Shi Luo has a body of guilt, and right now he doesn't have the confidence to let Yu Sui go back to his own dormitory, so he just moved, turned his back and lay on his side facing the wall.

Yu Sui lay down on the bed and pushed Shi Luo, "It's not the flu, it can't infect me."

Shi Luo's voice was a little hoarse due to the high fever, and he hesitated, "...Are you sure the common cold is not contagious?"

"I'm not sure." Yu Sui wrapped one hand around Shi Luo's waist, and brought him closer to him, "But if you shrink in again and stick to that cold wall, I'm sure my anger won't go away."

Shi Luo spent half a second weighing the pros and cons, and obediently moved closer to Yu Sui, but still turned his back to Yu Sui, but moved closer. Shi Luo was still hot, a little afraid of the cold, and shrank a little under the quilt. shrunk.

"Shi Luo."

Shi Luo felt hot on his forehead and felt cold all over his body. He said in a hoarse voice, "Huh?"

Shi Luo was tightly wrapped in the quilt, and was hugged tightly by Yu Sui's arm. It was not easy to turn around. He waited for a long time but didn't hear Yu Sui continue to talk, moved, and was about to turn around with difficulty when he heard Yu Sui whispering in his ear. Bian whispered, "Do you think there is still a problem between the two of us?"

Shi Luo's heart sank.

Before Shi Luo opened his mouth to explain, he heard Yu Sui say calmly, "Isn't it wrong for you to be out of sight?"

Shi Luo took a deep breath, saying this between lovers is basically the opening song of the conflict.

Fever really affects people's ability to react, Shi Luo really has tinnitus right now, before he could figure out how to explain it, Yu Sui let go of his arm.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but Shi Luo felt a little colder.

Shi Luo frowned, rubbed the center of his brows, and when he was trying to concentrate on how to speak well, he felt Yu Sui's arm move behind him.

Shi Luo subconsciously turned her head to take a look, startled.

Yu Sui raised his head slightly, and unbuttoned his own shirt one by one.

After all the shirt buttons were unbuttoned, Shi Luo was embraced by Yu Sui, and Yu Sui pulled him into his arms again, and was wrapped up by Yu Sui like he rolled spring pancakes with his own shirt.

Shi Luo heard Yu Sui whispering in his ear, "Is it warmer than before?"

Shi Luo was stunned for half a minute.

After a while, Luo Cai whispered, "My heart is warmer than before...doesn't matter?"

Before the words finished, Shi Luo felt Yu Sui behind him sneer.

Shi Luo's heart was sour, and he wanted to ask a thousand times, how could this person be so good?

Every time I feel that it can't be better, this is already the best person for me, but it won't take long for Yu Sui to continue to break this record.

Yu Sui changed his posture slightly to make Shi Luoyi more comfortable, "Is it useful to be sweet now? How difficult is it to call me when you have a fever?"

Shi Luo originally had a lot of things to explain for himself, but now he doesn't want to say anything, obediently listens to the training, and apologizes honestly, "I was wrong."

"Dare to do it next time?" Yu Sui gently picked Shi Luo's chin with his hand, and said in a low voice, "Next time you told someone to find someone to sleep with you, go to Chen Huo, I occasionally I don’t hide the stomachache from you, what about you? What do you think of me?”

Before Shi Luo could speak, Yu Sui said, "I treat you like a boyfriend, you treat me like a duck. I'll take good care of you, what are you thinking about Xiasanlu? Hmm? What did you just say?" Bad move?"

Shi Luo tried his best to hold back a smile, lowered his head and rubbed Yu Sui's hand with his chin, and said sincerely, "Really, it's really wrong, okay?"

"Don't take this as an example." Yu Sui pulled back the quilt and frowned, "It's not some terminal illness, it's just that I'm hiding it... What's wrong, sleep."

Yu Sui covered Shi Luo's eyes with his hands, and asked him to close them, "I'll give you a day off tomorrow."

Shi Luo said "um", and fell asleep after a while.

Shi Luo had a good night's sleep, Yu Sui woke up a few times in the middle and touched Shi Luo's forehead. It was not until the middle of the night when Shi Luo's body temperature returned to normal that he really fell asleep at ease.

The next day, Yu Sui woke up first.

Shi Luo's body temperature was completely normal, Yu Sui felt relieved, seeing that it was still early, he didn't bother to go back to his room, so he sat up and leaned against the bedside to look at his phone.

A few messages came during the night, Yu Sui unlocked it and glanced at it, then raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

Ke Hao sent him a few messages.

Yu Sui subconsciously glanced at Shi Luo who was lying beside him.

After going to Germany, Yu Sui and Ke Hao no longer sent two greeting messages politely during the Chinese New Year, and the relationship gradually faded away.

It was also because of Shi Luo, and also because Yu Sui was playing autistic in the days after he first went to the European Division, and lost contact with many people.

Yu Sui clicked on the message.

[Ke Hao]: [I only found out when I saw the news, my cousin went to your place again? ]

[Ke Hao]: [I searched, your club has done well, is he okay? ]

[Ke Hao]: [You two reconciled?How are you two doing now? ]

The message was sent at [-]:[-] in the morning, Yu Sui was not sure if Ke Hao was jet-lagged or just got up early.

Going to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, Yu Sui didn't think Ke Hao suddenly remembered that he still had a cousin like Shi Luo, and wanted to care about him.

Yu Sui recalled what Shi Luo had told him about the messy things in his family before, and he had a vague idea in his heart.

Yu Sui glanced sideways at Shi Luo, got up as quietly as possible, and left Shi Luo's dormitory with his mobile phone.

