What Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya intercepted was actually a five-member criminal gang that was on the run.The remaining four people all lost their mobility, while the remaining half-human, half-bird guy fled in a panic all the way.

Katsuki Bakugo threw the four people lying on the street to Izuku Midoriya who was still at the scene, and chased after him with the help of the explosive air all the way.

The enemy in front of him tried to seize the hostage just now, causing the veins on Bakugo Katsuki's forehead to throb violently, and the blast blast from his palm suddenly doubled.The ferocious-faced young hero released a beast-like cry from his throat, and the distance between him and the enemy quickly narrowed.Ten seconds later, he grabbed the enemy's calf.

"Die to me!" Ignoring the struggle of the bird man flapping its wings, Bakugo Katsuki raised his hand and pressed his right palm to the back of the enemy's heart. The tongue of fire in his palm suddenly burst into flames!

The enemy let out a shrill scream, was blown unconscious, fell suddenly from the air, and fell headlong on the plastic canopy of the merchants along the street, knocking down a large number of tables and chairs.

The black smoke and dust produced by the explosion was lifted by the wind and slowly disappeared into the air.Amidst the exclamations and screams of pedestrians, Katsuki Bakugo landed firmly on the ground, his shiny black boots hitting the street floor with a dull sound.

He stepped forward, grabbed the feathers on the birdman's neck and dragged him out like a dead pig, dragging the birdman all the way towards the way he came.

A passerby on the side of the road recognized the hero's heartbreak and wanted to take a photo, but when he saw the scarlet eyes, he froze immediately.It wasn't until Bakugo Katsuki dragged the enemy away that he murmured to himself with lingering fear: "Although I know he is a hero, that look is still terrifying..."

Bakugo Katsuki ignored the entanglement in the hearts of passers-by.With a cold face, he dragged and dragged twice, and directly pulled the enemy to the original place with his face on the ground.Izuku Midoriya was putting restraint devices on the four enemies who had been brought down by them together with the police who arrived, and looked over after hearing the commotion of the crowd.

"Xiaosheng!" Midoriya Izuku raised his hand and waved towards Fa Xiao.Bakugo Katsuki narrowed his red pupils, raised his hand and threw the enemy who weighed over a hundred kilograms, Midoriya Izuku jumped back subconsciously, so as not to be hit on the back of his foot.

Still as violent as before... The green-haired young man scratched his face, while thinking about it, he bent down to check the enemy's situation.

Bakugo Katsuki glanced over the other four enemies who were restrained by handcuffs, restraint uniforms and strong tape, and suddenly asked, "Where is that woman?"

"Eh?" Midoriya Izuku was still checking the enemy's injuries, and raised his eyes in surprise when he heard this.

"Tsk." Bakugo Katsuki was speechless impatiently, "I mean this guy wanted to take the woman he took hostage just now! Didn't you stop her?"

"Ah, that girl." Midoriya Izuku understood, "After the danger was eliminated, she left. I saw that the girl's expression was not right, and I was worried that she would be psychologically traumatized, and I wanted to recommend her to see it. Ask a psychiatrist, but she politely and coldly refuses."

When Bakugo Katsuki heard this, his knuckles made a "click" sound, and he looked away.

"Xiaosheng..." Izuku Midoriya was silent for a moment, then hesitatingly spoke softly, "It's been five years since that incident...you are also..."

Everyone in Class A knew that something happened between Katsuki Bakugo and a girl they didn't know in the second grade, and they also knew that the relationship between them ended abruptly—when Katsuki Bakugo posted on his account The pair presumably broke up less than a month after that Valentine's Day chocolate photo.

For a long time after that, Bakugo Katsuki's performance was quite abnormal-he almost died during combat training, as if he was using training to vent something; Someone heard that Bakugo Katsuki visited a group of heroes who are specialized in finding people. He seemed to want to find someone, but in the end he found nothing.

That's all the students in class A know, and Midoriya Izuku knows more - after all, he was also a member of the night eye office, and he learned about Bakugo Katsuki from this former boss For the predicted future, I know that the girl must have pink hair.

Coincidentally, the girl that Izuku Lvgu rescued just now was also a pink-haired girl.

Izuku Midoriya still remembered the appearance of the girl when she thanked her.Her voice was slightly hoarse, her movements were well-behaved, but her emerald green eyes were a bit dazed and alienated.

