Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1194: Putuo Zhenjun

"This thing still belongs to Zhao, maybe you can play some strength in your hands. Before, I worried that this thing will be robbed by others in your hands, but now there is no such worry at all." Niu Mowang hey smiled .

Pei Junlin was a little touched. Before that, he did think a lot, and even felt that the Niu Demon was about to occupy this fairy fragment. But now hearing the old cow say this, Pei Junlin immediately understood that it turned out that the cow demon king tried every means to remove the fairy fragment from his own hands in order to protect this thing.

"Brother Niu, thank you." Pei Junlin bowed his hand towards the Niu Demon.

This big brother made the Demon King Niu a little unhappy. He looked at Pei Junlin with a straight face, his eyes glared, and the big ones were like bells: "You and the little donkey should be called brothers and brothers? He is my apprentice, You and he are brothers, but I am a generation older than you. Don't call me brother or uncle."

Pei Junlin smiled and did not nod, but looked at Big Black Bull and said: "Different opinions, he called you Master and did not delay me to call you Big Brother, right?"

Niu Mowang wanted to be angry, but he was afraid of Pei Junlin's strength and he could only give up. He swallowed his voice and accepted the term Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin suddenly looked at the sky, his eyes flashing, Jin Dou suddenly opened, and all the people were included. Even Niu Mowang didn't respond for a while and wanted to struggle, but he didn't resist Pei Junlin's imprisonment.

At this time there was a round of dazzling light on the sky, which fell like a meteorite from the nine days, rolling through the clouds, dragging a long light behind.

This is the palm of a mana, his goal is Pei Junlin. A character from the Tianjun level outside the territory shot and wanted to kill Pei Junlin in one fell swoop.

At this time, Pei Junlin was completely imprisoned by a force of law. Even if he knew that he was facing a huge danger, there was no way out. Before he had put everyone in the gold fighting space, it was his greatest effort, and he had no possibility to escape.

Pei Junlin felt a little sad in his heart, after all, his arms could not be turned around his thighs. He did not expect that although this real **** realm was very powerful, it was still a thousand miles away from the characters of Tianjun level.

The real **** realm and the Tianjun level are like the difference between a human and an immortal. Once it breaks through to the Tianjun level, it is that Shouyuan has grown for more than 100,000 years, and it can use some power in the void to condense its mana.

Human cultivation has reached the level of Heavenly King, and life forms have been completely transformed. Even the characters of the Tianjun level have a starting life of more than 10,000 years, and they can condense the spirit treasure at every turn.

Even some powerful heavenly kings can gather chaotic breath and refine chaotic spirit treasures.

In fact, the title of Tianjun is not accurate. To be precise, the level of Tianjun should be the level of a true monarch.

People often call the cultivators of the true monarch level the Tianjun, which is also recognized by the strong men of the true monarch level.

There is a saying in the cultivation world that all ants under the Tianjun are not cultivators to become Tianjun. In fact, they are not qualified to talk about their cultivation realm.

Below the Tianjun level, even if it is the real **** realm, the life span is only 1,800 years.

Without a long life span, there is no way to thoroughly practice. Only when the life span of the true monarch level is long can we explore the mysteries between heaven and earth without delay and reach a higher level.

And once you reach the level of a true monarch, you can change the power of time and space and master the power of time. In his mind, he condensed a hole in the sky, changed the rules and the power of time, and made his practice and life span infinitely extended.

Before Pei Junlin thought that he had practiced the Star Holy Body and entered the real **** realm in one fell swoop, he should be able to compete with the true monarch level. But it was not until this moment that Pei Junlin knew that his thoughts were too naive, and the power brought by the true monarch level was hard to calculate.

It was simply a slap from the universe, and Pei Junlin, who was on the earth, had no power to fight back. He could only stand on the spot and close his eyes to die, even if he wanted to break free, it is unlikely.

There is a pale yellow power of time and space in Pei Junlin's body, covering him in place. Even if he wanted to escape, he had no power at all. Even if he used Chaos Lingbao to enter the space at this time, he could not save Pei Junlin's life.

This is the gap. All the ants under the true monarch are ants. Even if Pei Junlin is now cultivating into the realm of real gods, he is still not enough to see in front of the real evidence.

The desperate emotion was only momentary. Pei Junlin didn't want to sit still. His eyes suddenly opened up the brilliant star light and Zhou Tian's star, even in one breath.

This is the singularity of the Star Eucharist, which can ignite the power of the stars all the time, and even reach a certain level that can echo the Zhoutian stars in the sky.

Pei Junlin's body gradually became transparent, and the whole person was like a shining star fragment.

