The next day, in the nanny car that was about to leave for NSN, a certain assaulter had a very bad expression. He sat alone in the back row of the car, leaning on one side and ignoring others.

"What's wrong with Evil?" Zhou Huo climbed into the car, counted the peripheral bags of each player, and asked worriedly after looking at Shi Luo's appearance, "Didn't get a good rest last night? Can I tell you to go to bed earlier by playing NSN?"

Shi Luo said in a muffled voice behind the peaked cap, "03:30...not too late."

"Oh, that's okay." Zhou Huo calmed down, sat down, still confused, turned his head and asked, "Then what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

Before Yu Sui opened his mouth to rescue Shi Luo, Chen Huo put his peripheral bag away and sneered, "Want to know? Shall I tell you?"

Puppy looked at Chen Huo unexpectedly, "You know about him..."

"I don't even bother to say it." Chen Huo glanced at Shi Luo and hummed, "I don't know what bad water I was holding back last night. I insisted on having sex with my little wife, so I drove him away. I guess the more I think about it, the more angry I can't sleep. Well, huh... How much should I live?"

Shi Luo: "..."

Shi Luo didn't want to explain a word, and continued to sleep with his eyes closed.

"It's two o'clock, and he won't leave, and Yu Sui won't leave either. The two of them seem to be sick, sitting there watching me play the last game. Do you think there are such crazy people?" Chen Huo couldn't understand, "Both Assaulter, it's fine when Shi Luo wants to learn my awesome skills secretly, but what are you watching, Yu Sui? If you steal it, you can steal it. If you want to practice it after learning it, then I can bear it? My name is pure and spotless. Can you touch this brat with permed hair, dyed hair and pierced ears?"

As soon as Chen Huo opened his mouth, Zhou Huo understood what was going on. He wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and held back, "And then?"

"Then blow him away, and Yu Sui." Chen Huo curled his lips, "When Yu Sui left, he pretended to be slippery and touched the keyboard... wiped it, nothing good!"

Puppy looked at Chen Huo with pity, and sighed, "Yu Sui didn't unplug your power... Huo, really, you really made your life more difficult with your good skills."

Chen Huo didn't understand what Puppy meant, so he wanted to ask again, but was interrupted by Zhou Huo.

Zhou Huo looked back at Shi Luo, who was dissatisfied with puberty, and tried his best to hold back his smile.

As a manager, Zhou Huo first needed to break the ice between Yu Sui and Shi Luo to reassure the fans of the team, and then he needed the relationship between the two star players to get closer so that he could create topics. Accidents beyond the current state of perfection.

Zhou Huo was very satisfied with Shi Luo's decision not to make it public.

After all, the lessons learned from the past are clearly placed at the NSN base.

Arriving at the NSN competition venue, NSN's home court, is usually surrounded by NSN team lights and players' personal lights inside and outside the venue, but today there are no signs.

The NSN fans didn't wait outside the venue for the NSN team nanny van, almost all of them passed through the security check and entered the infield without making any noise or making noise, they were all preoccupied and looked down at their phones.

Chen Huo was always a little slower than others, and when he entered the backstage, he looked around and said, "Why is it so quiet today?"

"The answer is in the forum, but I don't recommend you to read it, especially before the game." Zhou Huo urged several people to go to the lounge, "I'll check in for you, you go to the lounge first."

What Zhou Huo said was never shocking. Several people wandered into the lounge, including Old Qiao, and took up their mobile phones to browse the forum after sitting down.

What happened yesterday really fermented.

Shi Luo clicked on the most discussed e-sports forum, and the eye-catching headlines hit his face directly——

"NSN was taken away 0-2 by the European holy sword with a shaved head in the afternoon, and the sniper ROD went to celebrate his girlfriend's birthday at night, which is awesome"

"I hope you win the championship every year, no results every year, talk about your mother's love"

"Is NSN hopeless again this year? "

"Spray, spray me to death, if you don't spray, you won't wake up"

"I'm done, and there's some washing for ROD. I'm waiting to see NSN's regular match with Free today. Is it true that ROD is lagging behind? Let's watch it on the field."

