One Dazai Osamu, one Accelerator, these two uneasy people get together, my head is getting big.

But at this time, I don't have any extra energy to bother with them.

I glanced at the location Fushimi Saru Hiko sent me, and after confirming the location, I thought carefully about how to walk there in the most time-saving way as a normal person.

No wonder Hatta Misaki ran away in such a hurry just now, it turned out that this guy was in a hurry to carry out demolition.

This is probably my first official fight since I joined Scepter4 - the last time Scepter4 captured outsiders, I couldn't say I really participated in it, at best it was just a moving background board for onlookers.

I was on my way while enduring several times the combined pressure of Osamu Dazai and Accelerator. Of course, I couldn't easily use superpowers in such a noisy urban area.

It is better for ordinary people not to know too much about this matter. If many people see this supernatural ability, it will be very troublesome for Scepter4 and the Supernatural Secret Service to deal with it.

Things like super powers, if not done well, will bring huge panic to this country.

Fortunately, that place is not too far from where I am. I rely on the airflow control to push my body and reduce the resistance brought by the air to accelerate me. If I were allowed to participate in the Olympics at this time, I might be able to win one. The champion broke another world record by the way.

I can cover this distance in less than 10 minutes.

On the way, I took a look at the association that was attacked. Although the building in front of me was very magnificent, as if it was declaring "I am rich" to everyone, it was actually a gangster organization.

As for why Barbara attacked this could Scepter4 know?

I looked at the holes in the side wall of this building. If there is a door, you have to go through the wall. Barbara is really arrogant and wasteful. Fortunately, they don't need to pay for it.

Osamu Dazai didn't rely on his unreliable physical strength to try to keep up with Accelerator and me, he chose to take a taxi.

Dazai Osamu arrived at the destination almost at the same time as I did. He looked up at the building in front of him before asking me, "Is this the so-called King Power Organization?"

"Not here," I answered Osamu Dazai's question, "but it does have something to do with the King Power Organization."

"Your Majesty," Dazai Osamu said happily, "I haven't seen it yet."

... Dazai Osamu's tone of wanting to make trouble makes me very uneasy.

Accelerator stood behind me with one hand in his pocket like an old man. He didn't have a vigorous trouble-making mind like Dazai Osamu, but this old man was not a worry-free old man either.

"Do you usually do things that only third-rate policemen do?"

"...Can't you say something nice?"

Accelerator really thought about it this time: "Then it's almost like a security guard."

I said blankly: "I think this third-rate policeman is similar. Anyway, apart from those few, there are some low-level police officers."

I went around the corner and walked to the front glass gate, but before entering the gate, I turned my head and told the two onlookers in an uneasy tone: "You two can be regarded as irrelevant people here, don't make trouble casually! "

When I said the words "Don't make trouble casually", my eyes were fixed on Osamu Dazai's face.

Then I looked at Accelerator again: "Master, I beg you, don't be angry, if anyone says something unpleasant, you should think that saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda... If a society ruled by law casually kills people, I will I have to sit with you."

"Understood," Yifang Accelerator listened impatiently to my lecture, "Trouble."

"Okay, okay," I agreed repeatedly, "I'll shut up right away."

In the lobby of the building stood heavily armed commandos, armed from masks to the soles of their feet, all with guns in their hands.

In this pile of black armed, Scepter4's blue uniform is particularly conspicuous.

Fushimi Saruhiko looked up and saw me.

"It's too slow." He paused, then clicked his tongue, "Standing there as a pillar? Come here."

"Sorry," I trotted over and stood up, apologizing to him in a low voice, "I'm late."

"En." Fushimi Saruhiko agreed with a nasal voice.

At this time, I haven't seen the shadow of Barbara, only Scepter4 and the people who are about to suppress by force are in the whole hall.

Fushimi Yuanbigu suddenly said: "The barbarians are here."


I froze for a moment, I did hear noisy footsteps coming from a high place and far away, but there was no reason why Fushimi Saruhiko could hear it as well as me.

The accident happened in the next second.

The wall on the stairs on the second floor bulged a slight arc unbearably at first, and the gaps between the brick surfaces began to emit steaming steam.Then the crimson flame accompanied by a loud noise pushed the wall and rushed out.

The crimson flame launched an extremely graceful arc, and then slowly disappeared into the sky.

A big hole had been violently torn in the wall—the same type of hole I just saw outside.

As I expected, the barbarian came out of the big hole in the wall just like that.

