Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1201: Mixed gun

Swords, swords, halberds, axes, and hooks, each weapon exhibits a strong breath, and the runes above flash their respective brilliance.

Some weapons are wrapped in fire light, some weapons are gleaming with black light all around, and some weapons themselves have a dazzling divine light, all of which are extremely powerful.

Pei Junlin looked at a bow and arrow, which looked like a fire phoenix.

There is also a big knife, and there is a huge tiger head at the handle. The sword continued to roar from the tiger, and a ghost image of a tiger's head appeared on the sword. Pei Junlin stood five meters away from the sword and could feel a dizziness.

Each weapon carried its own vision, and Pei Junlin looked overwhelmed. I don’t know which one is better, because each of these weapons has the power to destroy the earth and destroy the earth, at least it is the best spirit treasure.

There are a few things that have given birth to some aura of chaos.

"These magical soldiers are far more than the average superb spirit treasure, and the power of the runes contained in them is very powerful." Jin Ye all gave a sigh.

Pei Junlin swept across all weapons, and finally his eyes showed a trace of surprise, because there was a spear, very dark, without any glory, it looked like an ordinary fire stick.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Why can this gun be unpretentious? This has aroused the interest of Pei Junlin.

Since Pei Junlin gave the Broken Sword to Princess Long Shisan, there is no weapon in his hand for the time being. So at this time, Pei Junlin, who was facing the eighteen weapons, was also very emotional. He wanted to choose a weapon that was at his disposal. It was best to have great power and be worthy of his current star body.

"No, you don't want to choose this long black gun, this is a burning stick, with so many brilliant soldiers you don't choose, you want to choose this one?" Jin Ye looked When Pei Junlin did what he did, he immediately became nervous.

But desperately he couldn't control Pei Junlin's behavior at all. Pei Junlin finally walked towards the gun step by step, and reached out to grab the gun.

"Are you sure to choose this one?" The mechanical voice came again.

Pei Junlin did not speak, because he closed his eyes, and since the lance was attached to his skin, Pei Junlin suddenly felt a sense of spiritual communication.

At that moment, Pei Junlin seemed to feel the soul tremor, and this gun seemed destined to have a destiny with him. And at the moment of holding the spear, Pei Junlin also felt the extraordinary of the spear.

Although the appearance of this spear is one of the most insignificant of these magic weapons, Pei Junlin finally made up his mind that he wanted this spear.

"Yes, I chose this spear will not change." Pei Junlin said without hesitation.

As soon as he spoke, the spear in my hand suddenly began to tremble, making a buzzing sound, and then the gleaming light came from the spear.

The brilliance that bloomed in an instant surpassed all the other weapons, and instantly suppressed all other magic weapons. Pei Junlin felt an emotion, that is, the emotion of this gun was very excited.

It was like a madman imprisoned in prison, finally feeling born. The feeling that this spear gave Pei Junlin was not the kind of kindness and compassion, but the kind of violent killing.

At the moment when Pei Junlin refined this spear, a tall man appeared in front of Pei Junlin. This man was the weapon of this gun.

This is a general wearing a dark magic armor, wrapped in a thick layer of magic armor, he can't see his face clearly, only two **** pupils can be seen through the helmet.

"Congratulations on becoming the master of the mixed-world magic gun. From now on, I will follow you to fight the Quartet." The voice of iron blood came from the general, and the whole sky became blood-colored.

Only then did Pei Junlin know that the name of this gun was a mixed-life magic gun, and it really matched his temperament, but the appearance of this light armored man was really a bit hard to say.

"Play back to play, come back to trouble, newcomers, don't you need to pay a visit to the pier?" Chao Ling Jindou's Qiling Jinye also came from the void and appeared in front of Pei Junlin.

Lord Jin had his hands on his back, and he was even more powerful than Pei Junlin.

The mixed-world magic gun is like a mixed-world demon king, staring coldly at Lord Jin, and contemptuously said: "Chaos Lingbao? But I smell a breath of fairy artifact from your body, you should have been a fairy artifact, But after being smashed, he fell into the dust."

It seems that the magic weapon of the mixed world does not know what is fear at all. The whole person is as sharp as a javelin, and it is like a general in a war.

"It's such a big word, you're just a little superb Lingbao, don't you even put me in your eyes and call me Big Brother, did you insult your identity?" Jin Ye was a little angry.

The mixed-world magic gun stood there and didn't speak, his body rolled around, and a cloud of magic wrapped him up, and the surging fighting spirit pierced the sky like a javelin.

