In this way, Qi Mu's future life has undergone earth-shaking changes amidst the roar of the giant dragon.

The corner of the huge cave where the mountain of gold and silver slept became her living room, the fur became her bedding, and the gems became her toys.Bakugo Katsuki's daily diet is quite different from what she ate in the palace - there are no delicate dishes and desserts, only large pieces of meat and wild vegetables and fruits.But she doesn't eat every day for enjoyment.Soon, she'll be helping Katsumi Bakugo prep his game after hunting, grilling and curing meat.

Saiki Mirai has become acquainted with the largest red dragon Victor, who is most often used as the mount of Bakugo Katsuki, and has also seen other smaller dragons living freely in the territory.She even learned a few words of dragon language from Katsuki Bakugo, so that Victor could easily understand what she meant.

In just a short period of time, Saiki Mirai's body changed. The girl who was so thin that she could be knocked down by a gust of wind became healthy and well-proportioned.The lines of her cheeks finally softened, her lips became more plump than before, and her long hair was no longer dry, but flowing like silk.The graceful curves of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl finally appeared on her body.

It was becoming increasingly difficult for the vicious blond man to take his eyes off her—the girl was sensitive, and she knew it all too well.Whenever he finds him staring at him like a dragon coveting for treasure, Qi Mulai will feel his cheeks heat up and his mind will be in a trance.

She didn't hate it, and even quite liked it.

During the second week of his stay in Dragon Land, Katsumi Bakugo brought a young black-haired baroness.She claims to be 800 million, has her own independent territory, and is a companion who has gone on expeditions with Bakugo Katsuki in the past. After 800 million Wanbai met with Qi Muwei, he brought a tailor who could make skirts for her and some daily necessities for women the next day.Later, she found an elderly nun for Qi Muwei.

"Sister Elizabeth can teach the court etiquette in the future." 800 million Bai Hao said to Katsuki Bakugo with a smile, "The future should have been educated to be a lady, but her father and queen mother died at that time, which led to the The teachings were dragged on and on. And now she still behaves like a little girl."

A short period of teaching cannot make Saiki become a qualified princess overnight, but the first task given to her by Bakugo Katsuki is not difficult to complete-that is, to perform better than her princess cousin at the court ball in a month and a half. Looks like a princess.

Sister Elizabeth has lived to be 70 years old, and she is already ready to face death with indifference. Now even seeing a dragon is not scary.The nun’s education was strict—she corrected everything from sitting, standing, walking to the tone of conversation, and even found a branch of appropriate thickness.Once there is something wrong with Saiki Mirai's movements, Sister Elizabeth will pull down the branch with precise force.

In Bakugo Katsuki's view, no matter what actions a woman like Saiki who grew up in the palace in the future is elegant and beautiful enough in his eyes, but Sister Elizabeth can always find something wrong.As soon as the branch hit Qi Muwei's body, his porcelain-like skin would always turn red, and it took a long time for it to disappear.

At first Bakugo Katsuki even wanted to do something to the nun because of this incident, but Saiki Mirai grabbed him with his red-stained arm.

"The nun is right," she said to him breathlessly, her cheeks flushed from practice but still looking pretty damn pretty in his eyes, "it's okay, I can carry on."

No matter how many times he was whipped by the nun, Qi Mu still gritted his teeth and persisted.In just a few days, the nun used the branch less and less.In the end, the branch was never picked up by the nun again.

The next thing is to dance.

Just when Sister Elizabeth was worrying about her dancing partner, Katsumi Bakugo pulled off the red cloak covered in fur and stood in front of Mirai Saiki.

"I'm here to be her practice partner." Thinking that he would listen to the seventy-eighty-year-old nun's instructions, he resisted the twisting of his facial muscles and squeezed out a few words.

Sister Elizabeth cast a meaningful look from under drooping eyelids.Bakugo Katsuki frowned, turned his head unnaturally, but happened to meet Saiki Mirai's gaze.

The girl is wearing a long dress that exposes her shoulders and arms, her long hair is loosely braided and hangs over her shoulders.She smiled in emerald green eyes as she met his gaze.


"When dancing, men and women will stand side by side in two rows, rotate, approach, and exchange partners after dancing..." Under the guidance of the nun, Bakugo Katsumi faced Mirai Saiki, and the two bent their knees at the same time, and then Taking a step towards the other party, he stretched out his hand towards her, and grasped her slender fingers with his rough skin.

When approaching and spinning, the strong masculine aura of the dragon chief shrouded Qi Muwei's side.When turning to the back where the nun could not see, Qi Muwei slightly closed his eyes and took a light breath.

Bakugo Katsuki's muscular and muscular upper body is bare, brightly colored animal tooth beads are hung from the neck to the chest, hard shoulders and strong arms with tattoos are covered with hard leather armors that have been boiled and tanned. Wearing leather trousers and fur-trimmed boots, exuding primitive and wild hormones; Saiki Mirai is wearing a light-colored long skirt for dancing practice, and his skin is like fine white porcelain, revealing The arch of the shoulders is weak and soft.Under the shade of thick pink hair, her cheeks were slightly flushed from dancing, and her beautifully shaped clear blue eyes were like morning stars.

