Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1102: Someone provokes

In Pei Junlin's view, the thing that radiates colorful light in that small solitary mountain should definitely not be a fairy.

The rumors of folk scientists on the Internet are not credible at all, and let them analyze the truth, Pei Junlin always sneered.

What is the concept of fairy, I am afraid that most people simply can not imagine.

A fairy can even directly evolve a world, and the huge power is not at all speculative.

As for what kind of treasure was born in that small solitary mountain, Pei Junlin could not be completely sure. Only when the final treasure appears, can we see it.

No matter what I say now, that is futile.

"Fujun, there is a letter here, it seems to be for you." Wang Ziqiong picked up something from the table and sent it to Pei Junlin.

This thing surprised Pei Junlin because it was a jade thing. It looks like a jade finger, but Wang Ziqiong said it was a letter, which made Pei Junlin a little surprised.

"The person who sent me said it was a letter, but I didn't understand it." Wang Ziqiong was also very curious.

Pei Junlin carefully observed the jade ring in his hand, and after a closer look, he suddenly realized that this thing is not a very strange thing, it is a kind of photo stone commonly used in the universe, but the shape is not the same as the general photo stone.

Pei Junlin did not avoid Wang Ziqiong, but directly injected a mana into this stone, and soon a picture appeared in front of Pei Junlin.

Like watching a movie, a masked man appeared in front of Pei Junlin.

Seeing this scene, Wang Ziqiong was also a little surprised. She came to Pei Junlin's side and looked at the picture emerging in the air without blinking her eyes.

"Hello, Pei Junlin, I heard that you are very strong, I don't know if you are interested in playing with me. My name is Tang Shaobai, I'll wait for you."

The picture is a bit blurry in the later period, and the person who may have recorded it is not well-controlled.

Perhaps when talking, Tang Shaobai was so excited that he did not provide a constant and stable mana for this photo stone, so the following picture was almost mosaic.

"What a mess of sugar burning white salt burning white." Pei Junlin wrinkled his brow, directly crushed this photo stone.

He has passed that impulsive age, and anyone who meets will respond. Pei Junlin is now in a state of mind and is already sophisticated and smooth. Like this young challenge, he can ignore it.

Obviously, this Tang Shaobai should belong to the vein of a strong recovery. I just do n’t know which rib of this kid is wrong. He came to challenge Pei Junlin, is it to prove himself?

In fact, Pei Junlin is fully able to understand some of these recovery powerhouses and their state of mind.

After being sealed for so many years, it is inevitable that the current new world will be unsuitable, and they have been in the ancient times, and they have been stormy and stormy, but after the modern recovery, their status is very awkward.

Now humans only know that Pei Junlin and Yuan Ping are the old gods.

As a result, many recovery powerhouses, fame-loving people who love vanity, gradually become unbalanced in their moods. Feeling that Pei Junlin and He De could be loved by the world, he felt jealous in his heart.

Tang Shaobai took the initiative to challenge Pei Junlin also for this purpose. He wanted to step on Pei Junlin and then stand on the top of humanity.

Since ancient times, the world has been bustling, all of which are good fortune.

However, this profit can be understood as interest, money, or reputation and power.

According to Pei Junlin's current status, it is quite normal to be coveted, but Pei Junlin doesn't care. If these people come, let him come, he is not afraid.

Now it seems that these recovering powerhouses not only did not help the earth to resist the aliens, but added chaos, which made Pei Junlin even more speechless.

Pei Junlin stayed in Jinling City for the past few days, planning to leave Jinling with his parents and in-laws.

Because the matter of that small solitary mountain attracted a large number of demon races into the earth, this peaceful world did not last long, and re-entered chaos.

A city on the border was wiped out by the demon clan overnight, and millions of people were swallowed up by the evil demon.

However, before waiting for Pei Junlin to take action, someone killed him first. It was a strong recovery, young and handsome.

The picture of his beheading the demon clan has also spread wildly on the Internet, gaining countless fans overnight.

At the same time, a variety of powerful recovery players also made a strong comeback, appearing in the sight of human beings.

Some even directly announced the re-opening of the sects, like the ancient Chunyangmen, Xuantianzong, Taijijianmen, etc. These ancient ancestors have announced that they will occupy famous mountains and rivers and restore the glory of the ancients.

Pei Junlin did not deeply perceive the third wave of reiki recovery.

However, those low-level practitioners are advancing by leaps and bounds, and a group of top masters have emerged, and even a younger generation of masters directly entered the realm of Yin and God.

