With the arrival of September, the long and hot summer vacation is finally over, and a new semester begins again.

Ayane put on her uniform and stepped out of the house with the lunch prepared by her mother. The next door, Saiki Kusuo, was also escorted out by Aunt Kurumi.

[This restriction of 'only hearing your heart in person' is outrageous. ] Saiki was slightly annoyed because he couldn't miss the time to go out with Yukimura Ayane, but Saiki's mother was very happy.

"Ah! What a coincidence, the two of you just happened to be able to go to school together!" She clapped her hands with a smile, and said to her son, "Xiao Nan, take good care of Xiaoling at school!"

[Hi hi. ] Qi Mu reluctantly and tolerantly complied.

The two walked awkwardly on the way to the PK Academy, Qi Mu remained silent the whole time, and Ayane also rarely brought up the topic first to activate the atmosphere. I don't know why, every time she gets along with Qi Mu alone, she always feels a little apprehensive .

However, this situation did not last long, and soon Kai Teng Shun and Ran Tangli suddenly appeared to join them, then Hui Lu Chuzhi, who was a volunteer at the beach that day, and then a girl with short hair came ...The team is getting bigger and bigger, and I don't know where they came from...

Saiki with deep merit and fame: [If you walk into the school with this guy (Ayane), it will definitely attract a lot of attention, and it will run counter to my 'ordinary' life creed, so I used it a little The super powers attracted these guys to help distract, and now it seems that the battle is very successful. ]

Like a luminous body, Ayane walked into the school amidst everyone's amazement and attention, and then faced another luminous body head-on.

[Hey, I didn't expect there to be beauties of this level in this rural area...]

[Who is that girl who is as cute as me? ]

The two super beautiful girls who sounded the alarm as soon as they met were secretly competing at the gate of the PK Academy——

"Huh? Is it a freshman? I've never seen you before~" Zhaoqiao Xinmei first showed a friendly smile, and the students who were watching by the side immediately rushed to "ohhh", "My name is Zhaoqiaoxin Mei, hello!"

[That's right, that's it, everyone's 'oh hoo' rings out for me~! ]

"Ah, so it's Teruhashi-san. I'm Yukimura Ayane, who was transferred this semester. Please give me your advice!" Light arrows hit the mind.


"Yes, is it an angel?"

"Seeing two at once, I have no regrets in this life..."

[Hee hee, I will not lose to you in terms of beauty~] Ayane stroked her hair gracefully, her satin-like soft purple hair shining brightly in the sun.

[Enough is enough, you two, do you want to compare whose golden light can illuminate all living beings more? ] Qi Mu said speechlessly, [Really, it's just the first day of school and it's so high-profile. ] He just wants to spend his high school career in a mediocre manner.

Due to some kind of force majeure, Ayane was assigned to Class [-] and Class [-] of high school. She stood on the podium and glanced at the classroom, and found that there were quite a lot of familiar faces:

Saiki Kusuo, Kubotani Suaren, Kaiteng Shun, Rando Riki, Hui Luchushi, Teruhashi Komi, and almost everyone she knows are in this class.

After a complete set of perfect self-introduction procedures, the students have already accepted her highly. Ayane was arranged by the head teacher in the second-to-last window seat. road:

[Great, God-sama is really awesome, just sitting with Kubota. ]

In fact, after seeing Zhaoqiao Xinmei, she knew that she could not win the sincerity of her future husband just by her appearance. After all, there was such a beautiful girl as Zhaoqiao in her class. Faced with such a face every day, no matter who she was, her vision would improve Bar?So the people here will not be unprincipled in front of her like the students of Lihai University...

But thinking about the good, at least I know that my significant other is not a man who only pays attention to appearance. It seems that if I want to win his favor, I have to show my inner elegance in a timely manner.

As soon as Ayane thought of this, the homeroom teacher announced on it that two students would be elected as class committee members in the new semester:

"Students are going to think about going to school this year. You can't be as lazy as before. You have to work harder in your studies. This class committee is to supervise everyone's studies, so it is best for students with excellent grades to be in charge. , the school stipulates that there are two people in a class, one male and one female, what do you think?"

Most people in the class were not very interested and thought it was a hard job. Kubota Xu Yalian thought about it and actively raised her hand to recommend herself.

