Because I told Conan and the others before that they are afraid of heights and can't ride the roller coaster, so the two of them didn't go to entertainment projects with a certain height such as the Ferris wheel jumping machine, and Qiuren held Hong's hand and lined up in the carousel queue. In the middle, move forward little by little with the flow of people.

The merry-go-round project has always been more popular with girls, and most of the queues are parents with girls. It’s rare to see a group like Qiuren with a boy. Along the way, Qiuren has no idea how many people he has received. Look up the sight.

The waiting time in line is too long and difficult. Many delicate girls in the line are telling their parents that they are tired from standing. When the child opened his mouth, he hugged the person.

Qiu Ren looked down at the silent boy standing next to him, "Tired?"

The young man shook his head.

Qiu Ren was a little disappointed.

Seeing that it would be the turn of the two of them in a while, at this moment, the music of the merry-go-round stopped abruptly, and this gorgeous ride suddenly stopped working.

The people lining up at the back looked at the merry-go-round horse one after another. Many people thought that there was a breakdown in the facility, and asked the staff to come forward and give an explanation.


A gunshot came from nowhere, and the originally noisy team suddenly fell silent. A few seconds later, there was a sudden scream in the team, like a flood breaking through the embankment, and the originally neat team suddenly became chaotic. , The tourists threw away the things in their hands one after another, picked up the child who didn't understand what happened, and fled in all directions.

But at this time, a group of people with black masks on their heads appeared out of nowhere, each holding a gun in their hands. They blocked the back and drove everyone back with the weapons in their hands.

At this time, these tourists realized that they had encountered a terrorist attack.

Qiuren followed the crowd and was driven to an open space by these terrorists. The group of people wearing black masks forced them to squat on the ground with their hands behind their heads. While they were not paying attention, Qiuren raised his eyes and took a rough look. .

There were about 100 to [-] people on the other side, and each of them held a gun in their hands. There were probably hundreds of people on their side, and there were more than [-] children alone, so it would not work to force them out.

The leading terrorist seemed to be on the phone with someone, but the distance was too far, Qiu Ren could only vaguely hear a few words, such as "one o'clock in the afternoon", "let go", "boss".

Qiuren speculated that he might be on the phone with the police, maybe the leader of their group was arrested by the police, so they took the tourists as hostages and threatened the police to release them.

It stands to reason that as long as the police agreed to his request, the group of hostages should be fine, so they just need to stay here obediently and wait for the police to rescue them.

However, among the hostages who were imprisoned, children accounted for a large number, and children's emotional changes were the most unstable. When they realized the dangerous atmosphere around them, they usually chose to cry to express their inner fear. And as long as one child cries, it will definitely bring about a change in the mood of the other children. After a while, Qiuren's ears can be heard continuously crying, so noisy that he can't calm down and think.

Naturally, the terrorists on the opposite side did not have the patience to comfort the children's parents. Seeing so many children crying, one of the terrorists fired several guns into the air to express his impatience at the moment.

This trick really worked, the children stopped crying, one and two hid in the arms of their parents and shivered, fearing that this experience would leave an indelible scar on their memories.

Compared with most of the children present, the young man beside Qiu Ren seemed much calmer, without a trace of fear and fear on his face, as if he didn't know it was a terrorist attack at all, and only thought of himself as a terrorist attack. Still in line for the carousel.

Qiuren didn't know whether he should be relieved or worried.

It is a good thing not to trouble parents at this time, but at his age, it is normal to feel fear and fear in the face of this situation.

Sometimes, it is not necessarily a good thing for children to be too sensible.

The few terrorists in front whispered to each other for a few minutes, as if they were discussing something.

Suddenly, a terrorist in a brown leather jacket pointed at the crowd, "Bring me that kid out."

The terrorist next to him acted immediately, and the direction he walked was exactly where Qiu Ren and Hong were.

To be precise, he was coming at him, just when his hand was about to touch the boy, Qiu Ren grabbed his hand, and at the same time, a cold metal object aimed at Qiu Ren The smell of rust mixed with the pungent smell of gunpowder drilled into his nose.

"If you still want to live, let go quickly."

The other party deliberately lowered his voice, as if he didn't want people to recognize his identity, but the tone of his speech was still stern, and the muzzle of the gun pressed against the temple moved a little closer.

Qiuren let go of his right hand, and stretched his hands upwards in a gesture of surrender.

"I didn't intend to fight back."

Qiu Ren showed a harmless smile.

"It's just that it might be more appropriate to have the second young master of the Feng family as a hostage than a six or seven-year-old child. I think you should have heard of the Feng family in Kyoto."

