Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1109: Kneeling pride

When everyone saw this scene, they were shocked.

Although the purple unicorn looked like a fantasy, it looked very mighty.

Everyone felt an unusually ferocious breath of power leaping out, rising straight up from the top of the hall.

That punch suddenly shattered the air, and looted the past right away.


The breath of power erupted from the fist style brought countless breath fluctuations, and almost everyone felt like they couldn't hold their feet.

In the air, the purple substantive spiritual power that resembled a flowing cloud, accompanied by Xiao Yu's arm piercing out, the speed unexpectedly increased by another level in an instant.

The sound of howling and explosion immediately ignited the space.


Xiao Yu's arm slammed into Huanglong, and Shen Peng didn't even have time to react. The offensive was disintegrated in an instant. At the same time, his fists were shattered by the terrifying force.

It is true that Shen Peng's strength is strong, and he was forced to retreat for several meters, barely supporting his body.


After a while, Shen Peng knelt on the ground with his legs, and the sound of his knees hitting the floor was so heavy that it knocked everyone's minds like Hong Zhong.


Shen Peng's hands were blood flowing, and his bones were all shattered. He lowered his head and couldn't help coughing out a big mouthful of blood.

When everyone saw the pool of blood, their hair was suddenly terrified.

It was the shards mixed with the internal organs and six charges, and it was spit out, which was Shen Peng's pride.

The audience was filled with the same atmosphere of death again.

This boy has abandoned another person!

Everyone was shocked. Could it be that the strength of this young man has reached the level of Golden Core Realm Small Perfection?

But he is not in the early stage of the Golden Core Realm!

Even Pan Wenjie, who is the most powerful in the field, and Zhong Yun, these two Jindan realm Xiaomeng, finally couldn't help taking a breath.

Pan Wenjie's eyes were amazed, and she seemed to feel more and more that this young man was too terrifying. Both the name and identity seemed to be too similar to the "that person" that appeared before.

But Zhong Yun's face was heavy.

He had already analyzed just now that if he faced Shen Peng, he could hold the opponent firmly.

But now this young man, facing Shen Peng, once again burst out such terrifying strength, what does this show?

What if facing the real Golden Core Realm Xiao Perfection?

Zhong Yun didn't know. All he knew was that when he faced Xiao Yu, he had a sense of superiority. He even thought that no matter how strong this young man was, could it be possible to challenge himself across several levels?

But now he has changed his mind, and he is starting to look at this boy a little bit.

Han Xinhui in the crowd had very solemn eyes.

Those who made this young man's idea are now either abandoned or dead.

Everyone is innocent, but they seem to regard hard stubble as soft persimmon.

Think about it, too, if you don't have some background and strength, how can you be so calm when facing so many people?

If it weren't from the noble family, how could there be the same look of Taishan collapse before?

If there is no life-saving capital, how can it be so confident?

The masters of these families all looked at Xiao Yu with such admiration, let alone those casual cultivators.

To say that they are good casual cultivators in the Bi Lingyu area, to say that it is ugly, they are actually desperadoes.

Fight openly and secretly, each carrying a ghost, watching the fire from the other side.

But now, everyone's mood is no longer easy.

Xiao Yu glanced at the crowd and said indifferently: "Which one of you still wants to attack my Xinglan Mine?"

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