[The teacher is right, now is the time to think about the future... I must study hard! ]

He had a good idea, but he seemed to have neglected his grades at the end of the crane. The head teacher was also speechless, wondering if he should hit his self-confidence, when the two luminous bodies in the classroom suddenly raised their hands at the same time.

Xinmei Zhaoqiao: [Among the girls, I have the best grades...huh?Does this woman also want to improve her reputation?Hmph, I will never lose to you. ]

Yukimura Ayane: [What, Kubotanisu is so popular... Yes, it is normal for a charming man like him to have a few women fall in love with him. ]

Saiki: [Hi. ]

This time without the head teacher speaking, all the boys in the class boiled like chicken blood.

"I'll come! It's my honor to contribute to everyone!!"

"Go away! I have good grades and I'll be the one!"

"Teacher, look here! I love studying the most! Please let me be in charge!"

"If I don't become a class committee member, I will die!!"

Kubogusu: "...ah, forget it, I'll give up." [It seems that this position is really important, so I still won't compete with everyone. ]

Ayane: [! ! ]

"Teacher, since Teruhashi-san wants to be, let her come, I don't mind." [Che, it seems that I need to find other opportunities to show my inner beauty... Everyone hurry up and take over this troublesome burden . ]

Qi Mu: [Apologize to other students, you! ]

——In the end, Teruhashi Shinmi and Kaito Shun, who were among the best in the final exam of the previous semester, served as class committee members.

So, in the various classes in the next few days, Ayane demonstrated in an all-round way what it means to be "excellent and outstanding"——

math class--

The teacher pointed to the formula problem on the blackboard: "Can any student come up and answer it?"

Ayane was the first to raise her hand, and went up to write down the standard answer eloquently. The beautiful chalk writing in that hand made the math teacher standing beside her nod repeatedly.

"That's right, Yukimura-san!" the math teacher said with satisfaction, "Everyone write down this formula, and you will pass the exam!"

"Wow~" "Awesome~" The students below all praised.

[Hmph, do you understand, I don’t only have face to show off~]

Art class--

"Today we are going to learn about 'color matching'. The students try to draw a work with the paints at hand. The picture should be harmonious and comfortable."

Before the teacher finished explaining, Ayane picked up a brush and started to paint. Her actions attracted the attention of several students around her. As the painting was perfected, gradually more and more people surrounded her, and finally even the teacher was attracted.Witnessed by more than a dozen pairs of their eyes, a large field of splendid and magnificent lavender flowers slowly unfolded under Ayane's pen. The layers of purple from light to deep are like a wavy purple ocean, holy and romantic.

"It's so beautiful!" "What a beautiful work of art!"

"Is this ready to be sent to the exhibition?"

The art teacher excitedly said, "Student Yukimura, full marks!"

music class--

The white and slender fingers flutter over the black and white keys, like butterflies wearing flowers, as if each finger has spirituality, they play a moving melody like clouds and flowing water, and the listeners are intoxicated in this beautiful music that cleanses people's hearts... …

The music teacher who had already burst into tears before he knew it: "...this song should only exist in the sky, and it is rare to hear it in the world."

A bunch of crying students: "... woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo That's so good!!" "Is this music from heaven..." "San Yukimura is so amazing..."

Physical Education——

Physical education teacher Matsuzaki: "Today's content is tennis training. Four people will play doubles in a group. The students are divided into groups by themselves, regardless of gender." He said, blowing the whistle around his neck, "Everyone warm up first: run around the playground Two laps, 50 swings with each hand, let’s start!”

After warming up, Ayane silently picked up a small yellow ball on the ground. She remembered the scene when her brother taught her how to play tennis when she was a child. I really miss it...

Xinmei Zhaoqiao noticed her in a daze: [Good opportunity! ]

Many people may think that she is not good at sports because she is beautiful, but that is actually a big mistake!As a perfect beautiful girl, tennis, an American sport, must be mastered!

"Yukimura-san, what's the matter, you seem to be very distressed, do you want to be with me?" [If not, I can teach you ~ hee hee. ]

Saiki Kusuo who heard her inner thoughts: [I'm afraid you are going to miscalculate this time, Teruhashi-san, this guy's brother is the winner of the national competition. ]

Ayane came back to her senses, "Eh? Okay, but it seems that there are still two people missing..."