It was just ten o'clock in the morning, and the people at the base hadn't woken up yet. Yu Sui went back to his room, took a coat and put it on, walked to the first floor, went out the gate, sat on the recliner in the small courtyard, and broadcast it back to Ke Hao.

The call was picked up within a few seconds, Ke Hao was obviously surprised, and the greeting was very enthusiastic.

In the past two years, Yu Sui had seen a lot of other people's hypocrisy, so he didn't feel embarrassed or embarrassed, and quietly listened to Ke Hao's 5-minute old story.

Ke Hao had enough nonsense, and when he really had nothing more to talk about, he tentatively said, "Shi Luo he okay? I don't know your circle very well, and some news on the Internet praised him, and some...some said he was not good. Yes, I can't tell the difference."

"Very good." Yu Sui said lightly, "The state is very good, in all aspects."

"That's good, that's good." Ke Hao laughed dryly for a while, then said hesitantly, "My uncle is Shi Luo's father, have you contacted him recently?"

Yu Sui said, "I don't know."

"Is that so..." Ke Hao was silent for a moment, his tone became a bit more serious, "To tell you the truth, my grandpa... was ill a while ago."

Yu Sui had already guessed correctly and didn't answer.

Ke Hao said in a low voice, "I've lived in the courtyard for half a month, knowing that Shi Luo is busy, I don't know what's going on with the old man, and I don't dare to disturb him..."

"Ke Hao." Yu Sui couldn't take it any longer, and laughed in a low voice, "Since you don't want to contact him at all, don't blame him."

Ke Hao choked on the other end of the phone.

"You also know my contact information. When you need him to come over, you can call at any time." Yu Sui said calmly, "Even if there is a competition, I will let him go back, don't worry."

Ke Hao smiled awkwardly, "Yeah? That's because I was too worried. I didn't dare to contact him for fear of delaying his training, but don't worry. It's like this now. It's a near miss. My grandpa just got out of the hospital today. This time it's really There is no danger, my uncle suddenly had an idea, thinking that in order to make the old man happy, it is better to let Shi Luo go back to school, so that my grandfather can feel at ease, I have already told him that your playoffs will start soon, I'm afraid it's inappropriate for Shi Luo to leave now, so I thought about it again and decided to ask you..."

Ke Hao hesitated, "What do you and Shi Luo think? Am I right? You guys still want to continue playing games, right? Surely he doesn't want to go back to school?"

Naturally, Shi Luo would not agree.

Yu Sui was very clear in his heart, but he said, "I don't know."

Ke Hao said anxiously on the other end of the phone, "He's doing well professionally. Your team has such good grades. He gets so much signing fee a year. How could he be willing to go to school?!"

"It's hard to say." The corner of Yu Sui's mouth twitched slightly, "You know his college entrance examination results, and it won't affect anything if he delays for two years. Now the professional pressure is quite high, and many people still look down on our profession, can't Said it was better than going to school."

Over there, Ke Hao paused for a few seconds, and said hesitantly, "Indeed, but I am willing to let him do what he likes to do. Since he wants to play professionally, I will play. In fact, my grandfather doesn't care what he does for a long time. He is my uncle." I don't think my grandfather will be happy when Shi Luo comes back to school. My grandfather is so old that people are going to be confused. What can he know..."

The more Ke Hao spoke, the more confident he became, and he hurriedly thanked Yu Sui for greetings, and then Luo hung up the phone.

Yu Sui looked at the phone and frowned slightly. Ke Hao said that Grandpa Shi Luo had just been discharged from the hospital today, Ke Hao was in a hurry to contact him, and Shi Luo's father was probably also in a hurry to contact Shi Luo.

Shi Luo had to be vaccinated in advance.

Yu Sui's confidence is much stronger than it was two years ago, and his worth has more than doubled in the past two years. If it is a problem that can be solved by pure money, it is no longer a problem.

As long as Shi Luo is not sad.

Yu Sui went upstairs with his mobile phone, thinking how to say this in a more tactful way.

What Ke Hao said just now was tactful enough, but Yu Sui still felt chilled.

Not only to be tactful, but also to think of a way for Shi Luo, so that Shi Luo's father completely cut off the idea of ​​using Shi Luo as a bargaining chip.

It's also a hassle.

Yu Sui took a few steps up to the second floor, and before reaching the door of Shi Luo's dormitory, he heard Shi Luo's voice inside.

Yu Sui frowned, and approached with a few steps, and just put his hand on the doorknob of the dormitory, only to hear Shi Luozhong in the dormitory full of air, and his tone was sonorous, "Then let me tell the truth, I slept with my teammate."

Yu Sui outside the door, "..."

"Does it matter which teammate? Anyway, all my teammates are men."

"I didn't lie to you. I just slept when I slept. I really like men."

"You can force me to retire and go back to school. I'll tell my grandpa when I get back. I like men!"

"I've never said empty words since I was a child, right?"

"You don't bother me, we live in peace and harmony, if you step within ten miles of our base, I will tell my grandfather about it right away."

"He might have left you something back, but when he knows that you have lost all children and grandchildren, it will be hard to say."

"You don't move, I don't move."

"If you disturb my club, I'll immediately post pictures of me sleeping with men in my family group! I will do what I say."

Shi Luo hung up the phone with a sneer, turned to look at the door, and his mania dissipated instantly.

Shi Luo clutched the phone in both hands in a daze, and stammered, "I... I woke up suddenly feeling happy today, and my cold is gone, so I just wanted to come out to my dad."

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