Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1040: Avatar shot

Of course, the first thing to do now is to register these commodities to be auctioned, understand their basic value, and only then can we calculate a reserve price.

All the demon captives have been counted. There are a total of 234. These demon clan are reclassified according to their family strength, and they are divided into three, six, nine, etc. The top level is the acquaintance. There are thirty-four demon clan in total.

Some of the remaining demon races from medium planets occupy about a hundred places, and some races wandering in the universe are not worth much.

The other is the choice of live broadcast venue, Pei Junlin chose the live broadcast venue on the Lingyun boat left by Long Qianli.

The reason why Ling Yunzhou was chosen as the live broadcast place is of great significance. First, this ship is a loot, indirectly equal to the arrogance of the demon group outside the domain.

The second reason is that the ship is bold and big enough, and the site is not limited, and it can be transferred anytime, anywhere, to avoid some interference.

After all the goals were determined, Pei Junlin began to transform the live broadcast venue. Fortunately, the entire site of Ling Yunzhou was large enough. After some decoration, Ling Yunzhou looked decent.

One day before the live broadcast, Pei Junlin sat in the room with his eyes closed. Before, he had been practicing the concept of teaching the **** donkey taught him, and he worked hard every day.

And now the Pure Land lotus platform under Pei Junlin is becoming more and more solid, and now it looks as if it is true.

With this Pure Land lotus platform, Pei Junlin can break the world, without any magical restrictions.

"Lao don't show off your magical powers, let's try it out for two." In the courtyard, Pei Jun came to look like a treasured monk.

The **** donkey is always holding a cigar, and his face is disdainful.

Ye Tianxing and Li Tianpei are all on the sidelines, wanting to see who has the upper hand in the strength competition between Pei Junlin and the **** donkey?

The **** donkey suddenly turned into a beast, and a sturdy donkey appeared in the sight of everyone.

He is sturdy and black, and looks extremely hard and powerful, especially the two horns on his head, which makes people feel very magical, because the donkey with long horns has never been seen by anyone.

At this moment, the **** donkey rushed to Pei Junlin. The speed was incredible, and he came to Pei Junlin's side in a blink of an eye. The four hooves exude a golden light, and the two horns on the head instantly release a grayish breath, covering Pei Junlin.

This gas mask was given a resounding name by the **** donkey. It was called Spell Breaking Impulsiveness, that is, within the scope of the gas mask around the **** donkey, any mana fluctuations would be prohibited.

This time, Pei Junlin did not use the power of his body to fight the magic power of the **** donkey. A pure land suddenly appeared at his feet, and the hazy light of Lotus Terrace wrapped him around him.

Big Black Donkey widened his eyes, he felt a violent mana fluctuation in Pei Junlin.

Undoubtedly, his magic shield was broken. Under Pei Junlin's Pure Land Lotus Platform, its supernatural powers did not work at all. Even within the scope of the magic shield, Pei Junlin was still free to use mana.


"What did I do? Oh my god, I taught my apprentice to starve to death. With this thing, you can bully me anytime and anywhere." The **** donkey thumped on the chest and looked annoyed.

It's just that a pair of grunting eyeballs betrayed him. There are many secrets in this guy's body, absolutely more than that. Some means that are not displayed do not mean they are not.

At the moment of studying with others, Pei Junlin suddenly felt something was wrong and his face changed slightly.

Everyone looked at Pei Junlin one after another, not knowing what happened.

"Zi Qiong is in danger. I'm going to rescue her." Pei Junlin almost didn't think about it, so he suddenly rose into the sky.

In a short time, Pei Junlin's figure was fixed again, and his face returned to calm again, and landed slowly in the courtyard.

Everyone was a little surprised, Pei Jun Lin was clearly going to rescue, why suddenly stopped?

"It's alright, your sister-in-law is very safe, don't worry now." Pei Junlin smiled at the corner of his mouth.

On a snowy mountain thousands of miles away, a monkey with a golden light on it was **** bare-handed and besieged by seven powerful men.

The strong man exuded black light all over his body, all with strange shapes, and the weapons in his hands were never seen by ordinary people.

The prince Qiong and the sister Wang Ziyu who were in shock on a mound not far away were a little surprised.

The two sisters were unable to support the siege of these weirdos before. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, a monkey with a golden light all over him jumped out.

The monkey jumped into the battle group without saying a word, and it was so powerful that one person pressed the other seven people.

Especially the fist that exuded the golden light. After one punch, it could almost break the space. The strong men who had just recovered were beaten up and screamed one by one.