At the same time, their respective candidates emerged in their minds:

"Then Qi Mu-kun..."

"Student Kubotanisu..."

Xinmei Zhaoqiao: "..." [It turns out that she likes Kubota...]

Yukimura Ayane: "..." [No way, Teruhashi has taken a fancy to Saiki? ]

"Ahaha...that's great, so there are four of us..." Zhaoqiao Xinmei barely maintained a smile.

[Oops, I said it as soon as my head was hot, so I won’t be misunderstood... How should I invite Qi Mu-kun... I’m so embarrassed...]

Ayane, who was also troubled by this matter, suddenly thought of a brilliant idea: "That's right! Teruhashi-san, why don't we help each other, you go to Kubotanisu-kun, and Qi Mu's side is handed over to me, what do you think?" Sample?"

Hearing this, Qiao Xinmei's eyes also brightened: "...Okay, good idea!"

Saiki: [Worst idea. ]

Instead of having to face the confusing sweetheart, Xinmei Zhaoqiao went to Kubotanisu with ease, and Ayane also walked towards Qi Mu with a relaxed mood. I thought it was a simple matter, but I didn't expect this guy to be so kind Enter……?Seeing that Zhaoqiao and Kubogusu had a very happy conversation over there, and it looked like they were going to be done soon. If Zhaoqiao finally brought Kubogusu, but she didn't bring Qimu, it would mean that her charm is not as good as Zhaoqiaoxin beautiful? ?

[...What the hell is going on with this guy, he obviously didn't form a team, is he afraid of women? ]

Qi Mu: [Oh. ]

At this time, Ayane suddenly remembered that Saiki Kusuo liked to eat sweets and hurriedly said: "Well, Saiki-kun, do you want to go to the newly opened Plaisir sweets shop after school today? Their summer limited parfait is really amazing , I treat you!"

Qi Mu still looked at her without saying a word, his face was extremely calm, and he didn't show any emotional fluctuations at all because of the beautiful woman standing in front of him.

After not looking at each other for a while, Ayane was defeated, [Is it really not enough...]

Saiki Kusuo sighed, not sure if it was for himself or others: [OK. ]

[...God, help me... Eh? ] She froze for a moment, suspecting that she had just experienced auditory hallucinations, "You, did you agree?"

[…] Qi Mu silently nodded, looking at her surprised smile, only felt depressed in his heart, [... Are you so happy. ]

The four team members successfully got together, and the next step is a pair of doubles. Teruhashi and Ayane both thought very well, but in the end it was the configuration of Teruhashi & Kubotanisu against Ayane & Saiki.

[What's going on... Shouldn't I be in the same group as Qi Mu-kun? ]

[What are you doing... How did Kubogusu get to Zhaoqiao? ]

Confident in their own luck, the two girls who firmly believed that they could get what they wanted in "Rock, Paper, Scissors" fell silent.

Saiki: [Sorry about Zhaoqiao, I think the winning rate here will be relatively high. (laugh)]

Regardless of the result of the grouping, Ayane's attitude became serious as soon as she picked up the racket: [Although it's a pity that I couldn't be in the same group as Kubotanisu, on the tennis court, no matter who is facing me, I will not let the water go easily!Let the horse come! ]

Serving side - Yukimura Ayane & Saiki Kusuo team!

Ayane tossed the ball high and swung the racket at an almost invisible speed. The yellow and white tennis ball shot out at high speed like a small cannonball, and smashed into the opposite field with a "swoosh". Kuwagu Xu Yalian didn't even react yet.

"Illness—like the wind!"

——The game is over before it even starts.

The author has something to say:

"Fast as the Wind Serve" is Genichiro Sanada's favorite skill. The advantage of having an elder brother is that she can learn all the special skills of all the members...

PS: Lingmei’s people have a reference for Xiaobu, Xiaobu is also a well-received and impeccable super beautiful girl, I intercepted a few lines from Xiaobu’s theme song for everyone to experience: "Stand like a peony, sit like a peony. Peony, who walks like a lily, is a perfect high school girl who everyone loves..."

The strong Amway that I haven't seen yet!The image of Xiaobu's dry girl ~~ so cute that she spits milk 〒▽〒

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