Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1044: Sage

Her body should be a red-tailed sparrow, but from these data, it is impossible to see what is unusual about this woman.

It is the auction price that has soared all the way. The starting price is only five thousand Tianyuan jade, but at this time the value of the children has already approached the 600,000 mark, and even directly exceeded the thirteen princess of the dragon.

The highest limit set by the female demon Pei Junlin is 990,000 Tianyuan jade, but now it seems that the 990,000 Tianyuan jade is not the ceiling of the value of the children at all.

"There must be information that we don't know. This woman must have an extraordinary history." Crown Prince Zhu sighed with a wrong expression on her face.

"The 33rd woman is of Suzaku origin, and there was a female saint on his ancestor!" Someone sent out a barrage in the live broadcast room, instantly breaking through the secret.

Pei Junlin was dumbfounded when he saw this barrage, and even shook his whole body slightly.

The ancestor had been on the ancestor, which means that the woman should have sacred blood. This is absolutely amazing, and extracting some holy blood will be very great. The value of this girl will be far more than one million Tianyuan jade. If you are just photographed, it will be too bad.

"Go off the shelf directly, if you can't let the bargain be taken by someone else." Pei Junlin directly ordered off the shelf.

However, there will be a penalty of 5% for directly clicking off the shelf, which means that Pei Junlin needs to compensate the entire Thunder God platform 50,000 Tianyuan jade again.

However, Pei Junlin has already earned enough, and he does not care about Tianyuanyu.

"Your ancestor had a female saint, and there was holy blood flowing in your body?" Pei Junlin said, looking at this magnificent sparrow woman.

"My name is Zhu Sanniang. There are indeed blood of female saints in my body, but it is very thin." Zhu Sanniang was very calm and told Pei Junlin directly.

This is no secret, even if she wants to hide it is useless, not to mention the fate of being sold by Pei Junlin is better than staying with Pei Junlin.

"Pei Junlin, I have to make a decision for Zhu Sanniang. I will use cheats to redeem it." Someone sent a gift directly in the live broadcast room and told Pei Junlin by the way.

Pei Junlin was surprised. Why didn't he think of such a solution?

Now his Tianyuan jade is enough, and it is too much to use now. If you can really use these captives to exchange some magic weapons outside the territory, or if you are practicing secrets, that is what he really needs now.

"Do you have any cheats to exchange? Come on." Pei Junlin could not wait.

"I have two secrets of my own law here, one is called Infinite Flight, and the other is called Instant Domain." The mysterious man sent a private letter again, telling Pei Junlin.

"Yes! These two secrets of the law itself are very valuable. If you sell them, it will definitely exceed one million Tianyuan jade." Crown Prince Zhu nodded.

The descendant of the saint Zhu Sanniang saw her fate and sold her fate, with a lonely and regretful look on her face. But for Pei Junlin, he did not show any resentful look, it seems that this woman feels sold is a matter of course.

In this way, Pei Junlin negotiated and became the business of today, and exchanged the secrets of the two laws with the descendants of the saint. Pei Junlin, the two secrets of his own law, of course does not need it. It is for buying for others.

On the other side, the **** donkey is spitting stars and flying around to start selling the goods brought by the three pigs. Some crooked goods have become sweet and sour in the mouth of the **** donkey, and the order has climbed all the way, but there are still many people in the barrage asking about the specialty of the earth, the cigar.

"It's mainly too cool, I want this kind of stuff too much, and pretend to be an artifact." Someone issued a barrage. Feeling very eager.

Not only was someone interested in the cigar held in the mouth of the **** donkey, some even saw his sunglasses. Some interstellar traffickers have already seen the business opportunities and are discussing plans with Pei Junlin in private letters.

Pei Junlin did not expect to plant flowers intentionally and not to bloom, and to carelessly plant willows. Unexpectedly, today's live broadcast of the sale of the demon clan, turned out to be a genuine local souvenirs conference.

The orders for cigars and sunglasses alone are all so high that Pei Junlin looks up.

"Boss Pei, a cigar actually costs ten pieces of Tianyuan jade. Are we too dark?" Ye Tianxing's mouth opened wide and felt incredible.

"Things are rare, but I think the price is very reasonable. I think the cigar can still be improved. After all, the shredded tobacco is too bad."

"It's not good for the cultivator. It would be wonderful if you add Snowflake and Lin Yunhua to it. Not only can you refresh your mind, but also bring some spiritual absorption through the entrance and exit." Light seems to see huge business opportunities.

Pei Junlin patted his head but thought it was a good opportunity to make money. After all, the earth is still lacking in resources compared to the stars outside the region.

If this can open up a path to e-commerce and earn resources to feed the earth, that is really a good thing.

