Saiki Mirai's fingertips were frozen like ice cubes.She pushed open the taxi door and got out of the car, rushing all the way towards the cordon.

"Please stop!" The police officer standing in front of the cordon to maintain order saw Qi Mulai running this way from a distance, raised his hand to stop her, "It is temporarily forbidden to pass through here."

"Sorry, may I ask if there are still people buried under the tunnel?" Qi Mulai had to stop in the future, thin beads of sweat dripping from his temples.Her emerald green eyes were wide open, and she looked blankly at the direction of the tunnel - there, police officers wearing hard hats came and went, and a crane was carefully hoisting a large block of cement and moving it aside.

"Sorry, this matter is not disclosed to the media at present." The policeman replied formulaically, "If you need to interview witnesses, you need to show your ID."

"I'm not a reporter." Qi Mulai bit his lips, as if a group of anxious fires were burning in his heart, "I'm the family member of a professional hero buried in the ruins. ——Is 'Heartbreaking' in there?"

In order to convince the policeman, she quickly took out her mobile phone and showed him the photos taken by the two of them: "Look, is he also inside?"

The police officer was startled, glanced at the phone screen, then turned around and walked a little further away, picked up the walkie-talkie in his vest pocket and said something.After a while, he came back, nodded to Saiki Mirai, and opened the cordon.

"Go under the shed built over there." The police officer looked at Saiki Mirai with a bit of unbearable eyes, "The captain is waiting for you over there—he is Bashima Takasuke with the personality of 'Sonic', you should You'll recognize him soon enough."

"Thank you." Qi Mulai hurriedly ran towards the temporary awning.When passing the starter, the loud rumbling noise of the machine made her eardrums hurt, but she didn't care to raise her hands to cover her ears, and all she could think about was the safety of Katsuki Bakugo.

The image of Kisuke Batshima was indeed very obvious—among the police officers under the awning, he was the only one with the membranous wings of a bat on his back, and a layer of gray-black fluff on the edge of his square face.When he saw Qi Mufuture running all the way over, he took a few steps forward, and when she stood in front of him, he asked, "The family members of 'Broken Heart'?"

"Yes! My name is Mirai Saiki, and I'm Katsuki Bakugo's girlfriend." Mirai Saiki nodded quickly, looking at the entrance of the collapsed tunnel not far away, "Is he in there? How is the situation now?"

"There are a total of thirteen people trapped in the collapsed tunnel, including six professional heroes - three are local heroes in Kyoto, and the other three are visiting heroes including 'Heartbreaker'; and one enemies, and six ordinary citizens who were in the tunnel at the time." Kisuke Bashima replied, flipping through the information in his hand, "According to the information about the heroes I got here, the heroes in the tunnel are capable enough to get out of trouble, especially those with huge The 'heartbreak' of the destructive personality. The reason why they have not been able to leave the tunnel for a long time is either because the collapsed structure is unknown, in order to protect the defenseless ordinary citizens and avoid a second collapse, they dare not act rashly; or Then..."

"I was injured during the collapse, and my consciousness is unknown." Kisuke Bashima paused, and finally said the worse possibility.

Qi Mufuku's breathing stagnates.She heard Batshima Takasuke explain: "Miss Saiki was brought in just in case, and when the situation was at its most dangerous, I tried my best to awaken the 'Broken Heart' desire to survive. So, I hope you can cooperate with us action."

The pink-haired girl nodded mechanically: "Okay..."

"Having said that, the heroes in the tunnel are not vegetarians, and the worst possibility is very small, so you don't need to worry so much." Bashima Takasuke comforted, "Now I'm using my personality' Ultrasonic' is used to gradually detect the structure of the collapsed part and establish a model to determine the excavation plan. According to estimates, the tunnel will be re-dug within the next two hours."

"...I understand!" Qi Mulai finally came back to his senses, clenched his fists tightly, "As long as there is a need for me, I will definitely help with all my strength!"

Kisuke Bashima nodded, returned to the awning, and continued to participate in the model building.In the howling winter wind, Qi Mulai stood firmly in place, looking at the collapsed tunnel, like a statue.


Those were the most difficult two hours in Qi Mu's future life.

About half an hour after she arrived at the scene, Kisuke Bashima finally detected the location of the trapped people in the tunnel through ultrasonic waves, and the excavation plan continued to be adjusted around the information.The spatial shape fed back by Kisuke Bashima's ultrasound was extremely accurate, and Mirai Saiki immediately found the figure of Katsuki Bakugo from the modeling image.

On the computer screen, Saiki Mirai could see Katsumi Bakugo in the ruins in a half-sitting posture, and he didn't know if he was still conscious at the moment.Her heart was pulled into a ball like a sponge that was tightened by someone, and she couldn't help raising her hand to hold her chest.

The moment the last piece of cement was removed by the crane, the dark tunnel mouth was finally exposed.Amidst the smoke and dust flying, Qi Mulai subconsciously walked towards the direction of the tunnel, but was squeezed out by the influx of police officers and ambulance personnel, and then stopped by the police officers.

The first to be sent out were ordinary citizens lying on stretchers who were unconscious.When the stretcher passed by Qi Muwei, she could still hear the police officer carrying the stretcher whispering: "This one was hit by a stone, with a mild concussion, and the amount of bleeding is not much, but further inspection is needed. Those who can't move inside are still there." There are two..."

As the stretcher went all the way, she didn't even hear the policeman mention Bakugo Katsuki.

