The very first memory begins with a pair of black eyes, which are as clear as obsidian, full of curiosity and joy.

The young child seemed to be talking happily, but he couldn't understand. He felt very sleepy and fell asleep quickly.

The first vocabulary he learned was "brother". When he uttered these two words vaguely, the boy who was only one year older than him was so happy that he rolled several times on the ground.

Once, in his eyes, "brother" was equivalent to all of "family".

When he was young, he was very shy of strangers, maybe because of the fledgling situation, since he was able to stagger and walk alone, he followed his brother all day long, clinging to him every day and night, even sleeping at night They will share a room with him.

Before going to school, they were basically not allowed to go out, and the places where they could play were very limited. Several times he bumped into their father when he was running and playing in the corridor.

Their father was a rather rigid and serious person. As far back as he could remember, his father had never smiled at him. To be honest, he was a little afraid of his father.

At such times, my elder brother would stand up and block him behind him, lower his head and admit his mistake to his father, and take everything on his own head.

My brother is only one year older than him, and there is not much difference in height between the two, but every time he sees his brother standing in front of him, he will feel that he is very tall. One day, he also wants to become like him Same.

He and his elder brother both like to eat sweets. Uncle Matsumoto sometimes brings back some small Western-style snacks from outside. After eating those exquisite little cakes, he looked at his brother's portion eagerly.

Every time he finished eating, there was still half of my brother's cake left, and then my brother would give him the remaining half.

Then, he got cavities.

The doctor ordered him not to touch those sweets until his teeth healed.

He covered half of his swollen face, and ran to his brother crying with teary eyes.

My brother touched his head to comfort him, "It's okay, I will open a huge dessert shop in the future, and you can eat as much as you want."


Except for the corridor, they often play in the courtyard facing the reception room. When they are tired, they sit in the corridor. The servants will bring two cups of tea and a tray of refreshments. He leans on his brother's shoulder and quietly Looking at the scenery in the courtyard.

In fact, for him, there is nothing to see in the courtyard, just some flowers and plants that can be seen everywhere, and he has long been tired of seeing it every day, but his brother seems to like it very much. He always sits quietly in the corridor, two The eyes are empty, it seems to be looking at the scenery in the courtyard, but it seems to be looking at something in the distance.

No matter what my brother does, he always looks at ease, and his words and deeds reveal that he is not mature for his age. He has heard people discussing in private several times that he is worthy of being the second young master of the Feng family. Already so sensible.

While he was envious, he also regarded his elder brother as his goal. One day, like his elder brother, he could become an outstanding young master of the Feng family in the eyes of everyone.

However, even such an excellent brother has a weakness in his body.

Their mother is a very beautiful person, but just like their father, he has never seen a smile on her face.

All his family affection comes from his elder brother, so he doesn't really have much desire for fatherly love and motherly love in his heart.

But my brother doesn't seem to think so. Every time he sees his mother, he will put away his mature expression and show the appearance that a child of this age should have. He only hopes to get a little attention from his mother.

This little wish of my brother's did not come true after all.

Then my brother gave up.

On his fourth birthday, I don’t know what my brother told his father. That day his father allowed them to go out for the first time. Although he brought a group of bodyguards and a group of guards followed secretly for protection, it was the first time he went out. , like all children who go out to play for the first time, they played crazy all day, and finally they were exhausted and fell asleep somehow.

When he woke up, he was lying on his brother's back, and the bodyguard at the side asked him to carry it.

Brother shook his head lightly, "Don't wake Jing Ye up, I'll do it."

It takes only 10 minutes to get there, and my brother walked for half an hour with him on his back before arriving at the parking place.

The moonlight that night was extraordinarily bright, and he saw the fine beads of sweat on the tip of his brother's nose, and the cool mint fragrance was in the air.

When he was five years old, he entered the kindergarten under the arrangement of his father and met many playmates of the same age, but in his heart, these people were not as good as his elder brother.

He is in the same campus as his brother, and when school is over, his brother will come to pick him up and go back together.

Once, a classmate in the same class suddenly said to him, "Your brother treats you so well, he doesn't mean he wants to kill you?"

In fact, this classmate may just want to make a joke, or the advanced vocabulary "to kill" accidentally appeared in the family ethics drama I watched last night, and he said it purely to show off.

