The two laughed and quarreled for a while, and Inuyasha kept urging Ayane to go out to play with him, but Ayane couldn't resist him, so she had to agree, and finally the two went to the suburbs together.

"With such fine weather, you should go out more often. What's the matter with staying in your room all day?"

Inuyasha stretched his waist and said to the people around him, Ayane retorted:

"How can it be so exaggerated, I often walk around in the mansion."

When Inuyasha was about to say something, the two suddenly heard someone calling Inuyasha's name——

"Master Inuyasha!"

"Master Inuyasha! I am Meika!"

Inuyasha stopped and looked around, but he and Ayane didn't see any third person besides him.

"Strange, who is talking..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a small flea jumped on the tip of his nose.

"Master Inuyasha! Ah woo woo woo woo I finally found you!"

Inuyasha: "...Huh?"

Ayane looked surprised: "Hey, a flea that can speak human words? Is it a monster?"

Inuyasha slapped it flat: "Don't be afraid of Aya, I'll protect you! Smelly monster, die!!"

The body of the little flea, which was patted into pieces of paper, floated twice in the air, and then instantly returned to its original shape as if inflated. It wanted to cry without tears and said quietly:

"Aren't you a monster yourself? Master Inuyasha..."

Inuyasha was furious immediately: "What nonsense are you talking about, you little monster? How dare you slander me!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the flea ran away immediately, and Inuyasha said in a perplexed way behind:

"Damn monster, it really isn't a good place for this person to see the city..." He muttered a few words, and then said to Lingyin, "Ling'er, don't worry, I'll ask my brother to invite some demon masters over when I get back."

Ayane nodded and said with a smile, "Actually, that little monster just now was pretty funny, and it didn't hurt us."

"You are always so kind," Inuyasha disapproved, "but don't sympathize with the monster, it was just because it was too weak just now, hmph, monsters don't have any good things."

After Inuyasha sent Ayane back to the City Lord's Mansion, he hurried back. It happened to be meal time, and as soon as Ayane entered the door, he was led to the dining hall by his servants.

"Are you back?" People saw that Yin Dao was also sitting there today. He is usually busy and rarely comes to the dining hall, and usually asks people to bring food to the room.

"Husband," Ayane smiled pleasantly, and quickly lifted her skirt and trotted over, "Aren't you busy today?"

Renjian Yindao pointed to the seat beside her, motioning for her to sit down first.

"I can't be with you all the time, and I feel very sorry..." He naturally showed a little apology on his face, then changed his voice, and said, "I heard that you went out with Inuyasha today, I thought I couldn't wait. When you come back, you want to eat alone."

"Husband, don't think so, you will inherit the position of city lord in the future." Lingyin comforted him with a slight frown, and felt a little embarrassed, "I should reflect on myself, even though you are so busy, I always talk to you." Hanging out with Inuyasha... I'm sorry."

Ren Jian stroked her hair, and saw that she blushed and looked away, and then there was a smile in her eyes:

"It's okay, as long as you're happy."

The two had dinner in a warm atmosphere.

Spring goes to autumn, cold comes to summer, the days go by day by day, Sesshomaru in the neighboring city has already inherited his father's position, and this spring, Renjian Yindao has successfully changed from "young city lord" to "city lord" .

The City Lord's Mansion was very lively for a few days, and Inuyasha also came to congratulate him as a special envoy. At the banquet, people saw that Inuyasha was getting older and said in a joking tone that it was time to start a family, and Inuyasha gave him a cold face.

The scene was a bit unpleasant at the time, but Ayane didn't take it to heart, after all, the two of them often did this, and everyone was used to it, but the good times didn't last long, and people saw that Yin Dao actually wanted to start a war against Xicheng.

"Why are we fighting? Aren't we allies with Xicheng?" Ayane asked in disbelief.

"Not anymore." Renjian Yindao sneered, he seemed to be a completely changed person, "This troubled world is a good time for me to show my ambitions. People see that the city is too small. Renjian Yindao wants to To open up a wider territory, start from the west city first."

As he spoke, he held up Ayane's face and said tenderly: "Ma'am, this little title of 'Mrs. City Lord' has wronged you too much. When my husband wins the country for you, then you will be under one person and above ten thousand." General's wife."

Lingyin paused for a moment, and his eyes immediately turned cold, "Why, don't you still miss those two brothers? Don't forget your identity, you are already my wife!"

