Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1271: Huangquan Shenghe

These chaotic runes landed on the Sansheng Stone and gradually penetrated in. This scenario continued for a month.

One day after a month, Pei Junlin suddenly felt an abnormal movement, and felt the rumbling sound of the great earthquake, and then the whole Sanshengshi rose from the ground and slowly flew into the chaotic golden bucket.

As the chaotic golden bucket absorbed the three raw stones, the entire Huangquan River suddenly began to dry up at a speed visible to the naked eye, but it turned into a dry river bed in the blink of an eye, with no drop of water in sight.

When Pei Jun flew into the golden bucket space, he saw a rushing river appeared on the entire vast, lifeless earth, it was the Yellow Spring River.

There is a tall stone erected by the Huangquan River, with the words "Sanshengshi" inscribed on it.

"In the future, with this Huangquan River, all treasures can be washed, cleansed, and washed away by the holy water of the Huangquan River, and become extremely pure." Jin Ye was very excited, and Pei Junlin stood by the Huangquan River and pointed the country.

The legendary first sacred river was so inhaled into the chaotic golden bucket, Pei Junlin seemed to be dreaming. But this yellow spring water is indeed very mysterious and magical.

With a single hand on the yellow spring water, Jin Ye flew out a water dragon and instantly got into the Overlord Cauldron. Countless pills fell into the Overlord Cauldron, and the continuous rotation and purification quickly spewed out a large amount of impurity smoke.

A crystal clear pill came to Pei Junlin's palm, but Pei Junlin could feel that this was not an ordinary pill, but a purified Tianyuan jade.

If the previous Tianyuan Jade had a lot of impurities, then this Tianyuan Jade is now completely pure mana.

When fighting with people, the most feared is the mana exhaustion, but now I am not afraid of this situation, because Tianyuanyu can quickly replenish mana.

However, ordinary Tianyuan Jade does not replenish mana so quickly, and this purified Tianyuan Jade is absolutely as capable of replenishing mana instantly as its own mana. As long as you have this pure crystal jade, you can always replenish mana. In this way, the mana can be almost unlimited.

Pei Junlin looked at the pure magic crystal jade in his hand with a look of uncertainty on his face. If he hadn't seen him with his own eyes, he wouldn't even dare to believe that what he saw with his eyes was true, there really was such a pure magic jade.

"This is just the most basic function. Bring the mixed world magic spear in your hand." Jin Ye stretched out his hand, and the mixed world magic spear next to Jun Pei was directly recruited by him.

The magic spear is a chaotic spirit treasure of the same level as the chaotic golden battle. At this time, the golden master is here to recruit, and the spirit of the chaotic magic spear is naturally unwilling.

The Hunshi Demon Spear suddenly turned into a black armored **** of war, standing in front of Lord Jin and not being summoned at all. Pei Junlin smiled faintly when he saw this scene, and did not hinder it.

Jin Ye raised his eyebrows with one hand, and under a black mist, the magic spear struggling suddenly, but he couldn't get rid of it. Jin Ye raised his hand and threw it directly into the Yellow Spring River.

Pei Junlin was a little worried, his gaze fell on the water of the Yellow Spring River, the rushing river water was like a yellow dragon, constantly entwining the Hunshi Demon Spear, and the Hunshi Demon Spear was constantly showing an expression of pain, making a low muffled snort.

Pei Junlin's eyes exudes a faint golden light, and he can detect some subtle impurities, which slowly drained out of the Hunshi Demon Spear, while Hunshi Demon Qiang is reborn from the ashes, becoming like colored glaze, pure and incomparable.

With a buzzing sound, the Hunshi Magic Spear jumped directly out of the Yellow Spring River. The Hunshi Magic Spear now looks more accurate and sharper than before, and its power is at least twice as large as before.

"This is the power of the Yellow Spring River. It can double the power of the Chaos Lingbao treasure, which is simply incredible." The smile on Jin Ye's face is not without arrogance.

Even Pei Junlin showed a look of horror on his face. This was too terrifying. It was actually incredible to double the power of Chaos Lingbao.

It is no wonder that Huangquan River is called the best holy river in the world. It turns out that the real function is here to purify everything. Everything in the world has impurities, but this yellow spring river water can cleanse everything and purify everything, which is indeed too bad for the sky.

"With this Huangquanhe, I can vomit and vomit on my own. The law and order power of this space chaos is extracted from it, some space power, time power and even chaos aura." Jin Ye carried his hands and looked a little excited.

Even Pei Junlin was a little stunned when he heard all this. If it was really successful, then it would be too bad for the sky. With a large amount of chaos aura added, Jin Ye will soon be able to return to its peak state.

It seems that after seeing through Pei Junlin's mind, Jin Ye's expression slowly became lonely: "But it is impossible to restore my peak state, because my current body is not complete. Even with endless chaotic aura, I cannot restore the complete state of the year. Only by finding other parts can I reintegrate into one and restore the grand occasion of the year."