There is clearly a door open next to it, but you have to punch a hole in the wall before you are willing to enter the stage. What kind of bad habit is this pretending to be?It's really extravagant and wasteful, do you know that you will be fined for vandalizing public property!

Hatta Misaki, who just met me in an unknown alley just now, was arrogantly carrying a baseball bat. He stood on the edge of the railing on a skateboard and looked down, and then an arrogant look appeared on his face. smile.

"It's the guys in the blue suits."

What, did the blue clothes offend you?You don't need a map cannon if you are hostile to your opponent, you bastard.

The leader Chi Wang Zhou Fangzun looks lazy, and the clothes on his body are also very cool - leather jacket, tight pants, and earrings on his ears. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, I would doubt this guy You can go straight to disco.

And the members of Barbara standing behind him are also dressed in the same way. You can refer to Misaki Hatta for details. Anyway, you can tell that these guys are not good people at a glance.

Looking through the group of people, I saw Kushina Anna holding the hem of Kusanagi Izumo's clothes.The little girl had a expressionless face as beautiful as ice and snow, holding the glass bead with the same beautiful color as her eyes in her hand.

Zhou Fangzun still had a cigarette in his mouth, white smoke filled the room, and his face was covered in the mist.

His gaze seemed to meet Munakata Reiji standing in front of the Scepter4 queue, and then Zhou Fangzun took the cigarette out of his mouth, threw it on the ground, and crushed it with the toe of his shoe.

This red-haired man exuded the air of a mature society big brother with a low tone, but what he said was a declaration of war.

"Burn them."

"No Blood! No Bone! No Ash!"

The members of Barbara behind him broke out in roaring cheers.

No blood, no bones, no ashes—burned out.

I silently translated their slogan in my heart, and then compared it with Scepter4's slogan—well, it seems that both sides are very similar, and no one can laugh at the other.

"Everyone!" Seri Awashima said with a serious expression, "Draw your sword!"

Following her command, the members of Scepter 4 who stood in a row began to draw out the saber worn at their waist one by one.

When it was my turn, I let out a deep breath.

"Yakizawa, draw your sword."

This is the first time I have said such words.As I said this sentence, the lock in the accompanying sword fell off with a slight "click".With a push with my thumb, I easily pulled out the saber from my waist.

The blade of the sword drew a snow-white arc of light in the air.I clenched my left hand into a fist and pressed it against my lower back. The place where I pressed it was the place where I branded the Scepter4 mark, and the part where the mark was branded was slightly hot at the moment.

I held the hilt with my right hand and stood the sword in front of me.I could see half of my face clearly through the snow-white reflection of the sword standing in front of me.

I saw my blue eyes and the expression on my face reflected in the light of the sword.

At that moment, even I was taken aback.

I can't tell what the look on my face was like, I didn't even think that my affection could be so calm and excited.

Scepter4's words that would make me feel very embarrassing at ordinary times did not make me feel ashamed at this time... Rather, when I said these words and actually pulled out the knife, I felt passionate.

On such occasions, I also seem to be overwhelmed by the feeling of blood boiling deep in my body.At that moment, I was so happy that my soul was trembling, and my brain nerves were sending trembling signals.

"Munakata, draw your sword."

King Qing didn't have any fancy sword moves when he drew his sword, but the moment he drew his sword, I really felt what a "king" is.That kind of powerful aura emanated from the sword, and the king's power that he usually restrained expanded to the extreme at this moment.

Afterwards, Chi Wang Zhou Fangzun jumped down from the second floor in an extremely handsome manner.

He and Munakata Reishi looked at each other, and the two of them opened the sanctuary at the same time.

The so-called sanctuary is the domain of the king.No force in the sanctuary can harm them. In this domain, the king is invincible and indestructible.

At this time, the sword of Damocles should have risen in the sky.I thought silently.I've only seen the Sword of Damocles once.

It was when I accepted the power of Munakata Reiji and became a member of Scepter4.That's when I saw a huge sword floating in the sky.

The beauty of that sword of Damocles cannot be described in barren words.I just feel that my eyes are full of such a magnificent scenery, it is too gorgeous blue, like a gem guarded by snakes.

The scenery is so shocking that it makes people forget to breathe for a moment.

Both being kings, the sanctuary between Munakata Rishi and Zhou Fangzun is of course not giving in to each other.

When Reisi Munakata's sanctuary opened, the energy of the Blue Clan immediately responded to the king's power and boiled in my veins.

When I was still excited about such a scene, my eyes inadvertently turned to the side, and then my heart immediately turned cold.


what happened? ? !

