Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1116: Into the body

"Golden Master, where do you feel this magnetic **** needle went?" Pei Junlin finally couldn't help but ask for help.

Lord Jin snorted, and seemed to be dissatisfied that Pei Junlin had asked him for advice only now. But it belongs to Pei Junlin after all, his chaotic spirit treasure spirit, in terms of status, should serve Pei Junlin you.

Therefore, no matter what kind of Jinye Pei Junlin will know.

"I can be sure that the Yuan magnetic **** needle is still on you. The reason why he is hidden is that you can't find it." Jin Ye's words made things even more confusing.

So much so that Pei Junlin felt horrified, even the cold hairs stood upright, a coolness from the back of the spine directly to the tail bone.

This time it was really careless. They were mistreated by these treacherous demon clan. They thought about it because they didn't know how long it took to calculate this matter, but I didn't expect to really get caught in their crime.

After Pei Junlin's face became gloomy for a while, he decided to find the location of the Yuanqi Shenzhen first, otherwise it would be a time to leave this thing in his body sooner or later.

"It is not necessarily that this thing is in your body as a whole, maybe he is directly melted by something in your body." Jin Ye continued.

A chaotic light flew out and wrapped up Pei Junlin's whole person. This is the chaotic divine light that Jin Ye collected the treasure, which can collect all the treasures in the world. But at this time, this chaotic divine light revolved around Pei Junlin, it seems that Pei Junlin has now become a spiritual treasure.

Now Pei Junlin finally believes that Yuanci Shenzhen has become zero and fully integrated into his body. The color that I want to find in my body can't be found in Shenzhen, because this thing has been incorporated into the flesh.

Why did a good-quality Lingbao melt suddenly? This puzzled Pei Junlin.

Before erasing the Yuanci God Needle, when you were thinking, you found that there is no organ spirit in this superb spirit treasure. This is also the reason why Pei Junlin feels the difference. It originates from Shenzhen's ability to radiate a primordial divine light, the power is extremely explosive, and the powerful weight directly crushes the opponent.

"Jin Ye, I have a question. This Yuan magnetic **** needle is clearly the best spirit treasure. Why hasn't it found the spirit? Isn't this Yuan magnetic **** needle just a fake?" Pei Junlin Jin Zhao humbly asked for advice.

But Lord Jin shook his head and gave a negative answer: "This meta-magnetic **** needle is extremely rare in the universe. The meta-magnetic **** needle is a rare treasure that is extremely precious. The reason why there is no spirit, In fact, there is a reason. It ’s normal for you not to know, because there are very few people who know this thing, and I just got this knowledge by accident. "

After seeing Jin Ye talking for a long time, he still didn't talk about the key point of Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin was anxious and hurriedly hurriedly said: "Come on the reason, you are all in a hurry."

Jinye hey didn't hang his appetite with a smile, and said directly: "In fact, the reason why this primitive Shenzhen has no spirits is obviously because of the powerful power of Yuanci Shenzhen itself, any spiritual things can't survive in it, it's not that there is no weapon Spirit, but the organ spirit cannot survive in it, and the organ spirit will not be bred at all. "

Pei Junlin finally understood that the reason why the meta-magic needle had no spirit.

But this is from the Bible. Since it is so powerful, why hasn't it caused any damage to your body? This is more difficult for Pei Junlin to understand.

"Perhaps there is only one reason, that is, your blood is boiling, and looking to be born has the ability to restrain this meta-magic god, so it is melted directly." Jin Ye said the second assumption.

Pei Junlin sighed. In fact, he didn't believe but also had to believe that there are many things, there really is no way.

Even now he has reached the state of Yangshen, but it is a drop in the sea in the vast universe. There is still a huge distance between the real universe and the mysterious realm, and you ca n’t even control your own destiny. Do n’t talk about exploring the deep mysteries in the universe.

This incident turned out to be inconclusive, and Pei Junlin could only temporarily put it on hold, anyway, his body did not have any discomfort.

"I have a driving technique here, the law of the Yuanci Shenguang, you can try it, if this is from Shenzhen and really melts into your body, then the Yuanshi Shenguang can still be used." The experience told again Pei Junlin.

Soon Pei Junlin got a recipe from Lord Jin's mouth. His face was pale immediately after his first use, and he felt his body suddenly became very heavy.

But soon Pei Junlin can control his body, it is surrounded by three colors of light, it is the Yuan magnetic divine light.

A huge force came in, which made Pei Junlin feel a little surprised.

Pei Junlin stood up and felt that he could no longer walk, just like a toddler, trying to walk on the spot, gradually Pei Junlin, you can control your legs, and even your hands can be controlled immediately after the whole body That kind of heavy power actually made Pei Junlin feel a little full.

In Pei Junlin's whole body, there was a hazy light shrouded in it, which is exactly the Yuanguang Shenguang.