Hearing what Jin Ye said, Pei Junlin's heart also stunned, very regretful, but the current chaotic golden fight is already amazing enough, and Pei Jun has nothing to ask for. If this chaotic king fight can go further, Pei Junlin is already Contented.

It has been two years since I came to Guixu. During these two years, Pei Junlin used the original Nirvana Sutra to adapt to life here. Not only can you walk like flying here, but you can also fly in the air. In other words, the world here is no different from the outside world for Pei Junlin. There are no restrictions on sitting and lying here.

Even fighting here, Pei Junlin is not at all shocked. If he encounters that strange bird again, Pei Junlin will not be afraid at all.

"The Huixu is very big, it is difficult to find the golden carriage, and the earth and Tantai Jingxuan, really want to find them." Pei Junlin silently looked at the flowing Huangquan River.

Having said that, Pei Junlin himself also knows that this is unlikely. The huge homeland is almost endless, even beyond the original universe. To find the earth and Tantai Jingxuan in such a large space is like finding a needle in a haystack. same.

"Some things don't need to be forced, the fate has already been arranged." Jin Ye gently opened his mouth and spit out a few words.

Pei Junlin suddenly thought of an important thing, that is, the Chunyang Flame Bell was damaged before, and now it is not known whether it can be repaired.

He opened it with one hand, and the pure sun burning bell was sacrificed instantly, but a huge crack appeared in the pure sun burning fire, which looked a little scary.

Pei Junlin ran the Primordial Nirvana Sutra, and instantly mobilized the chaotic power of the five thunder Zhengtian Talisman gathered before, and a thick electric arc hit the pure sun burning bell.

Sparks emerged from the cracks of the Pure Yang Lieqiang, and soon these cracks slowly healed. After finishing all this, Pei Junlin waved with one hand, and the Pure Yang Flame Bell fell again and entered the Yellow Spring River to wash the water, while the Pure Yang Flame Bell kept oscillating, and a large amount of impurities were discharged from it.

When the Pure Yang Flame Bell rushed out of the water again, Pei Junlin showed a look of appreciation. At this time, the Pure Yang Flame Bell was as transparent as colored glaze. A bell was surrounded by a fire dragon breath, which was stronger and more intrepid than before. The emperor Yuan Shensheng of the Huo De Emperor sat at the core of the pure sun burning fire bell, closed his eyes and practiced.

The endless Nether fire hovered around this Huo De Emperor Yuanshen, making the entire Huo De Emperor Yuan Shen look like the legendary Huo De Xingjun.

"This treasure is inherently weak. If you can find the legendary Eastern Emperor Bell and integrate it into it, then your treasure will grow to an uncontrollable level." Jin Ye's eyes showed admiration.

But Junlin Pei didn't think so. The Sect Master of Heaven only took a bamboo branch and made it into an innate spiritual treasure. Therefore, the level of the treasure's strength is not very much related to the acquired materials, and it mainly depends on the understanding of the avenue of the treasurer.

With the Nether Demon Dragon as a mount, Pei Junlin's speed in the entire Guixu was greatly accelerated. Driving the Nether Demon Dragon, Pei Junlin entered the clouds and overlooked the entire Guixu area. What Pei Junlin could see was a kind of dead silence. Apart from the biting blade wind, there was nothing else in the whole world, everywhere. There was silence.

The Nether Demon Dragon kept moving forward, and the breath of the sky filled the sky, swallowing its mouth at the Nether Demon Furnace and swallowed it in an instant. Although it is a violent chaotic aura, there is still a pool of yellow spring water lurking in the body of the Nether Demon Dragon, which can continuously evolve the power of chaos.

Pei Junlin could clearly feel that the Nether Demon Dragon was like a fish in the entire Guixu Market, constantly absorbing all kinds of chaotic powers.

The strength of its own is constantly increasing, and even the strength of the bones has surpassed the true monarch and evolved towards the realm of the true king.

What kind of realm the Nether Demon Dragon would eventually reach, even Pei Junlin could not guess. The entire Nether Demon Dragon has now become a nether creature ~ with autonomous consciousness, but it is very close to Pei Junlin.

Moreover, at the head position of the entire Nether Demon Dragon, Pei Junlin reached out his hand and was able to touch two raised sharp horns, which showed that the skull dragon was really going to evolve.

A huge trench, or an abyss, appeared horizontally in front of Pei Junlin. To reach the opposite bank, he would have to cross hundreds of miles.

At this moment, there was a cry from the clouds, and Pei Junlin saw a huge strange bird descending from the sky and rushed towards him.

This strange bird is exactly the bone bird Pei Junlin encountered before, and it should be the same creature as the Nether Dragon. Pei Junlin once saw with his own eyes that a strange bird swallowed the body of the saint.

At this time, facing the strange bird coming west, Pei Junlin was not nervous, running the original Nirvana Sutra, the silent power turned crazily, and the mana was surging.

The Hunshi Magic Spear that had been purified by the yellow spring water was even more hungry and thirsty. With a wave of Pei Jun's hand, a thick purple electric light flew out of the Hunshi Magic Spear and instantly attacked the bird in the sky.

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