Chapter 86

Freedom comes from bravery. —Robert Foster

"Reid." Morgan said seriously, removing the empty paper cup from his hand, "You should go to sleep."

Reid shook his head.He looked at Morgan's resolute expression, and slowly said: "I don't want to sleep." As soon as Morgan raised his eyebrows, Reid interrupted him: "I know, but, I dreamed about Foster yesterday."

Reid didn't mention Griffith's name very much these days, and Morgan didn't know when he changed his name, so he couldn't help being stunned.Immediately afterwards, he heard Reid say: "I dreamed that night, Tobias pointed a gun at me, I was tied to a chair, watching you...Gideon is negotiating with him, and everyone is ready."

"Tobias looked down and smiled at me, and he said softly, Honora patrumtuum, I knew I couldn't escape, he made a choice, he would kill me - that was the closest I was to death. For a moment, I didn't have time to think about anything, I heard the gunshot, Tobias' blood splashed on my face, and then I looked out the door and saw Foster holding the gun."

"Foster saved my life," Reid said. "I've seen him lying in a hospital bed, I've seen him trapped in a hallucination, but that time was different. I remember it clearly. The first time he killed, the attitude But very firm...he is for me."

Morgan was speechless for a moment, feeling something was wrong.

"I know, he would have shot you or JJ." Reid smiled, "But it's different, I like him, so he shot for me, I can't help but be happy."


"Of course I didn't dream about him because of this, I just finally figured out one thing." Reid was immersed in his own thoughts, "I always thought he needed me, after all, I've seen him at his most vulnerable moment, but in fact Come on, I need him."

"He is very strong, stronger than anyone imagined. I have always wanted to know him, but the closer I get, the more I feel that he doesn't need anyone. Instead, I..." Reid reluctantly twitched the corner of his mouth , "He saved me. When I went astray, he pulled me aside, asked me to face up to the problem itself, and was willing to accompany me to solve it. I need him, and I hope he will need me too."

Morgan looked indifferent.

"Even if you let me go back, I won't rest, you can't keep an eye on me," Reid said.

"..." Morgan said viciously, "I should have mixed sleeping pills in my coffee and poured them down for you!"

Reid was amused by him: "If I really can't hold on, you can do this."

"Shut up! Look at your map before I change my mind!"

Griffith rubbed his eyes.

It's not an illusion, he can really see!

The effect of the medicine may not have begun to work, and Jason didn't expect him to wake up so soon, and didn't continue to tie him up.Most importantly, Jason wasn't there. With blurry vision, Griffith found the landline by the bedside and dialed 911.

Hurry up, hurry up...

Jason could be right outside the door, but Griffith had to take that risk.

"Hello, 911, how can I help you?"

"Contact the FBI's behavioral analysis team," Griffith said quickly, "locate the phone, but don't call the police."


Griffith's back was covered with cold sweat; he thought he heard footsteps.

"Tell them," he said, before quickly hanging up the phone and kicking over the cabinet.Almost at the same time, the door lock made a soft sound and opened.

Jason seemed taken aback by the mess in the room. Griffith glared at him savagely, noticing the blurring of his vision.

He has little time left.

"Get out!" he cried in his hoarseest voice, "Get out!"

"Shh, calm down..."

"Get out!" He was trembling all over, hoping Jason thought he was blown up, "You lied to me, how dare you..."

The glass on the cabinet fell to the floor because the cushion of the carpet was not broken, but the hot milk spilled all over the floor.The desk lamp hit the landline, and the delicate glass cover was cracked.

Griffith took two heavy breaths. The thought of "absolutely not to be discovered" stimulated his nerves, adrenaline was secreted crazily, his rationality was almost pulled out, and he calmly directed his body.

Too much to say is bound to fail, he bit his lower lip tightly, trying to show an angry look.

Jason stepped across the mess on the ground and hugged Griffith into his arms. Griffith struggled desperately, Jason frowned and said forcefully, "Calm down!"

