Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1510: Stone mirror

Seeing Pei Junlin's method, He Yundong didn't care, because this treasure mirror had already fixed Pei Junlin.

This mirror has a name called Shijing, which is a very magical treasure, and it is not artificially refined, but an innate treasure.

According to legend, tens of thousands of years ago, there was a fellow named Taoist Shi Jing. He accidentally defeated a monster beast, and finally cut out the ancient mirror from the belly of the monster beast.

The guy who gets the mirror is directly incarnate as the Taoist of Time. Any opponent you encounter with this mirror will immediately turn into a stone sculpture.

Of course that is just a legend, but in fact the power of this mirror is not weak. After being irradiated by the light from the mirror, the skin will slowly petrify, and then all the human internal organs will turn into stone, and in the end, the person will die in pain.

Now that Junlin Pei has been recruited, He Yundong has determined that Junlin Pei is dead, so he has a sigh of relief in his heart, and he doesn't care about the follow-up methods of Junlin Pei incident.

I could see the water dragon running up against the current, pounced along the light. He Yundong didn't have any surprises on his face, instead he felt that Pei Junlin was superfluous, and the trapped beast was still fighting.

But when the black liquid covered the entire mirror, He Yundong's complexion changed, because when the mirror was instantly bright, even the light became dim.

Seeing the defaced treasure in his hand, He Yundong's heart was awkward. You must know that there is no time, but his core treasure is also the most mysterious thing, it can be described as a killer.

Now it was easily destroyed by Pei Junlin, his heart was bleeding, and his eyes were full of angry expressions.

The long sword in his hand swayed again with rays of light, cutting down to cut Pei Junlin's corpse into thousands of pieces, because at this time He Yundong could not wait for the moment when Pei Junlin was completely petrified.

I can't wait for a second, now I want to kill Pei Junlin madly and make Pei Junlin die immediately.

After Pei Junlin was irradiated by the stone mirror, some troubles did occur. His skin gradually hardened, and his actions gradually became difficult.

However, Pei Junlin is the body of a star, and his whole body has long been practiced without dead ends. Even if it is illuminated by this energetic light, Pei Junlin's body is flowing around, and this petrified power is eliminated.

Naturally, He Yundong didn't know that Pei Junlin had such a method. He only felt that Pei Junlin's movements were slow and it was already fish on the cutting board.

The white night is vast, no one sees up and down!

He Yundong was muttering words, stepping on strange steps under his feet, and mysterious auras crashed down along with sword energy.

Instead, Pei Junlin faced each suggestion in a hurry, should they do it? Suddenly exhaled and exhaled, opened his mouth and exhaled a dragon chant.

It turned into a giant dragon in one breath, suddenly penetrated the violent sword intent, and blasted towards He Yundong's body. At the same time, Pei Junlin was not idle on the other side. The big hand suddenly swirled in the air as if a whirlwind was blown. The killing intent of the sky was wiped out by Pei Junlin in an instant, not even a single hair. hurt.

He Yundong on the other side did not take any precautions against Pei Junlin, because he felt that Pei Junlin had no ability to threaten him.

However, at the moment Pei Jun's breath turned into a dragon, He Yundong felt the threat of skin-cutting when he came to his side, but at this time it was too late to resist.

That breath instantly exploded in He Yundong's chest, and He Yundong's whole blood was throbbing, his face changed drastically. At the moment his body was injured, Pei Junlin's concubine came to his side, constantly punching various punches, and stamping them on He Yundong's body.

At this time, even if He Yundong has amazing swordsmanship, but he was close to his body by Pei Junlin, and under the premise of being injured, he has no power to fight back. The whole person is like a willow in the wind. .

All this fell in everyone's eyes with a shock, and even He An showed an incredible look on his face. He couldn't believe that his own brother had been so abused.

As the saying goes, hitting a dog depends on the owner. In fact, He An didn't feel that He Yundong would be in danger from the beginning. He had predicted that he would value He Yundong's loss to Pei Junlin, but he could be sure that Pei Junlin would not hurt his own brother.

After all, the shadow of the famous tree of man, unless Pei Junlin didn't want to stay in the Blue Bull Holy Land, he would absolutely not dare to attack his own brother, but now everything has completely subverted He An's view.

That Pei Junlin's fist exuded today's light, and suddenly hit He Yundong's body with a punch, instantly punching He Yundong's body through, and He An could even see internal organs ejected from He Yundong's back.

This is a tragic picture, and the pain in He An's eyes is unbearable. This is his own brother. The two have been brothers for hundreds of years, but now they have to see their brothers die in front of them.

