Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1068: Slave market

After some false words, the shop clerk finally found someone to wrap up this little tripod and handed it to Wang Ziyu.

After Wang Ziyu got what he liked, his eyes flashed in a trance. It seemed that this thing distracted him.

"Brother-in-law, I'll wait for you there. You and my sister will go shopping." Wang Ziyu found a chair and sat there, closing his eyes, and seemed to be communicating with something.

Pei Junlin knew that it had something to do with the little Ding just now. That thing should look extraordinary. Perhaps some secret in it had already been discovered by Wang Ziyu.

"Look over there, I will buy a flying spirit treasure for you." Pei Junlin took Wang Ziqiong's hand and couldn't help but walk towards another shelf.

There are a lot of things, a variety of things, there are various modern flying magic weapons, there are some relatively simple shapes, and even some more science fiction things.

These things have a common feature, that is, they are very valuable, and the cheapest one is more than 600,000 Tianyuan jade, but this money is not a problem for Pei Junlin at all.

"Which one do you like? Tell me directly, I'll give you." Pei Junlin said towards his beloved wife Wang Ziqiong.

Wang Ziqiong did not hypocritically, but set his eyes on those treasures. After looking around, Wang Ziqiong's gaze stayed on a bamboo raft-shaped baby.

"In fact, when there is danger, I'm absolutely safe to hide in the moonlight box, and the speed of Xiaoyue is not slow." Wang Ziqiong hesitated a little, but said to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin also awakened. In fact, Chaos Lingbao has almost all kinds of functions, but some focus is different.

The two treasures like Wang Qiongqiong's Moonlight Box and Wang Ziyu's Taihuang Shending, although they are also chaotic spirit treasures, are definitely not faster than Chaos Jindou, a top-level chaotic spirit treasure in running speed.

There is also a difference between Chaos Lingbao. Although Taihuang Shending and Moonlight Box are very strong, compared with Chaos Golden Fight, it is a little witch, and Pei Junlin can be sure of the original appearance of Chaos Golden Fight, absolutely not A chaotic spirit treasure, he should be a higher-grade thing.

Even if it is a chaotic spirit treasure, in some aspects, such as speed, it is sometimes not as good as this professional-level flying spirit treasure. Because their main formation is to focus on flying. If you encounter interstellar travel, this flying weapon will do more with less.

"It's better to buy one and leave it on your body." Pei Junlin was very painstaking to convince Wang Ziqiong to buy it.

"Then that one, looks like a bamboo raft, very simple and in line with my character." Wang Ziqiong said towards Pei Junlin.

Almost without any hesitation, Pei Junlin bought the treasure directly, but the price surprised Pei Junlin a little, and even required three million Tianyuan jade.

This piece of Lingbao is the ultimate Lingbao. It is only one line away from Chaos Lingbao, and according to the explanation of the staff, the speed is incredible. There are also many formations that require customers to experience themselves.

The three million Tianyuan jade is not a small amount, but Pei Junlin paid for it without blinking.

At this time, other people are also shopping, most of them have bought something they like.

Everyone walked out of this business and went on. After crossing this street, they came to the slave market.

The concept of equality of all people on the earth is deeply rooted in the hearts of people, but it is not very good in the starry sky. Slave trading is a common thing in the starry sky. Anyone can buy a slave as long as he has money, and he has all his powers, and he can even be executed at will.

Out of curiosity, everyone still intends to take a look at the slave market.

Often the things placed in the most conspicuous place in a shopping mall are also the best-selling products. Sure enough, as soon as I entered the slave market, the pictures I saw made some men feel a little calm, and even some women had some looks on their faces. unnatural.

Because some cat women and fox girls are displayed here, and their clothes are more exposed and bold.

The catwoman is cute, the fox girl is charming, and her figure and skin are all in the same way. It is the existence that men dream of.

Pei Junlin's expression did not see anything, but Ye Tianxing and their group began to coax, and even had an urge to buy.

Coupled with Prince San pigging in the wind, Ye Tianxing, Li Tianpei, Sun Kai and some of them could not bear it, but in the end they looked at Pei Junlin timidly.

The sages who had been trained since childhood grew into effect at this time. Although they were stunned in a short time, they calmed down quickly.

"You can do it if you want to buy it. If you decide to buy it, you should treat it kindly." Pei Junlin's words at this time surprised everyone.