As if she was something not of this world.

Maybe Katsuki Bakugo saw that girl's pink hair when he was chasing after the enemy just now.He remembered that whenever he met a woman with pink hair, Katsuki Bakugo had to take a few extra glances to identify her.

"Although they are all girls with pink hair, but..." Izuku Midoriya said hesitantly, "Xiao Sheng, you are like this..."

"Wait a minute, Chiku, can you say it again?" Katsuki Bakugo had originally planned to ignore Izuku Midoriya and leave, but the word "pink hair" suddenly stimulated his nerves.The blond man turned his head and stared straight at his hair with red eyes: "She has pink hair? What's the color of her eyes?"

"Green... eh, Xiao Sheng, didn't you see it..."

"Don't talk nonsense, where did she leave from?" Bakugo Katsuki asked hastily.

Lvgu Izuku quickly raised his finger and pointed to the end of the road.In the next second, the blond man rushed over, swung his right hand behind him, and even used the explosive speed vortex that he only used in pursuit.

"Choujiu, if you didn't say it earlier, go to hell!"

Seeing a series of golden sparks leading Fa Xiao all the way forward and disappearing at the end of the street, Midoriya Izuku couldn't help but widen his eyes, opened his lips and murmured repeatedly: "You want me...to die again?"


Bakugo Katsuki reached the end of the road, but the hand that blasted Bakuze suddenly stopped.

The end of the road is divided into three forks, and the subway station is not far ahead. The road on the left leads to the bustling commercial street full of shops, while the road on the right leads to the quiet residential area. Several apartment buildings stand on the open space with plenty of greenery. , There are a few children in the small park digging sand with plastic shovels in the sand pool.

Bakugo Katsuki raised his hand in the air, as if he wanted to explode again, but after a while, he dropped it slumped again.

He clearly knew.Saiki The future exists in the past.No matter how many women with pink hair and green eyes can be found, they cannot be her.

In the past five years, Bakugo Katsuki has visited countless people with wonderful personalities—some are said to be able to communicate with spirits, some are said to be able to convey messages to the past and future, and some are said to be able to search for specific characters throughout Japan. characters...but no one could help him reconnect with Saiki Mirai.He even used this to see through the scams of several so-called "psychic power users" and sent them to the police station.

The harder you work, the more you will feel desperate because you will further perceive the depth of the chasm.That's what Katsuki Bakugo has been through for the past five years.

Under the glare of the autumn sun, he put down his hand hanging in the air, and slowly exhaled a foul breath.

Suddenly footsteps came from behind.Bakugo Katsuki turned his head and saw an old man on crutches standing behind him and looking at him.

"Hero, what are you looking for?" The old man was also one of the witnesses just now.He raised his drooping eyelids and asked kindly.

Bakugo Katsuki was silent for a moment, gritted his teeth and spit out a few words: "It's nothing, I lost something."

"Really..." The old man smiled, "It doesn't matter, as long as you look carefully, you will definitely find it."

Bakugo Katsuki didn't answer, but lowered his eyes.

What he lost may never be found for the rest of his life.


at the same time.

Saiki Mirai stood in the shade of Yoshida's apartment building, found the phone number of the apartment owner from the photo, and dialed it.

The sun at noon was scorching hot, and the mobile phone attached to the thin and soft pinna became hot due to long-term use, which made Qi Muwei a little uncomfortable.

There were faint explosions and noisy crowds in the distance, but she didn't pay attention, but stared down at the tip of her shoes, waiting for the call to be connected.

After waiting for a long time, someone finally answered the phone.

"Hello." An elderly man's voice came from the phone.Qi Muweilai understood the reason why the landlord took a long time to answer the phone.She tilted her head slightly, and said softly, "Hello, I saw the apartment rental advertisement in the newspaper, so I called according to the number on the advertisement..."

"Ah, sorry, I'm in the hospital right now." The old man on the other end of the phone sounded a bit embarrassed, "I just made an appointment for today's physical examination, and I won't be back until three or four in the afternoon..."

"It's okay, then I'll come back in the afternoon." Qi Mulai whispered in the future.

After finishing the call, she took two steps out of the shadows, squinted her eyes and looked up, looking at this two-story apartment building—this apartment building is just in the middle of a residential area, and there are one-family buildings on the left and right, and there are other buildings nearby. A small park.The surrounding environment is quiet and peaceful, and it is a very suitable place to live.

