Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1081: It's that simple

As soon as these words came out, Xiaohuan and the girl's complexion changed, and the green skin became even more cold.

"What a kid who doesn't know the height of the sky, if you don't come down, I will drag you down!"

It was too late to say that it was fast, this Qingpi stretched out his hand and grabbed Xiao Yu. Without saying anything, Xiao Yu felt like kicking out.


With a scream, the green skin was kicked for more than ten meters immediately, causing a black nose and swollen face.

Xiaohuan was taken aback, looked at Xiao Yu incredulously, but the girl next to him was cold frost.

"You..." Xiaohuan pointed at Xiao Yu.

Those people are not easy to mess with!

This guy is definitely going to offend others by doing this.

Xiao Yu smiled faintly: "It's just a few blue-skin rascals, not enough."

Not enough?

You will suffer at that time!

The girl's face became increasingly cold.

Outside, Qingpi was kicked out, and brother Qiang and the others changed their faces and immediately surrounded him.

Brother Qiang's expression was immediately furious, and those casual cultivators also furiously said, "Whoever did a good deed just now, come out and die!"

Inside the car, the small ring has been messed up.

"What can I do, miss?" Xiaohuan asked anxiously, clutching the girl's white jade lotus root.

"The leader is the strong brother they said? It is said that it is Wu Ze's number one general, and he is still in the Golden Core Realm!"

Both felt that Xiao Yu's breath was very weak, and he was still going down the mountain for Master. This strength must be worrying!

The groom was also anxious, turned his head, and whispered: "Little brother, one person does everything, you... you should go down and apologize and hand over valuable things, otherwise the person will not let you go."

The girl glanced at Xiao Yu coldly, and said, "Do you really think you can do whatever you want with a bit of three-legged cat skills? These people are all eating people and not spitting out bones, but it is too late now."

Obviously you can save your life, so why use this method?

Xiao Yu's face was indifferent and did not speak.

But he stood up, ready to get off the wagon.

"You... do you really want to go down?" Xiaohuan was already.

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "It's just a little hairy thief, you can continue on your way if you run away."

When the girl saw Xiao Yu's behavior that was almost to die, her face became cold and she said, "If you ask me, maybe I will speak for you."

Xiao Yu couldn't help but glanced at the young girl more, and immediately retracted his eyes, shaking his head in his heart, when did he go to ask for help?

But he didn't have any good feelings for this girl. This feeling, like a queen you are, the condescending tone made Xiao Yu feel a little cold.

He just walked out, ignoring her.

The girl's face flushed, and it was the first time she was so ignored.


"Leave him alone! Even if there is such a person in this world who is not afraid of death, let him learn a lesson!"

To say so, but the girl walking Cinderella is more of a kind of resentment.

Why should you be so indifferent to me! I've been held in the moon by the stars since I was a child, and I haven't experienced this expression yet!

She didn't know what happened. While she wanted to see Xiao Yu suffer a loss, she also thought that if it was a time to make trouble, she might take action to counter the proud face of the young man.

"Go, let's go down and take a look."

The two got out of the carriage one after another, and Xiao Yu was already standing in front of Brother Qiang and them.

"Brother Qiang, this kid kicked me!" The Qingpi pointed at Xiao Yu and glared.

Brother Qiang stared at Xiao Yu coldly and said, "Boy, report to your teacher."

Brother Qiang is much calmer than Qingpi. He knows his group, but they all dare to take action, and seeing the other side's calmness, maybe he has a background.

Xiao Yu said faintly: "My master and I are the only one."

As soon as these words were spoken, Brother Qiang's face instantly became gloomy, yes, he was played by this kid.

"Hahaha!" The group roared with laughter.

The eyes of the girl behind became even more disappointed. Originally thought that this guy would have something to rely on, it turned out to be a fat man with a swollen face.

Brother Qiang said in a negative test: "I don't make it difficult for you. Hand over your spiritual crystals, spiritual tools, and magical powers, and break your legs, and then you can roll."

"It's that simple?"

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