Pei Junlin can clearly feel that his body has become extremely heavy. This metamagnetism light was originally the heaviest thing in the world. After being controlled by Pei Junlin, his body became tens of thousands of tons.

And as Pei Junlin's your realm of cultivation continues to deepen, the power to control the mysterious magic light continues to increase, and the future power control will be stronger.

Pei Junlin walked out of the Treasure Pavilion directly and stepped into the deep mountains south of Jinling City.

Punched with a punch, the fist was wrapped with Yuanci Shenguang, and this punch had the power of at least thousands of dragons. Pei Junlin's physical strength is now limited to ten giant dragons, but this day he played the power of thousands of giant dragons. A mountain directly Pei Junlin Linpin, which surprised Pei Junlin himself.

Now it is equal to the combination of Shenguang and his body. It was originally Yuan magnetic Shen needle that melted into the blood, and Pei Junlin was free to drive Yuan magnetic Shenguang.

And with the original life that Pei Junlin used, he became more and more comfortable, he slowly restored control of his body, and felt as light as a bird again. And that Yuan magnetic magic light calligraphy has the heart, Pei Junlin can make the fist wrapped in the fist succeed at the moment of punching his fist, making him hit the wrong power tenfold.

Originally, Pei Junlin only had the power of a hundred dragons, but at the moment when he hit it, the fist wrapped in Yuanci Shenguang could make his all-light suddenly contain the power of thousands of dragons. This power was almost destroyed. The world is out.

Pei Junlin's mood is getting more and more excited. Straight to the nearby mountain bag all leveled.

"You're totally a king of eight fists, and it doesn't make sense. Teaching you four or two pounds can make your lack of power double." A lazy voice came.

Pei Junlin suddenly turned his head. He didn't find anyone spying on him at all. This surprised Pei Junlin. In a flash of cold hair, his body was like a snake, and the sheep dog started to drive.

But when it was clear who was speaking, Pei Jun was relieved again, and the person was Tang Shaobai. He was lying on a bun like cotton candy, lazily stretching his arms to yawn.

This kid is lazy whenever he sees her.

"How did you find here?" Pei Junlin was a little surprised. Obviously, Tang Shaobai made a special trip to find himself.

"Is it difficult to find you? To be honest, I can't get in your door, especially your little aunt is very fierce." Tang Shaobai showed a look of fear.

Pei Junlin smiled, he immediately understood that Tang Shaobai, estimated to have suffered a great loss under Wang Ziyu.

It is estimated that Tang Shaobai underestimated the enemy, thinking that Wang Ziyu was only a master of the Yin and Shen realm and did not take him in his eyes.

Who knows that Wang Ziyu actually has Chaos Lingbao, and he is also a master of poison, which is expected to make Tang Shaobai.

"I heard that the girl named Wang Ziyu is your little aunt. I said that my uncle begged you for something. Don't let her give me the antidote. It's almost itching to death." Tang Shaobai's face was sad and he spoke to Pei Junlin Time also reached into the neckline, scratching the skin hard.

Pei Junlin was curious. What poison did Wang Ziyu use? Even the masters of Yangshen Realm can't remove the toxins, is this Wang Ziyu's means of using poison more and more intelligent, even the masters of Yangshen Realm can't escape his poisonous hands?

"Don't bite a girl, since you told me to lose, you should call her aunt. Remember to see her later, she is a woman who is known as the Emperor of the Sun, if you really anger him, there will be you in the future. Good fruit to eat. "Pei Junlin is now given as a person coming, Tang Shaobai a little life experience.

"Oh, what the **** are you doing looking for me this time?" Pei Junlin said, looking at Tang Shaobai.

"Nothing, UU reading You are my idol. I can't see you in the same day. I don't see you in these days. I haven't seen you in the past few days. I feel like I'm living like a year, so I came to Jinling to find you." A pair of eyes stared at Pei Junlin, making Pei Junlin hairy.

This guy, not a man or a woman, can always give people a thrilling feeling.

"If it's okay, I'm gone. Three days after the antidote, you can just wait for me here." Pei Junlin didn't want to leave here as soon as possible, but wanted to escape as soon as possible. Seeing Tang Shaobai was uncomfortable all over, this lady There is indeed a set.

It seemed to see Pei Junlin's horrified look on his face, Tang Shaobai smiled dumbfounded, he stopped Pei Junlin's complexion and said sincerely: "Maybe you think my strength is not as good as you, but there are many things in the boxing technique that you should learn from me , If you are interested in boxing, I can teach you. "

Pei Junlin stopped. He naturally wanted to learn the things left behind by King Sheng Chao, but what was the purpose of Tang Shaobai?

Tang Shaobai, a so-called servant and thief, came to the door for no reason and had to teach himself how to punch, so Pei Junlin felt flattered.

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