Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1059: Fisherman sitting

Clear Sky Sect has the pride of Clear Sky Sect, especially that Yan Fanhao, a disciple of the middle Golden Core Realm who ranks among the top five in the inner sect, is the core disciple of the sect.

Now that he is provoked by a third-rate sect who knows nothing about life or death, or a so-called true disciple, how could he give up?

The most important thing is that for this thing, he absolutely cannot give it to anyone.

It was too late and then soon, Yan Fanhao held a fiery red long sword with a silver spear head, which looked strange.

This is a low-grade spirit weapon, the Fire Spirit Spear. Although there is no weapon spirit in it, it is forged with fire meteorites, and there is flame energy inside.

His arm shook, and the spear turned into a fiery red spear flower, like a blooming flower of a Buddha, with fiery redness in it.


The two brothers put away their contempt, and both of them played a large number of brown punches.

The battle between the two sides was about to start, and the fierce weapons and the heavy breath of the flesh continued to collide.

The three of them fought for a few rounds, and they shook the floor to pieces, and the trees turned into fragments in the sky.

Powerful fluctuations burst out continuously over there, and the three people on the other side guarded the edge of the big pit.

"What? Do we want to kill?" Zhan Xiaoyu was suddenly excited.

Xiao Yu has become accustomed to this girl's "ambition" that she is not afraid of everything, and her strength might be disproportionate.

He pondered for a moment, and said, "Wait."

Xiao Yu had done this kind of fisherman's work. The best time was to find a critical time, and then rushed out in a thunderous and violent manner.

But the problem now is, this time, he doesn't know what it is inside.

Just when the twin brothers Yan Fanhao and Guangshan Guangyue were fighting fiercely, suddenly, a milky white light shined in the big pit in the distance.

However, this time the light is particularly strong, and the range of bursts is larger.

The amazing energy breath immediately enveloped a kilometer.

"Huh? What a strong breath of energy!" Xiao Yu was taken aback.

The intensity of this kind of energy is simply richer than the first level of the Spirit Gathering Pagoda by many times!

He immediately held his breath, and Zhan Xiaoyu became even more excited.

The three disciples of the Clear Sky School had already become very hot when looking at the inside of the big pit.

"Quick! Collect it!" Yan Fanhao over there shouted immediately.

Guangshan and Guangyue's expressions changed, and Guangshan roared, "Guangyue, you go over!"

Guangshan shocked his anger and shook his foot. Yan Fanhao was shaken back several meters. Guangyue immediately rushed towards the location of the big hole.

"Don't think about it!" Yan Fanhao was angry, holding the spear and about to catch up.

"Your opponent is me!"

Guangshan roared, and then hit the ground with a punch. Only the sound of "cracking" was heard. The earth cracked, and the terrifying Qi Jin jumped up from under the cracked ground, blocking Yan Fanhao's advancement. reason.

Without saying a word, Guangshan immediately rushed over and roared: "Open the mountain and break the jade!"

His fist-style power is extremely terrifying, like rolling thunder, with great momentum and waves, and he will kill him fiercely.

Yan Fanhao was angry: "Looking for death!"

Then he also refined the powerful Huang Pin supernatural powers to resist, and the terrifying shock immediately shook Guangshan out more than ten meters, but Yan Fanhao seemed to be less shocked.

Guangshan gritted his teeth and knew that he was only weak, but he did this to buy time for Guangyue.

"Your opponent is me!"

There was a vibrating sound like a sky thunder, and Guangyue over there was already rushing towards the big hole.

"Stop him!" Yan Fanhao shouted as he resisted Guangshan's fatal physical encounter.

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