Standing together, the temperament of the two not only reveals sharp conflicts but also a wonderful harmony.During the dance steps, their back shoulders are close to each other, and they look deeply into each other's eyes when they rotate. Every step and even every breath can be clearly perceived by each other.

Katsuki Bakugo, who is used to dealing with evil dragons, has always been used to directly shooting the beautiful things he likes in the past. He has always only seen simple and rude behaviors such as preempting and plundering.It was precisely because of this that he discovered for the first time that those old-fashioned princes and nobles' fun-seeking tricks, every dance with a prescribed movement, the temptation and cooperation from the tip of the hair to the tip of the toe, can actually make people's heart beat like it is now Pounding.


It was finally the eve of the dance.

Sister Elizabeth was taken back by 800 million.After dinner, the night darkened.By the hot spring under the cliff cave, the giant dragon rested its head on its wings, its nostrils fluttered, and hot air was blown out.

A torch was stuck on the stone wall in the cave, and the bright flames danced, casting deep and shallow shadows in the cave.Qi Mulai sat on the thick fur that she had used as a bed for more than a month, and his fingers unconsciously slid across the mask inlaid with fine diamonds in his palm.

Tomorrow, she will wear the most exquisite and gorgeous jewelry taken from Katsuki Bakugo's treasure mountain, and wear a mask, to attend a court ball that she has never imagined in the past few years.

It's amazing—she must have never guessed that one day she would dance the most dignified court dance with the arrogant man commanding the dragon in this mysterious primitive place full of volcanic hot springs, hot day and night cold.

Katsuki Bakugo walked in at this moment—he still had a cloak on his shoulders, his upper body was reflected by the firelight with thick and faint muscle textures, and the animal tooth earrings on his earlobes had a dull luster.

He saw Saiki Mirai sitting on the fur at a glance - the girl had just bathed, and her slightly damp pink long hair was not bundled up, but scattered randomly on her back.She sat with her knees hugged, her slender and white insteps buried in the fur, her eyes staring blankly at the mask in her hand.

After hearing his voice, she glanced back.

The moment the originally dignified and confused girl's eyes were illuminated by the fire, a bit of vitality that belonged to the territory of the evil dragon suddenly appeared in the pupils - in front of Sister Elizabeth, Qi Muwei hid it very well, and his expression and eyes were very similar A noble princess, but Bakugo Katsuki knew that her bones had already been stained with the atmosphere that belonged to this land.

The same breath as his body.

It was this breath that made her a little more vigorous than when she first arrived in this land, like a jewel rose with thorns.

A bit of anticipation suddenly surged in Bakugo Katsuki's heart - he wanted to see her show off at the court ball, this feeling was similar to the feeling he had when he put all his treasures in the sun to dry on a sunny day.It's just that no one could see his treasure at that time, even though it was full of brilliance, it was a bit of a pity after all.However, those who can see Saiki Mirai tomorrow have hundreds of pairs of eyes.

After the ball is over, he will ride the giant dragon and take away Saiki Mirai again, so that everyone will know that he can take away the most beautiful and noble princess by overwhelming himself.

Bakugo Katsuki was thinking this way, Saiki Mirai stood up on the piled thick fur.She slightly lifted the skirt that reached to her feet, and walked towards him barefoot.

The man's red eyes fixed, and he looked over, only to find that she raised her hand and fastened a gorgeous half-face mask, and then straightened her long hair that was bounded by the tie, revealing only the tip of her small nose and well-shaped lips.

Saiki Mirai stood in front of Bakugo Katsuki and curtsied to him.

The beautiful girl put on a mask inlaid with jewels, and for a while, the dragon-like man was a little bit fascinated and impulsive when faced with his favorite jewels.When he realized it, Bakugo Katsuki found that he had firmly grasped Saiki Mirai's hand, but instead of dancing with her, he held her tightly in his arms.

The remaining sweat on the man's body stuck to Saiki Mirai's long skirt, and the strength of his arms made her a little breathless.Through the mask, she looked at him with emerald green eyes flowing with fire, and spoke softly.

"Tonight..." She raised her head and brushed his chin lightly with her breath, "Is the dragon coming to take its treasure?"

The blood vessels on Bakugo Katsuki's forehead jumped suddenly, and his throat suddenly became dry.

"What did you say?" He couldn't believe his ears and asked hoarsely.

The girl didn't answer right away.She pulled an arm out of his embrace and slowly pulled the mask off her face.

That face that was more alluring than all the treasures he had obtained in the past appeared in front of Katsuki Bakugou.Then, he realized that the girl in his arms stood on tiptoe, tilted her head slightly, and kissed his lips.

"I've been yours for a long time." She said softly, "From the moment you said you needed me..."

That sentence is like the only strong thread connecting Saiki Mirai with the world.

The light of the fire reflected Qi Mulai's bright and clean face, and she continued: "...From that moment on, I belong to you alone."

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