"If you don't buy it, others will buy it, and it may fall into the hands of others, and their fate will be even more miserable." Pei Junlin explained again.

At this time, the little sister-in-law Wang Ziyu also seemed to return to normal, and her face was even more radiant.

She glanced at her sister Prince Qiong smiling at Pei Junlin: "Brother-in-law, I heard that the two maids held in your chaotic spirit treasure, one is the Princess of the Thirteen Dragons and the other is the princess of the Yutu clan. . How are you going to explain this to my sister? "

When Pei Junlin heard Wang Ziyu say this, he was a little embarrassed and looked at his beloved wife Wang Qiong beside him.

Wang Ziqiong's expression seemed to be light and windy, and there was nothing angry. Pei Junlin had to laugh a few times and confuse this matter.

Hearing that Pei Junlin said it was possible to buy, these brothers were no longer reserved, and in the scolding of several girls, Ye Tianxing, Li Tianpei, Sun Kai, and Pang Yue each bought a fox girl.

It's just that Yuan Fei's taste is a bit heavy, which makes everyone unacceptable. This guy looks down on Fox Girl and doesn't like Catwoman.

He bought a maid who turned out to be a strong orc. This female orc is two meters tall and has thick arms, thicker than Yuan Fei's thighs.

The skin also looked a little dark, with two big white fangs exposed when his mouth opened.

When Yuan Fei decided to buy this female orc, everyone's expressions were petrified, but when Yuan Fei settled the bill, everyone knew he was not kidding, and was even more speechless.

"For the same money, why don't I buy a big one? And this female orc is strong and strong. If you add it, she will be a helper in the future. You can fight." broken.

Buying a maid can accompany Fenghuaxueyue and pour tea for you. He did well and bought such a brutal female orc, which is really unbearable.

However, each has their own hobbies, and other people can't intervene arbitrarily, and everyone continues to walk in. In this slave market, almost all races in the universe are sold. Even the dragons are sold here, but they are some of the relatively cheaper dragons.

"Boss, there seems to be people of ours selling there too." Ye Tianxing's tone was a bit cold, apparently suppressing his anger.

In fact, Pei Junlin has long seen that several human races are kept in iron cages, and their treatment is far inferior to other races.

A man with a relatively strong physique was penetrated into the pipa bone and locked on the iron chain, which looked extremely miserable.

The price of these human races is very low, and the price is often only a few hundred Tianyuan jade to buy a human race slave.

Of course, there are higher prices. For example, some decently dressed human races have a price tag of 100,000 yuan. However, according to the above instructions, the slaves of this human race are used as butlers after purchase.

There are not many human races in the entire slave market. There are only dozens of them in total. Pei Junlin did not say anything and directly generously bought all these human race slaves.

The total cost is actually less than one hundred days of jade, because the slave prices of these human races are very low.

"Really thank you very much." Several human races moved to tears, and also thanked Pei Junlin.

But Pei Junlin said nothing, and gave these people a sum of money to let them leave freely. With a free status and a sum of money, these people should live well on this planet.

After all, as long as the wisdom of the human race is free, it is absolutely hungry.

When they came here, the people had no interest in going down, and they were in a bad mood. In their eyes, the great human race was sold here as a slave. That kind of sensory shock was unacceptable for a while.

The brutal law of survival in the universe is like a scar, torn apart by blood, and placed in front of everyone.

"There seems to be another one there ~ ~ Let's just do it, let's just buy him and redeem it." Sun Kai saw that on the other side of the market, there was a human slave waiting for sale.

However, the appearance of this human race is somewhat strange. It does not look very similar to ordinary human beings. It should be a mixed race, but the blood of the human race occupies the main part.

His eyeballs are not the same as ordinary human races, and these eyes flash a pale golden light.

The old man had gray hair, but his physique was not weak. Instead, he looked very strong.

"I'm sorry, I already bought this slave." Just as Pei Junlin was going to pay the bill, a young man came over and pushed Pei Junlin away.

This man's brutal behavior immediately aroused everyone's anger, and what made the people even more angry was the attitude of the slave salesman. Upon learning that the man wanted to buy this humanoid slave, he immediately tore up the previous contract with Pei Junlin.

Originally, Pei Junlin and others came first!

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