In the end, the pot of mixed pork and rice basically went into Katsuki Bakugo's stomach.Qi Mulai only ate two pieces of white radish and drank a little soup.

The stomach is warmer, and the tiredness hits like a tide.Saiki Mirai forced himself to say good night to Katsuki Bakugo, emphasizing again and again that she would repaint the walls, and then went to wash and sleep in a drowsy state.

The brain is sluggish and numb like an overloaded machine, but as soon as she closes her eyes, the situation that makes Qi Mufui frightened will never go away in her mind-for a while, Qi Muzhai is pressing her mouth with one hand, and the other is holding her mouth. The courier who was groping for the knife holder with one hand, and the stalker who followed her all the way from school to Yoshida's apartment... The more he tried to escape with sleep, the scenes became clearer as if they had been half-washed by water.Her heart beat faster and faster, and she curled up in the quilt, moving all the way from the side of the bed to the edge of the wall.

When his back touched the cool wall, Qi Mulai shivered.She lay against the wall for a moment and looked back.

The white walls were stained gray by the darkness of the interior.The wall is cold, but there are people who can protect her across the wall.

Thinking of this, Saiki Mirai's wrist that was held by Katsuki Bakugo started to burn again.The warmth spread from her wrists to her whole body, she simply got up, found two more pillows from the cabinet and piled them on the edge of the bed, and then curled up in the small gap formed by the pillows and the wall to prevent herself from being too far away from the wall.

Leaning her back against the wall, she finally closed her eyes slowly.


In the place separated by a wall, Qi Mulai slept there.

Bakugo Katsuki leaned against the headboard quietly and sat on the bed, his red eyes shining brightly in the darkness.

Fortunately, they finished the task completely on this day, so he could come back earlier than the previous week, in time to stop the stalker Qi Muwei from attacking.He is not a person who is used to taking vacations, but he decided to accept the usual vacation after the mission for the next two days and stay here with her.

Thinking of this, Bakugo Katsuki raised his hand and placed his palm on the thin public wall.


On Sunday, the mobile phone alarm usually rings at 08:30, but Qi Muwei has not turned off the alarm clock to get up for a long time.

The night passed, and the girl was still cramped sideways in the gap between the pillow and the wall. The thin quilt covered her from head to toe, and only a little pink fingertips were exposed on the edge.

The alarm is a piano piece, Debussy's Moonlight.The mobile phone alarm is persistently looping, no matter how beautiful the melody is played repeatedly, it will only bring people annoyance.

"Hello!" Bakugo Katsuki was annoyed by the faint sound of music leaking through the crack of the door.He stood outside Qi Muwei's bedroom door and knocked on the door with his knuckles.

There was no sound from the door.

Bakugo Katsuki's heart tightened, and he opened the door with a flick of his wrist.

"I'm coming in!" He stepped in and reminded loudly, but there was no answer.Looking around the room, he saw a small lump in the quilt on the bed.

The phone on the bedside table continued to ring.Bakugo Katsuki raised his hand and clicked on the phone, but to no avail.Glancing at a few slender fingers protruding from the corner of the quilt from the corner of his eye, he hesitated and bent down.

The callused, bony fingers of the man are in stark contrast to the white and slender fingers of the girl.Bakugo Katsuki held the mobile phone in one hand, and stretched out the other hand towards Saiki Mirai's fingers, a layer of sweat broke out in his palm.

Fingers touched, he grabbed Qi Muwei's hand, and just about to press her fingertips on the screen, the movement suddenly stopped.

"It's so hot..." Bakugo Katsumi frowned, raised his hand and lifted a corner of the quilt.

The pink-haired girl buried her head in the center of the fluffy and soft pillow, her head tilted slightly, her messy long pink hair was entangled between the pillows, and the exposed half of her cheek was unnaturally red.Her breathing was a little short, and the thin pajamas on her body were soaked in sweat, revealing her graceful lines.

Katsuki Bakugo's Adam's apple rolled up and down.He turned off the alarm on his mobile phone, brushed aside the hair that covered Qi Muwei's cheeks, supported her head, and tested her body temperature with the palm of his hand on her forehead.

The forehead under the palm was astonishingly hot.She undoubtedly had a fever.

