Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1177: Taming the Corpse King

To ensure that these women successfully pushed the dirty water to the Dragon tribe, Pei Junlin even used the Duren Jing directly.

These women were soon condemned by Pei Junlin, their realm was not high, and they convinced Pei Junlin from the heart. Taking Pei Junlin as a god, every sentence that Pei Junlin said was deeply engraved into their hearts.

Seeing that everything was foolproof, Pei Junlin took the dragon princess Yang Chan together and left the planet again to continue on the road.

The two zombie kings floated in the furnace of flesh and blood, and the impurities in their bodies were continuously stripped. The flesh-melting furnace is not an ordinary panacea. According to King Jin, this flesh-melting furnace was the stomach of a beast of ancient times.

Pei Junlin was also very surprised to see this furnace for the first time, but gradually got used to it. This flesh-melting furnace is really like what Jin Ye said, it is like a huge stomach, continuous creeping can leave some essence parts, and remove all impurities.

The reason to put the two zombie kings into the flesh-melting furnace is to destroy their will and make them completely conquer Pei Junlin.

The two zombie kings are extraordinary, and their strength is comparable to the real **** realm, so it is very difficult for Pei Junlin to use the man's sutra to be directly converted into a slave.

First of all, this flesh-melting furnace will be used to wipe out the will of the two zombie kings, but this flesh-melting furnace is not entirely harmful to the two zombie kings. In fact, their benefits are also great.

Not only can the impurities of the two zombie kings be wiped out, their bodies are thoroughly polished and transparent, and even the realm can be directly improved.

This is a carrot-and-stick strategy, giving the two zombie kings enough benefits, and then destroying their will, so that the two zombie kings are completely tamed.

On the other side, Pei Junlin stood in front of the tall gate of hell, he could feel the vastness behind this portal.

Pei Junlin hasn't asked Jin Ye what he had reached out from the gate of hell, but he could feel that it didn't seem to come from the human world.

There are many mysterious places in Hell's Gate, and even more mysterious than Chaos Golden Fight. Even the bones of the dragons of the monarch level that day entered the gate of **** and infiltrated for a period of time, they directly gave birth to flesh and blood. This method of flesh and bones is simply unheard of and horrifying.

"The Five Great Emperors and the Five Great Emperors are indeed very powerful. If you have a good practice, it will be the basis for direct achievement of the great emperor in the future." Jin Ye's eyes flashed, and there was one in Pei Junlin's eyes. Kind of special meaning.

After the recent fighting, Jin Ye found that his and Pei Junlin's personalities became more and more consistent. Moreover, the potential of Junlin is endless. If the previous Chaos Jindou and Pei Junlin were separated from each other, they only lived temporarily beside Pei Junlin, but now Jin Ye has officially or determined to follow Pei Junlin, which is the kind of death.

"The Five Emperors Yuanshen is powerful, but it is very difficult to practice. It is impossible to require massive five-element attributes." Pei Junlin himself felt a little discouraged.

Practicing the Five Emperors Yuanshen is actually just the first step. It is really necessary to sacrifice the Five Emperor Yuanshen, and even to sublimate the Five Emperor Yuanshen to the Five Emperors' true spirit, which is even more difficult and difficult to reach.

Two more days have passed today. The two zombie kings have almost been sacrificed. Two drops of blood flew between Pei Junlin and the two zombie kings.

The two zombie kings immediately opened their eyes and let out a roar.

However, this roar is not directed at Pei Junlin, but an unconscious roar. The creature Zombie King is already very powerful. At this time, after being worshipped by the blood melting furnace in the golden chaos of the chaos, his consciousness has been renewed. Now Has completely lost the previous consciousness.

Now the two zombie kings are obedient to Pei Junlin, and their consciousness is simple, without much thought.

Pei Jun observed the two zombie kings at close range, and made a surprising sound in his mouth. The two zombie kings, one male and one female, arbitrarily pull out one, and their strength may exceed him.

However, if Pei Junlin wants to face one of them alone, he may not be defeated, but the two ends together do cause him great trouble.

Moreover, the luck of these two zombie kings was better than that of Pei Junlin himself, and he actually got such a thing as Pluto.

"Shouldn't it! Now that the Peng tribe has tamed these two zombie kings, how come they don't know that they have such a treasure as the relics of the Dark Emperor, how can they let them go?" Pei Junlin renewed a trace of doubt in his heart.

"It may not be known that the two zombie kings are even more intelligent than ordinary humans, and they will conceal and deceive. I am afraid that the Peng people know very little about these two zombie kings, and they use them to guard the planet, between the two. Maybe it's just a cooperative relationship." Jinye's eyes almost speculated the facts.

