Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1291: Climbing the road tower

Pei Junlin's performance has become a major event in the entire starry sky, and almost all the strong have paid attention to this side.

A person who can exceed the 300th level is a rare encounter in tens of thousands of years, and such a genius is not born. But now Pei Junlin can cross the 300-level mark with only one step away. Once it crosses it, it will be a big thing, the world will shake, and the sun, moon and stars will fall.

The entire Vientiane Sect was urgently mobilized, and even some of the sleeping elders were alarmed.

Those elders who are too elders, in order to save energy and live more years, so they are in deep sleep, few people dare to alarm them.

At this time, great things happened in Vientiane Sect, and they had to cause a sensation. These supreme elders must be awakened.'

If Pei Junlin only climbed to the 200th level or above, it would not be enough to cause the Vientiane Sect to be so vigilant. At most, let the head and some elders step forward to keep Pei Junlin behind.

But now it’s no longer a question of staying. The key is whether the Vientiane Sect can keep a genius like Pei Junlin. Once Pei Junlin reaches the top, it will be the embryo of the Great Emperor. If he stays in the Vientiane Sect in the future, the Vientiane Sect will live forever. Glory down.

This time it was Pei Junlin who became the focus. Hundreds of millions of pairs of eyes were fixed on him. There were even some immortal instruments that broadcasted Pei Junlin live, and some great holy places paid attention to Pei Junlin.

He didn't know that his ordinary behavior had caused such a big shock, but his attention was already on the Tao Tower. The power of the rules around and the floating rhyme made him inexhaustible.

There are so many benefits of Tao Tower. Now Pei Junlin wants to go down step by step, and even walks to the top to see what is on the top of this Tower.

Finally Junlin Pei took that step. When Junlin Pei fell one step, everyone in the court stood up, and the whole field began to roar.

Yun Yao also opened her mouth wide when she saw this scene. She didn't expect that she would meet an ordinary man who was so extraordinary. If there were some misunderstandings and estrangements about Pei Junlin before, then all Yun Yao's eyes are worship.

The so-called beauty loves heroes, Pei Junlin is now a real hero, stepping into three hundred steps in one step, and has entered the ranks of top geniuses. This kind of person's future achievements are limitless, and he is the prince charming of thousands of young girls.

"The order goes on, block the entire sect and open the big formation." The head of the Vientiane Sect was so nervous that his palms were sweating.

He was a master at the realm of a true king, and he couldn't restrain his whole body from trembling at this time.

At the same time, some of the major sect sacred sites outside the territory have already noticed Pei Junlin's achievements, and they are all rushing crazy at this time, wanting to share a piece of the pie at a critical moment, and strive to recruit this talent.

Stepping into the third hundredth level, Pei Junlin immediately felt the storm-like waves wash over him. At this time, he felt like standing on a sea, and the feeling of being in the ruins once again struck.

But for this violent rule power, Pei Junlin was already handy. He ran the Primordial Nirvana Sutra, and his whole body immediately shone with a layer of purple light covering Pei Junlin, even the outline of Pei Junlin was inlaid with a layer of purple gold rim.

In this violent ocean of power, Pei Junlin is like a big ship riding the wind and waves. Not only did the footsteps not stop, they were getting faster and faster. In addition, the breath of Daoyun was absorbed and transformed by the Nirvana Sutra of Yuanshi, and entered the long river of fate of Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin can feel that the little fate technique is constantly moving towards perfection. .

"This person, I think he is so familiar." A man in black muttered to himself in the crowd.

Quietly took out a transparent crystal ball in his hand, and a scene was reflected in the crystal ball. Comparing the people in this screen, the man in black finally determined that the unborn genius who had just reached the 300th rank was the most wanted criminal of the Duan family.

"It turns out that this kid was the one who killed Brother Six." The man in black showed a hideous look on his face, a little complicated.

He is not a fool. If Pei Junlin is an ordinary person, then there is no need to mention the traces found by the Duan family, just grab them and kill them.

But now it is different. Pei Junlin has ascended to the 300th level of the Taoist Pagoda, that is, the genius among the geniuses who is favored by countless holy places. That is the existence of the stars holding the moon. Now if experts want to jump out and say that they want to kill Pei Junlin, then they will undoubtedly become the target of public criticism.

Although the Duan family is not afraid of the Vientiane Sect, some sacred sites and various avenues outside the territory are extremely powerful. Any figure of the great sage level can sweep the Duan family.

"Go back and report this to the Patriarch. The sixth brother's hatred must be reported. I don't care if he is a heavenly king or a genius. The beard on the face of the man in black will explode, and his eyes are red. Light.

