Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1154: Underground abyss

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"Don't you think that the Devil Emperor must have fallen into the Devil, in fact, some of the Devil's cultivation methods still have a lot of lessons for reference. At that time, the Longevity Great Emperor borrowed some of the Devil's cultivation methods, and in one fell swoop broke through the five decays of heaven and earth and reached the era of the era. "" The old master of Taiji Jianmen seems to be teaching Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin also remembered one thing, that is, his exquisite fairy fairy. She also seems to have mastered the secrets of a certain kind of magic path, and her strength has soared, which later directly achieved her status today.

"The solitary yin is not long. There is nothing in this world. It only needs to be positive. Everything has two opposite sides. Light and darkness, Yin and Yang, etc., there is no room between the right and the devil, there are some You will understand things slowly." The old master of Taiji Jianmen persuaded Pei Junlin again.

Pei Junlin nodded and looked down at the tattoo on his chest. It was still a tattoo of a mysterious rune. At this time, a portal was completely evolved, just like it is true, it may be opened at any time.

What exactly is this portal? Pei Junlin does not know now, only knows that this should be a means to open up the inheritance of the Devil Emperor.

"Don't underestimate this thing, this is also a secret treasure, its name is Hell's Gate. After opening, you can lead the creatures of the Netherworld to help you fight. But you may have to be careful if you don't have the corresponding strength , It is very likely to encounter backlash." The old master of Taiji Jianmen once again told Pei Junlin a secret.

It turned out that this treasure is called Hell's Gate, but I don't know what class of magic weapon it belongs to. Trying to communicate this treasure, but I can only feel a sense of chaos.

It seems that to communicate with these magic devices, you must have some other means!

Pei Junlin looked at the old guru of the Taiji sword gate. He looked differently. He stretched his hand and patted the robe of the old guru's mouth suddenly, and a big hole with deep bones appeared in front of Pei Junlin.

And the most frightening thing is that an eyeball is constantly turning in this wound.

"How could this be?" Pei Junlin felt his scalp tingle.

He had always felt that there was something wrong with the old master of Taiji Jianmen. After practicing the potion of immortality before and eating it, he did not completely heal the injury.

Sure enough, after seeing this scene, Pei Junlin finally determined that the old guru of Taiji Jianmen seemed to be irreversibly injured, and his body seemed to be contaminated by some kind of magical tactics.

At that time, the old fairy of Yuan Ping was also infested by the means of the devil, but the old fairy of Yuan Ping was very powerful and possessed some means of Buddhist doors, which eventually suppressed the breath of the devil.

But the old guru of Taiji Jianmen obviously didn't have such good luck, the demons seemed to have grown on his chest.

"I don't hide what you said, I'm running out of time. The wicked person was bitter and lonely beside me. From ancient times to the present, I just didn't think that his identity was actually a demon." The old master of Taiji Jianmen did not hate, Instead, there is a feeling.

Pei Junlin was completely shocked. He had seen Zhang Yuanshan several times, and did not see the identity of this person's Demon Race. Only after hearing the demand from Taiji Jianmen Old Master, Pei Junlin had a faint feeling.

It's no wonder that every time I see Zhang Yuanshan has a somber feeling, it makes people feel uncomfortable, but I didn't expect this person to be a demon.

During the Taikoo period, he lurked into the Tai Chi sword gate, which shows Zhang Yuanshan's deep thoughts.

"But now I will give you the gate of hell. If you have the chance to open the Devil Emperor's inheritance, then you will be avenged by this arrow." The old guru's eyes flashed a laid down expression, it seems that this world Nothing can be his fetters.

Under the eyes of Pei Junlin, the old guru flew up and jumped into the furnace. The rolling flames instantly swallowed the old master.

Pei Junlin did not stop because he realized that the old master had been planted with demons and had penetrated into the soul. Only in this way could he be completely relieved.

The red furnace continued to rotate, and black mist rolled out of it, turning into a scene of various demon. However, Pei Junlin was unmoved, watching his heart and nose, and silently meditating on the Buddhist scriptures.

When Pei Junlin opened his eyes again, there was no breath of life in the furnace, and obviously the old master had gone to use this tragic method to say goodbye to this world.

There is no feeling of sadness in Pei Junlin's heart. From the perspective of monks, life and death are ordinary things, but they are converted into another state of life.

There is a great horror between life and death. Even if it is as strong as Pei Junlin’s former master Lingling, there is no secret of life and death.

That's when Linglong Fairy once asserted that death is not the final outcome. There are other things after the death of a person. It can be concluded that the true spirit is immortal.