But at times like this, it might be good news not to mention it.

Qi Muwei just squeezed in the periphery like this, staring at the tunnel entrance without blinking.Soon, the second and third stretchers filed out.When passing by, Qi Muwei opened his eyes wide and recognized the person whose face was covered with dust.

It's not about being a big fan.

Just when Qi Muwei looked away from staring at the wounded on the stretcher, there was a commotion at the entrance and exit of the tunnel.

Out of the corner of the eye, a motionless figure was roughly thrown out of the tunnel, and then the crowd around the entrance stirred up, like a drop of cold water dripping into hot oil.

Phrases such as "The enemy has been thrown out" and "Hurry up and handcuff him" poured into my ears.Qi Mulai's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head to look at the entrance of the tunnel——

A hand wearing a grenade-shaped arm glove protruded from the entrance. After throwing the person, the palm of the heavy glove stretched a bit, and then pressed the edge of the entrance with a little force.

The familiar head with piercing blond hair appeared at the entrance of the tunnel for a moment.Bakugo Katsuki dexterously jumped up, wearing a winter combat uniform, with a trace of smoke and dust on his face.

Qi Mulai stood in place as if someone had cast a holding spell on him.The boulder hanging in her heart finally fell, and as a result, she stood there, so stiff that she couldn't even lift a finger, only her vision was instantly blurred by the turbulent tears, and everything in front of her eyes became a hazy color block .

"Damn it, I'm suffocated to death..." Bakugo Katsuki took a deep breath as soon as he got out of the tunnel, and his sharp eyes glanced at the bruised and swollen enemy on the ground, making the latter tremble in fright.

Seeing that the enemy was handcuffed and put under the control of the police, he squinted his eyes and looked away, but he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye.

The man glanced casually, but his scarlet eyes stopped the moment he saw clearly, and his dark pupils dilated slightly.

Qi Mulai stood less than ten meters away from him, watching him quietly.

Standing behind the crowd of police officers and medical staff, the girl was holding tightly to the hem of the coat covered with a large amount of dust with her hands. Her beautiful long pink hair, which was usually neat and smooth, had been blown messy by the cold wind.She opened her green eyes dizzy with tears, and there were clear tears on her cheeks that were flushed by the wind.

Before he could react, Katsuki Bakugo had already taken a quick step.He forcibly squeezed away the person standing between the two of them, and stepped in front of Qi Muwei with a few strides.

She raised her head and stared at him blankly, her eyelids were slightly red and swollen, and her tears could not be stopped.

"...How long have I been waiting?" Bakugo Katsuki asked with his dry vocal cords.He raised his hand, but for a moment he didn't know whether to hug her first or wipe her tears first, so his palm stopped in the air.

Qi Mulai sucked his nose, and said with trembling lips: "Two hours..."

Bakugo Katsuki finally put his hand on Saiki Mirai's face, and the other hand held her palm - her cheeks were hot from crying, but her fingertips were cold.

"Stupid, how can something happen to me? But you, after being exposed to the wind for so long, must have a fever." He said hoarsely, and raised his hand to stuff her into his arms, "If you have a fever, you can't go shopping Do you want to go to the Inari Shrine?"

"It's okay..." Saiki Mirai pressed his cheek against the man's hard chest, and said in a muffled voice—she was surprised that she still didn't have the control over her distress, "The reason I went to Inari Shrine was to pray with you... ...but as long as you're okay, everything's fine..."

Bakugo Katsuki lowered his head, pressed the tip of his nose against her hair, and adjusted his rapid breathing.The slight fragrance of the girl's hair permeated into the nostrils, light and faint, but with a bit of warmth that reassured him.

"I'm going back to the police station with them later, can you go back?" He asked in a low voice, "I'll go back and find you right after I'm done."

"Yeah." Qi Muwei said in a low voice, "Xiao Bu and Da Ping have come with me, and now they should wait for me in the car outside the cordon."

Bakugo Katsuki let out a breath, and tightened the hand holding Saiki Mirai, noticing that her body temperature had risen a little, and then let go.

"Go back to the hotel immediately, take a hot bath, and take a good rest under the quilt." He whispered, "When you wake up, you can see me."


After returning to the police station, Katsuki Bakugo borrowed the equipment from the police station to change into his combat uniform, and successfully assisted the police officers in recording work.

Before leaving, Bashima Takasuke stopped Bakugo Katsuki.After approaching, he took out a box from his bag and handed it to Katsuki Bakugo.

"Hell, your phone got smashed by a rock in the fight, right?" he said. "It's inconvenient to not have a mobile phone during the communication process. This is a new mobile phone for you-of course, the losses in the battle will be reimbursed at our public expense.".

"Thanks." Bakugo Katsuki took the new phone, opened the box directly, and pressed the button to turn it on.

The screen of the new phone lit up.Bakugo Katsuki logged into his chat account.Soon, a new message prompt appeared on the screen.

Seeing Saiki Mirai's name on the prompt, Bakugo Katsuki raised his eyebrows slightly and clicked on the dialogue interface.

The author has something to say: Thanks xosha for the grenade!Salsa worked hard to duck w

Thanks to Xiao Ye (shaking off the duck’s winter fur), Chi Yan (making a martini for Yan Yan), Yi Yi Hua Belle (sliding Belle’s hair as a slide) for mine!

Thanks to eldorado (61 bottles, rounded up to a swimming pool) for the nutrient solution!

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