The sun was too glaring, Qi Mu could not help but raise his hand in the future, spreading his palm above the brow bone.And at this moment, she saw a door on the second floor of the apartment building suddenly opened with a "squeak".

Is it someone who rents here?Saiki thought to himself in the future.She stared at the opened door for a long time but couldn't see anyone coming out.

It wasn't until about ten seconds later that a small head poked out slowly from under the railing in the corridor on the second floor.

Qi Mulai couldn't help but widen her eyes—she saw a dumpling wearing an orange hamster hood with two small semicircular ears coming out of the door slowly, squinting her eyes comfortably, The face as soft as mochi was pressed against the railing at the edge of the corridor.

The metal railing pressed Tuanzi's face into a slight depression.Duanzi in a hamster hood was basking in the sun like this, slowly uttering the sentence "Brother is not here, but the potato chips are finished", while slightly raising his eyelids.

The amber eyes suddenly looked at Qi Muwei, who was standing downstairs—the orange dumpling froze in place, and it took a long time before suddenly trembling violently.

Seeing Orange Tuanzi retreating step by step with difficulty, and about to hide in the room, Qi Mulai opened his mouth and stopped her: "Excuse me..."

"Yes!" Tuanzi shuddered and stopped immediately.

"I came here because I saw a rental advertisement in the newspaper. Are you a tenant here?" Qi Mulai wanted to ask the tenant about the actual condition of this apartment. "Can you tell me what you think of this apartment building?" Do you have any opinions on the living environment?"

Xiao Tuanzi stood where he was, hesitated for a long time, and then nodded.

"Okay...but you have to wait for me." After finishing speaking, Tuanzi hushed and put on a hamster hood, and got into the door.

The door slammed shut.

The sun became more and more dazzling.Qi Muwei looked at the closed door of the apartment, stood in the sun for about 5 minutes, and suddenly felt a little silly.

Isn't this the same as when I was waiting for someone beside the sculpture at the subway entrance that day...?

The pink-haired girl lowered her eyelashes, turned her head and was about to leave, when the apartment door that was originally tightly closed suddenly opened.A girl in a red hoodie, black skirt, and beret hurried out of the door and locked the door behind her back.

Qi Muwei looked at the girl in a daze as he ran through the corridor and down the stairs, and stood still in front of her.Only then did she see clearly the long light blond hair exposed under the brim of the girl's hat, and the pin with the three cartoon letters UMR on the hat.

"I just happened to be going to the convenience store to buy some snacks, so I'll go with you, and let me introduce you to the neighborhood." The girl was beautiful, about sixteen or seventeen years old.As she spoke, she showed a hearty smile at Qi Muwei, "We may be neighbors in the future. Ah, by the way, my name is Doma Buried, and I live here with my brother Doma Dahei. In addition , and my classmate Ebina Naina also lives in this apartment building.”

In just a few words, Qi Mulai realized that the girl in front of him was Xiaotuanzi who was wearing a hamster hood just now.Perhaps it was bombarded by various unheard-of sights after the timeline treaty, and now Qi Muwei was not surprised to see the knee-high little dumpling suddenly turned into a slim girl.

"Then thank you." She smiled at Doma, "I'm Mirai Saiki, and I wanted to find a place to rent near the university campus, so I found this place."

"Hey, college student, that's my sister." Seeing Qi Muwei's expression, Tu Jianbu couldn't help being startled.

She always felt that this sister didn't look happy at all.

"Actually, it's good to live here." On the way to the nearby convenience store, Doma buried all the way to introduce the surrounding area to Saiki Mirai, "My future sister should be a college student of T University? Actually, I also want to enter this university Well. From here to T University, it only takes about 10 minutes to walk. If you want to go a little further, there are subway stations and bus stations over there. My brother also takes public transportation to work every day."

When the two passed the intersection, Qi Mu could see the section of the road that was crowded with crowds of onlookers just now—it was less than 10 minutes before the commotion happened, but the crowd who had been watching at the intersection had already dispersed, and the mess had been covered by Gao. Clean up efficiently.