"Husband..." Ayane shed tears in sadness and disappointment, "How did you become like this..."

"Don't you know? I've always been like this." Renjian laughed maliciously, he pushed Ayane away, straightened his clothes and walked out the door, "Take care of Madam, don't let her leave the room without my order Half a step."

The attendants outside the door quickly nodded and said yes, Ayane stared wide-eyed as the door was pushed and closed in front of her, "...Wait! What are you doing, my husband? Let me out!"

The war started soon. At the beginning, Xicheng was caught off guard, but when Inuyasha put on armor and went into battle, the scene became anxious, and the two cities fought each other.Ayane has been kept locked in the courtyard, hearing some news about the battlefield from the guards outside from time to time, she is worried every day and can't sleep at night.

When the guards changed their shift that day, she suddenly heard people outside saying that Inuyasha had been captured.

"The city lord sent two generals, Yuroumaru and Kageromaru, to attack at night and wipe out Inuyasha's troops."

"Now Xicheng has fallen into a passive position. Sesshomaru thinks highly of his younger brother, so he will definitely ask us for peace, right?"

"That's not sure. I heard that Sesshomaru is arrogant. What if he refuses to surrender?"

"Don't worry, the Lord of the City has already prepared countermeasures. Meng Mengbaiye has already gone to the West City with the letter of persuasion. If they still refuse to surrender, they will behead Inuyasha in public."

Hearing this, Ayane gasped and almost couldn't stand still, [How could this happen, Inuyasha...]

She walked back and forth in the room, anxiously thinking about countermeasures, [No, I can't sit still, I must do something! ]

She picked up the wooden box on the dressing table, feeling a bit heavy, and replaced it with the vase at the door.

[Inuyasha, wait, I'm here to save you! ]

She was about to make a noise to lure people outside to the door, when she suddenly heard a few muffled bangs, like the sound of a human body falling to the ground, Ayane paused, and the next second she pushed the door, it was pulled open .

"..." She stared blankly at the little figure standing at the door, and asked hesitantly, "Boy Bai?"

Holding the door frame with one hand, Bai Tongzi tilted his head towards her, "Don't you want to go out, why don't you go?"

Ayane felt that her head was a bit out of control, "Bai Boy..." She put down the vase in her hand, squatted in front of him, although her heart was in a mess, she still patiently said softly, "Why did you come here? ? Children can't do dangerous things, your parents will worry."

She thought of what the group said just now that Bai Ye seemed to have left the City Lord's Mansion, but Kagura should still be there, so she took his little hand and persuaded: "Your mother must be looking for you everywhere, go back quickly."

Bai Tongzi showed a strange expression mixed with disgust and nostalgia, stared down at their clasped hands, and suddenly snorted coldly: "What, aren't you going to save Inuyasha? Why are you talking nonsense?"

Mentioning Inuyasha Ayane became nervous again, "Is he really caught?"

Bai Tongzi twitched the corners of his mouth, "Inuyasha is locked in a cell, if you want to go, go quickly, Renjian Yindao doesn't have the energy to pay attention to you now."

Ayane stroked his white hairy head, showing a grateful smile, "Thank you, Bai Boy, you really helped me a lot."

She stood up, thought for a while and said, "Did Kagura ask you to come? Say thank you to her for me, and you should go home soon."

Bai Tongzi's face darkened immediately, "Huh? What does it have to do with that woman?"

"...Although I feel that there is something wrong with your filial piety and etiquette, but there is no time now, and I will teach you when I have the opportunity in the future!"

Ayane casually touched a naginata from the guard who fell at the door, and carefully avoided the patrolling servants along the way, and ran to the back door of the City Lord's Mansion.The cell is not in the City Lord's Mansion, but on another small road connected to the mansion. Since the war started, Ren Jian Yin Dao ordered the expansion of the cell. Judging from the current scale, it should be called a "prison".

She didn't push the door immediately, but hid for a while holding her breath, for fear of alarming someone and being caught back.After a while, seeing that no one was passing by the back door, she went out quietly, put the naginata aside, and pushed open the wooden door forcefully.

Ayane just breathed a sigh of relief, when she raised her eyes, she saw a strange man with pink hair standing outside the door.

The author has something to say:

Inuyasha: I scold myself (.

Qi Shen is finally online...

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