On May [-]th, the school celebration of Bingdi arrived as scheduled.

When Qiuren received Matsukawa's call, he was hanging a carp flag on the railing in front of his house, and when he handed over the last carp flag, he also handed over his mobile phone.

"There is a traffic jam on the road, and it may be late. You guys start first."

Qiu Ren stood on the ladder, talking nonsense without changing his face.

Although Matsukawa on the other side of the phone was extremely anxious, he finally expressed his understanding, saying that they would try their best to delay the time so that he must catch up with the student council president who will speak later.

Akito looked at the time, and there was less than an hour left. He called Yamada and asked him to come here to pick him up within 10 minutes, and then jumped off the ladder.

The golden windmill was turning "gulu gulu", and the colorful carp banners fluttered "hulahula" in the wind. Qiuren carried the boy to the flagpole with the carp banners hanging, took a photo with his mobile phone, and watched from all over the world. After zooming in and enjoying it several times, I pressed the save button with satisfaction.

"Would you like to visit my school today?"

Qiu Ren tied a tie around his neck. From the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the young man carrying his schoolbag on his back, so he asked a casual question.

After the incident in the amusement park last time, the boy stopped wrapping his left eye with a bandage. After that, Qiuren stopped by Mihua Elementary School to visit it a few times during school hours. There is a feeling of resistance, but the previous Conan foursome did not stay away from him because of this, it is better to say that the relationship has become better.

When Ayumi and the others talked to him, he no longer responded with silence or simple monosyllabic words, but was able to communicate well like a normal person.

Compared with the resistance to any interpersonal communication at the beginning, the boy's current performance can be regarded as a huge sublimation, compared with the boy who just appeared in front of him and only wrapped himself tightly in the darkness with a fragile shell Different, at this moment, he has already started to learn to look directly at the world with both eyes.

Qiu Ren, who had witnessed this change in the boy, felt a sense of relief inexplicably in his heart.

The last time I felt this way was when Jing Ye got full marks in the final exam of the first grade of elementary school.

There was a pause as he lifted the strap of the schoolbag. After a few seconds, he put the schoolbag back and nodded slowly.

Qiu Ren first called Uncle Matsumoto to tell him that he was not coming to pick up the boy today, and then called the boy's class teacher, Mr. Kobayashi, to ask for a leave of absence.

As soon as Akito put on his shoes, Yamada's unique urging sound of honking came from the door.

When he passed the flagpole with the carp streamer hanging at the door, the boy tugged at his sleeve.

"what happened?"

"cell phone."

The young man pointed to the mobile phone in his hand. Although Qiuren didn't understand what he wanted the mobile phone for, he still gave it to him. Afterwards, he saw the young man running to the car with the mobile phone and tiptoeing to tap on it. The front windows.

"Aren't you in a hurry?"

The car window was rolled down, and Yamada looked at Akito who was standing not far away with a resentful face, and Akito gave him a pretty standard smile back.

"What's the matter, young master?"

Yamada looked down at the boy who knocked on his car window, and what responded to him was a mobile phone that was thrown in along the car window.


The young man dropped these two words, then turned around and ran to Qiu Ren's side, pointing to where the carp banner was, and asked for a group photo with a blank expression.

"I'm 18 years old."

Qiuren couldn't laugh or cry, the last time he took a photo under the carp flag was eight years ago.

The boy didn't speak, but just looked up at him quietly.

Qiuren: "..."

In the end, the group photo became the new screen saver of Qiuren's phone.

Think about it, although it is embarrassing to take pictures under the carp banner at such an age, this seems to be the first photo of him and the boy.

Qiu Ren looked at the boy on the phone screen with a straight face and a solemn V-shape, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"President, could this be your illegitimate son?"

When Qiuren pushed open the door of the student union meeting room with a bang, the student union members who were having a heated discussion inside seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and the huge meeting room suddenly fell into silence.

Half a minute later, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ayaka Ono pointed at the boy next to Akito with a trembling right hand and asked in disbelief.

Qiuren pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose, and the corners of his mouth curved just right, "Mr. Ono, need I remind you, my age is 18 like yours, not 28."

"I'm only 17..."

Ono muttered softly.

"Thinking about it, it can't be the president's child. The child's hair color has nothing to do with the president, okay?"

The head of the planning department rolled his eyes at her angrily.

"But it's the president after all, the omnipotent president with top grades in sports and an excellent family background..."

"No matter how omnipotent the president is, he can't violate the laws of biology and give birth to a child at the age of ten..."

"However, the possibility of becoming a father is not ruled out."

I don't know who whispered something in secret.

Then the whole conference room fell into a heated discussion again, but the topic was transferred from the original school celebration related process to whether the president of the student union can give birth to a child with a different appearance and hair color than him at the age of ten, and even discussed The intensity is even higher than just now.

"That's the end of the gossip."

Qiu Ren smiled and patted the meeting table.

Just hearing a "click", a crack suddenly appeared on the conference table made of solid wood.


The huge conference room fell into a deathly silence again, and everyone who had been discussing red-faced just now was silent at the moment, bowing their heads as obediently as a quail.

Qiuren asked Hong to wait for him at the door and told him that if he felt bored, he could walk around the school. Bingdi's security facilities are quite sound, and it is almost impossible for a person to be abducted suddenly by wandering around in the school. For this school celebration, the school playground was temporarily requisitioned as a place to set up stalls, with all kinds of novelty gadgets and various food stalls.

The boy nodded, indicating that he understood.

The door of the meeting room was closed again.


Qiu Ren looked at the vice president who had remained reclusive and independent from the beginning and did not participate in any discussions. The other party silently handed him the stack of sorted materials in his hand.