The mana hand condensed by Zhenjun quickly bombarded Pei Junlin's body, and the whole sea area oscillated instantaneously, and a large piece of seawater was directly evaporated to dryness. However, a bright star light rose into the sky, and Pei Jun was reborn, and he did not die completely under the blow of the true monarch level.

"This is normal. The Star Eucharist will not be killed so easily. Even if the true monarch has shot, it cannot kill you in a short time. This is the effect of physical strength. If it is just the real **** realm, then the true monarch Trying to pinch you is as simple as pinching an ant." Jin Ye's voice directly passed into Pei Junlin's ear.

Pei Junlin turned into a streamer, stepping on the white jade fairy bridge under his feet, trying to escape from this place. If the true monarch-level strongman fails to hit, he will definitely launch a second blow. Now the only place that can protect Pei Junlin is the Kunlun Mountain. There is the only unknown unknowable place on the entire planet, and there are some mysterious places that even Pei Junlin can't explore.

Only after hiding in the Kunlun God Mountain, Pei Junlin can fight for that vitality.

"The strong man of the true monarch level actually shot me a junior, do you still have to be shameless?" Pei Junlin opened the live broadcast of the Thor platform while escaping, and screamed in the live broadcast room and broadcast the picture.

The rebroadcast of the picture immediately caused an uproar. After all, the strong man of the true monarch level would not easily move. Once he did it, he would shake the mountain and the stars would fall.

What is even more shocking is that Pei Junlin actually survived a blow from a true Jun level strongman. Not only is he still alive and kicking, but he can also swear.

"The Tianjun who shot should be Putuo Tianjun. Before Putuo Tianjun became enlightened, it was the strong man of the golden monkey family. I thought that at this time, the black armor knight family had been asked to move, and Pei Junlin shot." The strong man of truth talked on the Thor platform and revealed many secrets.

The strong man of Tianjun level also has opponents. At this time, the person who surnamed the name of Putuo Zhenjun is actually the person behind Putuo Tianjun who does not deal with it.

The news broke out immediately to let Pei Junlin know who his opponent was, it turned out to be a monkey, and was known as Putuo Tianjun.

"I heard that Pei Junlin had an innate incarnation of the congenital body body. I am afraid that Putuo Tianjun's shot was not entirely due to the black armor of the God of War. It should be because of Pei Junlin's body. Incarnate." Some people also revealed a deeper secret.

Those who exposed the secrets, without exception, all existed with anonymity. Even on the Thor platform, their account numbers were only blank, with no name and no surname.

"Being able to make the Tianjun ranks look at the treasures, how terrible is that? This Pei Junlin is really lucky, and actually got the congenital body embryo. I heard that this congenital body embryo is that ancient. An emperor of the era, named Heishui Emperor, took pains and sorrows, and it took hundreds of thousands of years to cultivate something." There are also many powerful people outside the region who know some secrets and spread the secrets.

Some people have ulterior motives, while others are purely because their character has become abnormal because they have been practicing for too long. They come out and walk around nonsense.

"I have no enmity with the human race. When the human race was destroyed during the Taikoo period, I was still in a young age, but after so many years, they actually survived and continued to live forever." There are some demon clan strongmen against Pei Junlin Sympathy with the human race where Pei Junlin is.

The entire Donglai Star Zone is very large, and not all outland monsters are interested in the earth. Some old antiques of the Tianjun level are slept in units of one hundred thousand at a time, and the memory of the earth is still in the ancient times.

"That old thing called Putuo Tianjun, right? I already know your name. This time you will not kill me, I will go back and curse you. Old fellow, you have lived so long, you should have heard of Yayoi blood. Curse, I will curse you to death even if I consume Shouyuan. Even if UU reads, if the curse does not die, I will curse all your children and grandchildren to death." Pei Junlin gritted his teeth in the live broadcast room.

The spread of the picture outside the territory made many people shocked and dumbfounded, because few people dared to reveal such disrespectful words to the strong men of the Tianjun level.

"This Pei Junlin can make the Tianjun level strong one not to die. It is already proud enough. That's why Putuo Tianjun is going to be completely embarrassed today. Not only is he embarrassed, not even the Golden Monkey family will follow him." Some Demon races outside the realm are also talking.

Pei Junlin's live broadcast of this event on the Raytheon live broadcast platform is tantamount to saying that he directly ripped his face away, making Putuo Zhenjun completely ashamed.

A powerful person of the level of a true monarch could not kill a powerful person in the realm of the real gods, but Putuo Zhenjun was embarrassed today.

"Looking that Pei Junlin is not very smart, since he has not been killed, he should hide and heal as soon as possible, instead of yelling here. He just yelled here, and put Putuo Zhenjun's reputation to ruin. Now, can you say that Putuo Zhenjun can let him go?" Some demon clan disdain Pei Junlin, think Pei Junlin is too crazy.

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