The three things that were agreed at the beginning, now there is only one left.After that, the girl in front of her could be completely at his mercy.

Bakugo Katsuki's breathing became a little short.He raised his hot hand, and slowly pressed the pulp of his thumb on Qi Muwei's soft lower lip.

"I thought the last thing would be a rare thing that would give me a headache." He said in a hoarse voice, his fingers slowly sliding over her lips, "it's such an easy and good really can Don't you? Wouldn't you be unwilling? "

Qi Muwei slightly lowered his eyes, and the water in his eyes could be vaguely glimpsed through the gap between his eyelashes.The lips pressed by Katsuki Bakugo trembled, and she said softly, her voice was a bit vague: "It's already here, how can there be so much reconciliation? What's more, the title of the book that came from you is so important to me. a very important thing."

She pulled his hand down, put it on the manuscript, and smiled softly at him: "Let's finish reading the novel first."

Bakugo Katsuki stared at Saiki Mirai for a moment, lowered his head, and slowly opened the first page of the text.

During the process of reading from the first page to the last more than 200 pages, the man sat quietly on the sofa, barely changing his posture.The way his red eyes scanned the neat lines of words intently reminded Qi Muwei of the time when he was reading "The Will of the Dragon: The Land of the Abyss" in the family restaurant.But this time was different from that time.

Bakugo Katsuki's eyes were full of eager anticipation, not ice that could not be melted.

The paper "crashed" and "crashed" turned over one page, and then another.When the clock on the wall passed 9, Bakugo Katsuki's eyes finally fell on the last period.

He turned the manuscript to the front again.The pages turned over like snowflakes one by one, and the air flow caused to blow his golden forehead hair.

"Have you figured it out?" Qi Muwei, who was sitting on the side, asked softly.

"Think about it." It wasn't until after the words were spoken that Katsuki Bakugo realized that his thoughts had surfaced so quickly, "The day the protagonist in the book lost his preferred right arm, he felt that 'everything in front of him has become Red, the blood seems to be laughing at himself'; and after installing a fake hand with a hidden weapon, every time he uses the weapon in the fake hand, his severed arm will be worn out due to the recoil and blood will flow out; every time, his Battles end in the blood of the enemy; and it is the blood of those who taught him along the way that finally transforms him."

"The Scarlet Hero," he said, "that's the title I conceived."

Qi Mulai opened his eyes wide in a daze.

""The Scarlet Hero"..." she murmured and repeated, "a very relevant name."

Hands with thick calluses smoothed the manuscript that was flipped so that the edges were slightly raised.Then, the hero's hand picked up the red fountain pen in the box, opened and closed, and wrote the title of this heroic fantasy novel on the blank paper on the first page of the manuscript.

The handwriting belonging to Bakugo Katsuki pierced through the back of the paper, and the bright red handwriting fell on the snow-white paper, and the color hit the soul-stirring meaning.For a moment, Qi Mulai raised his hand as if possessed by a demon, and gently brushed the line of writing with his fingertips.

"It's as if something... came alive at this moment." She said softly.

Suddenly, Saiki Mirai's fingers were grabbed by Bakugo Katsuki.When she raised her head, she saw the man lowered his head, staring at her intently, his red eyes burning with passionate desire.

"So..." Bakugo Katsuki leaned towards her slightly, his voice was low and hoarse, "Has the third thing been completed?"

Qi Muwei's fingers shrank involuntarily.She closed her eyes slightly, raised her head, and dropped a kiss on Bakugo Katsuki's hard chin.

The soft touch of his lips tickled his nerve endings.He heard Qi Muwei whispering in a low voice: "It's done. can do whatever you want to me..."

Before the words fell, Bakugo Katsuki suddenly lowered his head, leaned his head against Qi Muirai's neck, and took a deep breath.

"I finally waited..." He gritted his teeth, and suddenly wrapped his strong arms around the girl's slender waist.

For a while, Qi Mufuli suddenly suspended his feet in the air.Bakugo Katsuki strangled Saiki Mirai's waist suddenly, picked her up, put her on his shoulders, and walked towards the bedroom on the second floor.

The man's shoulder blades were hard, and when he went upstairs, he took three steps in parallel, and the bumps made the bones of his shoulders bump against Qi Muwei's stomach.The pasta from dinner was rolling in my stomach.Sai Mukui's messy long hair hung on Bakugo Katsuki's shoulders, he raised his hand and punched him in the back with his fist: "Don't...don't walk so stomach hurts..."

"I can't wait..." She heard him panting, "I've been holding back for too long... You should have thought that something like this would happen when you asked me to name the book, right?"

Bakugo Katsuki strode into the bedroom and kicked the door shut: "It's no use fucking begging for mercy. If you want to escape from me, I'll catch you and tie you to the bedpost. The share I've accumulated over the past six years, tonight I will Get it all back."


During the day the next day, Saiki Mirai was woken up by Bakugo Katsuki.

