On Bingdi's campus forum, there was a popular post that became popular for several pages in less than an hour after it was published.

[Who gets the title of campus goddess, and she is the final winner? ! 】

1L goddess's licking dog

Regarding the title of campus goddess of our school, it has been a hot topic full of XFXY since the opening of our forum, just like the topic of endless debate on whether it is better to dip soy sauce or salt when eating barbecue, the campus goddess The title is also roughly divided into two parties, the vice president of the school student union Nana Matsukawa and the captain of the school dance team Mio Saotome. The number of fans of these two groups is about the same, and the discussion enthusiasm in my forum is also evenly matched. Breaking the head and fighting for the head has been arguing until this year and failed to reach a result.But today, I want to announce something!The title of campus goddess has been contracted by my goddess Ophelia!Soy sauce and salt are evil ways to dip barbecued meat, but dipping chili noodles is the real kingly way!

2L Vice President My Marriage

Saotome is a bicth!

3L Mio sauce dance shoes

Reporting the ginseng rooster upstairs, Matsukawa's dead face is also worthy of comparison with our Mio sauce, haha.

4L Mio Sauce Kawaii

Our lovely Mio-chan is the campus goddess, that old woman Matsukawa, get out of here!

5L vice president glasses

That woman Saotome knows how to act tender to the opposite sex, and she is out-and-out fine!You wanted to seduce our president last time, it's disgusting!

6L President’s Exclusive Sweetheart

etc? ! ! !Upstairs you make it clear!Who do you say she seduced? ! ! ! [silently raises the hatchet]

President 7L smiled at me!

How dare you seduce my husband? !Unforgivable sin ah ah ah ah!

8L Mrs. President

It's getting colder, it's time for Saotome's business to go bankrupt, hehe^-^

9L watermelon a 1000 yen

Isn't this building about chili noodles?Why is it that the Matsukawa Party and the Saotome Party are fighting each other again? Why are there still fans of the student council president here? ? ?

10L want to eat watermelon

LS, please give me ten melons, and what the hell is chili noodles? Didn't LZ say her name is Ophelia? Who is Ophelia?International students?

11L stay up late for a while

I haven't heard of it, but the new international students are really upright.

12L Get Up Crematorium

I have a hunch that this building will soon become a battlefield for fans of Matsukawa and Saotome.

13L Watching the excitement is not a big deal

So who is Ophelia? LZ got away with one hit?It is suspected that LZ opened the building just to provoke a partisan war.

14L Literary boy

Didn't you all watch today's school celebration performance?

15L coffee is still delicious

No, I'm busy at the stall outside, does this have anything to do with this building?

16L youthful vitality beautiful boy

I go! Could it be that Ophelia that LZ refers to? !

17L Tanaka XX

? ? ? LZ's aesthetic honey juice is wonderful...

18L Watanabe XX

LZ's taste is not flattering...

19LXX Taro

Liz is a real warrior!abuse! ! !

20L looks dumbfounded

I feel like ID at the moment, I was busy setting up a stall today and didn't go to the auditorium to watch the show, can someone in the know tell me what's going on?

21L Encyclopedia Online Q&A

Encyclopedia Jun 38 will answer for you, hello, dear, it’s like this, the last show of today’s school celebration program is the stage play "Hamlet" by the Tennis Club, guess on the 38th that the Ophelia mentioned by LZ refers to the one who plays Hamlet What about the lover's girl?

22L monkfish

So do you have a picture?Give me Kangkang.

A flower in 23L volleyball department

Passing by from the volleyball club, the stage play in the tennis club is really exciting.

24L baseball boy

The whole acting is online, Atobe's performance today really made me admire him.

25L Atobu gave me roses

Atobe sama's Hamlet almost broke my leg, he is indeed the man I like (*ω\*)

26L Boys wearing glasses are the most attractive

Laertes who endured sama is really stunning, those legs, that waist, that face... awsl...

27L Ice Emperor Cowherd Group

Gertrude, the elder of Mingto, laughed at me to death. What about the weak and cowardly Queen Dodder who can’t take care of herself, what’s the matter with looking more fierce than Claudius hahahahahaha.

28L passing melon

"Is there something wrong with letting Akutagawa play Claudius"

29L can sleep forever after death

It's already very good that he didn't fall asleep directly on the stage, don't ask too much.