Doma Bui raised his hand and pointed at another forked route at the intersection: "There is a commercial street in the past, and a little further in is a shopping center including a large supermarket, where you can basically buy things that cannot be bought in convenience stores Yes. If you really can’t find something, there is still online shopping.”

Qi Muwei looked in the direction where Tuma buried his fingers, and nodded quietly.

The two walked all the way to the convenience store.After skillfully selecting his favorite snacks and drinks, Doma buried himself in the middle of the shelf and took a peek in the direction of Saiki Mirai.

Qi Mulai stood quietly outside the shelf area waiting for her.The pink-haired girl stared down at the toes of her shoes, her green eyes were clean, but cold, empty, like a desert.

Buried in Doma hesitated for a moment, and continued to put snacks in the basket.Soon, she walked out from between the shelves with a basket on her arm.

"Well... Sister, don't you have anything you want to buy?" She asked cautiously.

Qi Mu raised his head when he heard her voice in the future, and smiled at her emotionlessly: "There is nothing I want to buy."

"Hmm..." Doma Bui had no choice but to place the basket in front of the cash register to pay.

Qi Mulai followed Tujianburied all the way around and circled around, knowing the layout of the surroundings well.When she returned to the downstairs of the apartment, she remembered the time when the apartment landlord came back, and took out her mobile phone to take a look.

There are still two or three hours before the landlord returns.

Qi Mu put away his mobile phone in the future, planning to find a nearby coffee shop to kill time, when the girl carrying a plastic bag suddenly said, "Well, sister, you probably don't know enough just by looking around, right? Would you like to come to my Let's take a look at home? The landlady's grandma is going to the hospital for a physical examination today, and she won't be back until the afternoon, why don't you just wait here for the next few hours?"

Qi Muwei was slightly startled, and nodded.


The small 1DK apartment where Domabui lives with his elder brother is not big, but the lighting is good.The layout of the apartment is almost the same as the typical apartment structure of Qi Mufuture's past era: after entering the door, there are steps and a porch. On both sides of the porch, there are kitchens, bathrooms and toilets separated from wet and dry.After walking through the kitchen, you enter the largest room. There are green curtains hanging in front of the glass sliding door at the end of the room, and a small balcony outside the door.

There are not many things in the room, but the atmosphere is full of life.A square low table and cushions are placed in the center of the room, a hamster cage stands on a small cabinet in the corner, long cat pillows, game controllers, laptops, and a few bags of finished snacks are piled up in disorder on the wooden floor.

Qi Mulai looked back in the future, only to find that Tujianbu had changed back to the size of a dumpling at some point.She took off her shoes, put on a hamster hood, and ran toward the room with bare feet.

"The house is a bit messy..." Domabu said shyly.Qi Muwei looked at the surprisingly agile Duanzi, who cut and folded the snack packaging bag on the ground in twos and twos, and put it into the garbage bag in the kitchen.

After packing up the snack bag, Domabuki walked up to Qi Muweirai cautiously.Xiao Tuanzi lowered his head, hesitated to speak, his little hands were twisted together, looking nervous.

Even though he was in a low mood, Qi Muwei was still touched by the little dumpling in front of him.Buried Doma specially took her to introduce her surroundings, her attitude was very warm and friendly, and she was willing to treat her tenderly.

"What's the matter?" Qi Mulai softened his voice slightly and asked, "Is there anything you want to say?"

"Yeah. That's the one..." Xiaotuanzi hesitated for a moment, looked up at her with watery round eyes, "Ebina-chan, who lives downstairs, didn't know what I looked like when I was at home. So sister , if you live in, don't tell her about it, okay?"

Qi Muwei nodded: "Okay."

Buried in the soil suddenly became happy.She stomped on the floor and ran to the bag of snacks she bought just now. She first took out the large bottle of iced Coke inside, and stood on the low table with a "boom", and then put the miscellaneous snacks in a bag. The bags are lined up on the table.

"Sister, come eat this!" Domabuki greeted enthusiastically.She tore open the bag of French fries with a "stab", and then deftly opened a bag of chocolate and a bag of shredded squid.After opening the snacks, Duanzi ran to the kitchen to get two cups, and put one in front of Qi Muwei.

Qi Muwei looked at Doma and unscrewed the cap of the Coke bottle, generously filled the bottle for her, and pushed the bag of potato chips in her direction.

