Tang Qiu raised his eyebrows, and asked softly, "Where is Lucille?"

"The marshal is in the garden."

Lucille must have specifically ordered Tang Qiu not to approach the garden, so the maid brought Tang Qiu to the entrance of the garden and stopped. It's just a one-time visit, and the maid started pruning the garden after Lucille moved in.

Compared with the garden of the Holy See, which was carefully cared for by Ruisi, the red spots in the green bushes of the manor are really pitiful.

When Tang Qiu found Lucille in the garden, she was squatting beside a piece of cleared land, loosening the soil with a shovel, and there was a small green seedling at her feet.

"What is this?" Tang Qiu bent down and picked up the little green seedling, looked at it a few times, and asked suspiciously.

Lucille put down the shovel, stood up and glanced at the blond priest first, and seeing that she looked okay, she shook her head and said, "I don't know."

She paused, then added, "I found it in Rose Manor."

Rose Manor... Tang Qiu raised her eyes and looked at Lucille in surprise. She vaguely remembered the time when Lola was let go. She seemed to have mentioned Rose Manor before leaving.

Tang Qiu didn't know much about Rose Manor. He had read the documents of the Holy See, but there were only some very one-sided records.

In fact, she has always had some doubts about Van Dent's blockade and burning of the city because of the Black Death. The Black Death can obviously use light spells to suppress the spread. Even if the epidemic has spread throughout the city, it is not serious enough to use it. This way.

Moreover, Tang Qiu found that the Holy See did not seem to be involved in the matter of Van Dent.

This is very strange, and it doesn't fit the image of the Holy See in the Sistatu continent at all.

"What kind of place is Rose Manor?" Tang Qiu asked tentatively as she handed the little green seedling to Lucille and watched her kneel down to plant it in the ground.

The little green seedling was already a little wilted when it was planted in the soil. Lucille frowned as she touched its leaves, doubting that it would not last long.

Tang Qiu also noticed the situation of the little green seedling. After thinking for a while, she motioned for Lucille to get up, then slightly bent down and chanted a spell in a low voice. Her fingertips shone with a lustrous white light, which enveloped the little green seedling. It didn't take long for it to come to life.

"Huh." Tang Qiu withdrew his hand and looked at the little green seedling in surprise.

Lucille looked at her questioningly, "What's wrong?"

Tang Qiu touched his chin, his eyes were full of curiosity, "It's a bit strange."

The light spell she uses is the one that Reese often uses in the garden of the Holy See. It can stimulate plants to grow quickly. Even if her power of light is not as pure as Reese, it is impossible to just make the little green seedlings more energetic .

According to her expectation, the little green seedling should at least grow to the position of her calf.

"What's so strange?" Lucille was still very concerned about the little green seedling, and she wanted to find out what the husk was buried deep in the Rose Manor.

Tang Qiu looked up and found that Lucille was looking at her intently, waiting for her answer. Her heart moved, and she pursed her lips and said jokingly, "You tell me about Rose Manor first, and I'm answering you."

The faint smile on the lips of the blond priest infected Lucille, and inexplicably made her feel better. The blood in her eyes had faded long ago, but a trace of longing suddenly appeared in her heart. She still wanted to The person in front of him is under him... eating.

Lucille lowered her eyes to suppress the sudden impulse. Tang Qiu thought she was unwilling to talk about the Rose Manor, and the smile on the corner of her mouth restrained a little. Just as she was about to change the subject, she heard Lucille Er said, "Rose Manor is a place where blood slaves are kept in captivity."

"Oh?" Tang Qiu was really surprised this time. She frowned and said, "Do you mean those nobles by blood slaves?" She didn't think that nobles would abandon their identities to become blood slaves for blood clans, unless, of course, It's the kind of willful or forced.

However, the Rose Manor has been on fire for a long time, but there is no news that any nobleman died in it.

"It's not a nobleman." Lucille told Tang Qiu about the record in Edri's document, "It's a servant brought by the nobleman."

"There is a rule that only the nobles know when entering the Rose Manor." Lucille lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, "You must bring ten servants to the owner of the manor." The servants were not at all obtrusive either.