Bakugo Katsuki inhaled with a "hiss", and at this moment, Saiki Mirai's eyelashes trembled.

The girl's green eyes slowly opened a line, and there were still hazy tears in the meantime, like a sparkling emerald green lake.She licked her dry lips and opened her mouth, her voice hoarse like dry strings.

"It's so cool..."

Bakugo Katsuki was startled, and then saw Saiki Mirai closing his eyes again, clasping his wrist with slender and feeble fingers.

He didn't break free, but let Qi Mufuture pull his hand, and saw her pull his palm a little closer, and buried her whole face in his palm.Not only that, she also rubbed her tender cheeks against his palm.

It's like some kind of coquettish little animal.

The slightly hot breath hit Katsuki Bakugo's hand, and the trembling of the girl's eyelashes was also clearly transmitted.The man's body was stiff, sitting motionless on the edge of the bed, his palms were sweating.

Soon, the sleepy Qi Mulai frowned, closed his eyes and raised his hand to push him away.

"Hot..." she whispered.

Seeing the girl's unintentional dislike, Katsuki couldn't help laughing angrily.He gritted his teeth, and let out a low voice from his throat: "From before to now, you always throw it away after you use it up? Damn woman."

"Get up." He shook Qi Mufuture's shoulder, "I'll take you to the hospital."

Qi Muwei closed her eyes in the future, only feeling that someone was pulling her shoulders, so she obediently followed the other's strength and turned over softly.

She vaguely remembers having a high fever when she was a child, and this is how her parents took care of her—they would find clean and refreshing pajamas for her to change into after she sweated, and buy her an ice cream when coaxing her to take her medicine.

There are two states when Qi Mufu has a fever - the first state is no different from a normal person's fever, she will become uncomfortable, weak, and lethargic, but her consciousness is still relatively clear; and in the second state, her brain is burning. If you are in a daze, you will involuntarily rely on the people around you and become very clingy.

In the past nearly 20 years, the second state of fever only appeared when Qi Muwei was very young, when her parents were still alive.Since the car accident, she has never experienced this state when she has a fever.

Because no one will take care of her like that anymore—from the bottom of his heart, Qi Muweiwei knows this.

But now, the girl was suffering from burning, and when she sensed someone beside her, she clung to her like a small animal asking for help.

"Not going to the hospital." She opened her lips slightly instinctively, " me change my clothes."

Bakugo Katsuki's eyes froze - one night passed, and the pajamas on Saiki Mirai's body had already been wrinkled by her sleep, and half of the neckline slipped off his shoulders, revealing the delicate skin dyed pink by the heat and the soft curve of the shoulders, The slightly sunken collarbone was covered with beads of sweat caused by the high heat.

"I still want to eat ice cream..." she said, with a strong nasal sound in her voice.

Bakugo Katsuki's breathing became rapid.He bent down, stared at her cheek, and asked hoarsely, "What do you want me to do for you again?"

The familiar atmosphere enveloped, Bakugo Katsuki held his breath, waiting for Saiki Mirai's answer.

After a while, he heard her breathing became even and long again.

The man sighed and straightened up.He turned and walked to the closet, and opened the door.What caught my eye was the few women's clothing.After moving into Bakuho's house, Qi Mulai tried her best to reduce the number of outings in order to avoid the stalker, and it was precisely because of this that she had no time to add enough clothes.

At a glance, Bakugo Katsuki did not find pajamas among the clothes hanging in the closet.He saw the drawer on the side, and without thinking too much, he opened it.

In the drawer, the girl's underwear was neatly stacked inside, and the outermost one was a black lace underwear with pink patterns embroidered on it.

With just a quick glance, Katsuki Bakugo closed the drawer behind his back.

The roots of the ears felt slightly hot.He closed his eyes, but the content he saw just now remained in his retina, and it would not go away for a long time.

... Even underwear suits him.

From the next drawer, Katsuki Bakugo finally found a set of replacement suspender nightdresses.He took out the smooth nightgown and put it beside the bed, went downstairs again, and found a box of vanilla flavored ice cream from the refrigerator.