"I always feel that my sister's mood is not very good. When I am in a bad mood, I will eat my favorite food, watch animation and movies, and then sleep to forget all the unhappy things." Tuanzi smiled brightly, "Sister, you should try it like me!"

Qi Mulai looked at Tu Jianbu in a daze, and after a while, he gave a soft "hmm".

The white and soft fingertips gently twirled a piece of orange corrugated potato chips, and Qi Mulai stared at the potato chips for several seconds before sending it to his lips.

She can't remember the last time she ate potato chips.In middle school, she bid farewell to her childhood prematurely, along with the fun that only children can have.

The potato chips broke in the mouth and made a crisp sound. The aroma of baked potatoes and the salty taste of MSG filled the taste buds.Qi Mulai lowered his eyes and murmured in a low voice: "It's so salty..."

"Salty is right!" Bui Doma stretched his little hand cheerfully, and pushed the chocolate in front of Mirai Saiki, "Eat this chocolate again! Use the sweetness to neutralize the salty taste of the potato chips! Eating it this way will be the most effective Shorten the fatigue period of taste buds!"

"Okay." Qi Mulai took a chocolate bean in the future - this time she didn't hesitate, and directly stuffed the chocolate bean into her mouth.

The sweet chocolate melted on the tip of her tongue, and she couldn't help feeling a little dazed—the last time she ate chocolate was not as long as eating potato chips.Not long ago, in order to make chocolate for the "King of Explosion", she tasted it while making it, and ate a lot, and she was already tired and uncomfortably tired when it was finished.

Kill the king.Qi Mu thought about it in the future. Compared with the current situation, it seems that the explosion king did not appear that day is not a big deal.What's more, it is now 95 years later, and the King of Explosive Killing may have died of natural old age at this point in time.

If she's lucky, she might even meet the great-grandson of the Boom King.I don't know if the great-grandson will inherit his fiery personality...

Thinking that the Blast King is in a place she can't touch, maybe he has forgotten her, had a new relationship, fell in love with other women, got married, and had children, Qi Mulai felt sour in his heart.But perhaps because I was the one who was abandoned, this sourness quickly dissipated slowly.

She took the Coke cup pushed over by Domabuki and took a sip.

"It's delicious." After a while, Qi Mulai's eyes softened, "This is really delicious."

"Right!" Xiaotuanzi bouncing around, "If you eat like this, no matter how much you eat, you won't get bored!"

The pink-haired girl exchanged snacks according to the method buried in the earth, and drank a glass of iced cola when she was thirsty—the carbonated water with bubbles flowed down her throat and into her stomach, making every pore on her body seem to spit out microbes. It's cool.After the two of you ate a few packs of snacks one bite at a time, Domabuki dragged out a yoga ball from the corner.

"When I'm relaxing, I like to lie on the long cat pillow, or lean on the yoga ball." She pulled Qi Muwei to the front of the yoga ball, "You try it too?"

Qi Muwei hesitated for a moment, smoothed his skirt, and sat on the yoga ball.

The blue ball is extremely elastic, and the back leaning on the ball becomes trembling due to the uneven force, but after putting the center of gravity on it completely, there is a strange sense of relaxation.Just when Qi Muwei was trying to relax, Doma closed the curtains.The room was plunged into darkness.

Xiaotuanzi pulled a long cat pillow, rolled over on it, and turned on the TV skillfully keeping his face upside down.

"There are a lot of movies to watch at home, sister, do you want to..." Doma buried the remote control, and stopped in the middle of speaking.

In the dimness, she saw Qi Muwei with his back leaning on the yoga ball slightly drooping eyelashes, showing a shallow but soft smile.

"Thank you." Qi Mulai said softly in the future, his voice was like clear and flowing water, "Also, just call me Future."

Buried in Tuma stared at Qi Mufuture in a daze.In the dimness, she felt that her face was a little hot.

"Sister... No, it's the future..." She stammered, "You laughed..."

Buried in Doma thinks that Qi Muwei's smiling face is really pretty, as if the gloom condensed between his brows and eyes has been swept away, and the emerald green eyes are just like the clear color of the rainy sky.


In the evening, Katsumi Bakugo finished the remaining on-site work and finally returned to the office.

After quickly taking off his combat uniform in the locker room and changing into his normal uniform, he returned to the desk, pulled the keyboard, and typed the mission log quickly.