Qiu Ren flipped through it roughly. It recorded the general process of the school celebration. He had read it before and memorized it. He read it again to prevent misremembering.

It was almost the same as the one in memory, Qiu Ren turned to the last page and frowned slightly.

"The tennis club hasn't reported the program yet?"

Matsukawa nodded, his expression was not very good.

"Should the tennis club be crossed off the program list?"

The head of the planning department asked.

"no need."

Qiuren left the page alone, and returned the other materials to Matsukawa, "They will make a show."

After reconfirming the subsequent procedures, this meeting will come to an end. The school celebration will officially start half an hour later. First, the principal will speak, and after that, the student representative and president of the student union, Qiuren, will speak. Performances by various clubs.

"Call me brother, this cake is yours, just call..."

As soon as Qiuren opened the door, he saw a young man with red curly hair holding a piece of cake in his hand and tempting Hong. He looked very much like the queen who used poisoned apples to seduce Snow White, but Hong was not like Snow White. The princess is so easy to fool, facing the queen's various temptations, he is not moved in the slightest.


Qiu Ren called out to him, and while approaching the young man, he also saw clearly the two people standing beside him.

"Senior Feng."

Ren Zuzu saw Qiuren, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the charming smile that stunned many Bingdi girls immediately appeared on his face.

"Senior Qiuren!"

As soon as Xiang Ri saw him, he stuffed the cake in his hand into the hand of Ninzuzu next to him, jumped in front of Qiu Ren, pointed at the young man leaning against the corner of the corridor, his face was full of curiosity and anticipation.

"That's your child! Can you borrow me to play for a day!"

When he said this, his tone didn't look like he was joking, and Qiu Ren didn't know whether he should complain about the first sentence or the last sentence.

In the end he chose to smile.


Xiang Ri took several steps back quickly as if frightened, and finally hid directly behind Shinobu, only showing his head, and carefully sized him up.

"Oops, I seem to have offended Senior Qiuren..."

"I said that Senior Feng couldn't agree to your request, but you just don't believe it..."

Renzu looked helpless.

"But that kid is so cute, I really want to take him back to play with me for a day..."

Xiang Ri's voice became softer and softer, and there was even a little bit of aggrieved tone in the last tone.

Qiu Ren didn't bother to pay attention to the two people's jokes, walked straight to the boy, bent down and looked at him.

"I may be a little busy later, there is still about half an hour before the official program starts, I will ask you to take you around the school later, do you want to go to the small stall on the playground? "

"I! I! I! I can take him to the stalls. I have already figured out the distribution of the stalls in advance. I can take him wherever he wants to go!"

Without waiting for the boy to nod or shake his head, Xiang Ri who was at the side suddenly came out from behind Shinobu, with one hand still raised high.

Qiu Ren glanced at him, did not speak, but looked at the young man in front of him, "What do you think?"

The young man nodded expressionlessly, taking it as his acquiescence.

He clenched his fists and made a victory gesture.

"Remember to bring him to the auditorium then."

Qiu Ren asked again and again with some worries.

"Senior, don't worry, I will definitely take him to the seat in the auditorium on time.

Xiang Ri promised him with a smile.

"If you think this guy is annoying, come back here and wait for me. I will come again later."

Qiu Ren said this to Hong, the boy blinked his eyes and nodded solemnly.

"I'm still here, senior, can't you say these things in front of me, even if it's only in private..."

Xiang Ri was a little speechless.

"I never speak ill of people behind their backs."

Qiu Ren showed him a candid smile.

Xiang Ri: "..."


"Then why are you looking for me?"

After Hong and Xiangri had gone far away, Qiu Ren turned around and looked at the only boy standing here besides him.

"Suddenly found that this environment is really suitable for confession..."

With a low laugh, he adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"But it's a pity that I have to finish talking about the business first. It's really a waste of such a good opportunity."

While talking, Renzu took out a small thin book from his arms and handed it to the young man in front of him.

Qiuren didn't reach out to pick it up, but looked at the word "Atobu" flying around on the gilded hard shell paper cover, and raised his eyebrows.

"what is this?"


Renzu paused for a moment, then added another sentence.

"A play for Hamlet."

"The tennis club is going to play Hamlet?"

Qiu Ren put his arms around his arms and looked at it a few more times with great interest.

Shinobu nodded, "I will tell Senior Matsukawa about this later, it's just..."

Renzu looked hesitant to speak, and seeing the tangled expression on his face, it seemed that there was something unspeakable.

Qiuren didn't speak, waiting to see what he would say next.

Sure enough, after hesitating for half a minute, he continued.

"Although the male characters in Hamlet account for the majority, there are still two important female characters that cannot be eliminated. One is Hamlet's mother, Queen Gertrude. We have drawn lots internally and finally decided to let Mingto will play the role, but the most important heroine, Ophelia, has never had a suitable candidate..."

Speaking of this, Renzu paused again, raised his head and glanced at Qiu Ren quickly, seeing that familiar smiling face, his heart suddenly "thumped", and finally calmed down before continuing.

"So Atobe proposed a way to find foreign aid..."

"So that guy hit his idea on me, right?"

Qiu Ren looked at him and said with a smile.

Renzu froze, and nodded mechanically.

"Who's going to play Hamlet?"

Qiuren asked.

Ren Zu only hesitated for a second before telling him.

"It's the trace department."

"Ha ha……"

Qiu Ren smiled softly, raised his chin slightly, and stared at the young man opposite him from an angle of looking down.

"Have you ever seen Ophelia taller than Hamlet?"

The author has something to say:

To wear women's clothes or not to wear women's clothes, this is a question_(:з」∠)_

I'm so hardworking_(:з」∠)_

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