Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1009: 6-winged centipede

From the beginning to the end, the white feather fairy green cow and Sirius did not shoot, which made Pei Junlin feel a little funny. Nodded toward the prince nearby, his figure disappeared instantly.

Pei Junlin's body did not disappear completely, but lurked into the Jindou space. He wants to lurking in the space of Jindou, quietly lurking in the past, to surprise the three Sirius and the White Feather Fairy.

"What's wrong with Master Long Qianli? He should be strong. How can he fall into this field, even a little girl can't beat it?" Fairy Bai Yu's voice shook slightly, and her eyes were full of concerns about the current situation.

The Green Cow and Sirius nodded aside, but said a little helplessly: "I heard that Long Qianli was seriously injured last time by a strong human race, and there was a sword spirit left in his body, which made him unable to Use all your mana. "

"I think we should go quickly, this is Pei Junlin too evil door, this time I am afraid that the demon race will overturn again. If you don't leave, I am afraid that you will be caught by him later, and then it will be shameful to be sold "Sirius, who had not spoken, said suddenly.

His words made Fairy White Feather and Green Cow feel deeply convinced. The two nodded at the same time: "Hey, let's go."

"Why should the three friends leave? My family is in Jinling City. Let's have a cup of tea at home." This hearty voice suddenly rang in the ears of the three, and the three of them didn't react.

After Pei Junlin's figure emerged from the Jindou space, the faces of these three talents changed drastically, and it was the fairy Baiyun who first reacted.

She ran away without saying a word, but Pei Junlin was already prepared. Heavenly Master Demon Succubus was instantly used. The white jade fairy lost all its strength like a rabbit with a Chinese arrow, and the body fell directly down below.

As soon as Pei Junlin reached out his hand, Fairy Bai Yu was caught in his hand, and he threw it into Jindou space with his backhand.

On the other side, the Green Cow and Sirius stood on the spot and did not escape, but their faces were pale and extremely scared. Especially Sirius was sweating all over his head, and Pei Junlin's eyes were full of fear.

"Pei Junlin, I'm just an ordinary cow. You can sell me, but you can't eat it." Qing Niu said tremblingly.

Pei Junlin didn't agree with him. He squinted the green cow and shook his head. "What the **** are you afraid of? I can't die if you unload your leg. I will give you two pills to grow out in a few days." "

This remark made Green Bull nod his head straight, but the Sirius beside him was half scared to death. He looked at the Green Bull beside him and said, "He said he would unload your leg and roast it."

"What?"? This time the Green Cow was completely dumbfounded. In fact, his brain was chaotic just now, and he didn't understand what Pei Junlin said.

Now hearing Sirius's explanation, the first Buddha suddenly ascended into heaven, the second Buddha was born, and the trembling almost stood unsteady.

However, Pei Junlin did not give these two people time to escape. Heavenly Master Demon Succubus instantly released the two of them and was fixed on the spot, and Jindou Space opened and instantly absorbed the two demon clan.

After arresting Sirius, Fairy White Feather and Green Cow, Pei Junlin's eyes were searching among the crowd and chaos, he was looking for the tiger's genius.

The value of this tiger is unquestionable. Pei Junlin wanted to catch it, but found that there was no such person in the crowd. But the golden-winged King Xiaopeng was tortured by Li Tianpei at this time, almost covered with golden feathers, and now he became a bald chicken.

Before, this golden-winged king Xiaopeng angered Pei Junlin because of his cheap mouth, but now he has been punished enough. I saw King Jinpeng lying there crying and weeping. It was so pitiful.

"Boss Pei! This kid, I've cleaned it up for you. When it's done, you're in charge." Li Tianpei said that Pei Junlin came over and said enthusiastically immediately.

The gold-winged King Xiaopeng lying on the ground heard Li Tianpei saying that he was so scared and trembling that he stood up and wanted to escape, but now he had no feathers and could not fly at all, so he was hit by Pei Junlin. Almost suffocated on the neck.

"According to my past temper, I have washed you, washed, simmered in the pot for a long time, but not this time, I am now a businessman, and I will spare you first this time." The devil seized the space.

After arresting King Jinwing Xiaopeng King, Pei Junlin walked in the crowd and chaos. In the face of those more powerful, Pei Junlin will go up to make up the knife.

At this time, with the powerful helpers of brothers and sisters, the situation has been reversed one-sidedly, and it has completely prevailed. Pei Junlin walked in a dogfight. He punched these demon clan and cried wolf howl when he punched with his left fist and right foot. When he saw some valuable demon clan Pei Junlin, he would arrest him directly. Pei Junlin pretended to be invisible for some of the lower prices.

Slowly, many demon clan also found that they were trapped here and could not escape, they could only wait for death. However, some people arrested by Pei Junlin may not be killed. I heard that they will be sold.