"Yeah, Bakugo." A colleague from the accounting department who was about to get off work passed by Katsuki Bakugo's office, and immediately stopped when he saw him in the office.

"What's the matter?" Bakugo Katsumi glanced at him, and then turned his attention to the mission log again.

"I'm going to Ginza with Kojima and Hashimoto, do you want to go together?" The colleague clasped his hands in front of him, "Please, there are super high-quality girls on the opposite side, and one of them is particularly interested in you! If you come together, our chances of success will definitely be higher! Please!"

"Huh? No." Bakugo Katsuki didn't bother to lift his eyelids.

"Don't be like this. Those girls are really good-looking! I saved the photos they posted on ins, and I'll show you!" The colleague took out his phone and continued to pester him cheekily, "Come on, let's take a look."

"Tsk." Bakugo Katsuki frowned, and glanced at him with suppressed anger.In the photo, a few girls with exquisite makeup are sitting in a coffee shop, holding porcelain cups with beautiful patterns, and smiling at the camera.

"Look, this is the girl who likes you, Miako-chan." The colleague pointed to one of the girls, "How about it, isn't it pretty?"

"Not enough to see." He quickly looked away, typed the last few words, sent, and turned off the phone.

"Well, you did it on purpose..." The colleague was not convinced, "I really don't know what standard can catch your eyes."

"What standard?" Bakugo Katsuki was slightly taken aback.This colleague had reached the age when he was eager to start a family, so he found someone in the office to accompany him on a blind date, but the other party was nearly thirty and older than him, so it was not convenient for him to get angry.Now that the other party asked this question, it just gave him a reason.

"It's like this." Bakugo Katsuki took out his black phone, found out the photos he had saved for five years, and opened it for him to see.

The colleague glanced at it, his eyes widened suddenly, and his expression became subtle.

"No wonder you don't like girls like Miyako-chan." The colleague muttered, wanting to take a few more glances, but Katsuki Bakugo had already put his phone back, so he had to look away regretfully, "That fellowship girl Things don't bother you."

The colleague turned and walked out.And Bakugo Katsuki stood alone in the middle of the office, his hand holding the phone slightly tightened.

"Dead, or not dead..." He murmured to himself, and after a while, he finally left the office.


Saiki Mirai finally rented a 1DK apartment in the Yoshida apartment building, and became neighbors with Doma Buried.Soon, she became acquainted with Doma Buried's brother and friends.

The days of entering the campus of this era are not as difficult as she imagined—although there are strangers around and common sense four generations apart that she knows nothing about, perhaps because of the existence of buried in the soil, blending in Trying in this era has also become a little easier.

However, apart from the problems caused by the times, what surprised Saiki Mirai was also what he saw on the list of honorary alumni of T University—Kaguya Shinomiya’s name on the list was ranked with Baiyin Yuxing .

In the past, the young man and woman who were reluctant to confess their love first anyway, finally became lovers.It's just that both of them kept their pride and didn't change their surnames.Without marrying or marrying into a family, Baiyin Yuxing finally created an excellent company with his own efforts, and went hand in hand with the Sigong consortium.The only company managed by Shirogane Yuyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya at the same time is the "White Night Club" that Shinomiya Kaguya founded for training.

Even the name is a combination of one word from each of the two names.

Looking at the contents of the alumni directory, Qi Mulai's heart lightened up.

Time passed day by day like this. After autumn came the cold winter, and after that came the spring when everything recovered.Saiki Mirai found a ginger sweater that was the same as the one he had in the past when he went shopping with his brothers and sisters in the winter.The original one was left in Qi Mu's house by her, and the voice in her head urged her to buy this new one.

When she put on this dress again, she seemed to see her past self in the mirror-at that moment, Qi Muwei thought that even after 90 years, she would still be able to live as peacefully as before.Since coming to this era, she has restricted her life and social circle to apartments and schools, and will not take the initiative to understand things related to personality.

As if in this way, she is still a person of her own era.

Saiki always felt in the future that she still had a chance to go back - Saiki Kusuo said he would not abandon her.She trusts him.

But, once again, she didn't get the stability she imagined.

The anomaly started in early March.Saiki Mirai began to publish that he would lose some small things from time to time, such as pencils, tissues, and unfinished drinks.Later, a classmate with her told her something.