There are some resurgent powerhouses, and when they wake up from the ancient times, they are the realm of Yangshen. Completely crushing the forces of the earth, they are the top talents of the earth at this stage.

The fluctuations of the earth's forces are too dramatic. Some previous forces are now completely disappeared, and they are nowhere to be seen.

In the past, the independent cults and so on, these forces, now in the eyes of Pei Junlin, are chickens and dogs, and they can all be shot to death when they flip their hands.

However, the strength of these new ancient ancestors made Pei Junlin feel that something was wrong. If human beings cannot unite as a whole, but fight each other, the consequences are still very dangerous.

It's just that Pei Junlin has only one person without three heads and six arms. If he wants to unify the forces of these earths, he still has to fight against the extraterrestrial demon clan.

Internet public opinion has been tumultuous these days, and the revival of ancient powers has also allowed humans to perform a feast of carnival.

Some people think that the recovery of the top powers of the ancient races indicates that the demon races are about to be defeated, so many experts and scholars of the human races came out to give speeches.

Some powerhouses of the resurgent group directly mixed into stars, live broadcasted on TV and so on. Pei Junlin's famous road, these people have followed suit.

They want to copy all the footsteps of Pei Junlin along the way, and want to replace Pei Junlin's status.

These days, Pei Junlin has been silent, on the one hand, it is the digestion that his teacher Yuan Ping transmitted to him first, on the other hand, he observes in secret.

If you want to distinguish between a traitor and a loyal minister, you must listen to their words and deeds. There are too many of these recovery powerhouses. They occupy the famous schools of the great mountains and rivers and open up disciples.

Many people say that they must expel the demon to restore the glory of the earth. But Pei Junlin felt that there must be rebellious forces among these people, and they secretly entered into a covenant with the demon clan.

A month passed in the blink of an eye. The sky pillar of Xiaogu Mountain still continued, but no fluctuations occurred. People with clear eyes know that this is not a precursor to the birth of the treasure, because it will take some time for the treasure to erupt.

And in the colorful light gradually weakened, it seems that the treasure is still a long time before it was born, so the forces of all parties are now still standing still.

Even some demon races outside the realm are a lot of low-key, because the recent recovery of the strong power of the human race is too strong, the demon race has simply become a cross-street mouse, they will be chased and killed by these strong recovery powers.

Some even crossed several big cities and were eventually killed.

These slain demon clan, their status is often not high, from some small demon race. Its own strength is not very strong, most of them are in the realm of Yin and Shen.

These demon races are like dragon suits that have been arranged to play, and have achieved the reputation of countless recovery powerhouses.

Tang Shaobai, who once challenged Pei Junlin, is the best among them. Frequently speaking on TV media, even live broadcast every day.

Smeared and smeared, the voluptuous voluptuous, also gave himself a nickname called the passionate son.

The passionate son, Tang Shaobai, has made a **** storm in the human world in less than a month of his debut. He has crushed those modern flesh stars and become a new civilian idol, and countless girls are crazy and excited.

There are even rumors that this passionate son, Tang Shaobai, received an invitation from thousands of crews overnight and wanted to invite him to appear in some idol inspirational TV series.

"What is a tiger without a tiger in the mountain and a king, then Pei Junlin only occupied an occasional tide when the spirit of the earth did not recover. In fact, his strength is not strong, just a pig on the tuyere." In front of countless reporters and TV media, Tang Shaobai defied Pei Junlin openly.

The caliber of the other powerful recovery players is roughly the same as that of Tang Shaobai. They all feel that there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings.

Before these powerful recovery guys did not recover ~ ~ Pei Junlin is indeed very strong, but now their time is coming. People like Pei Junlin who are famous for their reputation should withdraw from the stage of history.

Recently, Pei Junlin's closed door thank-you disappeared on social media, and indeed gave these ancient recovery geniuses a vacuum.

Quickly occupied the major media, crazy to build momentum for themselves.

Pei Junlin was breathless, but his brothers and sisters were breathless. Faced with the crazy defamation of Pei Junlin by these powerful recovery players on social media, these siblings could not sit still. They had to stand up for Pei Junlin and stand up to speak.

The Nine Great Supreme Family is not vegetarian. They have been operating on the earth for countless years. The forces are intertwined and naturally have a huge voice.

Yuan Fei, Ye Tianxing, and Li Tianpei all stood up one after another and participated in the program on TV to serve the platform of Pei Junlin.

It proves that Pei Junlin is powerful and is the patron saint of the earth. He even listed all the battles that Pei Junlin once battled with the monsters outside the region.

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