Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1131: Escape into Shenshan

No one thought that the final result turned out to be this way. After catching the cicada cardinals, Pei Junlin spent a lot of hard work and the avatar of the Stygian blood demon, but in the end was picked a peach by a mysterious character.

At least this is what everyone sees, but the facts behind him are unknown.

In fact, Pei Junlin, who is now displayed in front of people, is just an incarnation, and that black shadow is the true deity of Pei Junlin, but Pei Junlin is protected by the atmosphere of chaos, no one can see this fact, even if it is a Tianjun level Experts can not see through.

In front of countless people, Pei Junlin played a trick under the eyes of everyone, and fooled everyone.

The demon clan who snatched the fairy debris around Xiaogu Mountain who came here today suffered huge losses. The ancient recovery strongmen also suffered heavy casualties. The only winner was Pei Junlin.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone watching the live broadcast, Pei Junlin was the most wronged person. He spent a lot of hard work to see the advanced fragments, but at the last moment he was robbed by a mysterious person. It is a bamboo basket to get water.

Even when those territories outside Pei Jun's hatred were to be blocked, he could not help showing a pity.

"Cry if you want to cry, idol, I sympathize with you." Tang Shaobai raised his face with helpless **** son.

In the distance, Prince Qiong, Wang Ziyu and others saw this scene with ugly faces. No one thought of Pei Junlin's hard work, and the peach was picked at the last moment.

Only Pei Junlin hid secretly and sneered. He gave everyone a joke. Only himself knew the facts. Today’s most important treasure is the fairy fragment, which is now in his hands.

Pei Junlin not only harvested this supreme, invaluable fairy fragment, but also arrested countless gods and goddesses.

The fairy fragment Pei Junlin didn't dare to take it out to show people easily. Even in the battle, he couldn't worship the treasures of this level, but those **** children are women. They are different from the eyes of the gentleman, but they can walk away with money.

It can be imagined that Pei Junlin will be preparing for the second auction half a month later. By then, auctioning these noble grandchildren will surely get a good price. I am afraid that the starting price will be 10 million yuan.

Pei Junlin didn't stay. After giving an order to Samwa directly, he was wrapped in the atmosphere of chaos, and the poet quickly left Xiaogu Mountain with the method of swinging his body.

But when Pei Junlin's body floated up, he suddenly felt a huge pressure. I am a strong man, coming out of the rolling clouds, lying in front of Pei Junlin.

This person's hair style is very strange, there is no head in the middle but the hair style on both sides is extremely vigorous, it is a typical Mediterranean hairstyle. Moreover, this hot day even wore a leather robe, holding a scimitar in his hand and suddenly looked like a barbarian on the grassland.

The mount that the guest sat down was also surprising, turned out to be a dark wolf.

"Leave what I want, let you go." The barbarian said towards Pei Junlin.

In addition to the machete in his hand, this man had a huge long sword on his back, which was about two meters wide and eighty centimeters long.

It looks like this sword is like a wide door, which is really amazing.

Pei Junlin will naturally not give up what he has obtained, on the contrary, his eyes are slightly cold, and he does not want to fight with this person, because the night is long and dreamy, only leave the place as soon as possible to fall into peace.

Pei Junlin wanted to turn around and leave, but was stopped by this person again.

The giant sword in the man's hand snapped off, and a powerful breath locked Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin was still standing on the original Sun Guang, who was still there, and finally gathered on his fist.

A huge force was shot by the power of 3000 dragons at a distance, and it was bombarded with the huge sword.


Pei Junlin's flesh and blood fist was safe, but the huge sword over there was cracked by Pei Junlin's punch.

The barbarian man's face showed an unbelievable look, followed by regret and anger. It seems that he has a great affection for this weapon, which is now destroyed by Pei Junlin, almost driving him crazy.

The scimitar in the man's hand exuded a **** light, and he threw the scimitar high and twirled back and forth in the air, and finally cut towards Pei Junlin.

You hold it like a scimitar in your hand, but what Pei Junlin did not expect is that it can be used as a boomerang, and it is still a superb weapon.

It doesn't matter to you, because he even has some special aggressive spirit weapons with huge lethality. Even the lethal power of the Chaos Golden Fight is far inferior to these specially attacked weapons.

This curve is constantly rotating in the air, and a crack is cut in the space where it passes, and the dark space force directly rushes out to talk about a common channel, which directly becomes a space channel.