Old Qiao put down his phone and sighed, "ROD's girlfriend's Weibo has been sprayed and cleared. I know the inside story. To be fair, ROD and his girlfriend have been dating since junior high school. They are real childhood sweethearts. My friend is not some kind of internet celebrity, they have been together for several years, and it’s not like ROD just fell in love and suddenly lost his mind because of his girlfriend, this..."

"You know it's useless." Puppy flipped through the forums and said slowly, "The manager of NSN himself came out and said that the two of them have been getting along for many years, and their official blog made a public announcement, do you think anyone cares about it? "

Chen Huo shook his head, "What do you have to say to Troll, it's because you were stimulated by the holy sword, and you just find someone to vent your anger on...ROD just accidentally bumped into the muzzle of the gun."

Chen Huo swiped through Weibo and laughed, "ROD fans are all messaging me privately, let's give it a shot..."

Old Qiao gave Chen Huo a warning look, "Don't think about messing around."

"I know, don't these cuties check before sending private messages? Even if we can kill FS, can we let NSN go?" Chen Huo sighed, "I just think NSN is a bit miserable, twelve teams, The whole shit was slaughtered by the holy sword, and now they are the only ones who have carried the blame, hey...brothers are a little bit behind."

Yu Sui put down the phone, "Functionally, don't think about what's going on."

"Decree." Puppy threw the phone aside, and said leisurely, "It's just that big brother ROD is suffering, so he can't die, who knows that he is the only one who has a girlfriend, and he just happened to ask for leave just now, no one is so lucky ..."

You can't bring your mobile phone on the field, so Chen Huo handed it to Lao Qiao, "Rod worked hard, and helped the brothers to resist the pressure."

Everyone put their phones aside, only Shi Luo was still browsing the forum with frowning.

"Don't look." Yu Sui glanced at Shi Luo, "Go get your peripherals."

Shi Luo didn't seem to hear it, and his fingers quickly slid across the screen, his face became more and more ugly.

Shi Luo didn't intend to disclose the relationship, but watching the forum scolding ROD, Shi Luo always felt that every sentence was about Yu Sui.

Two years ago, the memory of Hei Yusui was too deep in the whole network, and the feeling of being full of grievances but unable to refute was deeply rooted in Shi Luo's memory, and it could be brought up from time to time, making Shi Luo feel a little breathless.

It's just a relationship, who did you provoke?

If the matter between himself and Yu Sui is found out, if one day Free also loses the game, Yu Sui will also be criticized like this?


No team can go a game without losing, as long as they lose, someone has to take the blame.

Why does it have to be the one who is in love?

Shi Luo's complexion was extremely bad, and he automatically replaced the ROD of every post on the forum with Yu Sui, and the more he looked at it, the more his heart sank.

Less than two months ago, in order to clear Yu Sui, it is no exaggeration to say that Free's entire team did their best.

Yu Sui just got rid of the stigma all over his body, if it's because of himself...


Shi Luo was stunned for a moment, then raised his head suddenly, realizing that it was Yu Sui calling his ID just now.

Yu Sui looked at Shi Luo expressionlessly, and reminded again, "Go get your peripherals."

Shi Luo took a deep breath, threw the phone on the table, got up and opened his peripheral bag.

Old Qiao instinctively smoothed things over, and smiled, "Shi Luo is just watching the gossip for a while, it's alright, the peripherals are fine, wait for the referee to come and confirm the information."

Not long after, the official referee of the league came to confirm the information of both parties, and Yu Sui signed it. Old Qiao asked, "Who is the NSN sniper?"

The referee also knew about the turmoil, understood what Joe meant, and said in a low voice, "ROD, NSN didn't bring a substitute today."

Puppy said softly, "Head iron, kid, I hope you can play well."

Puppy usually loves yin and yang, but this time he sincerely hopes that ROD can play well and stop the trolls.


Being sprayed for a whole night and a whole day, it will affect the individual. ROD's complexion is not right when he is on stage, the dark circles under his eyes are so heavy that he can't cover them, his lips have no color, the whole person's expression is gray, and the forehead Twist it up with a hint of anger.