"The third brother will leave it to you. You come to develop these new cigar formulas. Remember to keep it secret." Pei Junlin immediately said to the third prince.

The business acumen of Prince Sanzhu is undoubtedly nodded, his small eyes shining.

While looking at the auction interface, Pei Junlin was also Le Taotao. The demon captives sold today are almost sold out, with an average price of 100,000 Tianyuan jade. More than two hundred demon clan are sold, that is more than 20 million Tianyuan jade, which is sky high even in the universe.

Such a huge asset is incredible.

"What are these? How can there be a hundred million more Tianyuan jade? What's going on?" Pei Junlin looked at his bank card's sudden change in numbers somewhat ignorant.

Tianyuanyu seems to start to depreciate suddenly, how can the numbers change so fast? Pei Junlin was a little numb.

Pei Junlin is like someone who suddenly got rich in the lottery, feeling a little untrue. After all, Tianyuan jade is of great value.

You should know that an ordinary inferior spirit treasure is worth only 100,000 Tianyuan jade. One hundred million Tianyuan jade, how much can you buy Lingbao.

However, after seeing the explanation behind this remittance, Pei Junlin suddenly understood that the money was originally donated by organizations outside the region.

All of these donated people are from human races outside the region. They left the earth when the earth fell and went to the starry sky to make a living. Many were engaged in very cheap jobs. But after so many years of hard work step by step, many people have established a position in the extraterrestrial sky.

After they accidentally saw Pei Junlin's live broadcast, they were very happy until the earth began to recover.

Humans outside these domains began to organize donations, and hit Pei Junlin's bank card in one stroke.

"Oh, this is public money. Everyone can't use it arbitrarily. It's time to buy resources to build some schools and cultivate talents." Pei Junlin immediately decided to reopen a public account. At that time, this account will be handed over to Yuan Ping.

The auction is coming to an end, and Pei Junlin is not interested in the live broadcast anymore. Let the **** donkey become the protagonist of today's live broadcast, spitting stars and flying around with some demon people in the extraterrestrial sky.

However, the appearance and eloquence of the **** donkey are still very strong. The barrage gifts in the live broadcast room are constant, and some people even directly send huge gifts.

After Pei Junlin gained huge wealth here, everyone was immersed in surprise.

Through the wormhole of Raytheon Company, Pei Junlin directly took out one million Tianyuan jade directly, so a large amount of Tianyuan jade almost filled a cabin.

The abundant aura is shocking, and the flowing Dao Yun makes everyone dumbfounded.

"You guys who have just entered the realm of Yin Shen, and now each take away 100,000 Tianyuan jade, I ask you to raise the realm to the middle of the realm of Yin Shen at least within a month." Pei Junlin looked serious, towards the brother beside him The sisters said.

Recently, it is really easy, making everyone feel that the danger has passed, but Pei Junlin knows that there must be a storm in the making, and it is only a matter of time before the comeback of the demon clan.

Everyone was polite, and each took away 100,000 Tianyuan jade. These Tianyuan jade will be used by them to practice, absorb the mana and enhance their strength.

"It's too extravagant. It's just some geniuses on the Big Planet, and their family can't supply so many Tianyuan jade. It's really a ruin." Crown Prince Zhu shook his head repeatedly, his envious eyes red.

In his view, Pei Junlin's behavior is simply a defeat, but Pei Junlin occupies the right place, and it is really easy to get money. It is worthwhile to catch each of these demon races outside the territory.

"In the future, we will have to catch more of these demon races." Pei Junlin tasted the sweetness and was naturally in a good mood.

"Oh, how do you apply for Yuanjie account now?" Pei Junlin suddenly said to Prince San.

Prince San is really shocked ~ ~ He did not expect that Pei Jun, you even know this secret, that Metaverse can be regarded as the universe's black market in the universe.

It's the same as online shopping on the earth, everything in Yuanjie can be bought, as long as you have money, there is nothing you can't buy.

As long as you have enough money, you can buy a female Tianjun back to warm the bed, of course, you have to pay such a great value.

"Yuanjie has been hit by various forces, but now, it is difficult to apply for an account. I happen to be a member of Yuanjie, and I can send you an invitation code." Crown Prince Zhu looked at Pei Junlin froze for a while. Suddenly said.

I had misunderstood Pei Junlin before, thinking that Pei Junlin was a frog at the bottom of the well, and belonged to the indigenous people on earth who knew nothing. But now he suddenly felt that Pei Junlin seemed very familiar with everything in the starry sky.

"By the way, do you have any extra communicators here? Give me one." Pei Junlin said towards Prince Sanzi.

The so-called communicator is not something like the earth's mobile phone, but a jade plate that looks very simple.

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