Soon, the weird people who besieged Wang Qiong and Wang Ziyu fled, and one of them was even beaten with one arm.

The monkey did not chase because these people fled into the forbidden area. There are all kinds of lore in the forbidden area, he did not dare to dabble easily.

Looking back at the two sisters, Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu, the monkey even showed a faint smile, and a somersault turned over in front of the two, which surprised Wang Qiong and Wang Ziyu.

"Fortunately, I came in time, or your wife would be in danger." The monkey's face showed a funny smile, but the words made Wang Ziqiong suddenly sink.

I just wanted to say thank you to the monkey, and I froze immediately. Even Wang Ziyu's face showed a surprised look, and then a chuckle laughed.

"Sister, this monkey really seems to like you a little bit, if this tells the brother-in-law that it is time to be jealous." Wang Ziyu smirked.

"You saved us, our two sisters are very grateful to you. However, please don't say this kind of words of the prodigal prodigal son. I will not blame me again when I next time." Wang Ziqiong's face was very cold and very pretty. murderous look.

The monkey was ruthlessly stricken by Prince Qiong, and instead of being angry, he showed a look of joy.

"After three days, Huofu will be broadcast live on Ling Yunzhou. When the time comes, your wife will still be present. After all, you are the hostess." The monkey always spoke with a wavy tone.

Hearing the monkey calling his wife again, Wang Ziqiong finally could not help but burst into ice-cold mana, and he was about to start immediately.

But Wang Ziyu was holding his arm, Wang Ziyu looked at the monkey with a smile and said, "Why do you call my sister wife you, don't you know she already has a husband?"

"Hehe." The monkey didn't explain, it was a blink of gold blinking.

"Are your eyes blind? Is there a peerless beauty who puts me on the floor? You should just look for my sister. It's really time to fight." Wang Ziyu's smile was on his face, but there was a cold light in it.

The monkey seems to have mastered Wang Ziyu's habits, knowing that the sweetest time he laughs is also the hardest time to start.

The monkey suddenly rose into the sky, and a centipede broke out on the ground under his feet. With his mouth open and biting toward the position where he had just stood, if the monkey didn't respond quickly, the body would be bitten by the centipede in two.

"This monkey is not simple, even knowing the girl's habit of shooting." Wang Ziyu was a little surprised.

The monkey did not fight back, but fell into the distance, looking at the sisters Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu, the smile on his face became more and more strange.

When the palm of the hand turned, a big golden clock appeared above the monkey's head, and there was flame around it. This thing is Pei Junlin's iconic treasure, Chunyang Fire Bell.

Seeing this scene, the two sisters Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu looked at each other with surprise.

"Why is my husband's treasure in your hands? What is the origin of your splash monkey?" Wang Ziqiong looked dumbfounded, and he was about to start again.

"Wife, you forgot I told you before, I want to refine the incarnation, I have shown you this monkey, don't you recognize me?" The monkey laughed.

Prince Joan was stunned for a moment, but this thing did happen, but he looked very strange when he saw the monkey in front of him calling his wife.

"Even if you are an incarnation of my husband, but you will not be allowed to call me that way in the future." Wang Ziqiong's expression was strangely angry.

The monkey is also speechless, it seems that this person is really a visual animal. There is no difference between this incarnation and his own body, except for the different appearance, but now Wang Ziqiong has shown such a look, let Pei Junlin also know that this monkey can not represent his social attributes.

The incarnation outside the body is blunt, in fact, it is no different from a magic weapon.

"Haha ~ ~ Don't talk nonsense, let's go together." When the monkey reached out, the palm of his hand became so huge that it almost covered the sky.

Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu didn't react at all, so he was caught by the monkey's big hand, and then the monkey flew towards Jinling City in a showdown.

When the monkey fell in the yard, everyone was stunned, because the monkey's momentum was no less than that of Pei Junlin.

After the monkey put down Prince Qiong and sister Wang Ziyu, they walked towards Pei Junlin, and they immediately overlapped with Pei Junlin's body, and disappeared.

"This monkey is my incarnation. Don't be surprised to see the brothers in the future." Pei Junlin said to everyone, it was equivalent to proclaiming the identity of the monkey.

The two sisters Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu were shocked, especially Wang Ziqiong looked at Pei Junlin oddly, biting his tusks slightly, and even had an angry emotion in it.

This was previously ridiculed by Pei Junlin's incarnation, and there was some anger in his heart. If it were not for the brothers of Pei Junlin, Wang Ziqiong would really screw Pei Junlin's ear and question him.

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