"I said don't stop me, it's terrible to stop me." Pei Junlin looked at the countless streamers behind him chasing in his own direction, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes.

It was precisely because of this barbarian man's obstruction that those later talents caught up. Pei Junlin doesn't want to be the target of all, so he has only one way, that is, to fight quickly and quickly, and kill the man in front of him.

In the hands of Pei Junlin, the strongest killing trick now is not Heavenly Master Enchantment or Chaos Spirit Treasure, but his fist. Since the last time he realized some of the essence of the boxing skills of King Sheng Chao, Pei Junlin has realized There was a trick.

Speaking of the killing trick, Pei Junlin has not yet named it, but today it seems to be experimented. His figure is transformed into a phantom, and at the same time these phantoms continue to overlap to play various punches.

Every boxing method has a forgiveness of phantom shadows. The boxing methods played by these vanities far contain some heavenly rhythm, and even resonate.

At the moment when the resonance occurred, Pei Junlin made a final punch. If a normal punch, Pei Junlin’s erupting power is now the power of the three-thousand-headed dragon, but the skill of using this boxing technique to equip the army in an instant, and even reached the terror of ten thousand-headed dragon.

The barbarian man had no time to issue a scream, the Unicom fork and the black wolf under the seat instantly turned into a huge blood mist and was directly killed by the huge power contained in the fist of Pei Junlin.

The space is broken. This person, a wolf, instantly annihilated in the turbulence of the space. Their flesh and blood were smashed, and the form and spirit were all destroyed. Even the Yuanshen was smashed into ashes.

At the beginning of the year, those strong men who chased towards Pei Junlin saw this scene and immediately stopped. Their eyes are not blind, and they have a very strong discerning ability. Pei Junlin directly killed this savage man directly, completely shaking them.

Pei Junlin always stood in the dark misty room, making those who chased him grin. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Shenzhen's teeth made people feel as if they were covered with cold hair.

Raytheon wanted this effect. What he wanted was to create a horrible and mysterious identity for this fake identity, but he had done it completely. And now what is to be done is to completely remove the golden cicada, so that the mysterious man hiding in the black room disappears completely, and he himself returns to the identity of Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin can feel that he is locked by countless breaths, and even there are various breaths in the universe that have locked him, allowing it to soar around the entire earth, but he has never been able to get rid of all kinds of surveillance.

There are also some satellites in the sky, which are still very easy to avoid, but the strong surveillance in some extra-terrestrial stars only makes Pei Junlin unable to get rid of.

Pei Junlin can feel the fairy spirit of Raytheon Company, and also put a breath on his body.

I aimlessly galloped in the entire atmosphere of the earth, trying to use the advanced power to completely throw away the breath that locked myself, but in the end Pei Junlin failed.

In desperation, Pei Junlin could only finally bet on the two poles of the earth. He came directly to the North Pole, where the magnetic field is very strong. Moreover, in this area of ​​regional politics and polar night, Pei Junlin was still in the dark, still feeling that he could not get rid of that kind of persistence, and finally he came to Antarctica.

The first average still failed...

If you can't get rid of this TV traceability, the existence of Jin Chan's shelling will not be viewed by everyone in every move, and Pei Junlin has no chance to restore his identity.

Residents know that the reason why they are locked by these countless powerful breaths is because of the fragments of fairy artifacts that they are now carrying. This is a great treasure. I am afraid that even their own master Linglong Immortal Venerable, seeing fairy artifacts The debris should also move.

At this time, Pei Junlin was wrapped in the atmosphere of Standing on an iceberg in Antarctica, he looked around, and finally left his eyes on the towering Kunlun Mountain.

Pei Junlin hurried towards Kunlun Mountain quickly. He had a feeling that he could definitely get rid of the surveillance of so many people this time.

Pei Junlin stepped into the Kunlun Mountains. The gods of Kunlun Mountain really let Pei Junlin not disappointed. When he stepped in, the feeling of being monitored was lost instantly.

Pei Junlin, where flying is not allowed, is not allowed on the towering snowy mountains, and he is still not completely assured. You are deep in the Kunlun Snow Mountain, and it takes a period of training to rest assured.

Liu Peijun found a cave and moved out completely again. He knew that the whole Kunlun Mountain must be laid with the Tianluodi net. The gods of the powerful people outside the region died, and anyone who walked out of this place was bound to be identified. For the person who took away the fragments of the fairy.

Inside the Jindou space, Pei Junlin stood in a desolate space, with a silver-white piece suspended in front of him.

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