Shuang Daqin comparison, no comparison, no harm

Chapter 217 Coveting My Big Han Princess? Don't Come Back!

Everyone stood up at the same time and accepted the order very solemnly.

Regarding the situation of the Guishuang Imperial Army.

Ban Chao also asked people to inquire in detail.

Knowing that they are building a ladder, Ban Chao is not nervous, but rather happy.

This makes many people feel puzzled.

In front of Ban Chao, Yin's family dared not say anything.

But underneath, there have been more than one discussions.

this morning.

After three soldiers fed the horses, they went on to pack up the remaining fodder.

"What's going on with them? I heard that there has been movement over there. Why do we still hold back? It's a bit wrong?"

"The opponent has so many troops, a total of 70,000, and we, including the soldiers guarding the frontier, can't exceed 30,000. When we fight, we have to keep some. How do we fight this battle?"

"The army of the Guishuang Empire is coming fiercely, and it is clear that they will fight us to the death. If this battle is defeated, the princess of the Han Dynasty will definitely be sent to the Guishuang Kingdom. 1"

"You can't say that. Didn't your majesty kill the official because he didn't agree to send the princess?"

"Who knows, after I heard that there was movement from them, my heart panicked. Even if we can't win, we can't keep hiding like this!"

The three of you said a word to me.

Completely follow one meaning.

They all have the same thoughts in their hearts.

I don't understand why the general asked to defend the city.

Then he said a few more words.

Someone stood up first.

He reached out and patted the horse's buttocks.

Depressed opening.

"It's better not to talk about these things. We soldiers are just following orders. We can listen to what our superiors say. When we start a war, we can just charge forward!"

"Now, feed these horses well, and it's considered an action!"

The voice fell.

A person next to him followed suit.

"That's right, it's not just waiting to die!"

It wasn't just the soldiers feeding the horses who talked like this.

The other soldiers were also a little impatient.

when eating.

A soldier bravely came to a lieutenant general.

"General, when are we going to fight? If we really have to wait until the soldiers from Guishuang Kingdom attack the city, then we will be passive!"

As soon as the words came out.

Many people looked towards the lieutenant general and them.

The question that the soldier asked just now.

Exactly what everyone thought.

"Why, do you want to fight now?"

The lieutenant general did not directly answer the soldier's question.

Instead, he opened his mouth and asked a question that made people feel inexplicable.

The soldiers kept nodding their heads like chickens pecking at rice.

"Yes, we brothers are all a little anxious. Although we are not as good as them, we are not afraid!"

The lieutenant smiled, then nodded.

"That's right, I love to hear that!"

I heard the general say so.

The soldier who asked the question blushed with excitement.

"Then, General, when will we start fighting? We all have a day in our hearts!"

The soldiers' voices grew louder.

The courage of the people around also grew.

So, after the soldier's voice fell.

Others followed suit and asked.

"Yes, General, regardless of whether the Guishuang Empire is powerful or not, they dare to covet my big man, that will never be tolerated!"

"I came all the way from thousands of miles to provoke troubles, even if my troops are not as strong as them, I can't make them get what they want!"

"I will definitely do my best!"

Seeing the ambitions of the soldiers under his command.

As the deputy general, Zhang Sheng's mood also surged.

However, an order has been issued.

I am too big to disobey military orders.

Seeing that the crowd had already surrounded themselves in a circle.

Zhang Sheng reached out and patted (cfeg) the soldier on the shoulder.

"The general is very pleased that you have such a heart. I really like to hear what you said just now."

"However, before General Ban gives other orders, you must not act rashly. This is a military order!"

"Those who disobey the military order, beheaded!"

Zhang Sheng's words came out.

Many people showed disappointment on their faces.

Someone sighed.

Some people silently returned to their previous positions.

Even if they are ambitious, they cannot act privately without a military order.

See the situation in front of you.

Zhang Sheng was not feeling well either.


The military order is like a mountain, and the secrets in the house cannot be leaked casually.

"Everyone does their own work well, and they really can't concentrate on anything until the time of war, do you hear me?"

Zhang Sheng raised his voice again.

The rest all claim to be.

Only then did Zhang Sheng leave.

Just got back to the tent.

Before Zhang Sheng could make a move, two other generals stepped forward.

"General Zhang, I have heard what General Zhang said just now."

"There is nothing wrong with what General Zhang said, but I still saw the disappointment on the faces of some soldiers. The morale of the army is low. What should I do?"

"Yes, we came here just to discuss with General Zhang and see if there is any other way?"

The two of you are talking to me sentence by sentence.

His eyes were fixed on Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng was taken aback for a moment.

"Could it be that the two generals also encountered the same problem?"

"Oh, isn't it? Some experienced veterans can still hold their breath, but those new recruits have long since lost their temper."

It was a bearded lieutenant who spoke.

While talking, he gestured with his hands.

"Those recruits have asked me several times. You say I am angry. They are all people who have lived and died with us. They are not angry. They keep asking, and I don't know how to answer."

Zhang Sheng asked the two to sit down.

Only then did he open his mouth and speak earnestly.

"As lieutenant generals, we know the reason for this, and we naturally have confidence in our hearts, but the soldiers under our hands don't know, so we can't blame them.

"It's a good thing that our soldiers have such thoughts. It shows that the morale of the army has not weakened, but military orders must not be followed."

"The other party is better than me and so many people. If we don't fully cooperate, I'm afraid this battle will not be easy to win."

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