"Your drink was taken away by a man dressed as a cleaner." The classmate said a little puzzled, "At that time, I also saw that most of your drink bottle was still empty, so I reminded that person." , but he just turned his head and stared at me, took the drink bottle and left. Before your handkerchief disappeared this time, I also saw that person pass by your table, and then I found out that you lost the handkerchief. "

Qi Mu thought of something in the future, and his cheeks turned pale.She wrote about her classmates, and she packed things more carefully than usual, trying not to leave a gap for others.

The beginning of many terrible things stems from clues that are difficult to detect.

A few days later, Qi Mulai casually glanced at the glass window on the roadside on the way home, but suddenly found a man following her behind her.The man was wearing unremarkable black clothes with the brim of his hat pulled down very low. She suddenly remembered the courier who broke into Qi Mu's house.

The pink-haired girl instinctively held her breath.She subconsciously quickened her pace, and the man behind her also quickened her pace.The streets in the evening were sparsely populated. Qi Muwei turned several intersections in a row, but failed to get rid of the man. The man seemed to have sensed her intentions, and his pace accelerated, getting closer and closer to her.In the end, Qi Mulai's back felt cold, and he started to run.

She didn't dare to look behind, grabbed her bag and ran quickly. When she ran to the end of the ramp, she suddenly bumped into a person.

"Future?" The visitor grabbed Qi Mufuture who was about to stagger and fall, and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Qi Mulai subconsciously wanted to break away from the opponent's hand, and he was relieved until he saw the familiar face: "Brother Daping...someone is following me..."

Doma Buried's older brother Doma Dahei was looking at her in astonishment.He let go of his hand and subconsciously looked down the ramp where Qi Mufuku ran.

There are only dense green plants swaying with the breeze, and there is no one under the ramp.

"There is no one left." Daping Tuma said steadily.Until then, Qi Mulai looked back in fear.

Doma Buried's elder brother Doma Daping is a gentle office worker.After the incident, he suggested that in the future Qi Mu would try to wait at the station until there were many people before going home, and keep talking with him or Buried Doma on the way back.Saiki Mirai complied.In the next few days, she did not find the man who was following her again.

A week later, Qi Muwei still called Doma Dahei when he went to the supermarket to buy ingredients.After returning to the apartment all the way, she took out the key from her bag, and was about to open the door, but her movements froze.

The chill was transmitted from the fingertips all the way down the nerves to the whole mind, and she couldn't move as if she was frozen by ice.

When I left the apartment and went to the supermarket, the lock on the door of the apartment was still intact.But now, there are several small scratches scattered all over the keyhole.This kind of scratches may be missed by ordinary people at first glance, but in the eyes of Qi Muwei, who has experienced burglary incidents, these marks are as conspicuous as firelight in the dark night.

She didn't dare to make a sound, she held the key tightly in her hand, and moved silently to the door of Room 201 step by step.

It is now Sunday afternoon, Doma Dahei has not left work yet, and Doma Bui is staying at home on weekends.Qi Muwei carefully took out his mobile phone from his bag, curled up tensely by the railing at the end of the corridor, and sent a message to Domabu.

【Qimu Mirai: Xiaobu, I'm at your door right now.My house has probably been broken into. If you see this news, please keep quiet and open the door carefully. Please. 】

After sending the message, she only prayed that Bui Doma was not taking a nap or playing games or watching movies with headphones on.But soon, the door of Apartment 201 opened a crack silently, and Doma Buried stood behind the door with a nervous expression.

She waved towards Qi Mufuture, opened the door a little wider, and dragged Qi Mufuture in.

"What should I do?" After closing the door again, Doma Bui lowered his voice and asked softly - even a beautiful girl with excellent grades and attention, she still showed panic when encountering this situation.

Qi Mulai took a deep breath—her hands and feet were weak, but she still pushed the cabinet to the door against the door, and picked up the commemorative baseball bat of sports comics buried in the house, and stood on the side of the glass balcony door— —The distance between the balconies between two adjacent apartments is very close, not to mention that this apartment building only has two buildings and six households. It is easy for an adult man with personality to jump here from the balcony on the side.

The last time because of Saiki Kusuo, Saiki Mirai escaped unharmed, but even if Saiki Kusuo is a superpower, traveling through time and space is not an easy task for him.she doesn't know

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