"Since the birth of the mixed-life magic gun, I have never known what to say about fear, and I never succumb to anyone. My will is to fight, and fight to the last moment." The mixed-life magic gun heard a **** voice.

Lord Jin also saw this scene, and could not help but glance at Pei Junlin and shook his head. The mixed-world magic gun is really a hob meat, and this guy is really well-known.

Pei Junlin likes this mixed-world magic gun very much, especially the spirit of the mixed-life magic gun, just like an ultimate tough guy, it's hard not to want. The most important thing to be a killing weapon is this kind of spirit and spirit.

Pei Junlin waved that mixed-world magic gun and took the initiative to fly up, turned into a long gun, and stuck it on Pei Junlin's back. It doesn't need to be tied with any rope. The spear is stuck to Pei Junlin's back. He will follow Pei Junlin wherever he goes.

After accepting the inheritance and getting a peerless demon soldier, Pei Junlin is in a good mood, but he looks around and is still inside this palace. He wants to leave this planet, and he has no idea what to do.

But at this moment the sky landed with a golden light and flew into Pei Junlin's eyebrows instantly, and Pei Junlin's body was as badly hit.

Soon Pei Junlin opened his eyes, and there was a trace of enlightenment in his expression. At the moment just now, he finally accepted the last procedure of the guardian.

There was a golden mark on Pei Junlin's eyebrows, that was the mark of the guardian, and a lot of knowledge about the guardian, Pei Junlin also got it instantly.

As the guardian of the earth, Pei Junlin, only then realized that this piece of land at the foot turned out to be the moon that the human world kept watching all the year round.

Pei Junlin can hardly imagine that the land at his feet looks very barren, but it is actually the moon that looks very bright and beautiful on the earth.

The guardian hall is built on the back of the moon. To leave this guardian planet, the moon, is also very simple. Pei Junlin can now arrange the formation method, and opening the wormhole is a simple moment for him to return to the Tai Xingxing.

Pei Junlin finally understood that the **** donkey used to rune wormholes from a long distance. It turned out that some of the deep runes run, but as the guardian of the earth, Pei Junlin's cognition of runes has far exceeded countless times before, and now he can also be described as a rune formation method.

You can easily open the wormhole to travel long distances or across the stars.

A small fish-like jade pendant was added to Pei Junlin's palm. When he put his mana into this jade pendant, the fish suddenly came alive, swimming back and forth in the air, leaving a string of mysterious runes.

When a series of runes formed a circle, the fish-shaped jade pendant returned to the palm of Pei Junlin, and turned into a jade match.

At this moment, the mysterious rune suddenly radiated a fierce light in the air, and soon a wormhole was opened. Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin stepped into it, and when he opened his eyes again, he appeared on the surface of a too-empty star.

The first time the wormhole was opened successfully, Pei Junlin couldn't help but smile. It was he, as the guardian of the earth, who used the mysterious runes for the first time after completing the inheritance. The runes from the heavenly monument did indeed increase the strength of Pei Junlin.

This time back to Earth, Pei Junlin did not use the teleportation array on the Taixing star, he intended to directly destroy the teleportation array on the Taixing star. Because Pei Junlin doesn't want anyone to come to this too-empty star through the teleportation array of the earth, and he can now portray the wormhole anytime and anywhere, there is no need to know teleportation at all.

According to Wang Zhong, the Xiangxian array outside the earth can support for at least another year. During this year, Pei Junlin does not have to worry about being counted by Naputuo Tianjun, nor does he have to worry about the invasion of demon clan outside the region.

This time Pei Junlin did not return directly to Kunlun but opened the wormhole and went directly to the outer edge of Flame Mountain.

This is a large mountain next to the Alps, now completely covered in flames. Within a radius of thousands of kilometers, all people have gone. This area is thousands of miles away from the ground, there is no grass growing, all covered by high temperature.

Ordinary volcanic eruptions are mostly erupting magma, but they will soon solidify, but the flame is different. The abundant fire elements make the whole area flooded with extremely high temperatures.

And this extremely high temperature does not come from underground magma, but from the abundant fire elements in this area. The sun flame cage shines inside this area, making the fire elements here always abundant.

One of the prerequisites for the formation of fire spirit beads is the solar fire essence.

"What is that?" Pei Junlin looked up at the vast snow mountain.

The high mountain next to the Flame Mountain is still covered with snow, and there is no sign of melting. This surprised Pei Junlin, but he is now focusing on a young monk wearing a white monk's robe.

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