30L Strawberry Daifuku

So where is the most important Ophelia?

31L goddess's licking dog

LZ is back, and I worshiped the goddess's photo just now, I really want to be the goddess' licking dog w

32L give me Kangkang

So what about pictures?

33L Mango Snow Mei Niang

no pictorial dio

34L goddess's licking dog

Go downstairs and show the picture.

35L goddess's licking dog




36L Single Dog Protection Association

What the fuck? !

37L has a mine at home

What the fuck? ! !

38L Char Siew Udon Noodles

What the fuck? ! ! !

39L Fuze Group's only designated heir

Within 3 minutes, Master Ben wanted all the information about this woman.

40L Too much money and no place to spend it

The Fuze Group is considered a genius, and it is also worthy of stealing a woman from me. This woman, Yasuda Naryoshi, has married and returned home.

41L caviar as rice

Sorry, this woman can only be named Ito in the end.

42L Sky City

The domineering presidents of LS have read too many novels and are poisoned, but this chili noodles is really good-looking.

43L Why do adolescents have acne

I'm so envious of her skin, it's white and smooth, you can't even see the pores, I admire QAQ

44L is always hungry

The chili noodles are so pretty, I decided to dip them in the chili noodles for barbecue tonight.

45L Hot Pot Lovers

Went for Chinese hot pot tonight and decided to use chilli noodles as a dipping sauce.

46L dessert control

People who can't eat spicy food cry, but chili noodles are really good-looking [drool]

47L Chocolate Buffy

So who is this Chili Noodle?Come to a personal science?Which grade and which class?

48L black pepper steak

The stage play of the tennis department should be someone from the tennis department, the manager of the tennis department or something?

49L Ice Emperor Cowherd Group

The number one fan of the tennis department said that there is no manager in the tennis department, and I have never seen the existence of this chili noodle in the tennis department.

50L passerby A

I have a friend who is in the tennis department, but he is not an official player. He told me that the chili noodles were a foreign aid brought in by the head of the tennis department, but he didn't know who it was.

60L Friends out of thin air

foreign aid?So Chili Noodles is not a student of Bingdi?Then can I still participate in the selection of the campus goddess?

61L Mio charcoal life push

Keke, this woman has such a thick layer of powder on her face, can you all be blind and see?

62L presented his heart to the vice president

Since she is not a student of this school, she should not be qualified to select a campus goddess.

63L Meixu Sauce Saigao

Also chili noodles, the name is as spicy as the appearance, vomit!

64L sky tree

Saotome fans are really of low quality as always.

65L Happy Boys' Day

Saotome fans get out of this post, if it wasn't for your family cheating and swiping tickets, and pouring dirty water everywhere, your cooking can be compared with Matsukawa?It really makes people laugh out loud.

66L flowing water

If you see a Saotome fan, report it. If you want spicy food, please go elsewhere. I just want to lick the face of the chili noodles quietly.

67L Chili Noodles My Marriage

Does LZ still have a picture of chili noodles, give it to Kangkang.

68L boiled cabbage

Throw a brass ball.

69L passerby

Copper ball plus one

70L Science hard work

copper ball plus two


Is 177LLZ pictured above?

Copper ball plus 110

180L little angel

I saw so many pictures of people begging for chili noodles, so I will post one


Thank you for taking it away.

181L under the cherry tree

Are you a devil?Actually sent a picture of chili noodles.

When is 182L on holiday?

This is the picture of chili noodles, yes, it looks so red.

183L do not want to eat liquid food

People with stomach problems expressed severe discomfort.

184L Anti-counterfeit Saint Seiya

Those photos of LZ are all recent photos of the face. Nine out of ten are the staff responsible for the photography at that time. That’s right. I’ll post a few panoramas from the distant photos for you to see. I hope you won’t feel heartbroken as your dreams are shattered. .


185 tomato fried tomato

Why is your heart broken?Isn't it good?I thought that chili noodles can only be seen on the face, but in fact it is a big fat man.

186L Potato Fried Potatoes

I didn't have my dreams shattered or my heart broken. Instead, I thought she looked better.

187L Radish Fried Carrots

Plus one, it doesn't matter if you have a good-looking face, but it's still so thin, I have a lemon.