When he returned upstairs, Bakugo Katsuki found that Saiki Mirai had already changed into his pajamas by himself in a daze, perhaps because wearing sweat-soaked clothes was too uncomfortable.The girl lay on the bed sleepily, the shoulder straps of her pajamas slipped a little, and she forcibly pulled herself together after hearing his footsteps.

"Ice cream." Qi Mulai opened his hands towards him in the future, raised his moist green eyes, and looked straight at him.

Katsuki Bakugo's heart moved, and several thoughts had already appeared in his mind.But seeing the girl's flushed face, he frowned and suppressed all these thoughts.

Turning around and sitting by the bed, he lifted the lid of the ice cream box, poked a small spoon on it, and handed the ice cream in the direction of Qi Mufuture.

Qi Mulai took the vanilla-flavored ice cream in a daze, and squinted his eyes to look at it—the originally flat surface of the ice cream was pricked by a small spoon, and a deep hole appeared.

"If you don't want to go to the hospital, give me some medicine after eating the ice cream." While Qi Muwei was staring at the ice cream in a daze, Bakugo Katsuki took out the thermometer, and roughly brushed aside the hair on Qi Muwei's cheek, He squeezed her thin and soft pinna and pressed the thermometer.

After seeing the reading, he was stunned for a moment, and the charming thoughts in his head were finally completely broken up by the number: "Grass, 39 degrees?"

Looking back and seeing that Qi Muwei hadn't started eating ice cream yet, but was playing with a small spoon, Bakugo Katsuki couldn't help but get angry: "You are quite leisurely? You still don't forget to play after burning like this?"

Katsuki was beaten by Bakugo, but Saiki Mirai didn't get angry.She put away the spoon, handed the ice cream box to his eyes, and smiled at him.

The deep marks on the ice cream that were originally pierced by Katsuki Bakugo with a small spoon are now extended into crooked curves at both ends, and finally formed an unattractive love heart in the box.

Bakugo Katsuki raised his scarlet eyes, and his eyes moved from the ice cream to the girl's face.

It's so cute that it seems to be deliberately challenging his limits.

The author has something to say: New words:

【One-time explosive hand】disposablebaohand

Use it when it is useful, and throw it away after it is used.

Example sentence: Later Xiao Ming sincerely asked people he knew why everyone didn't like him.Others told him that Xiao Ming used to treat people as a one-time shooter, so everyone naturally didn't like to associate with him.

Thanks for the late banquet grenade!Even if I am nailed in a coffin, I will use my rotten voice to shout, partyneverstop!

Thanks to Xiaoye (today is also a day to continue Bobo Xiaoye!), Nether Orchid (the mine that planted orchids in spring and harvested them in autumn) for their mines!

Thanks to the sister of the custard bag, Yejintianming (30 bottles, happy duck dance), hot and sour sauce, orange Chengcheng's nutrient solution!

Odd ~ thump thud thump ~ comment!

Huanshui Liuhua: I think the fill-in-the-blank questions are something indescribable, but I know it is definitely not, so I am a little embarrassed →_→.The ka sauce in this chapter is simply out of the sky, showing the charm of a mature man. The little heart in the future does not know how fast it is, so this chapter is titled "The Little Wife of a Domineering Hero" and "The Future of a Cute Wife" hahahahahahahaha

Ahu Min: Hahahahaha my first reaction was morning sickness hahahahaha it’s impossible, my brain is hopeless hahahaha

An ordinary cat: Bakugo: I think too much and you always say goodbye like this

Hot and sour sauce: [Banghao eats mixed cooking - thinking too much]


Example sentence: Xiao Ming received an anonymous pink confession letter, and he immediately thought of Xiao Hong, who has been following him all the time, so he went to find Xiao Hong, but Xiao Hong said that he was crazy about eating miscellaneous cooking, which was not the case at all.

Feng Zixia Xia Xia Xia: Ka Jiang is really a sweetheart (something seems wrong)

Xiaoye: Fat times!super loud!Or Lei... (being held down and beaten violently)

Shigeo Kageyama: The iron-headed baby seems to have opened up when he is an adult, so he is so good at teasing? ?Please flirt more, wear less, and talk more, hehehe

I won’t tell you: I found that most of the strategy of Bobo really depends on him thinking too much

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