The axe hung around his waist made a humming sound, and the people around seemed to notice the murderous intent and stepped back.

At this time Pei Junlin is surfing in the ocean of rules. The power of this rule makes Pei Junlin's understanding of the law of time beyond ordinary people's reach.

A round of sunset appeared behind Pei Junlin. Although it was a phantom of the setting sun, a ray of light appeared there, shining from behind Pei Junlin.

At this time, Jun Pei was like bathing in the sunset. In an instant, it became eternity, and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

A large amount of regular power is absorbed by the original Nirvana Sutra. Before in the realm of true gods, Pei Junlin's understanding of the laws of space was not thorough enough, but now that he has absorbed a large amount of laws of space, Pei Junlin's understanding of space has also reached a higher level and has reached the peak.

Pei Junlin's body turned in the ocean of rules, but he kept walking up step by step under his feet.

At this time, the people under the entire Tao Pagoda can no longer see Pei Junlin clearly, because the upper half of the Tao Pagoda is more than 300 levels, and everyone can no longer see clearly, and it is shrouded in mist.

However, some experts in the real king realm have a faint light in their eyes, but they can see Pei Junlin clearly, but when Pei Junlin exceeds four hundred floors, these people finally gave up.

"It's more than four hundred floors and it's still going up. Is it because you want to reach the top?" Some of the elders of the Vientiane Sect were all sitting together at this time.

After watching Pei Junlin ascend the 400th floor, these people all showed extremely surprised expressions.

Able to cultivate to the level of the Great Sage, they were all characters who passed the 300th level back then, so Pei Junlin was more than 300, that is, there is no fuss for them, but when Pei Junlin exceeds the 400th level, these people have already Very shocked.

When they can cross the 400th level and go up again, these people can no longer be described as shocked, even if they are a figure of the Great Sage level, at this time they can't see through which level Pei Junlin has reached.

The power of the surrounding rules is getting stronger and stronger, and Pei Junlin is also struggling, but it has cultivated the original Nirvana Sutra special immortal family exercises, which makes Pei Junlin innately avoid the power of rules.

Therefore, Jun Pei stepped forward and did not receive much resistance. Instead, all the air was filled with Dao Yun, which was madly absorbed by Junlin Pei and stored in the celestial body.

Every cell of him was washed by Dao Yun and became crystal clear, without a trace of impurities, Pei Junlin's whole person's temperament was like a fairy, with a blue heart, emitting a faint fragrance.

At this time, Pei Junlin took four or five steps wrong one step at a time, and there was still the light of the setting sun suspended behind him, the law of space. The law of time is shrouded in Pei Junlin's body, making Pei Junlin like a character walking out of a long river at the same time, incredibly magical.

The combination of rules and Daoyun blended into Pei Junlin's soul, making Pei Junlin now look unprecedentedly ethereal.

I don't know how many floors he has reached. In the end, Pei Junlin saw the spire of the tower. Seeing that he was about to reach the last step, Pei Junlin's heart was also excited. He saw the spire of the tower, where a pot of flame was burning.

On this tower, Pei Junlin saw the lid of an earthen jar, which shocked Pei Junlin's heart even more. In an instant, Pei Junlin thought of the earthen jar once given to him by the **** donkey.

The lid of the naju jar was suspended above the flame, as if it was being burned by the flame. The moment Pei Junlin saw the flame, the nether fire hidden in the pure sun burning bell seemed to tremble.

Just like a little rabbit encounters a tiger, the king of beasts, there is an urge to bow down and surrender.

Pei Junlin came to the top of the tower, and he was surrounded by purple air, so that those regular forces could not cause any harm to him.

Gradually keeping his eyes on the flame in the middle, UU reading www. has a flame emitting a light blue light, giving Pei Junlin a very dangerous feeling, even his current star body may not be able to withstand the burning of this flame.

The Netherworld Real Fire is so powerful, it burns almost everything, but in the face of the light blue flame, he is still in fear, as if a courtier saw a king.

Needless to say, Pei Junlin knew that this kind of flame was extremely rare, definitely surpassing Netherworld Real Fire.

The strange fire is indeed the most mysterious thing between the world and the earth. It is extremely powerful between life and non-life. The true nether fire that Pei Junlin once got is infinitely useful. If he can subdue the current strange fire, he can make Strength to a higher level.

Pei Junlin's divine sense probed towards this group of different fires, but Pei Junlin immediately felt a chill of extremely cold temperature as soon as the divine sense touched the flame.

Before he could withdraw his spiritual sense, he was directly frozen and cut off. Pei Junlin frowned, and a drop of blood dripped from the center of his eyebrows. Pei Junlin was seriously injured.

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