"It's already afternoon, can't you wake up?" In a daze, she heard a familiar voice ringing in her ears, a rough big palm brushed her hair and pinched her earlobe, " Your physical strength is too weak, and you will exercise with Lao Tzu every day in the future, do you hear me?"

"I can't hear you..." Qi Muwei closed his eyes and curled up softly under the quilt, "Go..."

Seeing that Saiki was going to completely hide under the quilt in the future, Bakugo Katsuki paused, raised his hand to grab the corner of the quilt and lifted it mercilessly, and fished the petite girl out of the quilt.

As soon as the skin came into contact with the air outside the quilt, goose bumps immediately appeared.Saiki Mirai, who was turned over by Bakugo Katsuki, finally came to his senses, quickly pulled a corner of the quilt to cover his body, and opened his eyes nervously.

Her slightly curly pink hair hung down to her waist, and a few strands of sweaty hair were pressed against her smooth skin. The girl's eyelids were flushed, and it was unknown whether it was because she had just woken up or because she was emotional.

"Why are you still here! Isn't it enough to be like that last night?" Her voice was hoarse, with a trembling cry at the end, "Durian head! Energetic durian head! Lustful durian head!"

"Huh?" Bakugo Katsuki's eyes slid along her neck all the way across the soft shoulder line, and when he passed the faint red marks left by him, his Adam's apple couldn't help rolling slightly, "I didn't do a lot of things last night. time? Are you sure?"

Sensing the man's somewhat wolfish gaze, Qi Mulai tightened his grip on the quilt a little bit in the future.

"A few times isn't enough? Anyway, I don't want it..." She turned her face away and said sullenly, grabbing her long hair with her empty hand and pulling it in front of her, "Can't you even wait for the night?"

"Why did you decide that I called you up for that kind of thing?" Bakugo Katsuki laughed angrily and asked back.

He saw Qi Mulai turn his head back, his emerald green eyes stared straight at his face, and then moved down a little.

"Expression." She said, turning her head away, her fair cheeks flushed, "and...reaction."

Bakugo Katsuki was at a loss for words.He simply stood up, turned around and opened the wardrobe, took out a long coat from inside and threw it beside the bed.

"You put this on first. Then follow me to the first floor." He whispered, "I have something I want to show you."

Qi Mulai looked at the long coat suspiciously, and finally put down the quilt in his hand, and slowly wrapped the long coat around his body.The heater has been turned on since last night, and she fastened the buttons of her clothes with her slender fingers. She didn't feel cold and got out of bed with her calves bare.

When Bakugo Katsuki wore a suitably sized long coat on Saiki Mirai, the hem of the coat hung down to the middle of his calf.She sat on the edge of the bed a little awkwardly, pulled up her sleeves, and Katsuki Bakugo, who stood watching from the side, turned and sat beside her.

The moment the mattress sank due to the man's weight, Saiki Mirai's movements stiffened.But soon, Bakugo Katsuki pulled her arm in front of him, and neatly rolled up her too long sleeves.

"Can you still walk by yourself?" After rolling up his sleeves, he asked in a low voice.

Qi Mufuture's eyes flickered for a moment, and the tips of his ears turned red quickly.

" still okay." She said softly, "If you really want to, at should be able to..."

Bakugo Katsuki's breathing suddenly became a little short.His sharp red eyes stared at Qi Muwei's future, he tightened his grip on her sleeve, and then suddenly let go.

"Hurry up and get down after you get dressed." He yelled fiercely in a disguised manner, "During it!"

"What do you want me to watch?" Qi Muwei was not angry either.She followed Bakugo Katsuki all the way down the stairs, and asked curiously.

"I'll know when I see you." Bakugo Katsuki finally calmed down a little.He took Qi Muwei to the entrance on the first floor, raised his hand to hold the doorknob, and his palm was dripping with damp sweat due to a little nervousness.

"Open the door." He whispered.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Qi Mulai suddenly thought of something, grabbed his arm, and said in a low voice, "Is there no one outside? I can't see people in my current state. !"

"No one, don't worry." Bakugo Katsuki glanced at her calmly, then lowered his eyes to stare at the doorknob in his hand, and suddenly exhaled a laughing voice from his nasal cavity.

The man's palm moved slightly, and the doorknob was turned open with a "click".

Qi Mulai raised his head subconsciously in the future, and looked outside the door.

She could hardly believe her eyes at what was outside the door.

A medium-sized convertible was parked in front of the steps of the house.But it wasn't just the van that surprised Saiki Mirai.The cargo compartment in the second half of the truck was propped up to more than 45 degrees, and the contents of the truck were fully displayed in front of the two people at the door.

The two-meter-long and one-meter-wide cargo compartment is densely packed with all kinds of flowers.The square and square cargo compartment seemed to be a wonderful world beyond reality, full of gorgeous flowers, completely occupying every inch of her eyes.

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