Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1199: Fire Spirit Pearl's Secret

But Pei Junlin's strength, they really felt it, and even a fear emerged from their hearts, and they dared not be an enemy of Pei Junlin, even if they were talking about Pei Junlin secretly at this time, they did not dare to use excessively exciting words.

This is strength, this is coercion.

Pei Jun Linming was waiting to see these Tonggu Alliance people, but they had to retreat.

"I am afraid that these people in the Tonggu League are not appropriate." Wang Ziqiong looked worried, thinking that Pei Junlin's way was too radical.

On the contrary, the sister-in-law Wang Ziyu sneered, looking at her sister and Pei Junlin said: "Some people are cheap, if you want to treat him well, he thinks you are bullying. If you kill him, he thinks you With strength, this is the group of people in the Tungu League. Their bones have never been tough from the time of the ancient times to the present."

Wang Ziqiong heard what his sister said and sighed without saying anything. Instead, Pei Junlin raised her thumb.

After Wang Qiong and Wang Ziyu left, Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and a virtual picture appeared in front of him. This is a map he condensed with true energy. It was the map that Brother Jin took before.

Although the map that Pei Junlin destroyed on the spot has been written down and restored at any time, the details are not a problem for him at all.

All the details on this map are no less than one map, but Pei Junlin can restore it with just a glance, which is a manifestation of the extreme development of training to a higher-level brain domain.

Human eyes are no less than scanners and cameras. You can remember what you have seen at a glance.

At this time, Pei Junlin carefully admired the map of Dongzhang, and looked closely at his face.

It seems that the map brought by Jinyuan is true, and there may be fire spirit beads in the flame mountain, because according to the surrounding heaven and earth branches, and some mountain ranges, it is indeed a wind-assisted fire, yes The topography of a brazier.

And this place is where the reiki reappears, and it is a place of great evil. Anyone who stumbles into this place is immediately burned by flames, and few people can enter it.

"If Master Wang Zhong can fix the Earth Immortal Array as soon as possible, I can have time to go to the Flame Mountain." Pei Junlin muttered to himself.

The fairy array outside the earth is the most important thing now. If it can't be repaired, then the earth will be exposed to the iron hoof of the demon clan outside the domain. At that time, not only the extraterrestrial demon clan, but even the legendary dark knight must attack the earth.

On this day, after just accepting a wave of guests, Pei Junlin returned to his room to practice, and suddenly a piece of rune paper penetrated the window and was suspended in front of Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin's eyes were fixed on this suspended Fulu, and the expression on his face was a little strange. Suddenly, he heard Wang Fu's voice come from that Fulu: "Pei Junlin, the fairy array outside the earth, I have temporarily repaired it, you Now the ancient teleportation array of Taixianxian Village has come to meet me on Taixuxing. I am here waiting for you."

When he heard the words Taixianxianzun, Pei Junlin's brain was buzzing, and he suddenly found that his deepest secret was not a secret at all. This Wang Zhong knew, I am afraid that others would know.

There are two Tianjun level masters that Pei Junlin now sees on the earth. One of them is Tantai Jingxuan, and the other is this Wang Zhong. I am afraid that Tantai Jingxuan also knows the location of the Taixing star.

However, for the time being, neither of them will harm their parents and father-in-law, but Pei Junlin let go of it.

Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu were told not to leave Kunlun Mountain, but Pei Junlin entered the Jindou space and flew overseas for a while.

"I'm hiding in the Jindou space, shouldn't it be discovered by the old Putuo?" Pei Junlin was a little guilty.

Since offending the true king Putuo, Pei Junlin seems to have been locked by the satellite in the sky, and may be attacked anytime, anywhere, so he could not help but be careless.

"What kind of treasure is the Chaos Golden Fight? What kind of dog is Putuo Tianjun? If he can find me, I will just find a piece of tofu and kill it." Jin Ye's tone was full of disdain, like a respect. Tianjun is like a pug in front of him.

Pei Junlin ignored King Jin's arrogance, and after hearing King Jin's words, he felt a little relieved.

Although Pei Junlin felt a little nervous, he still came to the portal in a safe and sound state. Let him step into the portal one step, and then he felt a deep sigh of relief. After all, Putuo Tianjun was not almighty after all, and he could not find Pei Junlin hiding in that golden space.

When he came to Tai Xingxing again, Pei Junlin's mood was different. Once Pei Junlin thought he was the only insider here, but now he doesn't think so, at least one more person, that is the ancient genius Wang Zhong.