At this moment, He An couldn't help it, his fists suddenly rose, and Huo Ran stood up. He wanted to intervene and could not let Pei Junlin kill his younger brother He Yundong.

At the moment He An stood up, he was ready to intervene in the game desperately, but at this time, he encountered unprecedented resistance.

And this resistance did not come from Fang Zhiqing, who was sitting across from him, but from a mysterious voice in his ears. This mysterious voice came from Chen Zhentian, the big brother.

Everyone knows that the person He An respects the most is his big brother Chen Zhentian. This big brother Chen Zhentian is also the person with the most potential in the future of the Blue Bull Holy Land.

At this time, Chen Zhentian didn't know where, or from what depth of time and space, he said a word that made He An dare not act rashly. He could only watch his own brother being beaten by Pei Junlin, and finally he vomited blood and fell on the ring.

Pei Junlin has a habit, that is, he will never keep his hands on those who want to kill him. The antique stone mirror in He Yundong's hands has given Pei Junlin a huge life and death crisis, and he can be sure that He Yundong is going to kill himself.

Since the opponent did not keep his hands, Pei Junlin naturally did not have any possibility of keeping his hands, so he did not hesitate to beat He Yundong to half death. Although it is half-dead, it is only a thin line away from death. Although He Yundong has a breath now, people who know the goods can see at a glance that even if the fairy Daluo is alive, he can't save He Yundong's life.

Wonderful here, Pei Junlin didn't directly kill He Yundong, but gave him a sigh, but this sigh was not enough to support He Yundong's survival.

It's impossible for ordinary people to do this, with such a precise grasp of strength, but Pei Junlin did it.

It turned out that He An hated Pei Junlin hated his teeth, but he couldn't make a move and watched several people lift his own brother off the ring, and that Pei Junlin was standing on the ring with a majestic power.

In the next few battles, Pei Junlin didn't expend too much effort to directly defeat his opponent with the boxing technique of the king of fighters. Soon the entire inner disciple selection event was basically completed.

Pei Junlin, as the absolute dark horse in this trial, won the championship in one fell swoop, causing a sensation in the entire Qingniu Holy Land, because Pei Junlin not only killed Yang Du on the stage, but also severely disabled He Yundong.

Although there is no news of He Yundong's death now, everyone knows that He Yundong's death will be soon. Being beaten by Pei Junlin was only half a breath, and death was only a matter of time.

The unexpected promotion of core disciples really shocked many people's eyes. This also made Pei Junlin's reputation so loud in the entire Green Bull Holy Land overnight, almost reaching the point where no one knew it.

To become a core disciple, first of all, there is one of the greatest rewards. The reward is that the sect will reward an independent mountain as the core disciple’s cave house.

This independent mountain can be left by some core disciples before, or the developed mountain can be re-selected and rebuilt by the Tiangong Institute.

Of course, Pei Junlin chose a new mountain as his Dong Mansion stronghold. From then on, he can practice freely without having to arrange formations at all, worrying about affecting other people, or being prying into some secrets by others.

Pei Junlin is in a good mood these days, and he has almost forgotten He An's affairs. He carefully selected a mountain top, arranged an array on it, and had already begun to build it by Tiangongyuan.

The process of building the cave is actually not difficult. The sect will send some master builders, and some palaces can be raised almost overnight. The difficulty is some details about Pei Junlin's special requirements. Everyone’s preferences, etc., it takes a full month.

"No one mentions that matter anymore, right?" Pei Junlin said while looking at Zhang Huizi beside These days, Zhang Huizi and Pei Junlin are both proud of the spring breeze. Pei Junlin's closest friend, Zhang Huizi will get envious eyes wherever he goes.

And these days, people kept coming to Zhang Huizi's side. He inquired about some of Pei Junlin's preferences and wanted to do what he liked. Some people even planned to invest in Pei Junlin's command.

But so far these people are still very few. After all, Pei Junlin offended He An, and the future prospects are still very uncertain.

A month later, the mountain where Pei Junlin was located has indeed been completed. Looking at the entire palace and temple like a fairyland, Pei Junlin's inner joy is beyond words.

However, the entire palace was too deserted. Except for him and Zhang Huizi, there was not even a bird feather in the hall.

The sect has also allocated some spirit beasts, and they still need people to raise them. Currently, they can only be taken care of by Zhang Huizi. The first problem in front of Pei Junlin was that it was useless, because his mountain peak is now coldly recruited from the martial arts, and none of his subordinates can be found.

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