Whether it is for ordinary people or for monks, death is the ultimate topic. Even Pei Junlin, a person who has been reincarnated several times, has not penetrated the secrets of death.

But it was because of this kind of experience that Pei Junlin felt that death was not terrible, because death was not the end, it would be reincarnated and reborn.

After sending away the old master of Taiji Jianmen, Pei Junlin had no reason to stay here. He flew back into the sky and came to the desert before.

This time Pei Junlin stomped his feet directly, and the whole oasis split open instantly. A vortex appeared at the foot, and the sand continued to go down like a funnel. Soon, a fault appeared in this world, and the ground was completely empty.

The reason why Pei Junlin came here for the second time was to once again probe into the secrets of Hua Tianhua and Qingyang. Nahua Qingyang comes from the Nine Demons Holy Land outside the realm, and his status is quite different.

Moreover, Hua Qingyang's feelings for Pei Junlin are not good. If this person is not removed, it will be a great disaster in the future.

The oasis cracked a gap and a bottomless abyss appeared. No one would think that under this vast desert, such a deep abyss was hidden, and Pei Junlin could feel the rolling Devil's breath from it.

This abyss does not know how many years it has existed. It should have been the devil’s lair from ancient times to the present. Then Hua Qingyang should come here with ease.

Pei Junlin leapt into a ray of light and plunged into the abyss. The body kept sinking, and it didn't bottom out for more than ten minutes.

There were windy winds beneath my feet, and the sound of ghosts was crying in my ears. On both sides of the abyss are scarlet eyes, that is, the vampire bat hangs upside down on the cliff wall, and looks at Pei Junlin horribly.

Pei Junlin's body suddenly twirled a flame, which was transformed into a masculine breath, specifically to restrain these demons. Sure enough, those bats immediately escaped after encountering Pei Junlin's breath.

Their strength is too far away from Pei Junlin. Even if they know that Pei Junlin is not the same kind, they dare not come up and bite. This is the suppression of strength.

With both feet on the ground, Pei Junlin felt like he came to a bridge. There is no light source in the underground abyss, but the mushrooms on both sides radiate bursts of light to illuminate the surroundings.

These mushrooms are as large as umbrella covers, emitting a yellowish light. Everywhere is the underground lighted by this mushroom, just like the day.

Pei Junlin saw a swamp in the distance. A giant spider crawling on the swamp had very long legs and a length of more than ten meters.

The spider seemed to see Pei Junlin's trail, and immediately uttered a tweet towards Pei Junlin, eight legs crawled on the water, and the speed was surprisingly fast.


Jianguang flashed this huge spider in two, killing such an underground demon spider, for Pei Junlin, it was effortless.

Pei Junlin crossed the sword in front of him and hurried forward. You can feel that Na Hua Qing Yang should be in this area. He was seriously injured and should still be healed. If he can be found in time, it should be easy to kill.


A strange cry came, followed by overwhelming bats whose heads resembled a wicked dog, with a dreadful **** glow in their eyes and fangs.

This is a dog-headed magic bat, which Pei Junlin has seen in some records. This kind of magic bat is very powerful, often one village can be destroyed by one.

Thousands of them together can also pose a powerful threat to monks.

Pei Junlin suddenly sacrificed the pure Yang fire bell in his hand, and a large flame swept through, and instantly thousands of dog-headed magic bats were burned to ashes.

But there are also a large number of dog-headed devil rushing in, which makes a fierce noise. Gradually, even the flames radiated by the pure Yang fire bell could not be burned.

The ground was full of dust that fell after the dog-headed devil was burned, and a thick layer almost covered the knees.

"It's too wasteful to absorb all of it and make it into a blood pill." Jin Ye's voice sounded again.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, and the Jindou space showed that the huge suction force had to evacuate the entire world in an instant. Thousands of dog-headed magic bats were instantly sucked into the interior of the Jindou The rolling blood gas enters the flesh-melting furnace and instantly turns into blood pill.

Pei Junlin holding the broken domain sword and rushing towards the front, he will enter the den of the dog-headed devil. Sure enough, in a canyon in front, there are countless bags like watermelons, each of which is a cub of a dog-headed devil.

But what Pei Junlin wanted was not this thing. He wanted to find the mother of the dog-headed bat.

A huge meat egg hangs upside down on the cliff. Like a huge heart, beating constantly. There are countless holes growing on this fleshy egg, and the young eggs of the dog-headed bat are constantly rolling outwards.

Pei Junlin thought that a sword would destroy the mother insect of the dog-headed magic bat, but after thinking about it, he stopped. This thing is hard to come by, and it is very lethal. Although it will not cause too much damage to the average cultivator, it still has a certain power if it is released by thousands.

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