188L Eggplant Fried Cucumber

It would be nice if the breasts could be bigger

Long live 189L poor breasts

Poor breasts are rare resources, and poor breasts are more expensive!The chili noodles are high!

190L always feels something is wrong

By the way, don't you think there is something wrong?

191L has no money to buy figures

What's wrong?Is the chili noodles too good-looking?

192L Blind Students Discover Huadian

It's height.

193L octopus balls

What's wrong with height?

194L Okonomiyaki

In the picture sent by Saint Seiya, the chili noodles seem to be higher than Atobe. Is it because of the shooting angle?

195L honey cake

As a person who was at the scene and watched the performance in the front row, it has nothing to do with the shooting angle, the chili noodles are higher than Atobe.

196L chocolate condensed milk

Atobe... How tall is it?

197L Ice Emperor Cowherd Group

Hello dear, the net height of Atobe sama is 175cm.

198L Wake Up Time

That is to say, the height of chili noodles is above 175? ! ! !

199L glass heart

The audience said that the visual inspection of chili noodles is at least 180.

200L Marry a man by his appearance

I heard the sound of heartbreak...

201L I'm broken in love

I heard the sound of heartbreak...


500L Yujie Saigao

What happened to 180?Is Miss Yu okay?I don't mind 180, so chili noodles marry me!

501L hehe

But people think you are short.

502L Keke

But people think you are short.


633L prostrates himself under the president's trouser legs

I feel sorry for the 500L brother. I am the only one who thinks that this chili noodle looks a bit like the chairman...

634L Administrator 01

Part of this post involves personal attacks. In order to ensure a harmonious, civilized, healthy and friendly speaking environment on the forum, this post will be deleted.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

Qiuren looked at the message that popped up on his phone and prompted 【Are you sure you want to delete this post? ], without hesitation, pressed the confirmation button on the left, just at this time Takahashi sent a message, he had just hacked into the "goddess's licking dog" computer, together with the camera connected to the computer, he took the photos he took today Those photos are all emptied.

A slight itching suddenly came from the right cheek, and there were several small red bumps on the fair skin at the moment. Qiu Ren opened the coin-sized silver metal can, and the milky white paste exuded a touch of coolness. Breath, Qiu Ren used his little finger to dig a little bit and wiped it on the red pimple, and the previous numbness subsided a lot immediately.

"I ve done washing."

The boy pushed open the door of the bathroom, and came out covered in steam. His hair was half dry after taking a shower, and the few hairs on the top of his head that were always curled up during the day were also lying obediently on the top of his head at this moment.

"It came just fine."

Qiu Ren closed the computer, stood up and walked towards the boy.

"Take you to see something nice."

Qiu Ren asked Hong to follow him, with a mysterious smile on his upwardly curved mouth, the boy looked up at the young man beside him, didn't speak, just followed beside him.


Qiu Ren stopped in front of a door, looked sideways at the young man beside him, pointed to the door in front of him and said to the young man, "Open it and have a look."

There was a hint of expectation in his eyes. He stared at the door in front of him, and then turned his head to look at the door next to him. The study next to him seemed to be Qiuren's study. Seeing such a door here, could it be the study room that Qiu Ren made for him?

With a half-doubt and half-guessing mood, the boy stretched out his hand and pushed open the door in front of him.

The moment the door was pushed open, the boy froze on the spot.

Behind the door is a room that is neither too big nor too small. There is nothing in the room except three shelves.

The three shelves are all made of solid wood, leaning against the three walls respectively, and the length is about the same as the wall. Each shelf has ten compartments. The shelves on both sides are full of Kamen Rider series toys. The middle one On the shelf are ten layers of Masked Superman figurines neatly arranged.

"I still lacked a full set of figures that were officially released in 1998, but I finally got them today."

Qiuren raised his hand and stroked the boy's little furry head a few times, a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Happy Holidays, Scorch."

The author has something to say:

It was supposed to be updated yesterday, but yesterday was too busy and I didn’t have time, so I moved it to today_(:з」∠)_

By the way, the timeline in the text is May 5th, Japan’s Boy’s Day [but I have no objection if you want to treat it as Valentine’s Day]

Others send flowers, rings, and chocolates, but Qiuren's old father directly sends a room full of toys and figures.

Be romantic! 【Whispering BB】

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