If they were not arrested by Pei Junlin, then there was only one result waiting for them, that is, they were completely killed, so many demon races are now even eager to be caught and sold by Pei Junlin.

"Pei Junlin! Don't look at me as a pheasant, but our pheasant family is still very rich. I have mines in your house. You caught me, my wife will definitely bring money to ransom me." Yishan The strong man of the chicken cries and wept, even begging toward Pei Junlin, wanting Pei Junlin to arrest him.

With the strong man of this pheasant family taking the lead, the geniuses of the remaining races began to plead with Pei Junlin and surrendered to Pei Junlin.

Anyway, Jindou space is infinitely large, and arresting these demon races is not a problem for Pei Junlin at all. Just a big hand, dozens of demon tribes are accommodated in Jindou space at the same time.

In addition to the escape of some powerful demon clan, the remaining demon clan was arrested and arrested, and the only one still alive on the field was Long Qianli.

At this time, Wang Ziyu's battle with Long Qianli had become fierce, but Long Qianli roared again and again, a large scale fell off his body, and his blood and flesh were corroded.

"Smelly woman! Even if it's dead today, I'll pull you back." Long Qianli roared and refused to roar.

However, Wang Ziyu's side smiled like a silver bell, and suddenly a golden centipede flew out of the wild **** tripod. The golden centipede is tens of meters long, watching Pei Junlin's hair rise. It's really worthy of being the Emperor's Poison Emperor, and the pets he found this time were so powerful.

The rest of them felt a little horrified when Wang Ziyu even offered such a powerful poison. Centipede is undoubtedly extremely poisonous, surrounded by a layer of green poisonous mist, and a pair of eyes as if all the evil in the world has gathered, and the hair is seen in the heart.

"What the **** is this?" Long Qianli roared.

At this time, Pei Junlin's eyes also fell on the huge centipede. He even saw two wings as thin as Zen wings on the back of the centipede. Obviously this is a wild alien.

"Boss Pei, this centipede seems to be a bit simple. Do you know what this is?" Ye Tianxing knew that Pei Junlin was very knowledgeable, and then came over and asked.

Even Wang Ziqiong nodded, looking at Pei Junlin expecting Pei Junlin's answer.

"This is called a six-winged centipede, but it is a heterogeneous species. It can even reach twelve wings in adulthood. At that time, it had the power to destroy the world." Pei Junlin explained carefully to everyone.

"Destroy the heavens and the earth?" The people looked at each other, some did not understand, I don't know how powerful the heaven and the earth was destroyed in Pei Jun's mouth.

"Have you heard of the twelve ancestors of the wilderness? Legend has it that after the fall of the twelve ancestors, some of their bodies became zombies, and some were swallowed by a poisonous insect. The six-winged centipede His ancestors should have devoured the bodies of some ancestors and wits, so they gained a powerful ability. They were extremely toxic at birth, and a drop of venom can pollute a river and poison thousands of people. "Pei Junlin faced everyone Explained.

Hearing Pei Junlin's explanation, everyone's mouth opened into an o-shape, because no one thought that Wang Ziyu even quietly received such a powerful pet. It turned out that this time everyone went out to look for opportunities, and Wang Ziyu was the last winner.

Everyone can see that Long Qianli can't even handle Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong, but now Wang Ziyu can stand alone, which shows that Wang Ziyu has the greatest benefit this time.

After the six-winged centipede flew out, it even fought against the dragon for a thousand miles. A centipede could even compete with a dragon. Even the body strength of the six-winged centipede did not belong to the dragon family.

"Bitch, what poison did you just give me?" Long Qianli gave an angry roar, but to no avail, his physical coordination became worse and worse, and even hallucinations appeared in front of him.

And Wang Qiong gave a burst of laughter ~ ~ would not answer at all. But the six-winged centipede lay directly on Long Qianli's body, and the big mouth suddenly bit the dragon meat on the back of Long Qianli and began to **** blood.

Everyone who saw this scene took a breath. The centipede was so poisonous, did it want to devour a dragon?

Long Qianli is a giant dragon in the real **** realm, which is extraordinary, and no matter how powerful the six-winged centipede is, it is just a worm ...

"Brother-in-law, will this dragon belong to me? Xiaoliuzi can't finish it. I will refining it all. My Taihuang Shending is all refined into the Dragon Blood Pill, and I usually treat Xiaoliuzi as a snack." Wang Ziyu He flew over and hugged Pei Junlin's arm.

Shaking constantly begging Pei Junlin to agree, Pei Junlin felt his scalp numb, this girl was covered with poison, he felt his hair covered with cold hair.

I knew in my heart that Little Aunt wouldn't hurt you, but Pei Junlin always felt a little afraid of that kind of poisonous poison. Even the powerful person of the Yin Shen realm like Long Qianli couldn't resist Wang Ziyu's poisonous poison. God Realm, that is absolutely unstoppable.

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