Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1031: Vulnerable

The expressions of Dong Hua and others changed suddenly.

Although the unique Huangpin magical power of this windshield door is not very powerful, once trapped, it will center on people in the storm.

Coupled with the powerful tearing force inside, and the wind blade like a knife, it will be extremely painful.

Before Xiao Yu's eyes was a scene of a messy hurricane spinning, and his sharp blade pervading the storm was torn at him in all directions.

"Oh? It's really interesting." Xiao Yu chuckled, facing the powerful tearing force that was constantly approaching him, and the danger of that kind of sharp blade, he seemed a little calm.

His voice, after waiting for others to listen to, appeared in disdain.

The disciple of the windshield sneered: "How easy is the wind tornado to be left and cracked? The encirclement formed by the power of the wind attribute is not so easy to tear."

"That is, you must guard against the wind blade attack inside. The trapped people only have the taste of a thousand swords."

Dong Hua and the others turned pale, they had heard of the prestige of Wind Tornado, and they were quite powerful among the windshield doors.

Moreover, it was also displayed by Feng Yihan of the Dzogchen Realm Realm, and its power was evident.

The people of other sects also held a negative attitude.

"The wind attribute power of the windshield door is the power of natural power. How can this power of the natural world be so easy to confront?"

"That's it, it makes him feel bad, otherwise he really gets so arrogant, what's the deal?"

Wu Shi looked at this scene indifferently. Some people were responsible for what they had said.

From the outside, the tornado is as large as tens of meters.



Inside the tornado storm, there was a constant roar of wind and the sound of a sharp blade breaking the wind. This sound was as if the wind was performing some kind of sacrificial ceremony.

Suddenly, a teasing and indifferent voice came from inside the storm——

"Who said that natural forces are uncontestable? Break it for me!"

But suddenly a crack appeared in the tornado, and the crack grew bigger and bigger, and then a majestic body stepped out.

"Impossible!" The pupils of Feng Yihan and Yiganfengsha suddenly shrank.

The whole audience watched this scene incredible.

But it was seen that the young man was holding a silver-white trident with a snake pattern in his hands.

The boy's clothes are fluttering, his long hair is fluttering, and his stern face writes a domineering look.

That upright body, as if waking up from the deep sea, stepped on the ground, and everyone's mind was firmly shaken.

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with silver light, holding the silver halberd in his hand, he suddenly stamped on the ground.

There was only a "boom", and the horror vigorously rose, and the storm tornado that had already cracked behind him disappeared immediately.

Silver Ling came out, angered the mountains and rivers!

The entire competition platform forged on the bluestone floor was shocked.

With this shock, everyone in the room was quiet.

Xiao Yu held the silver halberd in his hand and immediately slew towards Feng Yihan.

His halberd waved a piece of silver light, and a phantom of the snake leaped out, and the terrifying power immediately enveloped it with a domineering and cold atmosphere.

The air seemed to be frozen, and the heavy wind breaking sound was like a huge cone of ice piercing the space.

Feng Yihan's pupils shrunk to the size of a pinhole, and the whole person was blown away fiercely. His chest sank three inches, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face turned pale for several minutes.

"Unbearable!" Xiao Yu looked at Feng Yihan coldly on the ground like a dead dog.

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