He didn't take his words seriously either, but he couldn't tolerate someone saying bad things about his brother in front of him, and then he started fighting with that classmate.

In the end, my brother took him to apologize to that classmate and the parent of that classmate.

When he got home, his father called him to the study alone.

"I don't need you to make any contribution to the Feng family, but you must not embarrass the Feng family."

His stern father warned him with a stern face.

"I can contribute to the Feng family."

He retorted somewhat unconvinced.

"Your two elder brothers are already good enough, you don't need to do anything extra."

For his rebuttal, his father just responded coldly.

Hearing this sentence, he was stunned on the spot. He knew that his father didn't like him very much, but he didn't expect that he was just a superfluous existence in his father's eyes.

When he walked out of the study, his brother was waiting for him there, and when he saw him, he asked him with concern if he had been scolded by his father.

Normally, he would have flung himself into his brother's arms, crying coquettishly and begging for comfort, but the first time he saw his brother, what the classmate said to him during the day actually appeared in his mind.

Has my brother been flattering and killing him all these years?

Treating him so well is just to reduce his sense of existence in front of his father, so his father will not have any expectations of him...

In order to raise him slowly, and when he grows up without any threat to him, he can reduce one competitor...

Brother, is that so...

Once he had this idea preconceived, the word "to kill" was like an invisible poison that eroded his whole heart little by little. When he woke up from the nightmare of "to kill", he and The relationship between my brother has become estranged to an irreparable level.

He talked less and less to his brother, and sometimes he only said hello when they met, but he was relatively silent at other times. Before junior high school, he thought this was the real face of his brother. Fortunately, he found out It was too early to fall into his trap.

But my brother went to Tokyo when he was in junior high school. Tokyo is only four hours away from Kyoto by Shinkansen, which is not that far away. But my brother seldom came back since then. He only came back once a year during the Chinese New Year, so he couldn’t stay long. He will go back every day, and the number of times he meets his brother is getting less and less.

When there is no need to deal with others, my brother still likes to sit in the corridor and look at the courtyard facing the reception room. One year, on the third morning of the Chinese New Year, it snowed in the sky. When he got up early, he saw his brother Holding a cup of tea, he sat in the seat he used to sit most, and looked at the snow scene in the courtyard quietly with his eyes open, just like when he was a child.

Several flakes of snow floated on his body, one of which landed on the tip of his nose, but it turned into a drop of water the moment it touched the warm skin.

He remembered that night in early winter many years ago, when his brother was walking slowly on the road with him on his back, through the bright moonlight that night, he saw the fine beads of sweat from the tip of his brother's nose.

The nightmare that had plagued him for many years disappeared in the first snow in the cold winter morning. He walked over and sat down beside his brother.

The elder brother turned his head to look at him, his eyes no longer had the alienation in the past, and he seemed to have disappeared into the snow along with his nightmare.

"elder brother……"

He spoke slowly.


"Mirror Night! Mirror Night! Hey! Wake up! Mirror Night!"

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and he frowned in dissatisfaction. When he came back to his senses, he found that the elder brother who was sitting next to him had disappeared, and then his head seemed to be hit by some blunt object. After hitting it hard, there was a piercing sound in his ear, and his field of vision suddenly became pitch black. When he opened his eyes again, an extremely conspicuous golden head was dangling in front of his eyes.

"We're going to play at Chun Fei's house, and Jing Ye will go there too!"

When Xu Wanghuan saw that the person had woken up, he hurriedly stated his purpose. Behind him were the twins from Changluyuan's family and the two third-year seniors with the cutest height difference.

"Don't go."

Forcibly suppressing her anger about getting up, Feng Jingye shook her head, fumbled for her glasses from the bedside, and put them on.

"I'm going to find my brother."

"Eh? Brother? Do you have anything to do with your elder brother?"

Xu Wanghuan looked at him puzzled.

"It's not the eldest brother, I'm looking for the second brother."

Regardless of the fact that there were still a bunch of people in the room, he quickly put on his clothes and was ready to go out to find someone.

When he was about to reach the door, Xu Wanghuan's puzzled voice came from behind him.

"What are you talking about Jing Ye, you only have one elder brother, where did you get the second elder brother?"


The author has something to say:

Selfishly want to write a side story about Mirror Night _(:з」∠)_

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