As for how many people were left around when they left, no one would care about this issue at all.

So Lucille has always believed that the behind-the-scenes owners of Rose Manor are actually blood races, and their purpose is to eat and create tribesmen. Of course, there is no record of this in the literature, and Rose Manor was also burned down. I went to Rose Manor back then. The nobles kept silent about it, so she couldn't verify whether her guess was correct.

Tang Qiu frowned and fell into deep thought, not realizing that Lucille was looking sideways at him.The ground under her feet made rustling sounds, Tang Qiu lowered her head subconsciously, and the skull mouse's head emerged from the soil at her feet, and its eyes looked straight at her as if confirming her identity.

Lucille glanced at it, bent down and grabbed the skeleton mouse that was trying to slip away. After it completely emerged from the soil, the parchment tied to the skeleton mouse's body was exposed in their sight.

Irene often ordered the skeleton mouse to deliver letters to her. Tang Qiu took the parchment from Lucille's hand, unfolded it and glanced at it. The smile on his face slowly disappeared, and his thumb gently stroked the edge of the parchment.

"It's Irene's distress letter." Tang Qiu folded the parchment and said softly, frowning, "She was captured by the Black Witch in the Principality of Shas."

"The Principality of Shas is far away from Bill."

The Principality of Shas is close to the Gru Empire, and it takes about ten days to arrive from the Beer Empire. This distress letter was sent to Tang Qiu, and it can only be said that Irene knows that she is safe now.

Seeing Tang Qiu's eyes drooping in thought, Lucille asked lightly, "Are you going to save her?"

Tang Qiu glanced at her, raised his eyebrows, and said amusedly, "How can I save her?" Regardless of whether she has this ability, let's just say that as a priest of the Holy See of Bill, she needs a formal reason to leave of.

Obviously, the reason to save a black witch must not pass.

It is too risky to save Irene. She is walking on the edge of the blade. If she is not careful, she may lose her life. Tang Qiu thought for a long time but still could not think of a way to persuade her to take such a big risk to save people. reason.

"She should not be in danger." If her life was in danger, the distress letter would not be sent here, and she wrote a whole page eloquently. Lucille frowned when she thought of the black witch of the Anderson family. The tribe took it away."

She didn't really want the blond priest to provoke the Andersons.

Tang Qiu shook the parchment in his hand, "You guessed it right."

"Then give it up." Lucille knelt down and stroked the leaves of the little green seedling, her tone was cold, "It can't be saved anyway." She only cared about Tang Qiu's safety.

Tang Qiu didn't speak. She stared down at the parchment in her hand, lost in thought. The skeleton mouse wandered endlessly under her feet. She glanced at it, bent down, grabbed it and stuffed it into the space gem.

Originally planned to stay in Lucille's manor until dark, but because of Irene's distress letter, Tang Qiu returned to the Holy See ahead of time. She took out the map of Staru Continent and carefully checked the map of Shas Principality. Location, pointing at the location mentioned in Irene's letter, several rescue plans popped up in her mind but were rejected by her one by one.

To save or not to save?Tang Qiu's fingertips tapped on the table, and the crisp sound made her thoughts clearer. The sky blue eyes that were used to showing gentleness in front of outsiders now showed a trace of coldness.

Priests who want to leave the Holy See for a long time can only be ordered by the bishop. If they miss the weekly baptism of light for no reason, the number of times, let alone the position of priest, I will probably be taken away by the people of the court.

So how to get to the principality of SARS is a very difficult problem first.

Tang Qiu put away the map, got up and walked to the door, just as she opened the door and was about to go out, a half-grown child jumped out from nowhere and bumped into her.

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry." The little girl in an ordinary priest's uniform covered her eyes and apologized to Tang Qiu. A small stone flew towards the back of her head and Tang Qiu raised her hand to catch it. She raised her eyes and looked at the small stone. In the direction they came from, they only saw the backs of two people running away in a hurry.