Griffith ignored him and bit his wrist. Jason let him bite, and patted him on the back: "Shh... I know you don't like it, but it's so nice not to see this dirty world, so that you can be as carefree as a child consider."

"Bullshit," Griffith thought nonchalantly.

The medicine finally took effect, and Griffith returned to the invisible world of darkness.He tasted blood, a little salty... No, not only blood, but also tears, tears that he didn't know when to fall.

"Don't cry, let me see, is it hurt?" Jason's tone was gentle, but the strength in his hand did not decrease at all.He squeezed Griffith's jaw, forcing him to open his jaw. Griffith was obediently at his mercy, secretly relieved to see that he wasn't suspicious.

It is his last hope to hope that the news will reach his colleagues.

When JJ's phone rang, she was at Griffith's house with Emily, sending dusty manuscripts to Gideon one by one.The phone number was an unfamiliar one. JJ received a lot of strange calls every day. Without thinking about it, she gestured to Emily and walked to the side to answer the phone: "Jennifer Jareau."

"Hello," the man over there said hesitantly, "this is 911, we received a call at 8 o'clock this morning asking us to contact you."

JJ rubbed his forehead, planning to hand over the case to the next-door team: "Well, can you explain in detail?"

"It's a call from the outer suburbs of Las Vegas. It's a man." The other party said, "He..."

"Las Vegas" has been promoted to JJ's new sensitive word, and her spirits lifted: "What?"


"Do you have backup recordings?" JJ said quickly, "What's the number? What time?"


"Okay, you send me the recording and the number as soon as possible."

Emily noticed the look in her eyes and mouthed a question to her, JJ motioned her to speak later.Because Griffith emphasized not to call the police, the police station did not dare to act rashly, but immediately informed Reid and Morgan in the police station. Reid nearly threw the map away and was stopped by Morgan.

"Wait a minute, let them contact JJ." Morgan analyzed with him methodically, "We don't know whether this call is true or not, and whether it is related or not. Now you concentrate on writing the test, and JJ will take care of it."

"But according to the character of the suspect, if Foster seizes the opportunity to ask for help, he must take a huge risk. Once he is found, he may be transferred to a place that is more difficult to find," Reid retorted, "Besides, he..."

"Concentrate on writing." Morgan said, "Griffith asked not to call the police because he was afraid of arousing surprise. We must be fully prepared to rescue him. Reid, listen to me, trust JJ's efficiency, she will not delay."

Morgan was right.

JJ brought the analysis of the phone recording to Hotch: "This call was made by Griffith, the landline number, I asked Garcia to check, and the specific location has been found."

Conner objected before Hotch: "No."

JJ gave him a cold look.

"If, as you're saying, that Jason is behind it, and just kidnapping an FBI agent isn't enough to take him down, I've got to get proof of his crime." He hissed, "Listen, since your group The officer can make this call, which means that he is safe for the time being, why not wait until the auction site to arrest him?"

JJ looks at their supervisor.

"Gideon found one of his most important safe houses," Hotch began. "There's no way he didn't know about it, and Reid's source was an accident, and it irritated him in a way. He didn't blow up right away, yes. Because he has Griffith, the safe house is nothing compared to it. But it gives him a sense of crisis, he is a very controlling person, he will transfer Griffith with or without this call, it is only a matter of time, we What is lacking most is time. Griffith's safety cannot be guaranteed now, and if the suspect finds out about his begging for help, he will definitely not let him go. JJ, have you contacted Gideon yet?"

"Gideon was at the scene of James' crime and was on his way to the police station," JJ said. "Reid drew the range, and this address is within the range."

"What about the arrest warrant?"

"Just waiting for your signature."

The more Conner heard it, the more wrong it became: "Wait a minute, my case..."

"Get John Walker, too, and avoid Sally Nelson," Hotch said. "We'll make him confess."

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