I almost cursed in my heart.

There was no other reason, I saw Osamu Dazai groped in from some corner, and he was standing on the edge of Zhou Fangzun's sanctuary.

Of course, the sanctuary is not a small protective shield that can only envelop one person. The range that the sanctuary can expand is also very large, so even if Osamu Dazai is standing in front of the hole in the farthest corner at this time, he can reach out to Encountered the Sanctuary developed by Zhou Fangzun.

And at this moment, he stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to touch the sanctuary emitting crimson light.

I have noticed Osamu Dazai. Of course, it is impossible for others to ignore such a sudden appearance of a living person.Fushimi Saru Hiko frowned: "Where did that guy come from?"

Of course Zhou Fangzun himself noticed this person, but he didn't seem to care much.After all, according to the cognition of these kings, basically no ordinary person can beat them, even if they are outsiders with the ability, it is almost impossible to cause any harm to them-unless the opponent is the king.

But Osamu Dazai is an exception. His "Disqualification in the World" is a supernatural ability that is cheated.

I could only watch helplessly as he lightly touched Zhou Fangzun's red sanctuary with his fingers, and then I could see the changes brought about by the trigger of "Disqualification in the World", and the sanctuary seemed to be punctured Like the balloon in the sky, it gradually disappeared.

Munakata Reishi was stunned, all members of Scepter4 were stunned, and the members of Barbara on the second floor were also stunned.

Only I covered my face with one hand feebly, not wanting to admit that I knew this guy at all.

Osamu Dazai is so alive. He could see that I was exuding resistance all over my body, and then he deliberately greeted me, "Yeah."

I am your head.

Thanks to Osamu Dazai's voice, all eyes were focused on me, and I seemed to hear Misaki Hatta yelling at me on the second floor that I was a dead liar and Fushimi Saru Hiko was in the same group.

Embarrassing, so embarrassing for your mother, I almost want to die in place.

Zhou Fangzun himself was just stunned for a moment, and there was no more expression on his face.Reiji Munakata said the line according to the procedure: "Zhou Fangzun, you were arrested by Scepter4."

"Ah." Zhou Fangzun raised his eyelids and smiled lazily.He just stood there, waiting for Munakata Reishi to come and take him away.

And hearing his non-resistance, except Misaki Hatta who yelled "Brother Zun" unhappily on the second floor and wanted to jump down but was stopped by Kusanagi Izumo, no one else expressed anything extra.

This is the king's choice, and they should respect it.

This... Is it so easy to catch a king?My big eyes were full of confusion.

After going back to each house and looking for each mother, I finally found a chance to find Osamu Dazai.I asked him with a dark face: "I said don't make troubles, don't make troubles, and you are ignoring it?"

Osamu Dazai was quite innocent, "I'll just give it a try, I haven't seen a king."

... just give it a try? ? ?

"Just trying to send a king into the game," I said with a sneer, "Mr. Dazai, you deserve it."

"Who is this?" The sudden voice startled me, and I turned around only to find that Munakata Reishi walked over at some point.

"He... can be regarded as a member of the Supernatural Secret Service Division." I said hesitantly, "Probably... he is."

"I see." Reji Munakata nodded, then turned his gaze to the other side, "Then what about the other one?"


After I was stunned for a moment, I followed him and looked at him—well, Fang Accelerator swaggered up from the gate with his pockets half in his pocket. I don't know if it was because of his strong aura. The armed soldiers at the door were stunned, but none of them dared to stop him.

"He..." I said with difficulty, "He is also a member of the Supernatural Secret Service...but you can treat them as melon-eaters passing by, they just came to join in the fun."

"Is that so?" Munakata Reishi glanced at me upon hearing this, and nodded with a half-smile.

I'm flustered by your laughing, Chief?

When Munakata Reisi went to deal with Zhou Fangzun's affairs, I stood at the back of the line and preached to the two melon-eaters - the main target was Osamu Dazai who had just done something.

The deputy director, Seri Awashima, came to my side at some point. She glanced at Osamu Dazai and Accelerator, and then fixed her gaze on Accelerator very accurately.

The indifferent beauty with light blond hair smiled and asked me, "Is that your boyfriend?"

"Huh?" I was taken aback, "Why do you ask such a question?"

Seri Awashima looked me in the eyes and said, "Looks and tone. That boy sees you differently."

"Look at him, he's also different. It's the look in the eyes of lovers who are familiar with each other to the bone."

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