The entire competition venue was more depressing than usual, and the NSN fans were a bit self-defeating. Before the players put on the sound-proof headphones, the NSN fans shouted "Go ROD!"

At the beginning of the game, NSN didn’t try to let Wawa play assassin medical. No one’s assassin medical was enough in front of Whisper. Wawa continued to be a babysitter. Confrontation, every meeting is very cautious.

Free and the others are all good players who can make progress. NSN gave up the advantage in the early stage. Yu Suichen and Huo Shiluo, the three powerful front row, were naturally not polite, and they simply cleared up a piece of NSN's field.

NSN obviously wants to fight a war of attrition. Just like the practice match between Holy Sword and Free that day, they show weakness in the early stage to preserve the economy and try to fight an economic war in the later stage. This is indeed what Free is most afraid of, but...

This premise is that the overall economic resources dragged to Free are unsustainable.

Originally, NSN was still struggling to survive, and fought and retreated, but at 15 minutes into the game, ROD made a mistake and Puppy guessed the position. Puppy shot ROD, and NSN instantly disappeared. Eyes, the two front row assaulters and the healer couldn't dodge, they were all wiped out by Free, and the suspense of the battle disappeared in an instant, all four of them on NSN were wiped out, and they were almost cleared by Free and others during the resurrection time. The poisonous fog on the map, Puppy They no longer guarded the back row, and came directly to the face to output, three times, five divisions, and two, without giving NSN any breathing power, and directly won the game.

The first game was successfully won by Free. If NSN wants to split the pot in this round, it will be ROD.

But everyone will make mistakes, and no one is Whisper. There are always a few small mistakes in each game, and they can barely make it through.

But it won't work in the second round.

ROD's mentality seems to have collapsed. If he just accidentally made a small mistake in the first round, then he would basically give away the whole process in the second round. From the beginning to the end, the mistakes continued to deform, and he misjudged several times before Free In the platoon position, every time he shoots, he is almost at the self-destruct position. He is suppressed by his fellow Puppy throughout the whole process, but he still does not give up. He really wants to turn the tide of the battle, shoots frequently, and is caught by Free every time. Live location.

The second game ended in 10 minutes, and Free won the game without any suspense.

A BO3 game ended quickly, Shi Luo took off the sound-proof headphones, and his face was not half happy.

It's not that Shi Luo hasn't fought ROD before. ROD's operation is so hot today, which is completely influenced by the trolls on the Internet.

Chen Huo took off his earphones, and muttered softly, "I thought he would collapse, but I didn't expect it to collapse so ugly. Let alone a battle of shame, he has completely realized that he lost his mind because of falling in love."

Puppy was not too happy when he easily won the NSN in the regular season. He rubbed his ears, "This kind of game is too boring."

Yu Sui, however, went as usual, signed the confirmation card that the referee handed to the captain, removed his keyboard and mouse, "Going to interview."

Shi Luo was full of thoughts, still looking at the computer screen.

After each round of the game, a data panel will pop up to record the number of kills of each player in this round. ROD has 0 kills and 8 kills in this round.

A back row sniper achieved this result, which can basically be judged as a team cancer.

Shi Luo's heart sank, and he always felt that the data panel was his own.

"Shi Luo, Shi Luo? Shi Luo?!!"

The venue was too noisy, Shi Luo, who was full of thoughts, didn't hear a word, and was still looking at the computer screen until Yu Sui patted him on the shoulder.

Shi Luo woke up like a dream, only to find that his teammates were looking at him, the interview booth had already been prepared, and the host was also looking in his direction in confusion.

Shi Luo gritted his teeth, he was distracted too much today.

Shi Luo quickly picked up his peripherals, frowned and followed his teammates to the interview booth.

NSN's home court, NSN played like this, and the host was also very embarrassing. He didn't interview any sensitive topics, and it was over after a few quick questions. Shi Luo followed his teammates to the waiting room full of thoughts.

A game that had been prepared for many days ended in a mess, and Zhou Huo was a little dull. He smiled and celebrated a few words, and just asked where he was going to eat, Yu Sui put down his peripherals and said, "You can go anywhere. Let's go first, I have a few words to say to Shi Luo."

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