The Zangbao Pavilion still stood there. Pei Junlin walked into the yard and saw his parents and parents-in-law and others chatting and joking under the tree, and they were very happy to see Pei Junlin coming.

Pei Junlin didn't mention Wang Zhong's thing, but the four old Wen people said something and walked out of the yard, and soon met Wang Zhong by the lake.

Wang Zhong, dressed in a blue robe, looks as pale as a chrysanthemum, standing on the edge of the lake with a bamboo pole, and seems to be fishing. But Pei Junlin found that it was just a simple fishing rod, but no fishing line or hook.

While Pei Junlin was curious about how Wang Zhong fished, suddenly, in front of the bamboo pole, a silk thread was condensed with true energy in front of him, and a fish covered with rainbow rays flew out of the water instantly.

"Haha, you and I did hide-and-seek for three thousand years, and I finally caught you today." That Wang Zhong seemed to be overjoyed, and he stretched out his hand and caught the rainbow fish in his hand.

This fish is also strange. After falling into the palm of Wang Zhong's palm, after struggling for a few times, he immediately stopped moving, and his body slowly solidified, and soon became a rainbow-colored jade fish.

Seeing this strange scene, Pei Junlin was also stunned. He didn't expect this fish to be so weird, and it would soon become jade in the hands of people.

"This thing is for you." Wang Zhong threw the fish to Pei Junlin as soon as he threw it.

Pei Junlin reached out and caught it, and found that this jade-like fish was cold and cold, and there seemed to be no life fluctuations, but Pei Junlin could feel a very strange breath from it.

"Senior, what is this fish?" Pei Junlin was curious.

"This thing is not a creature in our world. After breaking through the dimensional barrier, it will soon be condensed into this jade form by the rules of the world, but he still has life. This thing is in your arrangement. It’s very useful at that time, and you will understand by then.” Wang Zhong doesn’t seem to want to explain too much and walk towards the front.

"Do you know? This Taixian Xianzun was also a powerful man who came out of the earth. He was a human being. But the hero could not withstand the erosion of the years. Taixian Xianzun practiced for 1.8 billion years, and it was still empty. "Wang Zhong's tone seemed full of emotion and vicissitudes.

Pei Junlin was stunned to hear it, one billion years, how long was that? I am afraid that a stone will also erode into ashes.

"For those strong practitioners, their years are calculated according to epochs. You know? Heaven and earth also have a lifespan, and the same life as heaven and earth is not immortal. Every time the world and the world are destroyed, it is an epoch. Chaos reopened, heaven and earth were reborn, and evolved from a barren age to a civilized civilization again and again. Cycled back and forth." Wang Zhong is like a narrator, and seems to be a passerby in a long time.

Even if Pei Junlin II was a human being, he had never heard such a horrible thing. This is related to the final destination of cultivation and some ultimate secrets.

Pei Junlin didn't expect Taixianxianzun to be so powerful. He had practiced such a long life of 1.08 billion years.

"Actually, I tell you a secret, don't be afraid if you hear it." Wang Zhong suddenly turned to look at Pei Junlin.

There was a moment of confusion in Pei Junlin's eyes, but he still stared at Wang Zhong and nodded, "There is something so scary, I feel that you should not harm me."

"Actually, I'm already dead. Standing in front of you is just my body." Wang Zhong was calm as if he was talking about other people's affairs.

But this time, Pei Junlin was surprised. Wang Wan did not expect Wang Zhong to be dead. What was it that stood before him? Is it the soul of Wang Zhong?

"I used Array and Rune to seal my soul in the flesh, but I am still a living dead, because in the eyes of Heavenly Dao I have exhausted already dead. I have been fighting with heaven for years, but I have suffered something." When Wang Zhong spoke, the clouds were light.

It was Pei Junlin who deeply felt that Wang Zhong said that he had paid some price. In the end, how deep the price was. It was terrible to know that it violated the rules of this world.

"Tian Dao is a very mysterious thing. It controls everything in this universe everywhere. No one knows what Tian Dao is, but feels its existence." Wang Zhong's tone was full of bitterness.

He stretched out his hands and pulled up his sleeves. Only then did Pei Junlin see that Wang Zhong's skin was almost full of various spells. These spells continued to shine, seemingly fighting some energy in the air, making Wang Zhong's body not As for decay, the soul will not leave the body.

"I have stayed in this world for too long, and I will leave as the protector of the earth, and I will give you all the next steps." Wang Zhong sighed deeply, his eyes were full of Various reluctance and nostalgia.

Pei Junlin was the first time he heard the words "Earth Protector". He didn't know what it meant, but he could feel that he should be the guardian of the earth.

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