These seven or eight-year-old children are bright believers of the Holy See and future priests. Tang Qiu only saw them yesterday, so she had some impressions of the little girl who bumped into her. She bent slightly and slowly moved the little girl's hand She took it off and saw that the corners of her eyes were bruised, she frowned and asked worriedly: "Are you okay?"

She softly chanted the spell and used a healing spell on the little girl's eyes. White light flashed, and the little girl's swollen eyes finally opened a little. She thanked in a low voice, "Thank you, Priest Grace."

Tang Qiu stroked the little girl's hair and said softly, "Why don't you tell Priest Jonas?" Jonas is usually in charge of managing these believers of light.

The little girl looked disappointed, "It's okay, they won't bully me anymore when they leave."

Believers of the light cannot leave their residences at will. The little girl was afraid of being discovered, so she bowed to Tang Qiu and left in a hurry. Tang Qiu followed her and watched her disappear. Suddenly, she saw Ruisi leaning on the stone pillar and looking at the direction where the little girl was leaving, fascinated.

The sound of footsteps made Ruisi look up to this side, and after realizing it was Tang Qiu, she raised her eyebrows and shouted with a smile: "Priest Grace."

Tang Qiu bowed and saluted, "Bishop Ruisi."

She didn't know how long Ruisi had been here, but seeing that she was just staring at the direction the little girl left, she must have witnessed everything that happened, Tang Qiu pondered for a moment, and asked tentatively: "The archbishop just saw a little priest Did you run over?"

Reese nodded casually, "I saw it, and saw a good show."

Sure enough, she saw it all. Tang Qiu thought of the little girl just now, and tried to say something for her, "I think the aptitude of the priest is important, but the personality should also be taken into consideration, otherwise sending it to the Central Holy See will cause disastrous results." Necessary trouble."

Although he only caught a glimpse of the back, Tang Qiu also recognized that one of the two people who bullied the little girl was a believer selected by Ruisi to be sent to the Central Holy See.

And the little girl was chosen by Monica just now, she has very good aptitude and character, Tang Qiu was also very optimistic about it, but the one who finally decided was Reese, so Tang Qiu's pity and Monica's anger were all useless .

Speaking of which, Tang Qiu really couldn't see what criteria Ruisi used to select believers, maybe it was his own mood?

Rui Si smiled at Tang Qiu's words, and she picked up a strand of hair on her chest and curled it around her fingers, looking very happy, and said, "Is there anything wrong with their personalities?"

"It's to my liking anyway."

Tang Qiu: "..."

"The Central Holy See won't be bothered by this little trouble." Ruisi left such an ambiguous sentence and left, but she had just taken two steps when she remembered something, turned her head and said to Tang Qiu: "Tell Mo Nika, this time I want to send believers back to the Central Holy See, and I want her to personally lead someone to protect me along the way."

Tang Qiu's heart moved, "Send believers back to the Central Vatican?" The Central Vatican is in the southwest of the Gelug Empire. However, Ruisi has just selected the believers of the Beer Empire, and other countries have to choose by themselves.

It will take a long time to escort them down, and this is also an opportunity to leave the Holy See.

Rui Si keenly noticed the subtle change in Tang Qiu's eyes after hearing her words, she left in no hurry, turned around and looked at the blond priest, and said softly: "Are you interested in this?"

"It would be a great honor for me to be able to appreciate the splendor of other Holy Sees and personally protect the safety of Archbishop Ruisi." Tang Qiu replied cautiously.

When Tang Qiu was speaking, Ruisi kept looking at her with a smile, and after she finished speaking, she clapped her hands lightly twice, and said with emotion: "If these words came from Monica's mouth, , I might be happier."

Tang Qiu smiled, and said without changing his face: "Priest Monica escorts you, and will definitely guard the safety of you and the believers."

Ruisi rubbed her chin and murmured, "What if she refuses me?" She blinked at Tang Qiu and said with a smile: "Since you are very interested, if you can help me persuade her to agree, the other escort I will choose you as the candidate, okay?"

Is Reese such an understanding person?Tang Qiu's brows furrowed indistinctly, then relaxed again, nodded with a smile, and said softly, "I will try."

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