The chaotic golden battle is boundless and boundless, the formation of which is dense and dense, just like an unfinished book, and Jin Ye's memory and knowledge reserve are beyond the reach of Pei Junlin.

"If you really want to say that, it's really reasonable. I have observed that the mineral planet is unusual. Its core seems to contain a dead life, just like a zombie creature. It is better to survive in it." Pei Junlin moved his eyes and thought of some clues he had seen before.

The strength of the two zombie kings is extraordinary. In the chaotic golden battle, Jinye even brewed the two zombie kings with chaotic breath, which shows that he has high hopes for these two zombie kings.

This aura of chaos is the source of the golden battle of chaos, and it is nowhere to be supplemented with a little less. And the reason why the golden chaos of the Golden Lord can capture treasures is because the power of this chaos is far different from the general power of chaos.

Now the two zombie kings have become very different from the previous infiltration and infiltration of the power of chaos. The whole body is like a diamond, even if it is struck by hand, it can make a sound of gold and iron symphony.

And these two zombie kings have magical powers, which is indeed extraordinary. When it's dangerous, you can also let the two zombie kings go to find the way first, and it can also reduce some of the dangers of Pei Junlin.

Suddenly, Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, and the space in front of him opened a portal directly, and the thirteen princess of the dragon came out of the tunnel.

Thirteen Princess is a little confused because she is practicing, and suddenly feels that space distorts her body and moves a position. But seeing the sight in front of her, the thirteen dragon princess was very surprised, because she had never been in this space.

The interior of Jindou Space is vast, and the big one is like a world.

Moreover, many places cannot be explored, and the interior of Jindou Space is not completely a complete world, but is divided into many unequal spaces. And Jin Ye can also divide the space at will, as the master of the Jindou space, Pei Junlin can naturally move the creatures in the whole space at will.

Yang Chan was stunned as soon as he came out, because two powerful zombies were suspended in front of her, and the powerful pressure just made her bones click.

Instinctively, Yang Chan pulled out the broken domain sword at once, staring at the two zombie king tigers.

"Don't be nervous, these two zombie kings have been conquered by me. From now on, they will be the bodyguards and thugs next to me. If anything, let them go." Pei Junlin smiled and ignored the eyes of the two zombie kings.

When Yang Chan heard Pei Junlin say this, he couldn't help but stunned. Only a few days later, Pei Junlin actually conquered the two zombie kings?

And looking at this, the two zombie kings were not only subdued by Pei Junlin, but also became obedient, and even looked at Pei Junlin's eyes with a will to obey.

Yang Chan's eyes moved away from the two zombies, and then looked around. When she saw the huge creepy Dan furnace, she could not help but opened her mouth in shock.

"This is a blood-melting furnace, but it is a very powerful formation in the Chaos Golden Bucket, which can be used to refine the Elixir." Pei Junlin introduced to Yang Chan.

This is already the secret of Pei Junlin's core. Now he is completely exposed to Yang Chan's gaze, which makes Yang Chan somewhat flattered and looks at Pei Junlin with surprise.

"In fact, this is nothing. There are many people who know that I have Chaos Lingbao, but these formations are indeed only known to me, but now there is one more you." Pei Junlin looked at Yang Chan.

Yang Chan didn't talk much. She looked away and fell back on the tall portal. After seeing the **** portal, Rao is Yang Chan's tenacious spirit. At this time, he was shocked and inexplicable, and his whole body was trembling.

Seeing this gate of **** is like seeing the end of life, the time of which is all broken up in it, and the powerful power of Wei An can hardly be understood in an exhausting life.

"This is the gate of hell. UU reading is also a powerful treasure, but it is completely contained in the chaotic golden battle." Pei Junlin smiled, his voice was not proud.

In the end, Yang Chan set his sights on the huge ghost dragon, and when he saw the dark black dragon this week, Yang Chan's eyes unconsciously widened.

In fact, half of the blood of this ghost dragon is similar to Yang Chan. Yang Chan is half human and half dragon, but the skeleton of this ghost dragon belongs to the pure dragon family, but his flesh comes from the ghost. Gate of hell.

"This dragon is not simple, it should be the skeleton of the dragon family of the Tianjun level." Yang Chan sighed deeply, feeling incredible.

Everything I saw today seemed to have used up the shock of his life, which was really shocking.

"It’s nothing. You will have these things in the future. Adventures happen every moment in this world. Everyone has their own destiny and adventures. When your strength reaches a certain level, I will release You go out, soaring freely in the sky and earth, will not imprison you." Pei Junlin said looking at Yang Chan.

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