The gun against his temple paused, it seemed that he knew it, he turned his head to look at the terrorist in the brown leather jacket, and the other party nodded as acquiescence.

The terrorist wearing a black jacket cut Qiu Ren's hands backwards with one hand, pointed a gun at his temple with the other hand, and roughly moved him forward, "Go!"

Qiuren felt that someone was pulling at the hem of his clothes, he looked down at the young man beside him, the young man's usually expressionless face finally showed a hint of anxiety at this moment.

Qiuren was inexplicably happy.

The young man raised his right hand, and a trace of cold air slowly emerged from his fingertips. Qiu Ren hurriedly raised his foot and gave a light kick at the bend of the young man's knee, causing the young man who lost his balance to fall to the ground.

"Don't make any small moves!"

The terrorist wearing a black jacket gave a warning in a bad tone, and pushed the person forward. The person squatting in front saw it, and hurriedly shrank and moved aside to make way for the two of them.

Qiu Ren turned his head and watched the boy who had fallen on the ground stand up slowly. The anxious look on the boy's face seemed to have disappeared because of the fall, and he had returned to his usual calm, but the light gray eyes were mixed with There is a trace of complexity that even autumn people can't understand.

Just as Qiuren guessed, the leader of this group of people was captured by the police and sent to prison, and then they decided to take hostages and coerce the police to release them, but they were worried that the police would chase them again after releasing them. Another hostage was captured among the people, and they said that they would release the hostage after their leader was taken over and they fled to a safe place.

That's what they told the police on the phone, but in fact they planned to kill the hostage after they received the hostage, and then played tricks to fool the police. They had no intention of letting the hostage go back alive.

But now the hostage is the second young master of the Feng family. This group of terrorists changed their original plan. They planned to blackmail the Feng family for a ransom after they escaped.

In order to prevent the police from cheating, this group of terrorists deliberately set the place of negotiation in another place, and they also assigned a few people to take Qiuren to another place and hide them, only waiting for their leader to be released. Go meet them.

Qiu Ren's hands and feet were tied up and thrown in an airtight warehouse. The other party seemed to have made up his mind that there was no way for him to escape. There was not even a guard inside, and they all stayed outside the warehouse to guard.

The way they tied them was quite professional. The knots they tied were the kind of knots that became tighter the more they struggled, and there were no sharp objects nearby that could grind the ropes apart. Directly gave up self-help.

However, giving up on self-help does not mean letting others dominate. Qiuren looked at the few beams of light coming in through the gap of the warehouse door. The surrounding environment was so quiet that he could even hear his own heartbeat. While accompanied by the ups and downs of the heartbeat, silently counting the time.

After counting the fifth thousand times, the time should be about the same. Suddenly there was a commotion outside the door, as if someone was fighting outside, mixed with a few miserable whining sounds from time to time. All the sound disappeared, and there was silence outside the door again.

He called Takahashi last night to arrange some manpower near the playground today, which seemed to be useful.

The old door was pushed open from the outside with a "squeak", and a small figure appeared at the door. Qiu Ren was a little surprised, he didn't expect the boy to appear here.

The boy lowered his head and stood motionless at the door.

In Qiuren's mind, he automatically imagined the scene that the boy would quickly run towards this side on his short legs, and then throw himself into his arms and cry loudly.

He had even prepared what he would say when he would comfort the boy.

However, the young man did not run over and throw himself into his arms as he thought, but walked to Qiu Ren step by step with his usual walking pace. The light in the warehouse was too dim for Qiu Ren to see his face clearly. expression, but the only thing that is certain is that the boy is definitely not crying.

Qiu Ren felt a little lost.

The young man raised his left hand, and under Qiu Ren's astonished gaze, a cluster of bright flames shot out from his fingertips. His left hand reached Qiu Ren's back, and Qiu Ren only felt that the hands tied behind his back were slightly hot. Then I felt light in my hands, and the rope was untied.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to use burning, Qiu Ren watched the boy burn the rope on his leg with the method just now, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Just at this time, someone entered the warehouse, and the man in a black suit bowed respectfully to Qiuren, "Young Master, the outside has been cleaned up."

Qiu Ren nodded, "Don't tell my father what happened today."


"And inform the police that the matter here has been resolved."


"I may be going to record a statement next..."

Qiu Ren turned his head and glanced at the boy standing behind him.

"You put this child first..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt his sleeves being ripped. Looking at the boy's light gray eyes, Qiu Ren sighed silently in his heart.

"You go and prepare a car to take us to the police station."

The author has something to say:

Where there is Conan, there will be events_(:з」∠)_

But there is no Conan in this chapter_(:з」∠)_

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